1. Liu, L., & Chai, X. (in press). Pleasure and risk: A qualitative study of sexual behaviors among Chinese methamphetamine users. The Journal of Sex Research. (SSCI)
2. Liu, L., Wang, H., Chui, W. H., & Cao, L. (in press). Chinese drug users’ abstinence intentions: The role of perceived social support. Journal of Drug Issues. (SSCI)
3. Liu, L., & Chui, W. H. (in press). Rehabilitation policy for drug addicted offenders in China: Current trends, patterns, and practice implications. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. (SSCI)
4. Liu, L., & Hsiao, S. C. (in press). Chinese female drug users’ experiences and attitudes with institutional drug treatment. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. (SSCI)
5. Cao, L., Burton, V., & Liu, L. (in press). Correlates of illicit drug use among indigenous peoples in Canada: A test of social support theory. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. (SSCI)
6. Huang, X., Cao, Q., Liu, L., Yao, J., & Rui, G. (2018). Factors influencing depression in Chinese civil servants. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 46(8), 1233-1244. (SSCI)
7. He, G., Chen, Y., Chen, B., Wang, H., Shen, L., Liu, L., Suolang, D., Zhang, B., Ju, G., Zhang, L., Du, S., Jiang, X., Pan, Y., & Min, Z. (2018). Using the Baidu search index to predict the incidence of HIV/AIDS in China. Scientific Reports, 8, 9038. (SCI)
8. Liu, L., & Chui, W. H. (2018). Chinese culture and its influence on female prisoner behavior in the prisoner–guard relationship. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 51(1), 117-134. (SSCI)
9. 刘柳、陈云松、张亮亮,2018,《定量群学三十年:以<社会学研究>论文为例》,《江苏行政学院学报》(CSSCI)第2期。
10. Liu, L., Chui, W. H., & Chen, Y. (2018). Violent and non-violent criminal behavior among young Chinese drug users: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(3), e15030432. (SSCI)
11. 刘柳、段慧娟,2018,《毒友圈与圈子亚文化:青年女性之吸毒生涯扩张期探析》,《
12. Weng, X., Chui, W. H., & Liu, L. (2017). Bullying behaviors among Macanese adolescents—Association with psychosocial variables. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, 887. (SSCI)
13. 刘柳、段慧娟,2017,《中国女性吸毒者的群体异同研究》,《
14. Chui, W. H., Wu, J., Kwok, Y. Y. & Liu, L. (2017). Validation of the Offending-Related Attitudes Questionnaire of CRIME-PICS II Scale (Chinese). Research on Social Work Practice, 27(1), 80-90. (SSCI)
15. Liu, L., Hsiao, S. C. & Kaplan, C. (2016). Drug Initiation of Female Detainees in a Compulsory Drug Treatment Institution in China. Journal of Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 48(5), 393-401. (SSCI)
16. 刘柳,2015,《预防女性弱势群体犯罪:基于福利三角理论的社会政策研究》,《
17. 刘柳,2015,《大规模保障房社区中的社会保障问题——基于社会排斥与社会融入的视角》,《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》(CSSCI)第5期。
18. 刘柳,2015,《政府责任对农民参与新型农村社会养老保险的影响——基于2013年四省调查的实证研究》,《
19. 刘柳、段慧娟,2015,《关于中国女性吸毒者维持毒品使用行为的研究》,《人口与发展》(CSSCI)第4期。
20. 刘柳,2015,《监狱中的“关系”——女犯人和狱警的相处之道》,《青年研究》(CSSCI)第2期。
22. Liu L. & Chui, W. H. (2014). Social Support and Chinese Female Offenders Prison Adjustment. The Prison Journal, 94(1), 30 –51. (SSCI).
23. 刘柳,2014,《关于女性服刑人员监狱适应的西方研究回顾与反思》,《
24. Liu, L. & Chui, W. H. (2013). The Chinese Prison System for Female Offenders: A Case Study. In J. Fuhrmann and S. Baier (ed). Prisons and Prison Systems: Practices, Types and Challenges. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
25. 刘柳,2013,《中国监狱制度的实施效果和改革方向》,《
26. 刘柳、崔永康,2012,《女犯的个体因素和获取社会支持的关系研究》,《
27. 刘柳,2012,《女性服刑人员的环境适应与再社会化问题》,《南京大学学报(哲学、人文科学、社会科学版)》(CSSCI)第5期。
28. 刘柳,2011,《个体性与社会性:关于人的本质的讨论——读<关于费尔巴哈的提纲>》.《江苏行政学院学报》(CSSCI)第6期。
29. 刘柳,2011,《论我国监狱制度中的劳动改造手段》,《
1. Liu Liu, Suh Chen Hsiao & Charles D. Kaplan. (2017, Mar). Drug Initiation of Female Detainees in a Compulsory Drug Treatment Institution in China. Paper presented at the Global Asias 4 Conference, Penn State University, USA.
2. Liu Liu & Wing Hong Chui. (2015, Jun). Challenges Faced by Female Prisoners during Incarceration and their Implications on the Rehabilitation System in China. Paper presented at the Asian Criminological Society 7th Annual Conference: Criminology and Criminal Justice in a Changing World: Contributions from Asia, Hong Kong.
3. Liu Liu & Charles D. Kaplan. (2015, April). Validating a Chinese Craving Scale for Female Drug Users. Paper presented at the 2015 International Conference on Global Health: Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse Disorders and HIV, Hangzhou, China.
4. Liu Liu. (2014, September). Drug Initiation of Female Residents in Compulsory Treatment Institution in China. Seminar presentation in School of Social Work, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.
5. Liu Liu (2014, July). Changing Drug Treatment Policy in China. Seminar presentation at Center for Advancing Longitudinal Drug Abuse Research (CALDAR), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, USA.
6. Liu Liu (2014, June). Changing Criminal Justice Policy for Drug Users in China: A Social Historical Analysis. Seminar presentation at Faculty of Social Sciences, Western University, London, Canada.
7. Liu Liu (2014, June). Validating a Chinese Craving Scale. Seminar presentation at Faculty of Social Sciences, Western University, London, Canada.
8. Liu Liu (2014, January). Drug Career of Female Residents in Compulsory Labor as Treatment Institution in China. Paper presented at Research Seminars of CSWE China-US MSW Education Collaboration, Los Angeles, USA.
9. Liu Liu (2013, November). Social Support and Chinese Female Offenders Prison Adjustment. Paper presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, USA.
1. 2013.10-今,American Society of Criminology 成员
2. 2013.6.28-2013.6.30 北京,
3. 2013.5.19-2013.5.24 北京,中国社会工作督导培训班,获社会工作督导证书。
1. 2018-2020,“社会福利支持视角下贫困女性犯罪预防研究”,江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目(2018SJZDI119),主持人。
2. 2018-2020,“空巢老人精神健康研究”,南京大学双一流建设文科“百层次”科研项目,主要团队成员。
3. 2018-2020,“跨学科弱势群体社会保障研究团队”,南京大学文科创新团队项目,主要团队成员。
7. 2014-2018,“社会工作与吸毒人群矫治研究”,国家社会科学基金青年项目(14CSH059),主持人。
8. 2013-2016,“户籍限制放开背景下促进农民工中小城市社会融合的社会管理和服务研究”,2013年度教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目,子课题负责人。