2010-2014 中国人民大学
2014-2019 北京大学
2017-2018 爱荷华大学
1. Xiaode Ji, Shengming Liu, and Hui Wang. 2023. Leader failed humor and follower advice seeking. Journal of Managerial Psychology 38(2).104-115.
2. Jia Liu, Li Yao, Di Cai, and Shengming Liu. 2022. Do newcomers with high political skill benefit more from the formal mentoring program?. Career Development International 27(6/7).616-633.
3. Zheng Wang, Jih-Yu Mao, Ye Zhang, and Shengming Liu. 2022. Leading against gender stereotypes: the positively deviant effect of female leaders’ personal need for structure on average team member performance. Current Psychology 41.7957-7967.
4. Shengming Liu, Xin Lucy Liu, Hui Wang, and Ying Wang. 2022. Humble leader behavior and its effects on performance at the team and individual level: a multi-perspective study. Group & Organization Management 47(5).1008-1041.
5. Shengming Liu, Ning Li, and Mingya Xu. 2022. Good soldiers instead of good change agents: Examining the dual effects of self-sacrificial leadership on pro-social behavior and change-oriented behavior in teams. Journal of Management forthcoming.1-33.
6. Mingpeng Huang, Dong Ju, Kai Chi Yam, Shengming Liu, Xin Qin, and Guangdi Tian. 2022. Employee humor can shield them from abusive supervision. Journal of Business Ethics forthcoming.1-18.
7. Yan Zhang and Shengming Liu. 2022. Balancing employees’ extrinsic requirements and intrinsic motivation: A paradoxical leader behaviour perspective. European Management Journal 40(1).127-136.
8. Di Cai, Shengming Liu, Jia Liu, Li Yao, and Xingze Jia. 2021. Mentoring and newcomer well-being: a socialization resources perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology 36(3).285-298.
9. Lifan Chen, Shengming Liu, Yue Wang, and Xiaoli Hu. 2021. Humble leader behavior and team creativity: the team learning perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology 36(3).272-284.
10. Chen Chen, Xin Qin, Russell E. Johnson, Mingpeng Huang, Mengyun Yang, and Shengming Liu. 2021. Entering an upward spiral: Investigating how and when supervisors' talking about abuse leads to subsequent abusive supervision. Journal of Organizational Behavior 42(3).407-428.
11. Yanjun Guan, Shengming Liu, Michael Jie Guo, Mengyu Li, Mengyi Wu, Sylvia Xiaohua Chen, Sabrina Lingxiao Xu, and Lin Tian. 2018. Acculturation orientations and Chinese student sojourners' career adaptability: The roles of career exploration and cultural distance. Journal of Vocational Behavior 104.228-239.
12. Yan Bai, Zhilin Dong, Haiyang Liu, and Shengming Liu. 2017. We may be different, but i can help you: the effects of leaders’ political skills on leader–follower power distance value incongruence and withdrawal behavior. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 24(2).216-229.
13. Shengming Liu, Ye Zhang, Lifan Chen, Li Guo, and Dongling Yu. 2015. Enterprise WeChat groups: Their effect on work-life conflict and life-work enhancement. Frontier of Business Research in China 9(4).516-535.
14. 陈力凡,刘圣明,胡小丽. 社会认同视角下谦卑型领导与员工主动性行为. 管理科学学报, 2022, 25(2): 104-115.
15. 刘圣明,陈力凡,王思迈. 满招损,谦受益:团队沟通视角下谦卑型领导行为对团队创造力的影响. 心理学报, 2018, 50(10): 1159-1168.
16. 刘海洋,刘圣明,王辉,徐敏亚. 领导与下属权力距离的一致性对下属工作绩效的影响及其机制. 南开管理评论, 2016, 19(5): 55-65.
17. 张好雨,王辉,郭理,刘圣明. 领导权力分享、组织自尊和员工工作表现:内部人身份感知的调节作用. 经济科学, 2016, (2): 118-128.