华泰立(Terence Hwa),男,出生于中国,理论生物物理学家,美国国家科学院院士,加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校物理学系及生物物理中心教授。
1986年6月,从斯坦福大学(Stanford University)毕业,获得物理、生物学和电气工程学士学位。
1990年6月,从麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)毕业,获得物理学博士学位。
1990年9月—1993年8月,在哈佛大学(Harvard University)物理系从事博士后(Post-doctoral Fellow)研究工作。
1993年9月—1994年8月,担任普林斯顿高等研究院(Institute for Advanced Study)长期会员。
1994年8月—1995年6月,担任石溪大学(University of Stony Brook)物理系助理教授。
1999年1月—1999年12月,担任洛克菲勒大学(Rockefeller University)物理与生物学研究中心客座教授。
2008年11月—2013年12月,担任香港大学特聘客座教授(Distinguished Visiting Professor)。
2014年1月—2015年8月,担任苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)理论研究所高级研究员。
2014年7月,担任加州大学圣地亚哥分校校长讲座教授(Presidential Chair Professor)。
2015年7月,担任加州大学圣地亚哥分校定量生物学研究生项目(Quantitative Biology Graduate Program)主任。
2018年7月,担任加州大学圣地亚哥分校特聘教授(Distinguished Professor)。
Guessous, G., Patsalo, V., Balakrishnan, R., Çağlar, T., Williamson, J. R., & Hwa, T. (2023). Inherited chitinases enable sustained growth and rapid dispersal of bacteria from chitin particles [J]. Nature Microbiology, 1-11.
Mori, M., Cheng, C., Taylor, B. R., Okano, H., & Hwa, T. (2023). Functional Decomposition of Metabolism allows a system-level quantification of fluxes and protein allocation towards specific metabolic functions [J]. Nature Communications, 14(1), 4161.
Amarnath, K., Narla, A. V., Pontrelli, S., Dong, J., Reddan, J., Taylor, B. R., ... & Hwa, T. (2023). Stress-induced metabolic exchanges between complementary bacterial types underly a dynamic mechanism of inter-species stress resistance [J]. Nature Communications, 14(1), 3165.
Wu, C., Mori, M., Abele, M., Banaei-Esfahani, A., Zhang, Z., Okano, H., ... & Hwa, T. (2023). Enzyme expression kinetics by Escherichia coli during transition from rich to minimal media depends on proteome reserves [J]. Nature Microbiology, 8(2), 347-359.
Scott, M., & Hwa, T. (2023). Shaping bacterial gene expression by physiological and proteome allocation constraints [J]. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 21(5), 327-342.
Balakrishnan, R., Mori, M., Segota, I., Zhang, Z., Aebersold, R., Ludwig, C., & Hwa, T. (2022). Principles of gene regulation quantitatively connect DNA to RNA and proteins in bacteria [J]. Science, 378(6624), eabk2066.
Nguyen, T. T., Zakem, E. J., Ebrahimi, A., Schwartzman, J., Caglar, T., Amarnath, K., ... & Levine, N. M. (2022). Microbes contribute to setting the ocean carbon flux by altering the fate of sinking particulates [J]. Nature communications, 13(1), 1657.
Basan, M., Honda, T., Christodoulou, D., Hörl, M., Chang, Y. F., Leoncini, E., ... & Sauer, U. (2020). A universal trade-off between growth and lag in fluctuating environments [J]. Nature, 584(7821), 470-474.
Zheng, H., Bai, Y., Jiang, M., Tokuyasu, T. A., Huang, X., Zhong, F., ... & Liu, C. (2020). General quantitative relations linking cell growth and the cell cycle in Escherichia coli [J]. Nature Microbiology, 5(8), 995-1001.
Okano, H., Hermsen, R., Kochanowski, K., & Hwa, T. (2020). Regulation underlying hierarchical and simultaneous utilization of carbon substrates by flux sensors in Escherichia coli [J]. Nature microbiology, 5(1), 206-215.
Liu, W., Cremer, J., Li, D., Hwa, T., & Liu, C. (2019). An evolutionarily stable strategy to colonize spatially extended habitats [J]. Nature, 575(7784), 664-668.
Zhu, M., Mori, M., Hwa, T., & Dai, X. (2019). Disruption of transcription–translation coordination in Escherichia coli leads to premature transcriptional termination [J]. Nature microbiology, 4(12), 2347-2356.
Erickson, D. W., Schink, S. J., Patsalo, V., Williamson, J. R., Gerland, U., & Hwa, T. (2017). A global resource allocation strategy governs growth transition kinetics of Escherichia coli [J]. Nature, 551(7678), 119-123.
Mori, M., Schink, S., Erickson, D. W., Gerland, U., & Hwa, T. (2017). Quantifying the benefit of a proteome reserve in fluctuating environments [J]. Nature communications, 8(1), 1225.
Cremer, J., Arnoldini, M., & Hwa, T. (2017). Effect of water flow and chemical environment on microbiota growth and composition in the human colon [J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(25), 6438-6443.
Dai, X., Zhu, M., Warren, M., Balakrishnan, R., Patsalo, V., Okano, H., ... & Hwa, T. (2016). Reduction of translating ribosomes enables Escherichia coli to maintain elongation rates during slow growth [J]. Nature microbiology, 2(2), 1-9.
Basan, M., Hui, S., Okano, H., Zhang, Z., Shen, Y., Williamson, J. R., & Hwa, T. (2015). Overflow metabolism in Escherichia coli results from efficient proteome allocation [J]. Nature, 528(7580), 99-104.
You, C., Okano, H., Hui, S., Zhang, Z., Kim, M., Gunderson, C. W., ... & Hwa, T. (2013). Coordination of bacterial proteome with metabolism by cyclic AMP signalling [J]. Nature, 500(7462), 301-306.
Deris, J. B., Kim, M., Zhang, Z., Okano, H., Hermsen, R., Groisman, A., & Hwa, T. (2013). The innate growth bistability and fitness landscapes of antibiotic-resistant bacteria [J]. Science, 342(6162), 1237435.
Liu, C., Fu, X., Liu, L., Ren, X., Chau, C. K., Li, S., ... & Huang, J. D. (2011). Sequential establishment of stripe patterns in an expanding cell population [J]. Science, 334(6053), 238-241.
Scott, M., Gunderson, C. W., Mateescu, E. M., Zhang, Z., & Hwa, T. (2010). Interdependence of cell growth and gene expression: origins and consequences [J]. Science, 330(6007), 1099-1102.
Hwa, T. (1999). From vortices to genomics [J]. Nature, 399(6731), 17-18.
华泰立是跨学科研究的倡导者(Hwa is a champion of interdisciplinary research)。(美国物理学会评)
华泰立在本科生期间在物理学方面取得了杰出成就(for outstanding achievements in Physics by undergrads)。(物理职业资源网评)