孔烜,湖南大学教授,博士生导师,国家高层次青年人才,“岳麓学者”,国际权威期刊ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering副主编,美国ASCE结构健康监测与控制委员会委员,美国注册结构工程师(P.E.)。主要从事结构健康监测和损伤检测,智能结构和传感,桥梁冲刷和深水基础,风浪与结构相互作用,以及车桥耦合振动理论及应用等研究。
2002 - 2006,
2006 - 2009,同济大学,桥梁工程专业,获硕士学位
2009 - 2013,美国Louisiana State University,土木工程专业,获博士学位
2018 - 至今,
2017 - 2018,美国科罗拉多交通部(Colorado DOT),项目主管
2016 - 2017,美国Viaero Wireless公司,结构工程师,部门主管
2013 - 2015,美国SBM Offshore公司,结构工程师
2016 - 2017,美国Colorado School of Mines教师(兼职)
2014 - 2016,美国University of Houston访问研究员(兼职)
美国土木工程师协会ASCE《Journal of Aerospace Engineering》副主编
- 美国《Smart Materials and Structures》客座编委
- ASCE《Journal of Bridge Engineering》等20余个国际期刊审稿专家
- 美国土木工程师协会
结构健康监测与控制委员会委员(Structural Health Monitoring & Control)
- 美国土木工程师协会实验分析与器械委员会委员(Experimental Analysis and Instrumentation)
- 国际光学与光学仪器学会SPIE会员(the International Society for Optics and Photonics)
- 美国科研协会会员(SIGMA XI the scientific research society)
- 结构健康监测和损伤检测,智能结构和传感,光纤传感,声波传感,能量收集Energy Harvesting
- 桥梁冲刷,深水基础,风浪与结构相互作用
- 车桥耦合振动理论及应用,结构动力分析
- Monitoring Bridge Scour Using Fiber Optic Sensors, FHWA LTRC 08-2ST,2009-2014 (参与)
- Data Collection and Evaluation of Continuity Detail for John James Audubon Bridge #2, FHWA LTRC 05-5ST,2012-2014(参与)
- Stay Cable Replacement and Damper Assessment of Luling Bridge, VStructural LLC, 2010(参与)
- Integral Abutment Bridge for Louisiana’s Soft and Stiff Soils, FHWA LTRC 07-4ST, 2007-2013(参与)
-Bridge Deck Replacement using FRP Materials, FHWA LTRC 05-5ST, 2005-2010(参与)
- 学术专著
Kong, X., Cai, C.S. (2013). Framework of Damage Detection in Vehicle-Bridge Coupled System: Application to Bridge Scour Monitoring. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN-10: 9783659402692, ISBN-13: 978-3659402692.
Cai, C.S., Deng, L., Kong, X., Zhang, Y. “Vehicle-Bridge Interaction and its Applications.” (Under writing)
- 技术专利
Song, G.B., Kong, X., Ho, S.C.M. (2016). Systems and Methods for Scour Monitoring with Fiber Optic Sensor. US Patent WO2016191530 A1, May 26, 2016
1.Nair, A., Cai, C. S., and Kong, X.* (2018). “Acoustic Emission Pattern Recognition in CFRP Retrofitted RC Beams for Failure Mode Identification.” Composites Part B: Engineering (accept).
2.Nair, A., Cai, C. S., and Kong, X.* (2018). “Failure Mode Identification Using Pattern Recognition of Acoustic Emission in GFRP Laminate Coupons.” ASCE J. Aerospace Engineering (accept).
3.Nair, A., Cai, C. S., and Kong, X.* (2018). “Bridge Retrofitting Using FRP-wrapped Balsa Wood Deck: Experimental Study and Field Evaluation.” ASCE J. Aerospace Engineering (accept).
4.Nair, A., Cai, C. S., and Kong, X.* (2018). “Studying Failure Modes of GFRP Laminate Coupon Specimens Using Scanning Electron Microscopy Technique.” ASCE J. of Aerospace Engineering, 31 (6), 04018085-1-11.
5.Kong, X., Cai, C.S., Hu, J.X. (2017). “The state-of-the-art on framework of vibration-based structural damage identification for decision making.” Applied Science, 2017, 7, 497.
6.Kong, X.*, Ho, S.C.M, Song, G.B., Cai, C.S. (2017). “Scour Monitoring System using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor and Water-swellable Polymers.” ASCE J. of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 22, Issue 7.
