姜雨,1983年生,男,博士,西北农林科技大学二级教授,博士生导师,反刍动物遗传与进化研究中心主任,西北农林科技大学 动物科技学院,院长。
通过分子进化和群体遗传学理论,分析农业领域在组学时代产生的数据,找到在长期进化和人工选育过程中,决定关键农业性状的主效基因/具体突变,并通过实验解析其分子机制。特别关注反刍类家畜,其作为陆地上最主要的草食动物,研究其能高效利用不同生态地域饲草进行前胃发酵的遗传成因。在基因辅助育种应用领域,作为主要完成人之一进行了世界上首个绵羊和山羊的参考基因组构建工作,并作为协调人以联盟形式设计和定制了适用于研究中国绵羊群体和山羊群体的 SNP 芯片。
通过研究牛羊基因组变异与性状关联关系,解析出构成瘤胃壁的特异基因家族和反刍动物特有的脂类合成代谢途径,部分解释了瘤胃和羊毛脂产生的遗传基础,发表在2014年的Science 杂志。通过创新生物信息学分析方法,用以解析基因组数据,在顶级的生物方法学杂志 Nature Biotechnology (两篇)发表论文,首次报告将光学图谱用于基因组组装和进行全基因组结构变异的关联分析。将全世界黄牛新分为五个截然不同的血统来源,首次厘清了中国黄牛的血统来源,发表在 Nature communications 。找到两个主效基因分别导致北京鸭通体雪白和生长速度增加15%同时饲料转化效率提高6%,发表在 Nature communications 。
基因表达模式,其特异高表达的基因主要募集来自在骨、皮肤、脑和睾丸组织表达的基因。这些角组织特异高表达基因,连同一些快速进化基因都参与了神经脊细胞迁移通路,从而从遗传学角度首次提出反刍动物的角具有相同的细胞起源—头部神经脊干细胞,为反刍动物角具有单一的进化起源提供了遗传学证据,为无角牛、羊的育种提供了理论基础和关键靶基因,相关研究发表在 Science 杂志。
总计发表SCI论文30余篇,被引用1300余次,其中以第一或通讯作者(含并列)在Science 、Nature Biotechnology、Nature Communications、Cell Research、Genome Biology 等学术期刊发表论文20篇。
在读博和博后工作期间,参与了973计划“重要家养动植物在人工选择下进化的遗传和基因组机制”,和973计划“人工选择与基因组进化”;及参与了EU FP7项目支持的3SR project和USDA支持的National Animal Genome Research Program。引进
1. Wang Y, Zhang C, Wang N, ,…, Jiang Y*,Wang W*, Q Qiang*. Genetic basis of ruminant headgear and rapid antler regeneration. Science, 364, eaav6335(2019)(cover story)
2. Chen L#, Qiu Q#, Jiang Y#, ,…,Heller R, Wang W. Large-scale ruminant genome sequencing provides insights into their evolution and distinct traits. Science, 364,eaav6202 (2019)(cover story)
3. Tian X, Li R, Fu W, …, Li M*, Jiang Y*. Building a sequence map of the pig pan-genome from multiplede novoassemblies and Hi-C data. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences (2019)
4. Chen H, Liu J, Wen J, …, Song W*, Sun Q*, Jiang Y* Frequent intra- and inter-species introgression shape the landscape of genetic variation in bread wheat. Genome Biology (2019)
5. Wang Y, Gao S, ZhaoY, …, Jiang Y*.Allele-specific expression and alternative splicing in horse×donkey and cattle×yak hybrids. ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH (2019) (cover story)
6. Li C, Li M, Li X, , …, Jiang Y*,Hu S*. Whole-genome resequencing reveals loci associated with thoracic vertebrae number in sheep. Frontiers in Genetics 2019
7. Cao Y, Xu H, Li R, …, Luo J*, Jiang Y*. Genetic Basis of Phenotypic Differences Between Chinese Yunling Black Goats and Nubian Goats Revealed by Allele-Specific Expression in Their F1 Hybrids. Frontiers in Genetics 10:145.doi: 10.3389/fgene.2019.00145
8. Chen N, Cai Y, Chen Q,...,Jiang Y*, Lei C*. Whole-genome resequencing reveals world-wide ancestry and multiple adaptive introgression events of domesticated cattle in East Asia. Nature communications, 9 (1), 2337(2018)
9. Zhou Z, Li M, Cheng H,..., Hou S*, Jiang Y*. An intercross population study reveals genes associated with body size and plumage color in ducks. Nature communications,9,2648(2018)
10. Wang X, Liu J, Niu Y, ..., Huang X*, Jiang Y*, Chen Y*. Low incidence of SNVs and indels in trio genomes of Cas9-mediated multiplex edited sheep. BMC Genomics (2018), 19:397
11. Wang X, Zheng Z, Cai Y, Chen T, Li C, Fu W, Jiang Y*. CNVcaller: Highly Efficient and Widely Applicable Software for Detecting Copy Number Variations in Large Populations. GigaScience, 12.4, 6(12) (2017)
12. Dong Y, Zhang X, Xie M, …, Wang W*, Jiang Y* Reference genome of wild goat and sequencing of goat breeds provide insight into genic basis of goat domestication. BMC Genomics (2015), 16:431
13. Chen H, Jiang Y*, Progress and Prospects in Domestic Animals and Breeding: a Review of Genomic Copy Number Variations. Biotechnology Bulletin (2015) 31(11): 35-42.
