中国畜牧兽医学会动物繁殖学分会秘书长 ;
胚胎发育调控机制和繁殖技术,近年来在褪黑素(Melatonin, MT)调控卵母细胞成熟、颗粒细胞黄体化、早期胚胎发育与附植的理论研究中取得突破性进展,并将研究成果在家畜生产中应用;建立了褪黑素过表达羊乳腺反应器平台。
He C, Ma T, Shi J, Zhang Z, Wang J, Zhu K, Li Y, Yang M, Song Y, Liu GS(*). Melatonin and its receptor MT1 are involved in the downstream reaction to luteinizing hormone and participate in the regulation of luteinization in different species. J Pineal Res,2016, 61(3):279-90.
He C, Wang J, Zhang Z, Yang M, Li Y, Tian X, Ma T, Tao J, Zhu K, Song Y, Ji P ,Liu GS(*). Mitochondria Synthesize Melatonin to Ameliorate Its Function and Improve Mice Oocyte's Quality under in Vitro Conditions. Int J Mol Sci,2016,14;17(6) :939-45.
Li Y, Wang J, Zhang ZZ, Yi JY, He CJ, Wang F, Tian XZ, Yang MH, Song YK, He PL, Liu GS(*). Resveratrol compares with melatonin in improving in vitro porcine oocyte maturation under heat stress. J Pineal Res,2016,7(1):1-10
Deng SL,Chen SR, Wang ZP,Zhang Y, Tang JX, Li J,Wang XX,Cheng JM, Jin C, Li XY,Zhang BL,Yu K,Lian ZX,Liu GS(*),Liu YX(*). Melatonin promotes development of haploid germ cells from early developing spermatogenic cells of Suffolk sheep under in vitro condition. J Pineal Res,2016,60(4):435-47.
Shi JM, Yi JY, Tian XZ, Wang F, Lian ZX, Han HB, Fu JC, Lv WF, Liu GS(*).Effects of seasonal changes on the ovulation rate and embryo quality in superovulated Black Suffolk ewes.Neuro Endocrinol Lett,2015,36(4):330-336。
He CJ, Wang J, Li Y, Zhu KF, Xu ZY, Song YL, Song YK, Liu GS(*). Melatonin-related genes expressed in the mouse uterus during early gestation promote embryo implantation. J Pineal Res,2015,58(3):300-309.
Li Y, Zhang ZZ, He CJ, Zhu KF, Xu ZY, Ma T, Tao JL, Liu GS(*). Melatonin protects porcine oocyte in vitro maturation from heat stress. J Pineal Res,2015,59(3):365-75.
Wang F,Tian XZ,Zhang L,Gao C,He CJ,Fu Y,Ji PY,Li Y,Li N,Liu GS(*). Beneficial effects of melatonin on in vitro bovine embryonic development are mediated by melatonin receptor 1. J Pineal Res,2014,b, 56(3):333-342.
Tian XZ,Wang F,He CJ,Zhang L,Tan DX,Reiter RJ,Xu J,Ji PY,Liu GS(*). Beneficial effects of melatonin on bovine oocytes maturation: a mechanistic approach. J Pineal Res,2014,57( 3):239-247.
Wang F,Tian XZ,Zhou YH,Tan DX,Zhu SE,Dai YP,Liu GS(*). Melatonin Improves the Quality of In Vitro Produced (IVP) Bovine Embryos: Implications for Blastocyst Development, Cryotolerance, and Modifications of Relevant Gene Expression.PLos One,2014,9(4):1-7.
Wang L,Zhuo ZY,Shi WQ,Tan DX,Gao C,Tian XZ,Zhang L,Zhou GB,Zhu SE,Yun P(*), Liu GS(*). Melatonin Promotes Superovulation in Sika Deer (Cervus nippon). Int J Mol Sci,2014,15(7):12107-12118.
Fu Y,He CJ,Ji PY,Zhuo ZY,Tian XZ,Wang F,Tan DX,Liu GS(*).Effects of Melatonin on the Proliferation and Apoptosis of Sheep Granulosa Cells under Thermal Stress. Int J Mol Sci,2014,15(11):21090-21104.
Wang L,Zhao Y,Reiter RJ,He C,Liu GS,Lei Q,Zuo B, Zheng XD,Li Q,Kong J(*). Changes in melatonin levels in transgenic 'Micro-Tom' tomato overexpressing ovine AANAT and ovine HIOMT genes. J Pineal Res,2014,56(2):134-142.
