夏玉先,1964年生,重庆大学生命科学学院教授(二级)、博士生导师、生物学一级学科博士点学术带头人、教育部“新世纪优秀人才”、重庆市百名杰出科技领军人才、重庆市微生物学科带头人、《中国生物防治学报》副主编、农业农村部专家指导委员会委员、国家标准委员会生物农药分委会副秘书长。 现任重庆大学基因工程研究中心主任、重庆市“杀虫真菌农药工程技术研究中心”主任、重庆市功能基因与调控技术重点实验室主任。主要从事杀虫真菌农药研制相关的基础研究和应用技术研究。先后主持国家级和省部级科研、中试和产业化项目20多项;主持完成的研究成果获2009年度重庆市技术发明一等奖和2010年获中国侨界贡献奖(创新成果),获得国家发明专利20项。以第一或通讯作者在PLoS Genetics, Environmental Microbiology, Microbiology-SGM, BMC Genomics,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology等著名学术刊物发表SCI收录论文60多篇;获得国家发明专利20项。
1997-2000 英国Bath大学 获博士学位(英国海外研究学生奖学金)
1996-1997 英国Bath大学访问学者(中英友好奖学金)
1991-1997 西南大学 历任助教、讲师、副教授
2000-至今 重庆大学 教授
【1】Zhang E。 , Cao Y., Xia Y。 Ethanol dehydrogenase I contributes to growth and sporulation under low oxygen condition via detoxification of
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【2】Li G., Fan A., Peng G., Keyhani NO., Xin J., Cao Y. Xia Y,A bifunctional catalase-peroxidase, MakatG1, contributes to virulence of
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【3】Zhang W, Chen J, Keyhani NO, Jin K, Wei Q, Xia Y,Central Nervous System Responses of the Oriental migratory, Locusta migratoria manilensis,
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【5】Hong M.,Peng G., Keyhani NO, Xia Y.Application of the entomogenous fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae, for leafroller (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis)
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【8】 Wang ZL, Jin K, Xia YX. Transcriptional analysis of the conidiation pattern shift of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium acridum in
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【9】 Zhang W., Wanchoo A., Ortiz-Urquiza., Yuxian Xia, and Nemat O. Keyhani. Tissue, developmental, and caste-specific expression of
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【10】 Jin K, Peng GX, Liu YC, Xia YX. The acid trehalase, ATM1, contributes to the in vivo growth and virulence of the entomopathogenic fungus,
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【11】 Ma QS, Jin K, Peng GX, Xia YX. An ENA ATPase, MaENA1, of Metarhizium acridum influences the Nai+-, thermo- and UV-tolerances of conidia and
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【12】 Peng GX, Jin K, Liu YC, Xia YX. Enhancing the utilization of host trehalose by fungal trehalase improves the virulence of fungal
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【13】 Zhang W, Chen J, Keyhani NO, Zhang Z, Li S, Xia Y. Comparative transcriptomic analysis of immune responses of the migratory locust, Locusta
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【14】 Ming Y, Wei QL, Jin K, Xia YX. MaSnf1, a sucrose non-fermenting protein kinase gene, is involved in carbon source utilization, stress
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【15】 Cao Y., Du M., Luo S., Xia Y. Calcineurin modulates growth, stress tolerance, and virulence in Metarhizium acridum and its regulatory
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【16】 Zhang W., Xia Y. ER type I signal peptidase subunit (LmSPC1) is essential for the survival of Locusta migratoria manilensis and
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【17】 Jin K, Han LR, and Xia YX. MaMk1, a FUS3/KSS1-type mitogen-activated protein kinase gene, is required for appressorium formation, and
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【18】 Luo S., He M, Cao Y, Xia Y. The tetraspanin gene MaPls1 contributes to virulence by affecting germination, appressorial function and
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【19】 Jin K, Ming Y, and Xia YX. MaHog1, a Hog1-type mitogen-activated protein kinase gene, contributes to stress tolerance and virulence of the
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【20】 Cao Y., Zhu X., Jiao R., Xia Y. The Magas1 gene is involved in pathogenesis by affecting penetration in Metarhizium acridum. Journal of
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【21】 Cao Y., Jiao R., Xia Y. A strong promoter, PMagpd, provides a tool for high gene expression in entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium acridum.
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【22】 Gao Q, Jin K, Ying S, Zhang Y, Xiao G, Shang Y, Duan Z, Hu X, Xie X, Zhou G, Peng G, Luo Z, Huang W, Wang B, Fang W, Wang S, Zhong Y, Ma L,
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【23】 Jin K, Zheng X, Xia Y. Gene expression profiling via multigene concatemers. PLoS One. 2011, 6:e15711.
【24】 Cao Y., Li M., Xia Y. Mapmi contributes to growth, stress tolerance and virulence of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium acridum, J.
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【25】 Cao Y., Li K., Xia Y. Down-regulation of the pre-rRNA processing gene Mamrd1 decreases growth and virulence in the entomopathogenic fungus,
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【26】 Yang M, Jin K, Xia Y. MaFKS, a β-1,3-glucan synthase, is involved in cell wall integrity, hyperosmotic pressure tolerance and conidiation
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【27】 Zheng XL. Xia YX. β-1,3-Glucan recognition protein (βGRP) is essential for resistance against fungal pathogen and opportunistic
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【39】 Zhang S, Xia Y, Kim B Keyhani NO. Two hydrophobins are involved in fungal spore coat rodlet layer assembly and each play distinct roles in
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【32】 Peng GX, Xia YX. The mechanism of the mycoinsecticide diluent on the efficacy of the oil formulation of insecticidal fungus. Biocontrol,
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