于新海,男,1972年12月生,华东理工大学机械与动力工程学院副教授。1999年7月于华东理工大学硕士毕业后留校任教,2006年3月于华东理工大学化工机械专业获工学博士学位。先后承担和参加了国家自然科学基金2项,国家支撑计划、教育部博士点基金1项以及横向课题4项。 主要研究领域包括:微化工机械系统,压力释放装置,新能源,化工设备腐蚀与防护,对微化工机械系统的加工、设计方面有较深入的研究。
作为项目负责人(第一)主持的科研项目主要有国家自然科学基金项目(面上2项、青年1项)、863课题,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目、上海市教委产学研项目、企业委托开发项目等。 作为第一作者或通讯作者近年来发表SCI论文四十余篇,引用610次, ESI论文2篇。授权发明专利6项。
中国核动力研究设计院的专家的一致好评。 在此基础上,攻克了安全阀瞬态模拟技术,和试验结果相比对,澄清了长期以来在安全阀行业许多的存在争议的问题。同时成功实现了5台核电关键安全阀的国产化,2014年底为企业创造了6000万元的经济效益。5台核电安全阀的国产化有利地保证了我国核电的安全运行,摆脱了核电安全阀长期以来进口的局面,具有重要的社会价值。
新能源技术,阀门设计与试验技术 。
国家自然科学基金项目2项,教育部新世纪优秀人才计划项目1项, 上海市教委科研创新计划1项,中瑞国家合作项目1项,华东理工大学交叉学科与重大项目培育基金项目1项,上海市优秀青年教师培育专项基金1项,横向课题3项。作为主要研究人员参加了
[1] Xinhai Yu*, Hongliang Li, Shan-Tung Tu, Jinyue Yan, Zhengdong Wang. Pt-Co catalyst coated channel plate reactor for preferential CO oxidation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36(5): 3778-3788. (SCI/EI, IF=3.95)
[2] Xinhai Yu*, Zhenzhong Wen, Ying Lin, Shan-Tung Tu, Zhengdong Wang, Jinyue Yan. Intensification of biodiesel synthesis using metal foam reactors. Fuel, 2010, 89(11): 3450-3456. (SCI/EI, IF=3.18, cited:5)
[3] Xinhai Yu*, Zhenzhong Wen, Hongliang Li, Shan-Tung Tu, Jinyue Yan.Transesterification of Pistacia chinensis oil for biodiesel catalyzed by CaO-CeO2 mixed oxides. Fuel, 2011, 90(5): 1868-1874. (SCI/EI, IF=3.18, cited:1)
[4] Zhenzhong Wen, Xinhai Yu*, Shan-Tung Tu, Jinyue Yan, Erik Dahlquist. Synthesis of biodiesel from vegetable oil with methanol catalyzed by Li-doped magnesium oxide catalysts. Applied Energy, 2010, 87(3): 743-748. (SCI/EI, IF=3.9) (Most Cited Papers (2010) in Applied Energy, cited: 27)
[5] Zhenzhong Wen, Xinhai Yu*, Shan-Tung Tu, Jinyue Yan, Erik Dahlquist. Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil catalyzed by TiO2-MgO mixed oxides. Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101(24): 9570-9576. (SCI/EI, IF=4.25, cited:12)
[6] Zhenzhong Wen, Xinhai Yu*, Shan-Tung Tu, Jinyue Yan, Erik Dahlquist. Intensification of biodiesel synthesis using zigzag micro-channel reactors. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100(12): 3054-3060. (SCI/EI, IF=4.25, cited: 20)
[7] Ying Lin, Xinhai Yu*, Zhenyu Wang, Shan-Tung Tu, Zhengdong Wang. Design and evaluation of an easily fabricated micromixer with three-dimensional periodic perturbation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 171: 291–300. (SCI/EI, IF=3.17)
[8] Ying Lin, Xinhai Yu*, Zhenyu Wang, Shan-Tung Tu, Zhengdong Wang. Measurement of temperature-dependent diffusion coefficients using a confocal Raman microscope with microfluidic chips considering laser-induced heating effect. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, 667(1-2): 103-112. (SCI/EI, IF=3.78,cited: 1)
[9] Hongliang Li, Xinhai Yu*, Shan-Tung Tu, Jinyue Yan, Zhengdong Wang. Catalytic performance and characterization of Al2O3-supported Pt-Co catalyst coatings for preferential CO oxidation in a micro-reactor. Applied Catalysis, 2010, 387(1-2): 215-223. (SCI/EI, IF=3.56, cited: 4)
[10] Yuexia Lv, Xinhai Yu*, Shan-Tung Tu, Jinyue Yan, Erik Dahlquist. Wetting of polypropylene hollow fiber membrane contactors. Journal of Membrane Science, 2010, 362(1-2): 444-452. (SCI/EI, IF=3.2, cited: 3)
[11] Yuexia Lv, Xinhai Yu*, Jingjing Jia, Shan-Tung Tu, Jinyue Yan, Erik Dahlquist. Fabrication and characterization of superhydrophobic polypropylene hollow fiber membranes for carbon. Applied Energy 2012 90 (1): 167–174. (SCI/EI, IF=3.9, cited: 2)
[12] Yu Xinhai*, Shan-Tung, Wang Zhendong,and Huang Huajiang. Investigation on methanol steam reforming in a microchannel reactor by experiments and mathematical model analysis. International Journal of Green Energy, 2008, 5(4): 281-296. (SCI/EI, IF=0.56, cited: 1)
[13] Ying Lin, Xinhai Yu∗, Zhenyu Wang, Shan-Tung Tu, Zhengdong Wang. Laminar flow diffusion interface control in a microchannel with accurate Rama measurement. Chemical Engineering and Processing 2012, 57-58: 1-7.(SCI/EI,IF=1.92)
[14] Yuexia Lv, Xinhai Yu, Shan-Tung Tu∗, Jinyue Yan, Erik Dahlquist. Experimental studies on simultaneous removal of CO2 and SO2 in a polypropylene hollow fiber membrane contactor. Applied Energy, 2012,97:283-288. (SCI/EI, IF=5.1, cited: 2)
[15] S.-T* Tu, X. Yu, W. Luan, H.Löwe. Development of micro chemical, biological and thermal systems in China: A review. Chemical Engineering Journal 2010, 163: 165-179. (SCI/EI, IF=3.17)
[16] YuanYao, Wenyong Dong, Shenmin Zhu, XinhaiYu, and Deyue Yan*. Novel Morphology of Calcium Carbonate Controlled by Poly(L-lysine). Langmuir 2009, 25(22): 13238-13243. (SCI/EI, IF=4.27, cited: 7)
[17] Xinhai Yu*,Shan-Tung Tu, Zhengdong Wang, Yunshi Qi. Development of a microchannel reactor concerning steam reforming [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 116 (2006) 123. (SCI/EI, IF=3.17, cited:36)
[18] Xinhai Yu*,Shan-Tung Tu, Zhengdong Wang, Yunshi Qi.On-board production of hydrogen for fuel cells over Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst coating in a micro-channel reactor [J]. Journal of Power Sources 150 (2005) 57. (SCI/EI, IF=4.28, cited:44)。
2009年被Elsevier 出版社评为最佳审稿人。
2011年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科技进步)二等奖, 教育部。