华旭刚,湖南大学二级教授、博士生导师,国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金和优秀青年基金获得者,国家重点研发计划项目主持人、首席专家。现为湖南大学土木工程学院院长、桥梁工程安全与韧性全国重点实验室副主任、湖南大学风工程试验研究中心主任、风工程与桥梁工程湖南省重点实验室主任。主要从事桥梁风致振动与减振控制、桥梁智能监测与评估、海上风力机结构动力学等方向研究。兼任中国土木工程学会桥梁与结构分会常务理事、风工程专委会副主任,中国地震学会防震减灾工程分会常务理事,振动工程学会结构监测与抗振控制专委会、随机振动专委会、航天器振动与控制专委会等委员,Engineering Structures编委,Engineering青年编委及专题主编(section editor),振动工程学报、长安大学学报、中外公路编委,交通运输工程学报青年编委等。
2013年4月至今 湖南大学,教授, 博士生导师
2006.12-2011.12 湖南大学,副教授,硕士生导师
2006.06-2007.06 香港理工大学,研究助理
1995.09-1999.07 长沙铁道学院土木建筑学院,本科
1999.09-2003.05 中南大学土木建筑学院,获硕士学位
2003.06-2006.10 香港理工大学土木及结构工程系,获博士学位
Engineering Structures编委
中国工程院院刊系列主刊Engineering, 青年编委及专题主编 (Section Editor)
2007年国家科技进步二等奖,排名第六, 柔性桥梁非线性设计和风致振动与控制的关键技术
ASCE期刊Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities最佳论文提名奖
[17]明珠湾大桥施工期抗风评价及措施研究(含补充合同),中铁建大桥工程局集团南方工程有限公司 广州明珠湾大桥工程一分部,2019-2020
[20]广州塔南广场配建珠江两岸人行景观桥项目抗风专题研究, 广州市建设投资发展有限公司,2020-2121
[21]安徽黄山湖田山景区项目一期工程桥梁风洞试验与人致振动研究, 黄山中惠旅湖田山旅游开发有限公司, 2020-2021
[1] Wang CQ, Hua XG*, Feng ZQ* and Chen ZQ (2021), Experimental investigation on vortex-induced vibrations of a triple-box girder with web modification, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 218: 104783
[2] Yang LB, Hua XG, Wang CQ*, He Dong-sheng, Chen ZQ (2021), Aerodynamic interference effects between a triple-box girder and trains on aerodynamic forces and vortex-induced vibrations, Journal of Central South University, in press.
[3] Li Weilin, Patruno L, Niu HW, de Miranda S, Hua XG, Aerodynamic admittance of a 6:1 rectangular cylinder: a computational study on the role of turbulence intensity and integral length scale, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 218, 104738
[4] Wang WX, Yang ZL, Hua XG*, Chen ZQ, Wang XY, and Song GB (2021), Evaluation of a pendulum pounding tuned mass damper for seismic control of structures, Engineering Structures, 228: 111554
[5] Wang CQ, Hua XG*, Tang Y, Huang ZW, and Chen ZQ (2021), Post-critical behavior of galloping for main cables of suspension bridges in construction phases, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 101: 103205
[6] Chen B, Basu B, Hua XG*, Feng ZQ, Zhang Zili*, Nielsen SRK and Chen ZQ (2021), Online DWT algorithm for identification of aerodynamic damping in wind turbines, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 152: 107437, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2020.107437
[7] Chen B, Hua XG*, Zhang ZL*, Nielsen SRK, Chen ZQ (2021), Active flutter control of wind turbines using boule-pitched blades, Renewable Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2020.10.122, Vol 163, 2081-2097.
