1999-2004年,在美国威斯康星大学癌症研究所师从Janet Mertz教授,研究真核生物中病毒起源的无内含子RNA的表达和调控机制,并获得博士学位。
威斯康星大学遗传系Scott Kennedy助理教授实验室,从事模式生物中小干扰RNA的功能和调控机理的研究。
基因表达和加工的所需因子,转为己用(NAR 2005; MCB 2005)。确认了高等动物中存在着细胞核里的基因干扰现象;发现了
非编码RNA从细胞质转运到细胞核的新途径;发现了nrde 通路;证明了非编码的小RNA可以结合到正在被转录的转录子上;发现细胞核RNA干扰的机理可能是通过抑制RNA聚合酶II,抑制转录的延伸,从而造成转录的提前终止;发现高等动物中非编码的
小干扰RNA可以造成组蛋白的甲基化,而且这部分甲基化完全依赖于nrde基因;发展了模式生物整体上RNA-蛋白的免疫沉淀方法;发展了模式生物整体水平上转录活性的测量方法(Science, 2008;Nature, 2010;PLoS Genetics,2011);发现了生物体获得性性状多代遗传的分子机制,即通过小RNA的遗传和扩增来维持
表观遗传修饰(Nature Genetics,2012);解析了
RNA干扰过程中错靶现象的分子机制以及细胞核RNA干扰通路的生物学功能,这一通路主要调控重复序列来维持基因组稳定性(Genetics, 2014);发现了非编码RNA调控表观遗传的新机制,小RNA可以通过细胞核RNA干扰通路来诱导组蛋白3赖氨酸27的三甲基化(Curr. Biol., 2015);发现了一类受环境刺激调控的针对rRNA的小干扰RNA(risiRNA)可以通过细胞核RNA干扰通路调控rRNA表达,并防止错误的rRNA积累,发现了抑制risiRNA产生的Susi通路,发现了一种新的rRNA稳态调节机制(Nat Struct Mol Biol,2017;PNAS, 2018);发现细胞质Argonaute蛋白WAGO-4可能参与了亲代到子代的siRNA的传递,从而介导了RNA干扰性状的多代遗传(Cell Reports, 2018);发现了介导21U-RNA转录起始的上游序列转录复合物(USTC)(Genes & Development, 2019);发展了基因编辑的新方法,通过使用CRISPR系统敲除大片段染色体以及诱导
染色体易位,以及结合CRISRP和LoxP技术诱导染色体复杂区间的倒置,而后两者为研究生物体关键和致死基因提供了新的手段(Sci. Rep., 2014;Genetics,2015; G3。
在包括Nature和Science在内的国际著名期刊上发表论文12篇(其中第一作者6篇),2篇论文被Faculty of 1000 Biology收录并给予高度评价,曾获得中国科学院院长奖及美国心脏协会
1. Feng X, and Guang S. (2013) Small RNAs, RNAi and the Inheritance of Gene Silencing in Caenorhabditis elegans. J Genet Genomics. 2013 Apr 20;40(4):153-60.
2. Sam Guoping Gu, Julia Pak, Shouhong Guang, Jay M. Maniar, Scott Kennedy, and Andrew Fire, (2012) Amplification of siRNA in Caenorhabditis elegans generates a transgenerational sequence-targeted histone H3 lysine 9 methylation footprint. Nature Genetics 44:157-164.
3. Burkhart, K.B., Guang, S., Bochner, A.F., and Kennedy, S., (2011) A pre-mRNA–associating factor links endogenous siRNAs to chromatin regulation. PLoS Genetics7(8).
4. Guang, S., Bochner, A.F., Pavelec, D.M., Burkhart, K.B., Burton, N., and Kennedy, S., (2010) Small regulatory RNAs inhibit RNA Polymerase II during the elongation phase of transcription. Nature, 465:1097-1101
5. Guang, S., Bochner, A.F., Pavelec, D.M., Burkhart, K.B., Harding, S., Lachowiec, J., and Kennedy, S., (2008) An Argonaute transports siRNAs from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Science321:537-541 Research Article
6. Guang, S., Felthauser, A., and Mertz, J. (2005) Binding of hnRNP L to the pre-mRNA processing enhancer (PPE) of herpes simplex virus’ thymidine kinase gene enhances both polyadenylation and nucleocytoplasmic export of intronless mRNAs. Mol. Cell. Biol.25:6303-6313.
7. Guang, S. and Mertz, J.E. (2005) PPE-like elements from intronless genes play additional roles in mRNA biogenesis than do ones from intron-containing genes. Nucleic Acid Res.33(7):2215-2226.
8. Zeng, W., Zhang, X., Tu, X., Guang, S., Xiao, Y., and Shi, Y. (2001) Expression and purification of the DNA-binding domain of the human transcription factor E2F1. Protein Expr. Purif.21(1):99-104.
9. Xia, Y.L., Wu, J.H., Guang, S., and Shi, Y. (2000) Proton NMR investigation of heme and surrounding proton in low-spin cyanide-ligated bacterial hemoglobin from vitreoscilla.Sci. China Ser (China). C43(1):57-67.
10. Xia, Y.L., Wu, J.H., Guang, S., and Shi, Y. (1998) The application of nuclear magnetic resonance in paramagnetic metallic protein - a vitreoscilla hemoglobin. Acta Biophysica Sinica (China)14(3):392-400.
11. Guang, S., Wu, J.H., Yu, T., Xia, Y.L., and Shi, Y. (1998) Solution structure of a fragment of the dimerization domain of DP-1 determined by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance and distance geometry. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology1429(1):18-28.
12. Guang, S., Wu, J.H., Tao, L., Xia, Y.L., and Shi, Y. (1998) Solution structure of a fragment of the dimerization domain of E2F-1 determined by circular dichroism, 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance and distance geometry. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology1388(1):111-122.