周志钦 西南大学教授、博士、博士生导师、中国科学院植物研究所博士后、荷兰瓦赫宁根农业大学访问学者。
博士学位。2002年4月 - 2007年6月在中国科学院植物研究洪德元院士指导下开展
博士后研究。 1998年9月 - 1999年8月荷兰瓦赫宁根农业大学访问学者。2005年9月被聘为
植物生产类专业教学指导委员会委员(2013-2017),中国农业科学院杰出人才计划二级(柑橘)学科带头人(2006-2014),全国农业推广硕士专业学位教育指导委员会成员。重庆市园艺学会副理事长(2009 – 2013),重庆市植物学会副理事长(2008 -)、风景园林学会副理事长(2009 -),
[1] Ying Yang, Xi Juan Zhao, Yu Pan and Zhiqin Zhou*, Identification of the chemical compositions of Ponkan peel by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of flight mass spectrometry. Analytical Methods. c5ay02633d
[2] Zhuo Zou , Wanpeng Xi , Yan Hu, Chao Nie , Zhiqin Zhou,Antioxidant activity of Citrus fruits.Food Chemistry 196 (2016) 885–896
[3]Xiaogang Liu , Yan Luo, Hongkun Wu, Wanpeng Xi , Jie Yu, Qiuyun Zhang, Zhiqin Zhou, Systematic analysis of O-methyltransferase gene family and identification of potential members involved in the formationof O-methylated flavonoids in Citrus.Gene 575 (2016) 458–472
[4] Dali Sun, Junxiao Pang, Bining Jiao, Qiyang Zhao, Zhiqin Zhou, Multiresidue method for the simultaneous determination of 16 acaricides by modified quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe extraction and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry in citrus.J. Sep. Sci. 2015,00, 1–7
[5] Si Tan , Xin Guan, Christoph Grün , Zhiqin Zhou , Ute Schepers , Peter Nick, Gallic acid inducesmitotic catastrophe and inhibits centrosomal clustering in HeLa cells.Toxicology in Vitro xxx (2015) xxx–xxx
[6]Xiaogang Liu . Liang Tang . Hongkun Wu .Wanpeng Xi . Jie Yu . Zhiqin Zhou, Development of DArT markers and evaluation of phylogenetic relationship of key Citrus species. Genet Resour Crop Evol DOI 10.1007/s10722-015-0319-2
[7] Zunli Ke, Yupan, Xiaodan Xu, Chao Nie, Zhiqin Zhou, Citrus Flavonoids and Human Cancers Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 5, 341-351
[8] Wanpeng Xi, Ligai Li, Dong Jiang, Bining Jiao, Zhiqin Zhou,Variation Patterns of the Volatile Compounds in Flowers of Chinese Native Citrus Species and Their Taxonomic Implications Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 4, 235-245
[9] Hua Zhang , Wanpeng Xi , Yifei Yang , Xingyu Zhou , Xin Liu , Shanshan Yin ,Jinmei Zhang , Zhiqin Zhou , An on-line HPLC-FRSD system for rapid evaluation of the totalantioxidant capacity of Citrus fruits,Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 622–629
[10] Li Jing Zhentian Lei Guiwei Zhang Alan Cesar Pilon David V. Huhman Rangjin Xie Wanpeng Xi Zhiqin Zhou Lloyd W. Sumner, Metabolite profiles of essential oils in citrus peels and their taxonomic implications, Metabolomics, DOI 10.1007/s11306-014-0751-x
[11] Zhang YM, Xi WP, Sun JY, Shen Y, Qiao LP, Zhong LZ, Ye XQ,Zhou ZQ. Phenolic compositions and antioxidant capacities of Chinese wild mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) fruits. Food Chemistry, 2014, 145(1):674-680.(IF=3.334)
[12] Xi WP , Zhang YM, Sun, YJ, Shen Y, Ye XQ, &Zhou ZQ. Phenolic composition of Chinese wild mandarin (Citrus reticulata Balnco.) pulps and their antioxidant properties. Industrial Crops and Products, 2014,52(1): 466-474.(IF=2.468)
[13] Jing L, Lei ZT, Li LG, Xie RJ, Xi, WP, Guan Y, Lloyd W. Sumner &Zhou ZQ. Antifungal activity of citrus essential oils: A review. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62 (14):3011–3033.(IF=2.91)
[14] Tang L, Tan S, Jing L, Li MX., Ma X, &Zhou ZQ.New insights into the hybrid origin of Malus toringoides and its close relatives based on a single‐copy nuclear gene SbeI and three chloroplast fragments. Journal of Systematics and Evolution,2014, 52(4):477–486.(IF=1.851)
[15] Tan S, Li.MX, Ding XB, Fan SJ, Guo L, Gu M, Zhang Y, Feng L, Jiang D, Li YM, Xi WP, Huang C,Zhou ZQ.Effects of Fortunella margarita Fruit Extract on Metabolic Disorders in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese C57BL/6 Mice. PloS ONE, 2014,9(4): e93510.(IF=3.73)
[16] Xi, WP, Fang B, Zhao QY, Jiao BN, &Zhou ZQ.Flavonoid composition and antioxidant activities of Chinese local pummelo (< i> Citrus grandis Osbeck.) varieties. Food Chemistry 2014, 161: 230-238.(IF=3.334).
[17] Ding XB,Zhou ZQ.Extracts of Pomelo Peels Prevent High-Fat Diet-Induced Metabolic Disorders in C57BL/6 Mice through Activating the PPARα and GLUT4 Pathway. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(10): e77915.(IF=3.77)
[18] Jing L,Zhou ZQ. Preventive and ameliorating effects of citrus d-limonene on dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia in mice with high-fat diet-induced obesity. European Journal of Pharmacology, 2013, 715(1–3):46-55.(IF=2.592)
[19] Lu Y,Zhou ZQ Citrange Fruit Extracts Alleviate Obesity-Associated Metabolic Disorder in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese C57BL/6 Mouse. International Journal of Molecular Sciences ,2013,14(12): 23736-23750.(IF=2.464)
[20] Tang L, Tang JM., Tan S, Li J, Ma X, &Zhou ZQ. ITS sequence variation and concerted evolution in the natural hybrid species Malus toringoides. Nordic Journal of Botany. (2013).(IF=0.595)
[21] Shen LQ, Du XL, Su Q, Li MX, andZhou ZQ. Cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the kinase domain of AtMAP4Kalpha2 from Arabidopsis thaliana. Acta Crystallographica Section F, 2013,69:788-791. (IF=0.552)
[22] Zhang H, Xi WP,Zhou ZQ,Wang HL and Bai ZC. Bioactivities and structure of polymethoxylated flavones in citrus. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2013,11(2): 237-242.(IF=0.435)
[23] Lu Y, Xi WP, Ding XB, Fan SJ, Zhang Y, Jiang D, Li YM, Huang C,Zhou ZQ. Citrange Fruit Extracts Alleviate Obesity-Associated Metabolic Disorder in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese C57BL/6 Mouse. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2013,14(12): 23736-23750.(IF=2.464)
[24] 周志钦著《
柑橘果品营养学》,科学出版社,北京,2012年(6月),1- 306
[25]靖丽,周志钦.论果品营养学,果树学报, 2011,28(1):114-123.