It is primarily designed for biochemical molecules like proteins and lipids that have a lot of complicated bonded interactions, but since GROMACS is extremely fast at calculating the nonbonded interactions (that usually dominate simulations) many groups are also using it for research on non-biological systems, e.g. polymers.
GROMACS supports all the usual algorithms you expect from a modern molecular dynamics implementation, (check the online reference or manual for details), but there are also quite a few features that make it stand out from the competition:
GROMACS provides extremely high performance compared to all other programs. A lot of algorithmic optimizations have been introduced in the code; we have for instance extracted the calculation of the virial from the innermost loops over pairwise interactions, and we use our own software routines to calculate the inverse square root. The innermost loops are generated automatically in either C or Fortran at compile time, with optimizations adopted to your architecture. Assembly loops using SSE and 3DNow! multimedia instructions are provided for
x86 processors, resulting in exceptional performance on
inexpensive PC workstations. For Pentium IV processors there are even
SSE2 double precision assembly loops, and on Power PC G4 and later processors we provide Altivec loops both for Linux and
Mac OS X. Gromacs is normally 3-10 timesfaster than any other program; check the article in Journal of Molecular Modeling (reference can be found under resources) for a comparison benchmark.
GROMACS is user-friendly, with topologies and parameter files written in clear text format. There is a lot of consistency checking, and clear error messages are issued when something is wrong. Since the C preprocessor is used, you can have conditional parts in your topologies and include other files. You can even compress most files and GROMACS will automatically pipe them through gzip upon reading.
There is no scripting language - all programs use a simple interface with command line options for input and output files. You can always get help on the options by using the -h option, or use the extensive manuals provided free of charge in electronic or paper format. There is also an integrated graphical user interface available for all programs.
As the simulation is proceeding, GROMACS will continuously tell you how far it has come, and what time and date it expects to be finished.
Both run input files and trajectories are independent of hardware endian and can thus be read by any version GROMACS, even if it was compiled using a different floating-point precision. All files from GROMACS 2.0 can further be used in the new version 3!
GROMACS can write coordinates using lossy compression, which provides a very compact way of storing trajectory data. The accuracy can be selected by the user.
GROMACS comes with a large selection of flexible tools for trajectory analysis - you won't have to write any code to perform routine analyses. The output is further provided in the form of finished Xmgr/Grace graphs, with axis labels, legends, etc. already in place!
A basic trajectory viewer that only requires standard X libraries is
included, and several external visualization tools can read the GROMACS file formats.
GROMACS can be run in parallel, using standard MPI communication.
GROMACS contains several state-of-the-art algorithms that make it possible to extend the time steps is simulations significantly, and thereby further enhance performance without sacrificing accuracy or detail.
The package includes a fully automated topology builder for proteins, even multimeric structures. Building blocks are available for the 20 standard aminoacid residues
as well as some modified ones, the 4 nucleotide and 4 deoxinucleotide resides, several sugars and lipids, and some special groups like hemes and several small molecules.
There is ongoing development to extend GROMACS with interfaces both to Quantum Chemistry and Bioinformatics/databases.
GROMACS is Free Software, available under the GNU General Public License.
(1) GROMACS进行了大量的算法的优化,使其计算功能更强大。例如:在计算矩阵的逆时,算法的
自动选择由C语言或Fortran来编译。GROMACS中对Altivec loops的计算,无论是在
(2) GROMACS具有友好的
(3) GRMACS操作简单,功能丰富,而且对于初学者来说易于上手。而且可以通过详细的免费使用手册,用户可以得到更多的信息。
(4) 在模拟运行的过程中,GROMACS会不断报告
(5) GROMACS具有良好的
(6) GROMACS能通过
(7) GROMACS还为轨迹分析提供了大量的
(8) GROMACS允许并行运算,使用标准的
(9) GROMACS程序包中包括各种常见的
(1) 前
(2) 模拟过程:首先要对系统进行能量最小化,避免结构的不合理而在模拟中出现错误;然后是对系统升温过程,先给系统的各个原子以Boltzmen分布
(3) 后处理过程:MD模拟结束后,GROMACS会产生一系列文件,如.pdo文件(
(1) 解压缩fftw,lam-mpi,gromacs源码
tar -zxvf fftw-3.1.2.tar.gz
tar –zxvf gromacs-3.3.1.tar.gz
tar -zxvf lam-7.1.3.
