1997.09-2001.08, 中国科学院昆明动物研究所博士研究生
1988.09-1991.02, 中国科学院昆明动物研究所硕士研究生
1984.09-1988.07, 河南师范大学生物系学士
2008.12- 黄山学院生命与环境科学学院,院长,教授
2004.10-2008.11 黄山学院生命与环境科学学院,副研究员
2002.02-2004.09 中国科学院成都生物研究所两栖爬行动物研究室副研究员
1996.02-2002.02 中国科学院昆明动物研究所脊椎动物研究室助理研究员
1991.02-1996.02 云南信通科技实业总公司天然产物研究所副所长,助理研究员
动物系统发育与亲缘地理Phylogenetics and Biogeography
保护生物学Conservation Biology
香港海洋公园保护基金项目“Restoring a wild population of Chinese Alligators at Wuchang Lake, Anhui Province, China” (2016-2018)。
香港海洋公园保护基金项目“Survey and evaluation of the wild chinese alligators in dongtan wetland Park, Chongming Island” (2014-2015)。
1.Lifang PENG#, Lijun WANG#, Li DING4 Yiwu ZHU, Jian LUO, Diancheng YANG, Ruyi HUANG, Shunqing LU* and Song HUANG*2018. A new species of the genus SinomicrurusSlowinski, Boundy& Lawson, 2001 (Squamata: Elapidae) from Hainan Province, China. Asian Herpetological Research (in press)
2.Lu, S., S.G. Platt, B. Liu, W. Yuelong, W. Kongming, and Z. Hong. 2015. Assessing potential reintroduction sites for Chinese alligators in Anhui Province, China. Crocodile Specialist Group Newsletter 34(2):29-34.
3.Lu Shunqing, Jiang Hongxing, Wang Caolin, Zhang Fang,Liu Bin, and Steven G. Platt, 2014. Evaluating Potential Reintroduction Sites for the Critically Endangered Chinese Alligator in the Yangtze River Valley. Pp 89-96. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group – IUCN – The World Conservation Union, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge UK.
4.Lu, S., Platt, S.G., Yin, Q., Liu, R., and Yu, F. 2014. Preliminary results of a Chinese alligator survey in Dongtan Wetland Park, Shanghai Province, China. Crocodile Specialist Group Newsletter 33(2):17-20.
5.Kuchling, Gerald, Dingqi Rao and Shunqing Lu. 2013. In search of China's last Giant Softshell Turtles (Rafetus swinhoei). Turtle Survival. 2013: 44.
6.Kuchling, Gerald, Dingqi Rao and Shunqing Lu. 2012. Rescuing the Giant Yangtze and Red River Softshell Turtle (Rafetus swinhoei). Turtle Survival. 2012: 44-45.
7.C. Blair, C. Davy, A. Ngo, N. Orlov, H. Shi, S. Lu, L. Gao, D. Rao, and R. Murphy, 2012. Genealogy and Demographic History of a Widespread Amphibian throughout Indochina. Journal of Heredity, doi:10.1093/jhered/ess079 (online).
8.侯勉,李丕鹏,吕顺清,2012. 蝾螈属形态学研究进展及四隐存居群地位的初步确定。黄山学院学报,14(3):61-65.
9.袁智勇,蒋柯,吕顺清,杨军校,NGUYEN Quang Truong, NGUYEN Thien Tao, 金洁琼, 车静, 2011. 基于线粒体基因对细痣疣螈种组系统发育关系的探讨及物种修订建议(英文).动物学研究, 2011 Vol. 32 (6): 577-584.
10.Lu Shunqing, Pang Junfeng, Yang Datong, Zhang Yaping, 2010. Taxonomic status of the spot-legged treefrog in southernYunnan, inferred from Mitochondrial DNA sequences. Asian Herpetological Research, Vol. 1, No. 2: 86-89.
11.Chen Q-L, X-S Tang, W-J Yao, S-Q Lu, 2009. Bioinformatics Analysis the Complete Sequences of Cytochrome b of Takydromus sylvaticus and Modeling the Tertiary Structure of Encoded Protein. International Journal of Biological Sciences 2009; 5(6): 596-602. (通讯作者)
12.侯勉, 周卓诚, 李丕鹏, 吕顺清, 2009. 秉螈Pingia granulosus的重新发现及新模描述. 四川动物, 28(1): 15-18. (通讯作者)
13.Yu F. R., Lu S., F. H. Yu, J. N. Shi, P. M. McGuire and R. Wang, 2008. Cytotoxic activity of an octadecenoic acid extract from Euphorbia kansui (Euphorbiaceae) on human tumour cell strains. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 60: 253–259. (共同第一作者)
14.黄松, 吕顺清, 2007. 尖吻蝮(Deinagkistrodon acutus)退化肺的解剖位置再探讨. 黄山学院学报, 9(5): 69-70.