[8] Chen C, Doffour M et al. (2021), Identification of aerodynamic damping matrix for operating wind turbines, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 154: 107568, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2020.107568
[9] Xu K, Hua XG*, Lacarbonara W, Huang ZW, Chen ZQ (2021), Exploration of nonlinear effect of pendulum tuned mass dampers on vibration control, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, paper No. EMENG-5904, 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001961
[10] Chen B, Zhang ZL*, Hua XG, Closed-form optimal design of a tuned liquid column damper (TLCD) for flexible structures, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 198, 106364
[11] Hua XG, Tai YJ, Huang ZW*, and Chen ZQ (2021), Optimal design and performance evaluation of a novel hysteretic friction tuned inerter damper for vibration isolation systems, Structural Control and Health Monitoring. https://doi.org/10.1002/stc.2775
[12] Chen C, Doffour M, Hua XG* (2021), Numerically efficient fatigue life prediction of offshore wind turbines using aerodynamic decoupling, Renewable Energy, in press
[13] Wang CQ, Hua XG*, Huang ZW and Wen Q (2021), Aerodynamic characteristics of coupled twin circular cylinders with near wake interference in cross flow, Applied Science, 2021, 11(9), 4189
[14] Liu ZQ, Wang YZ* and Hua XG (2021), Proposal of a novel analytical wake model and array optimization of oscillating wave surge converter using differential evolution algorithm, Ocean Engineering, Paper No. 108380
[15] Liu ZQ, Wang YZ* and Hua XG, Zhu HP and Zhu ZW (2021), Optimization of wind turbine TMD under real wind distribution countering wake effects using GPU acceleration and machine learning technologies, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 208, 104436
[16] Liu ZQ*, Cao YW, Wang YZ, Cao JX, Hua XG, Cao SY (2021), Characteristics of compact debris induced by a tornado studied using large eddy simulations, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 201, 104530
[17] Liu ZQ, Peng J, Hua XG and Zhu ZW (2021), Wind farm optimization considering non-uniformly distributed turbulence intensity, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol. 43: 100970.
[18] Li Weilin, Patruno L, Niu HW, de Miranda S, Hua XG, (2021) Identification of complex admittance functions using 2D-URANS models: inflow generation and validation on rectangular cylinders, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 208, 104435
[19] Hua XG*, Wang CQ, Li SL, Chen ZQ (2020), Experimental investigation of wind-induced vibrations of main cables for suspension bridges in construction period, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2020, 93, Article No. 102846, 17 pages
[20] Hua XG*, Xu K, Wang YW, Wen Q, Chen ZQ (2020), Wind-induced responses and dynamic characteristics of a super-tall building under a typhoon event, Smart Structures and Systems, 25(1): 81-96
[21] Zhang HY, Chen ZQ, Hua XG*, Huang ZW and Niu HW (2020), Design and dynamic characterization of a large-scale eddy current damper with enhanced performance for vibration control, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Article No. 106879, Vol, 145, 1-24 pages.
[22] Hua XG*, Meng QS, Chen B, Zhang ZL (2020), Structural damping sensitivity affecting the flutter performance of a 10MW offshore wind turbine, Advances in Structural Engineering, 23(14): 3037-3047
[23] Liu ZQ, Wang YZ* and Hua XG (2020), Numerical studies and proposal of design equations on cylindrical oscillating wave surge converters under regular waves using SPH, 2020, Energy Conversion and Management, 203, Article No. 112242, 22 pages
[24] Liu ZQ, Wang YZ* and Hua XG (2020), Prediction and optimization of oscillating wave surge converter using machine learning techniques, Energy Conversion and Management, 210, Article No. 112677, 18 pages
[25]Liu ZQ, Gao SY, Liu HP, Hua XG, Ishihara T (2020), Effect of Reynolds number in the range from 1.6´10^3 to 1.6´10^6 on the flow fields in tornado-like vortices by LES: a symmetrical study, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 196: 104028, DOI: 10.1016/j.jweia.2019.104028
[26] Huang ZW, Hua XG*, Chen ZQ, and Niu HW (2019), Optimal design of TVMD with linear and nonlinear viscous damping for SDOF systems subjected to harmonic excitations, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 26(10): e2413
[27] Hua XG*, Chen ZQ, Lei X, Wen Q, Niu HW, Wen Q (2019), Monitoring and Control of wind-induced vibrations of hanger ropes of a suspension bridge, Smart Structures and Systems, 31(6): 683-693
[28] Huang ZW, Hua XG*, Chen ZQ, Niu HW (2019), Performance evaluation of inerter-based damping devices for structural vibration control of stay cables, Smart Structures and Systems, 31(6): 615-626
[29] Huang ZW, Li YZ, Hua XG*, Chen ZQ (2019), Automatic identification of bridge vortex-induced vibration using random decrement method, Applied Science, 9(10): 2049 https://doi.org/10.3390/app9102049
[30] Cao Z, Hua XG*, Wen Q, Chen ZQ (2019), Identification of structural and TMD parameters from the combined structure-TMD system by a state-space technique, Advances in Structural Engineering, 22(9): 2048-2060
[31] Wang WX, Hua XG*, Wang XY, Chen ZQ (2019), Modeling, simulation and validation of a pendulum pounding tuned mass damper (PPTMD) for vibration control, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 26(4): e2326.
