刘小明,男,中国科学院力学研究所非线性力学国家重点实验室 研究员、博士生导师。主要从事接触摩擦过程中微尺度塑性变形规律的研究。研究内容包括材料内部微结构演化导致塑性行为的尺度效应,以及小尺度接触斑塑性对轮轨高速动力学性能的影响。中国科学院力学研究所纪委委员。
中国科学院力学研究所 研究员
中国科学院力学研究所 博士生导师
中国科学院力学研究所 副研究员
中国科学院力学研究所 助理研究员
2009年5月–2011年4月 荷兰
格罗宁根大学Zernike材料研究所 博士后
清华大学工程力学系 博士
西安交通大学工程力学系 学士
摩擦力学:从事接触摩擦过程中微尺度塑性变形规律的研究。研究内容包括材料内部微结构演化导致塑性行为的尺度效应,以及小尺度接触斑 塑性对轮轨高速动力学性能的影响。近年来关注多尺度接触摩擦方面的研究,较多工作集中于研究摩擦过程中材料表界面微结构-位错的形成和演化特征,材料表面形貌引起的接触尺度效应等,研究成果拟加深对材料表界面摩擦力学机理的理解。
2018年 教育部自然科学一等奖励:基于位错机制的微纳尺度晶体塑性理论、数值方法和应用 (排名4)
2018年 中科院青促会
46. Tao Wang, Xuan Ye, Zhanli Liu*, Xiaoming Liu, Dongyang Chu, Zhuo Zhuang*, A phase-field model of thermo-elastic coupled brittle fracture with explicit time integration. Computational Mechanics, 2020 (Accept).
45. Ye X, Gao F, Chen X, Liu X*, Wei YG, Full-scale finite element analysis of deformation and contact of wire-wrapped fuel bundle during operation condition. Submitted to Nuclear Engineering Design.
44. J. Hu, H. Song*, Z. Liu, Z. Zhuang, X Liu*, S. Sandfeld. Predicting the flow stress and dominant yielding mechanisms: analytical models based on discrete dislocation plasticity. Sci Rep 9, 20422 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41598-019-56252-x.
43. F.L. Fan, L. Zhao, X. Liu*. Influences of morphology parameters on the contact behavior of a steel interface. International Journal of Applied Mechanics (Accepted).
42. W. Cheng, S. Zhang, X. Liu, F. Yuan*, X. Wu. Atomistic simulations of tensile deformation in a CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy with heterogeneous grain structures, Materialia, Vol. 9, March 2020, 100565.
41. J. Hu, X. Ye, X. Liu *, Z. Chen*. The Effects of Initial Void and Dislocation on the Onset of Plasticity in Copper Single Crystals, Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 126, 165104.
40. J. Hu, F. Gao, X. Liu*, Y. Wei. An elasto-plastic contact model for conformal contacts between cylinders. Journal of Engineering Tribology, Dec, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1177/1350650119896461.
39. Response of an infinite beam resting on the tensionless Winkler foundation subjected to an axial and a transverse concentrated load, Y. Zhang*, X. Liu, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, 2019, 77
38. Discrete Greenwood-Williamson Modelling of Rough Surface Contact Accounting for Three-dimensional Sinusoidal Asperities and Asperity Interaction, S. Zhang, H. Song*, S. Sandfeld, X. Liu*, Y.G. Wei, Journal of Tribology, 2019, 141(12): 121401
36. J. Hu, Z. Zhuang, F. Liu, X. Liu*, Z. Liu*, Investigation of grain boundary and orientation effects in polycrystalline metals by a dislocation-based crystal plasticity model, Computational Materials Science, Volume 159, 2019, P 86-94,
35. Y. Zhang*, X. Liu, Y. Wei. Response of an infinite beam on a bilinear elastic foundation: Bridging the gap between the Winkler and tensionless foundation models. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, 71, 2018, 394–403
34. S. Zhang, J. Huan, H. Song, X. Liu*, Y.G. Wei*. Plastic Effect on the Sliding Inception Between a Cylinder and a Rigid Flat. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2018, 60, 4
33. Li JC, Liang LH, Liu XM, Ma HS, Song JR, Wei YG. Experimental Studies on Strengthening and Failure Mechanism for the Metal/Silicone Rubber/ Metal Bonding System, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2018, 10, 3
32. 孙善超,刘金朝,王卫东,刘小明,魏悦广. 高速铁路轮轨作用力的全息辨识模型,工程力学, 2018,(11).