Wang F,Tian XZ,Zhang L,He CJ,Ji PY,Li Y,Tan DX,Liu GS(*) ,Beneficial effect of resveratrol on bovine oocyte maturation and subsequent embryonic development after in vitro fertilization.Fertil Steril,2014,101( 2 ):577-586.
Wang F,Tian XZ,Zhang L,Tan DX,Reiter RJ.,Liu GS(*) ,Melatonin promotes the in vitro development of pronuclear embryos and increases the efficiency of blastocyst implantation in murine. J Pineal Res,2013,55(3):267-274.
Zhang L,Chai ML,Tian XZ,Wang F,Fu Y,He CJ,Deng SL,Lian ZX,Feng JZ,Tan DX,Liu GS(*) ,Effects of melatonin on superovulation and transgenic embryo transplantation in small-tailed han sheep (Ovis aries). Neuroendocrinol Lett,2013,34(4):294-301.
Wang L.,Zhou GB,Shi WQ,Shi JM,Tian XZ,Gao C,Zhang L,Zhu SE,Zhang TT,Zeng SM,Liu GS(*) ,First live offspring born in superovulated sika deer (Cervus nippon) after embryo vitrification .Theriogenology,2012,78(7):1627-1632.
Gao C,Han HB,Tian XZ,Tan DX,Wang L,Zhou GB,Zhu SE,Liu GS(*) ,Melatonin promotes embryonic development and reduces reactive oxygen species in vitrified mouse 2-cell embryos. J Pineal Res,2012,52(3):305-311.
Tian XZ,Wen Q,Shi JM,Wang L,Zeng SM,Zhou GB,Zhu SE,Liu GS(*) ,Effects of Melatonin on In Vitro Development of Mouse Two-Cell Embryos Cultured in HTF Medium. Endocr Res,2010,35(1):17-23.
Suo L,Wang F,Zhou GN,Shi JM,Wang YM,Zhen SM,Tian JH,Zhu SE,Liu GS(*) ,Optimal Concentration of Calcium and Electric Field Levels Improve Tetraploid Embryo Production by Electrofusion in Mice. J Reprod Develop,2009,55(4):383-385.
Zhou GB, Ma CB, Liu GS(*), Zhu SE(*), Zhang HH, Jia LL, Suo L, Shi JM, Wang YB, Tian JH, Zeng SM,Vitrification of farmed blue fox oocytes in ethylene glycol and DMSO-based solutions using open-pulled straw (OPS).Cryoletters,2009,30(2):112-8.
Zhou GB(*), Liu GS(*), Meng QG, Liu Y, Hou YP, Wang XX, Li N, Zhu SE,Tetraspanin CD9 in bovine oocytes and its role in fertilization. J Reprod Develop ,2009,55(3):305-8.
Shi JM, Tian XZ, Zhou GB, Wang L, Gao C, Zhu SE, Zeng SM, Tian JH, Liu GS(*),Melatonin exists in porcine follicular fluid and improves in vitro maturation and parthenogenetic development of porcine oocytes. J Pineal Res,2009,47(4):318-23.
Liu GS(*), Zhou GB, Zhang HH(*), Ma CB, Shi WQ, Zhu SE, Yang ZQ, Kang J, Jia LL, Zeng SM, Tian JH, Wang F,Surgical embryo transfer resulted in birth of live offspring in farmed blue fox. Anim Reprod Sci ,2008,05(3-4):424-9
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Ÿ 《经济动物繁殖学》,主编,
Ÿ 《
“梅花鹿胚胎移植技术规程”(DB11/T 960-2013)批准日期2013-01-31,实施日期2013-05-01.
“梅花鹿人工授精技术规程”(DB11/T 961-2013)批准日期2013-01-31,实施日期2013-05-01
2010年 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划;
2011年 梅花鹿、马鹿
人工授精技术与性别控制精液的示范与推广 北京市农业推广奖二等奖;
2012年 狐狸高效繁殖技术体系的研究与应用 山东省科学技术三进步奖;
2008年 应用胚胎生物技术对北极狐(蓝狐)进行保种的技术研究 山东省科学技术三进步奖;
2004年 牛羊胚胎工程产业化技术体系的研究与应用 教育部
2023年 北京高校优秀党务工作者