[32] Tang Y, Hua XG*, Chen ZQ and Zhou Y (2019), Experimental investigation of flutter characteristics of shallow П section at post-critical regime, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 88: 257-274
[33] Wang WX, Hua XG*, Wang XY and Chen ZQ (2019), Mechanical behavior of magnetorhelogical dampers after long-term operation in a cable vibration control system, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, https://doi.org/10.1002/stc.2280
[34] Liu ZQ, Zhou QS, Tu YG, Wang W, Hua XG (2019), Proposal of a novel semi-submersible floating wind turbine platform composed of inclined columns and multi-segmented mooring lines, Energies, 12(9)
[35] Hui Y, Kang HJ, Law SS, Hua XG* (2019), Effect of cut-off order of nonlinear stiffness on the dynamics of a sectional suspension bridge model, Engineering Structures, 185: 377-391.
[36] Liu ZQ, Wang YZ, Wang Y, Hua XG(2019), Numerical modeling and optimization of a winged box-type floating breakwater by smoothed particle hydrodynamics, Ocean Engineering, 88: 104246
[37] Wang WX, Hua XG*, Wang XY, Chen ZQ, Song GB(2018), Numerical modeling and experimental study on a novel pounding tuned mass damper, Journal of Vibration and Control, 24(17): 4023-4036
[38] Wang WX, Wang XY, Hua XG*, Chen ZQ, Song GB (2018), Vibration control of vortex-induced vibrations of a bridge deck by single-sided pounding tuned mass dampers, Engineering Structures, 173: 61-75.
[39] Chen B, Zhang ZL, Hua XG*, Nielsen SRK and Basu B. (2018), Enhancement of flutter stability in wind turbines with a new type of passive damper of torsional rotation of blades, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 173(3): 171-179.
[40] Wen Q, Hua XG*, Chen ZQ, Niu HW (2018), Experimental study of wake-induced instability of coupled parallel hanger ropes for suspension bridges, Engineering Structures, 167(15): 175-187.
[41] Huang ZW, Hua XG*, Chen ZQ, Niu HW (2018), Modeling, testing and validation of a eddy current damper for vibration control, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE, 31(5):04018057
[42] Wen Q, Hua XG*, Chen ZQ, Niu HW (2018), AMD-based random decrement technique for modal identification of structures with close modes, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 31(5):04018063
[43] Yan G, Li TT, Feng RQ, Chen G, Hua XG, Duan QH (2018), Detection of Nodal Snap-through Instability in Reticulated Shell Structures Using Tilt Sensing of Members, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 7(1): 25-44.
[44] Zhou S, Hua XG*, Chen ZQ, Chen Wn (2017), Experimental investigation of correction factor for VIV amplitude of flexible bridges from an aeroelastic model and its 1:1 section model, Engineering Structures, Vol 141: 263-271. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2017.03.023,
[45]. Wang WX, Hua XG*, Wang XY, Chen ZQ, Song GB (2017), Optimum design of a novel pounding tuned mass damper under harmonic excitation, Smart Materials and Structures, 2017, 26(5):055024
[46]. Wang WX, Hua XG, Wang XY (2017), Advanced impact force model for pounding between viscoelastic materials and steel, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2017, 143(12):04017139
[47] Hua XG*, Wen Q, Ni YQ and Chen ZQ, Assessment of stochastically updated finite element models using reliability indicator, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 82(1): 217-229
[48] Wen Q, Hua XG*, Chen ZQ et al. (2017), Modal parameter identification of a long-span footbridge by forced vibration experiments, Advances in Structural Engineering, 20(6): 661-673
[49]. Wen YK, Chen ZQ, Hua XG, (2017), Design and evaluation of tuned viscous mass dampers for the seismic control of MDOF structures, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 143(4):04016207
[50]. Chen B*, Zhang LL, Hua XG, Basu B., Nielsen SRK (2017),Online identification of aerodynamic damping in wind turbines using time-frequency analysis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 91:198-214.