31. H. Song, A.I. Vakis, X. Liu, E. van der Giessen* Statistical model of rough surface contact accounting for size-dependent plasticity and asperity interaction, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 106, 2017, 1~14
30. D. Xu, Z. Liu, X. Liu, Z. Zhuang. A numerical study on dynamic shear rupture along frictional faults, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 25, 2016, 69–86
29. H. Song,E. van der Giessen*, X. Liu*, Strain gradient plasticity analysis of elasto-plastic contact between rough surfaces, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 96, 2016, 18~28
28. X. Liu, Z. Liu, Y.G. Wei, Ploughing friction and nanohardness dependent on the tip tilt in nano-scratch test for single crystal gold, Computational Materials Science, 110, 2015, 54-61
27. B. Zhang, H. Xiao, G. Yang, X. Liu, Finite element modelling of the instability in rapid fracture of graphene, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 141, 2015, 111-119
26. D. Xu, Z. Liu, X. Liu, Z. Zhuang. Modeling of dynamic crack branching by enhanced extended finite element method, Computation Mechanics , 54, 2014, 489–502
25. X. Liu, B. Zhang, Y.G. Wei, Interference effect on friction behavior of asperities on single crystal copper, Tribology International, 81, 2015, 169-178
24. X. Liu, F. Yuan, Y.G. Wei, Grain size effect on the hardness of nanocrystal measured by the nanosize indenter , Applied Surface Science, 279, 2013, 159-166
23. X. Liu, Z. Liu, Z. Zhang, Z. Zhuang, Y. Wei, Nanoindentation size effect interpreted by the dislocation nucleation mechanism, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 10(3), 2013, pp 714-718
22. X. Liu, X. Yang, Y.G. Wei, Yielding behavior of copper nanowire in the presence of vacancies, Science China Physics G 55(6), 2012, 1010-1017
21. X. Liu, Z. Liu, Y. G. Wei, Nanoscale Friction Behavior of the Ni-Film/Substrate System Under Scratching Using MD Simulation , Tribology Letters, 46(2),2012, pp 167-178
20. Z. Zhang, Z. Liu, X. Liu, Zhuang Z. Wedge indentation of a thin film on a substrate based on micromorphic plasticity. Acta Mechanica, 2011 221(1), 133-145
19. Z. Liu, Z Zhuang, X. Liu, XC Zhao. A dislocation dynamics based higher-order crystal plasticity model and applications on confined thin-film plasticity. Journal of Plasticity 2010 27(2): 201-216
18. X.C. Zhao, X. Liu, Y. Gao, Z. Zhuang. Molecular dynamical investigation on plastic behavior of Cu(100) twist-grain boundary under shear load, Acta Physica Sinica, 2010 59(9):6362-6368
17. X.Liu, X. You, Z.L. Liu, J.F. Nie, Z. Zhuang. Atomistic simulations of tension properties for bi-crystal copper with twist grain boundary. Journal of Physics D,2009, 42:035404
16. X.Liu, Z.L. Liu, X. You, J.F. Nie, Z. Zhuang. Theoretical strength of FCC single crystal copper based on a continuum model. Chinese Physical Letters, 2009, 26:026103
15. X. Liu, X. You, Z. Liu, J.F. Nie, Z. Zhuang. Molecular dynamical investigation on plastic behavior of Cu(100) twist-grain boundary under uniaxial tension. Acta Physica Sinica 2009, 58(3):1849-1856
14. X. Liu, X. You, Z. Liu, J.F. Nie, Z. Zhuang.. Molecular dynamics simulation of plastic behavior of the Ni nanofilm during scratch process. Acta Metallurgica Sinica 2009 45(2): 137-142 (Cover letter)
13. X. Liu, X. You, Z. Zhuang. Contact and friction at nanoscale. Advanced Materials and Research, 2008, 33-37:999-1004
12. X.C. Zhao, X. Liu, Z. Zhuang, Z.L. Liu, Y. Gao, Inhomogenous dislocation nucleation based on atom potential in hexagonal noncentrosymmetric crystal sheet. Chin. Phys. Lett. 27(2010): 016201.
11. Z.L. Liu, X. Liu, Z. Zhuang, X.C. You. A multi-scale computational model of crystal plasticity at submicron-to-nanometer scales. International Journal of Plasticity. 2009, 25(8): 1436-1455
10. X.Liu, Z.L. Liu, X. You, J.F. Nie, Z. Zhuang. The stability of FCC crystal Cu under [100] loading. Modern Physical Letters B , 2009, 23:1871
9. X.Liu, X.C. You, Z.L. Liu, Z. Zhuang. Molecular dynamics simulation of nanoscale friction process, Acta Metallurgica Sinica 2008, 44(9):1025-1030
8. Z.L.Liu, X. Liu, Z. Zhuang, X.C. You. Atypical three-stage-hardening mechanical behavior of Cu Single-Crystal micro-pillar. Scripta Materialia. 2009, 60(7): 594-597
7. Z.L. Liu, X. Liu, Z. Zhuang, Y. Gao, X.C. You, A study of micro-compression simulation by a multi-scale plastic model based on 3D dislocation dynamics. Int. J. Multiscale Com. Eng. 7(2009): 217-226.
6. Z.L. Liu, Z. Zhuang, X. Liu, X. Zhao, Y. Gao. Bauschinger and size effects in thin-film plasticity due to defect-energy of geometrical necessary dislocations. Acta Mechanica Sinica 2011 27: 266-276
5. J.F. Nie, Z.L. Liu, X. Liu, Z. Zhuang,Size effects of precipitate on the creep properties of directionally solidified nickel-base super-alloys at middle temperature. Computational Materials Science. 2009, 46(2): 400-406
4. J.F. Nie, Z.L. Liu, X. Liu, X.C. You, Z. Zhuang, Investigation of size-effect of nickel-base super-alloys single crystals based on strain gradient crystal plasticity. Int. J. Multiscale Com. Eng. 7(2009): 227-236.
3. 姜绍飞,吴铭昊,唐伟杰,刘小明。古建筑木结构多尺度建模方法及抗震性能分析。建筑结构学报,2016,37(10):44-53
2. 李景传, 梁立红, 刘小明, 马寒松, 宋晶如, 魏悦广。金属/环氧/金属粘结体系的强韧和失效机制实验研究,力学学报,2017, 49 (6): 1213-122
1. 卿海,杨卫,吕坚,刘小明。有限元实现含应变非强化区的双面循环塑性模型,应用力学学报,2008, 25, 693~697
磁浮列车多目标系统优化, 2017-2021, 中国中车,600万(在研)
纳米金属材料塑性研究, 2017-2021, 科技部,1200万(在研)
高速列车延寿优化高性能计算, 2017-2021, 科技部,800万(在研)