tar.gz(2) 编译lam-mpi
cd lam-7.1.3 ./
make install
(3) 添加mpi环境变量
export PATH=:/home/lam-7.1.3/bin ( append to
cd fftw-3.1.2
./configure --
enable-float --enable-mpi --prefix=/home/fftw-3.1.2
make install
make distclean
./configure --
disable-float --enable-mpi --prefix=/home/fftw-3.1.2
(3) 设置fftw环境变量
export CPPFLAGS=-I/home/fftw-3.1.2/include
export LDFLAGS=-L/home/fftw-3.1.2/lib
(4) 编译gromacs
cd gromacs-3.3.1 ./configure --prefix=/home/gromacs-3.3.1 --enable-mpi
make install
make distclean
./configure --prefix=/home/gromacs-3.3.1 --program-suffix=_d --enable-mpi --disable-float
export PATH=:/home/gromacs-3.3.1/bin ( append to .bashrc)
(6) 编译gromacs源包里的其它文件(可选)
make contrib 注:这步可以省去
update: gromacs-4.0,fftw-3.2.1,lam7.1.4与上面的方法完全相同,只需更换目录即可。
Below is presented a generalised procedure for performing a simulation. The exact steps and processes involved will vary depending on exactly what is being attempted. Use as a general guide only!
1. Clearly identify the property / phenomena of interest to be studied by performing the simulation.
2.Select the appropriate tools to be able to perform the simulation and observe the property/phenomena of interest. It is important to read and
familiarise yourself with publications by other researchers on similar systems. Tools include: - software to perform the simulation with, consideration of force field may influence this decision.- force field which describes how the atoms / particles within the system interact with each other. Select one that is appropriate for the system being studied and the property/phenomena of interest. Very important and non-trivial step!
3.Obtain/generate the initial coordinate file for each molecule to be placed within the system.
4.Generate the raw starting structure for the system by placing the molecules within the coordinate file as appropriate. Molecules may be specifically placed or arranged randomly.
5.Obtain/generate the topology file for the system,
using (for example) pdb2gmx, PRODRG or your favourite text editor in concert with chapter 5 of the GROMACS Manual.
6.Describe a simulation box (e.g. using editconf) whose size is appropriate for the eventual density you would like, fill it with solvent (e.g. using genbox), and add any counter-ions needed to neutralize the system (e.g. using grompp and genion). In these steps you may need to edit your topology file to stay current with your coordinate file.
7.Run an energy minimisation simulation on the system (using grompp and mdrun). This is required to sort out any bad starting structures caused during generation of the system, which may cause the production simulation to crash.
8.Select the appropriate simulation parameters for the equilibration simulation (defined in .mdp file). You need to be consistent with how force field was derived. You may need to simulate at NVT with position restraints on your solvent and/or solute to get the T almost right, then relax to NPT to fix the density, then move further (if needed) to reach your production simulation ensemble (e.g. NVT, NVE).
9.Run the equilibration simulation for sufficient time
so that the system relaxes sufficiently to allow the production run to be commenced (using grompp and mdrun, then g_energy and trajectory visualisation tools).
10.Select the appropriate simulation parameters for the production simulation (defined in .mdp file), in particular be careful not to re-generate the velocities. You still need to be consistent with how the force field was derived and how to measure the property / phenomena of interest.
11.Run the production simulation for sufficient time so that property / pheno-mena of interest can be observed in required detail (using grompp/tpbconv and mdrun).
12.Analyse / visualise the resulting trajectory and data files to obtain information on the property / phenomena of interest.