[51]. Guirong Yan, Chen Fang, Ruoqiang Feng, Xugang Hua and Yi Zhao (2017), “Detection of member vverall buckling in civil space grid structures based on deviation in strain along the member,” Engineering Structures, 2017, 131, 599-613.
[52] Wen Q, Hua XG*, Chen ZQ et al.(2016), Control of human-induced vibrations of a curved cable-stayed bridge: design, implementation and field validation, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2016, 21(7): 0401608
[53] Hua, XG*, Chen ZQ, Chen Wen (2015), Investigation on the effect of vibration frequency on vortex-induced vibrations by section model tests, Wind and Structures,
[54] Hua XG*, Chen, Z.Q., Yang J.B., Niu H.W., and Chen B. (2014),Turbulence Integral Scale Corrections to Experimental Results of Aeroelastic Models with Large Geometric Scales: Application to Gust Loading Factor of a Transmission Line Tower, Advances in Structural Engineering,
[55] Hua XG*, Ni Y. Q., Chen Z.Q., He X. H. (2012), Monte Carlo study of effect of measurement noise in finite element model updating with regularization, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 138(1): 71-81
[56] Chen ZQ, Liu MG, Hua XG, and Mou TM (2012), Flutter, galloping and vortex-induced vibrations of H-section hangers, Journal of Bridge Engineering, 17(3): 500-
[57] He XH*, Hua XG, Chen ZQ, and Huang, FL. (2010), EMD-based random decrement technique for modal parameter identification of an existing railway bridge, Engineering Structures, 33(4): 1348-1356
[58] Hua XG*, Ni YQ, and Ko JM (2009), Adaptive regularization parameter optimization in output-error-based finite element model updating. Mechanical System and Signal Processing, 23(3): 563-579
[59] Hua XG*, Ni YQ, Chen ZQ, and Ko JM. (2009), Structural damage detection of cable-stayed bridges using changes in cable forces and model updating. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 135(9): 1093-1106.
[60] Hua XG*, Ni YQ, Chen ZQ, and Ko JM. (2008), An improved perturbation method for stochastic finite element model updating. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 73(13): 1845-1864
[61] Hua XG*, and Chen ZQ (2008), Full-order and multimode flutter analysis using ANSYS. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 44(9),
[62] Hua XG*, Ni YQ, Ko JM, and Wong KY, Modelling of temperature-frequency correlation using combined principal component analysis and support vector regression technique, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 21(2): 122-135
[63] Ni YQ, Hua XG*, Wong KY, and Ko JM. Assessment of bridge expansion joints using long-term displacement and temperature measurement. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 21(2): 143-151
[64]. Hua XG, Chen ZQ, Ni YQ, and Ko JM. (2007), Flutter analysis of long-span bridges using ANSYS. Wind and Structures, 10(1), 61-82
[65] Hua XG, Ni YQ, Ko JM, and Wong KY. (2007), Modeling of temperature-frequency correlation using combined principal component analysis and support vector regression technique. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 21(2), 122-13
[66] Ni YQ, Hua XG, Fan KQ, and Ko JM (2005), Correlating modal properties with temperature using long-term monitoring data and support vector machine technique. Engineering Structures, 27(12), 1762-1773
华旭刚,陈政清,杨靖波等(2010),大缩尺比气弹模型风洞试验紊流积分尺度修正,建筑结构学报,(10), 55-61
华旭刚,陈政清(2007). 基于ANSYS的桥梁全模态颤振频域分析方法,中国公路学报,20(5): 41-47.
华旭刚,陈政清(2002). 桥梁风致颤振临界状态的全域自动搜索法,工程力学,19(2):68-72.