7.Kong, X., Cai, C.S., Deng, L., Zhang, W. (2017). “Using Dynamic Responses of Moving Vehicles to Extract Bridge Modal Properties of a Field Bridge.” ASCE J. of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 22, Issue 6.
8.Kong, X.*, Cai, C.S., Hu, J.X., Xiong, W., Peng, H. (2017). “Field Application of an Innovative Bridge Scour Monitoring System with Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors.” J. Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 30, Issue 2.
9.Yin, Y.F., Liu, Y., Deng, L., and Kong, X. (2017). “Dynamic behavior of damaged bridge with multiple cracks under moving vehicular loads.” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 17(2).
10.Liu, Y., Kong, X., Cai, C.S., Wang, D. (2016). “Driving Effects of Vehicle-induced Vibration on Long-span Suspension Bridges.” Structure Control and Health Monitoring, DOI: 10.1002/stc.1873.
11.Jiang, Y. B., Liao, G. Y., Kong, X. (2016). “Stiffness study of inner concave cable-arch structure based on an efficient method.” Advances in Structural Engineering, 19(12), 1927-1939
12.Kong, X., Cai, C.S., Kong, B. (2016). “Numerically Extracting Bridge Modal Properties from Dynamic Responses of Moving Vehicles.” J. of Engineering Mechanics, Vol.142, Issue 6.
13.Kong, X., Cai, C.S. (2016). “Scour effect on bridge and vehicle response under bridge-vehicle-wave interaction.” J. of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 21, Issue 4.
14.Kong, X.*, Cai, C.S., Hu, J.X. (2015). “Scour monitoring on a field bridge using FBG-based instrumentation”, Structural Health Monitoring 2015, doi: 10.12783/SHM2015/364
15.Kong, X., Cai, C.S., Kong, B. (2015). “Damage detection based on transmissibility of a vehicle and bridge coupled system.” J. of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 141, Issue 1.
16.Kong, B., Cai, C.S. and Kong, X. (2015). “Field Monitoring Study of an integral abutment bridge supported by prestressed precast concrete piles on soft soils.” Engineering Structures, 104, 18-31.
17.Cai, C.S., Hu, J.X., Chen, S.R., Han, Y., Zhang, W., Kong, X. (2015). “A coupled wind–vehicle- bridge system and its applications: a review.” Wind and Structures, 20 (2), 117-142.
18.Xiong, W., Cai, C.S., Kong, B., Kong, X. (2014). “CFD simulation and analysis for bridge scour development using dynamic mesh updating technique.” J. of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 30, Issue 1.
19.Kong, B., Cai, C.S., Kong, X. (2014). ”Thermal property analysis and applications of GFRP panels to integral abutment bridges.” Engineering Structures, Vol.76, 1–9
20.Nair, A., Cai, C. S., Pan, F., and Kong, X. (2014). “Acoustic emission monitoring of damage progression in CFRP retrofitted RC beams.” Structural Monitoring and Maintenance, Vol. 1, No. 1, 111-130.
21.Kong, B., Cai, C.S. and Kong, X. (2013). “Thermal behaviors of concrete and steel bridges after slab replacements with GFRP honeycomb sandwich panels.” Engineering Structures, 56, 2041-2051.
22.Kong, X., Cai, C.S., Hou, S. (2013). “Scour effect on a single pile and development of corresponding scour monitoring methods.” Smart Materials and Structures, 22 (5), 055011.
23.Xiong, W., Cai, C.S., Kong, X. (2012). “Instrumentation Design for Bridge Scour Monitoring Using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors.” Applied Optics, Vol. 51, No. 5, 547-557.
24.Kong, X. *, Wu, D.J., Cai, C.S., Liu, Y.Q. (2012). “New Strategy of Substructure Method to Model Long-span Hybrid Cable-Stayed Bridges under Vehicle-induced Vibration.” Engineering Structures, 34, 421–435.
- Research assistantship and Graduate School Enhancement Award of LSU, 2009-2013
- EMI/PMC 2012会议Poster Competition第三名
- 免试推荐为
华中科技大学“校三好学生及一等奖学金, 2002-2003, 2003-2004
- 华中科技大学“学习特优生”, 2004-2005
- 永和安奖学金2005, 华中科技大学
- 华中科技大学优秀共青团员, 2003
- 湖北省优秀学士论文及华中科技大学优秀毕业生,2006