14. Li M, Zhou H, Pan X, …, Zi X*, Jiang Y*, Cassava foliage affects the microbial diversity of Chinese indigenous geese caecum using 16S rRNA sequencing[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7.
15. Jiang Y#, Wang X#, Kijas J, Dalrymple B. Beta globin gene evolution in the ruminants: evidence for an ancient origin of sheep haplotype B. Animal Genetics (2015) 46:506–514
16. Zhou Z#, Jiang Y#, Wang Z#…, Wang W, Tian Z. Resequencing 302 wild and cultivated accessions identifies genes related to domestication and improvement in soybean. Nature biotechnology 23(4): 408-414 (ESI Highly Cited Papers) (2015)
17. Jiang Y#, Xie M#, Chen W#…, Wang W, Dalrymple B. The sheep genome illuminates biology of the rumen and lipid metabolism. Science 344: 1168-1172. (ESI Highly Cited Papers) (2014)
18. Dong Y#, Xie M#, Jiang Y#…, Wang J, Wang W, Sequencing and automated whole-genome optical mapping of the genome of a domestic goat. Nature Biotechnology 31(2): 135-141 (ESI Highly Cited Papers) (2013)
19. Jiang Y#, Li Y#, Lee W#, … ,Zhang Y, Wang W, Venom gland transcriptomes of two elapid snakes (Bungarus multicinctus and Naja atra) and evolution of toxin genes. BMC Genomics 12(1) (2011), 1-13.
20. Li D#, Dong Y#, Jiang Y#, … ,Wang W, A de novo originated gene depresses budding yeast mating pathway and is repressed by the protein encoded by its antisense strand. Cell Research 20(4),408-420. (2010)
1.“Comparative genomics analysis provides new insights to ruminant biology ” 9th ICG, Sep 9-12, 2014, Shenzhen, China
2.“Detection of large-scale variation among sheep, goat and cattle genomes” 34th ISAG, July 27-31, 2014, Xi'an, China
3.“The domestic sheep reference genome assembly” 33rd ISAG, July 15-20, 2012, Cairns, Australia
4.“The imprintome of a domestic sheep” 33rd ISAG, July 15-20, 2012, Cairns, Australia
5.“A reference genome of the domestic goat” 33rd ISAG, July 15-20, 2012, Cairns, Australia
6.“The quality of sheep reference genome, OAR v3.1” 5th 3SR Consortium Meeting, June 28-29, Alghero, Italy
7.“Sheep Genome Project: Gap Filling and Unbalanced Allelic Expression” PAG XX, Jan 14-18, 2012 San Diego, US.
8.“High-Resolution Analysis of Allelic Expression in Seven Sheep tissues”PAG XIX, Jan 15-19, 2011 San Diego, US.
9.“Sequencing and assembly of the sheep reference genome” PAG XIX, Jan 15-19, 2011 San Diego, US.
10.“The progress of sheep and goat genome assembly”1000 Genomes Project May 13-14, 2010, Shenzhen, China.