2012/10-至今 中山大学,生命科学学院,教授
2011/10-2012/09 美国卫理会医院研究所,博士后
美国贝勒医学院, 博士后
2007/09-2009/07 美国贝勒医学院, 交流博士生
2000/09-2004/06 南京大学,生命科学学院,学士
固有免疫系统识别和调控、信号转导机制与疾病相关性研究,在实验生物学(特别是分子免疫学)和计算生物学(生物信号传导网络的数学模型建立)领域均做出了多项杰出工作,已发表学术论文20余篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者文章13篇,包括Cell, Immunity, Nature immunology,Cell research,Biophysical Journal等顶级杂志,撰写书目章节2篇,论文影响因子累积150以上,引用累积已达300多次,并拥有相关专利1项。
(1)调节型Nod样受体(Regulatory Nod like receptor)蛋白分子的发现及其在固有免疫中的关键负向调控作用的系统研究。申请人成功克隆了一系列调节型Nod分子(NLRC5, NLRX1 及NLRP4),并发现它们不同于之前学术界所了解的Nod分子(例如Nod1, Nod2, NLRP3),而是通过负向调控细胞内的炎症反应和抗病毒反应,维持细胞的稳态平衡。申请人首次发现Nod家族蛋白成员NLRC5能够特应性结合IKK分子及RIG-I/MDA5分子,在不同的生理环境下,分别抑制机体的炎症反应和抗病毒反应,起到“一石二鸟”的负向调控作用,并以第一作者身份将这一工作发表在2010年的Cell杂志上,这项工作被Science网站及Nature immunology杂志分别推荐和评论,并被引用90余次。申请人还参与发现并研究了另一调节型Nod分子NLRX1在
Toll样受体激活的炎症反应中的调控作用及分子机制,并于2011年以并列第一作者身份在Immunity杂志上发表了相关工作。最近,申请人发现NLRP4分子是一个新型的I型干扰素途径负调控分子,NLRP4能够在病毒感染中,特异性地结合到活化的蛋白激酶TBK1分子上,并通过招募E3泛素化连接酶DTX4,导致TBK1的泛素化及降解,从而达到对于TBK1介导的抗病毒反应的选择性负向调控。该项工作于2012年以申请人为第一作者发表在国际顶尖杂志Nature immunology上。
中性粒细胞中的关键负向调控作用研究。 申请人及研究组其他成员通过构建TAK1特异性细胞缺失小鼠模型,意外地发现TAK1分子在中性粒细胞内,对于
细胞自动机(Cellular Automation)模拟了相关蛋白在线粒体膜上的随机移动和演化过程,进一步证明了该开关模式的存在及作用机制。该工作发表在该领域的权威杂志Biophysical Journal上(并列第一作者), 并在2011年被Cell杂志上的综述文章总结并讨论(Cell (2011, 144: 926-939))。此后,申请人与其研究组连续发表5篇论文,通过
系统生物学和计算机模拟的方法详细分析和阐述了线粒体凋亡网络的具体调控模式及和其他信号通路的crosstalk,该系列工作分别发表在BMC Bioinformatics(通讯作者)、PLOS ONE(第一作者)等学术杂志上,形成了一个完整的对于细胞内信号转导网络的数学建模及分析体系。
Peer-Reviewed Research Articles:
1. Tingzhe Sun,Jun Cui and Pingping Shen. Mathematical models of cell fate decision: implications for ROS and p53. Acta Biophysica Sinica. 2012, 28, 392-395.
1. Jun Cui, Yinyin Li, Liang Zhu, Dan Liu, Zhou Songyang, Helen Y Wang and Rong-Fu Wang. NLRP4 negatively regulates type I interferon signaling by targeting the kinase TBK1 for degradation via the ubiquitin ligase DTX4. Nature Immunology. 2012 13(4):387-95. (First authorship)
1. Yanzheng Tong,Jun Cui, Qingtian Li, Jia Zou, Helen Y. Wang, and Rong-Fu Wang. Enhanced TLR-induced NF-κB signaling and type I interferon responses in NLRC5 deficient mice. Cell Res. 2012 Apr 3. doi: 10.1038/cr.2012.53. [Epub ahead of print] (Shared first authorship)
1. Alagbala Ajibade A, Wang Q, Cui J, Zou J, Xia X, Wang M, Tong Y, Hui W, Liu D, Su B, Wang HY, Wang RF. TAK1 Negatively Regulates NF-κB and p38 MAP Kinase Activation in Gr-1(+)CD11b(+) Neutrophils. Immunity. 2012 Jan 27;36(1):43-54. (Shared first authorship)
1. Xiaojun Xia,Jun Cui, Helen Y. Wang, Liang Zhu, Satoko Matsueda, Qinfu Wang, Xiaoang Yang, Jun Hong, Zhou Songyang, Zhijian J. Chen and Rong-Fu Wang. NLRX1 negatively regulates TLR-induced NF-κB signaling by targeting TRAF6 and IKK. Immunity. 2011, 34, 843-853. (Shared first authorship)
1. Jun Cui, Liang Zhu, Xiaojun Xia, Helen Y. Wang, Xavier Legras, Jun Hong, Jiabing Ji, Pingping Shen, Shu Zheng, Zhijian J. Chen, and Rong-Fu Wang. NLRC5 Negatively Regulates the NF-kB and Type I Interferon Signaling Pathways.Cell. 2010, 141, 483–496. (First authorship)
1. Tingzhe Sun, Chun Chen, Yuanyuan Wu, Pingping Shen andJun Cui. Modeling the role of p53 pulses in DNA damage- induced cell death decision. BMC Bioinformatics. 2009,10:190. (Shared corresponding authorship )
