Chapter I General Survey of International Trade(国际贸易概要)
1.1 What Is Intemational Trade?(何谓国际贸易?)
1.2 Intemational Business and International Trade(国际商务与国际贸易)
1.3 H0w Did Intemational Trade Start?(国际贸易的起源)
1.4 The Benefits,Structure 0f,and Reasons for Intemational Trade(国际贸易的优点、结构和原因)
1.4.1 The Benefits of International Trade(国际贸易的优点)
1.4.2 The Structure 0f International Trade(国际贸易的结构)
1.4.3 The Reasons for International trade(国际贸易的原因)
1.5 Intemational Trade in the Framework of the World Economy(国际贸易在世界经济框架中的地位)
1.6 Balance 0f Payments(国际收支)
1.7 Intemational Trade Theories(国际贸易理论)
1.7.1 Mercantilism(重商主义)
1.7.2 Theory 0f AbSOlute Advantage(
1.7.3 Theory 0f C0mparative Advantages(比较优势理论)
1.7.4 New Theories(新理论)
1.8 Intemational Trade and the World Trade Organization(WTO)(国际贸易与
1.8.1 GATF and WTO(关税和贸易总协定与世界贸易组织)
1.8.2 Differences Between GATT and WTO(关贸总协定与世界贸易组织的区别)
1.8.3 China and WTO(中国与世界贸易组织)
1.9 Free Trade Area and Free Trade Zone(自由贸易地区与自由贸易地带)
1.9.1 Free Trade Area(自由贸易地区)
1.9.2 Free Trade Zone(自由贸易地带)
1.10 The Triad(三足鼎立)
1.10.1 The NAFTA(北美自由贸易协定)
1.10.2 111e EU(欧盟)
1.10.3 Japan(日本)
1.1 1 Intemational Trade Barriers(国际贸易壁垒)
1.1 1.1 The Reasons for Trade Barriers(贸易壁垒的原因)
1.1 1.2 Commonly-used Barriers(常用壁垒方式)
1.1 1.3 Tariffs(关税)
1.1 1.4 Non-tarift Barriers(
1.12 Globalization(全球化)
Opportunities for careers in International Business have increased tremendously especially since China joined the World Trade Organization. As a result, the need for current knowledge about international business practice and terminology is crucial. Although there are many reference books available, some are published abroad and therefore can be very difficult to understand, while those published in China lack the necessary international business terminology and expressions in English. A Series of New Century International Business, edited by Professor WENG Fengxiang, solves these problems. The series consists of four books written in simple English, but it also includes explanations of the more difficult
points written in Chinese. Readers are sure to benefit from his explanations of English international business expressions. Professor WENG makes a great contribution to the teaching and learning of international business.
Professor WENG Fengxiang, having worked as a consultant for international companies, is very experienced in current international business practice. Currently, he is an Associate Professor of International Business at Shanghai Maritime University. As well as teaching International Business English, Professor WENG also teaches International Trade and International Payments. As a leading expert in his discipline, Professor WENG is among the supervisors of International Business Translation postgraduates. Having conducted academic research in the UK, he has been invited to be a Guest Professor at the Business
School of University of Central England, Birmingham.
Professor WENG is the author of a number of books on International Business English. Changes in international business happen quickly, and keeping up with international issues and their impact on international business can be difficult. The series addresses both the instructors' and the students' needs for current information. I highly recommend the series to the International Business and Business English learners.
Han Zhonghua (韩忠华)
Professor of English & Translation
Shanghai Maritime University
January 28, 2004