15.Tang X., S. Lu, and W. Chou, 2007. Description of Male Takydromus sylvaticus (Squamata: Lacertidae) from China, with Notes on Sexual Dimorphism and a Revision of the Morphological Diagnosis of the Species. Zoological Science, 24: 496–503.
16.Yu F. R., Lu S., F. H. Yu, S. Feng, P. M. McGuire, R. Li, and R. Wang, 2006. Protective effects of polysaccharide from Euphorbia kansui (Euphorbiaceae) on the swimming exercise-induced oxidative stress in mice. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 84: 1071-1079. (共同第一作者)
17.Lu S., J. Pang, and D. Yang, 2006. Morphological Phylogeny of the Water Snake Subfamily Homalopsinae (Serpent: Colubridae). Zoological Research, 27(4): 363-366.
18.P. Guo, S. Lu, S. Huang, H. Zhao, E. Zhao, 2006. Hemipenial morphology of five Asian pitvipers, with a discussion on their taxonomy. Amphibia-Reptilia 27 (2): 19-23.
19.F. R. Yu, F. H. Yu, J Pang, W. Kilpatrick, P. McGuire, Y. Wang, S. Lu, and C. Woods. 2006. Phylogeny and biogeography of the Petaurista philippensis complex (Rodentia: Sciuridae), inter- and intraspecific relationships inferred from molecular and morphometric analysis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 38 (2) 755–766.
20.李丕鹏, 陆宇燕, 吕顺清. 2006. 凹耳蛙的分类地位及蛙亚科一新属. 四川动物,25(2): 206-209.
21.陈启龙,唐鑫生,吕顺清. 2005. 凹耳蛙SOX基因的PCR- SSCP 分析. 黄山学院学报,7(6):76-78.
22.吕顺清, 王力军, 史海涛, 2005. 海南岛蜥蜴类多样性. 四川动物, 成都, 24(3): 312-314.
23.赵文阁, 饶定齐, 吕顺清, 董丙君, 2005. 西藏两栖爬行动物考察2:墨脱. 四川动物, 成都, 24(3): 250-253.
24.F. H. Yu, F. R. Yu, P. McGuire, W. Kilpatrick, J. Pang, Y. Wang, S. Lu, and C. Woods. 2004. Molecular phylogeny of woolly flying squirrel (Rodentia: Sciuridae) inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 33 (2004) 735–744.
25.S. Lu, Z. Yuan, J. Pang, D. Yang, F. Yu, P. McGuire, F. Xie, Y. Zhang, 2004. Molecular Phylogeny of the Genus Paramesotriton (Caudata: Salamandridae). Biochemical Genetics, Vol. 42, Nos. 5/6: 139-148.
26.刘少龙, 王力军, 吕顺清, 赵蕙, 车静, 吴贯夫, 2004. 小树蛙属一新种及海南冬季两起爬行动物考察. 四川动物, 成都, 23 (3): 202-206.
27.王力军, 洪美玲, 汪继超, 吕顺清, 史海涛, 2004. 海南省黎母山自然保护区两栖动物多样性及区系分析. 动物学杂志, 北京, 39 (6): 54-57.
28.吕顺清 杨大同,2002. 蝾螈科动物研究进展及我国属种检索. 四川动物21(3): 189-196.
29.睢鑫 吕顺清 杨大同, 2002. 我国蜥蜴类动物地理区划的聚类研究. 河南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 30(2): 102-104.
30.睢鑫 吕顺清 杨大同, 2002. 我国蛇类动物地理区划的聚类研究. 平原大学学报, 19(2): 78-79.
31.周继亮, 黄美华, 杨大同, 吕顺清, 张亚平. 2000. 蝰科(Viperidae)蝮亚科(Crotalinae)线粒体12S rRNA基因序列分化. 遗传学报27(4): 283-289.
32.吕顺清,杨大同. 1998. 我国澜沧江流域两栖类物种多样性及人文因素对其的影响. (见:中国动物学会编《中国动物科学研究》,中国林业出版社,461-466.)
33.赖仞,叶文娟,冉永禄,吕顺清,杨大同. 1998. 大蹼铃蟾皮肤抗菌肽的分离及其性质. 动物学研究, 19(4): 257-262.