1. Cui J, Chen C, Lu H, Sun T, Shen P. Two independent positive feedbacks and bistability in the Bcl-2 apoptotic switch. PLoS ONE. 2008 Jan 23;3(1):e1469. (First authorship)
1. J. Cui, C Chen, H. Lu, P. Shen. Modeling of the mitochondrial apoptosis network. International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications. 2008. 4 (2): 172-187. (First authorship)
1. Chun Chen,Jun Cui, Haizhu Lu, Rui Wang, Shuai Zhang, Pingping Shen. Modeling of the role of a Bax-activation switch in mitochondrial apoptosis decision. Biophysical Journal, 2007, 92: 4304-4315 (Shared first authorship)
1. Jun Cui, Shuai Zhang, Chun Chen, Dan Zheng, Pingping Shen. Evaluation of the function of Granzyme mediated antiviral system through a mathematical model. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods.2007.17(7): 409-420(12). (First authorship)
1. Chen C,Cui J, Zhang W, Shen P. Robustness analysis identifies the plausible model of the Bcl-2 apoptotic switch.FEBS Lett. 2007 Oct 30;581(26):5143-50.
1. Xiaofeng Bao, Jun Cui, Yuanyuan Wu, Xiaodong Han, Cheng Gao, Zichun Hua, Pingping Shen. The Roles of Endogenous Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Oxide in Triptolide-induced Apoptotic Cell Death in Macrophages.J Mol Med, 2007. 85:85-98.
1. Y Wu, J Cui, X Bao, S Chan, DO Young, D Liu, and P Shen, Triptolide attenuates oxidative stress, NF-kappaB activation and multiple cytokine gene expression in murine peritoneal macrophage. Int J Mol Med 2006. 17: 141-50. (Shared first authorship)
1. Ting Chen, Jun Cui, Yan Liang, Xiaoban Xin, D. Owen Young, Chun Chen, Pingping Shen, Identification of human liver mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase as a potential target for microcystin-LR. Toxicology 2006. 220: 71–80. (Shared first authorship)
1. Ting Chen, Qingsong Wang,Jun Cui, Wei Yang, Qian Shi, Zichun Hua, Jianguo Ji, Pingping Shen, Induction of apoptosis in mouse liver by microcystin-LR: a combined transcriptomic, proteomic and simulation strategy. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 2005, 4.7: 958-974 (cover paper)
1. Q. Shi, J. Cui, J. Zhang, F.X. Kong, Z.C. Hua, P.P. Shen, Expression modulation of multiple cytokines in vivo by cyanobacteria blooms extract from taihu lake, China. Toxicon. 2004, 44: 871–879.
Conference Papers:
1. Chun Chen, Jun Cui, Shuai Zhang and Pingping Shen, Decoding the Bax-activation switch module of mitochondrial apoptosis: Analysis through deterministic and stochastic modeling, 7th Frontier Science Symposium, 23-26 Nov., 2006, Taibei, Taiwan, 22.
2. 陈春, 崔隽, 张帅, 沈萍萍, Bcl-2 家族蛋白调控线粒体外膜通透性的细胞自动机模拟. 生物信息学中的智能计算理论与方法研究, 黄德双等编.
中国科学技术大学出版社. 2006, 194-200.
1. 陈春,崔隽,沈萍萍。细胞凋亡、MOMP 与Bcl-2 家族蛋白。
2. 张帅,崔隽,沈萍萍。细胞凋亡中的钙离子调控。
Book Chapter:
1. Tingzhe Sun, Meihong Cai, Jun Cui and Pingping Shen. Evaluation of Coupled Nuclear and Cytoplasmic p53 Dynamics. Interdisciplinary Research and Applications in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Environmental Sciences, edited by Limin A Liu and Dongqing Wei, IGI Global. 2011, 103-116.
2. Tuo Deng,Jun Cui, Christopher J. Lyon, Nan Zhang, Helen Y. Wang, Rong-fu Wang, and Willa A. Hsueh. Inflammasomes and Obesity. Obesity. Inflammation and Cancer, edited by Andrew J. Dannenberg and Nathan A. Berger, Springer. 2013, 25-60.
2011年获美国专利 NLRC5 AS A TARGET FOR IMMUNE THERAPY (20110229560)