34.杨健武,张汉云,张风雷,吕顺清. 1996. 安泰强身液临床观察报告. 云南中医学院学报, 19(2):10-12.
35.张汉云,杨健武,张风雷,吕顺清. 1995. 强身益寿液的毒理学评价. 云南中医杂志, 16(1): 11-15.
36.张汉云,杨健武,张风雷,吕顺清. 1995. 强身益寿液的免疫及抗衰老作用实验研究. 云南中医杂志, 16(1): 15-19.
37.杨健武,张汉云,张风雷,吕顺清. 1995. 玄驹美髯定志汤抗衰老及治疗痹病疗效小结. 云南中医杂志, 16(1): 20-21.
38.Lu S. & D. Yang, 1995a. A study on morphological similarity between the genera Nanorana and Altirana ( Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae). Asiat. Herpetol. Res., Berkeley, 6: 69-72.
39.Lu S. & D. Yang, 1995b. A study of relationships among ranid frogs of the genera Nanorana and Altirana in the Transhimalaya Mountains of China. Asiat. Herpetol. Res., Berkeley, 6: 73-77.
1.吕顺清. 2011. 有鳞目·蜥蜴亚目. (见:史海涛等主编,2011. 《海南两栖爬行动物志》,科学出版社.)
2.Lu Shunqing, Huang Song, 2009. Reptiles and amphibians. (see: Leeanne E. Alonso, Liu Shaoying, Shen Xiaoli, and Jennifer McCullough (editors). 2009. A Rapid Biological Assessment of three sites in the Mountains of Southwest China Hotspot, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 52. Conservation International, Arlington, VA, USA.)
3.吕顺清,遇宝成. 2009. 两栖动物资源状况. (见:国家林业局主编,2009. 《中国重点陆生野生动物资源调查》. 中国林业出版社. )
4.吕顺清(编委及摄影),2008,中国毒蛇及蛇伤救治(蓝海,陈远聪主编). 上海科学技术出版社.
5.杨大同, 饶定齐, 利思敏, 吕顺清, 刘万兆, 2008. 云南两栖爬行动物. 云南科技出版社, 昆明.
6.吕顺清(编委及摄影),2000. 中国云南野生动物(中文版及英文版). 中国林业出版社.
7.吕顺清,2000. 生物多样性的危机. (见:R. Primack和季维智主编《保护生物学基础》,中国林业出版社,47-93.)
8.吕顺清. 2000. 蛇的养殖及利用. (见:丁光主编《名特优动物养殖新技术》,云南科技出版社,94-114.)
9.杨大同(主编),利思敏,刘万兆,吕顺清. 1991. 云南两栖类志. 中国林业出版社.
1.吕顺清. 2000. “第四届亚洲两栖爬行动物学会议”在成都举行. 动物学研究, 21(4): 296.
2.杨大同,吕顺清. 1996. 首届海峡两岸动物生态学学术研讨会简介. 动物学研究, 17(3): 238.
1.吕顺清, 2012. 野放之路. 人与生物圈,2012(5):66-67.
2.吕顺清,2009. 斑鳖. 森林与人类,2009(8):76-85.
3.吕顺清, 2008a. 斑鳖拯救之路的一线曙光. 大自然, 2008(1): 14-15.
4.吕顺清, 2008b. “华裔美鳄”回乡相亲. 新探索QUO, 2008(3): 84.
5.吕顺清,2008c. 川西两栖爬行动物RAP行动。大自然, 2008(6):4-7.
6.尹飒,吕顺清. 2007. 迷你雷达凹耳蛙. 小哥白尼(野生动物画报),2007(10):30-31.
7.吕顺清, 2007a. 中国林蛙. 科学世界, 2007(6): 28.
8.吕顺清, 2007b. 凹耳蛙. 科学世界, 2007(6): 38.
9.吕顺清, 2007c. 扬子鳄. 科学世界, 2007(6): 43.
10.吕顺清, 2007d. 莽山烙铁头. 科学世界, 2007(6): 50.
11.吕顺清, 2007e. 斑鳖. 科学世界, 2007(6): 52.
12.吕顺清, 2006a. 蛇国漫游. 大自然探索2006 (11): 48-51.
13.吕顺清, 2006b. 如果在野外邂逅蛇. 大自然探索2006 (11): 52.
14.吕顺清, 2004. 响尾蛇是独行侠吗? 大自然探索2004 (10): 34-35.
15.吕顺清, 2002a. 百万青蛙大合唱. 大自然探索2002 (11): 30-32.
16.吕顺清, 2002b. 双头蛇. 大自然探索2002 (10): 25-26.