庞国芳(1943.10.10-),河北省唐山市滦南县人,食品科学检测技术学科专家,中国检验检疫科学研究院研究员,国际AOAC Fellow,国际AOAC 2014年度哈维威利奖(Harvey W. Wiley Award)获得者。
1. Pang GF, Fan CL, Chang QY, Li Y, Kang J, Wang WW, Cao J, Zhao YB, Li N, Li ZY,Chen ZM, Luo FJ, Lou ZY. High-throughput analytical techniques for multiresidue, multiclass determination of 653 pesticides and chemical pollutants in tea—Part III: Evaluation of the cleanup efficiency of an SPE cartridge newly developed for multiresidues in tea. J AOAC Int. 2013 Jul-Aug;96(4):887-96.
2. Fan CL, Chang QY, Pang GF, Li ZY, Kang J, Pan GQ, Zheng SZ, Wang WW, Yao CC, Ji XX. High-throughput analytical techniques for determination of residues of 653 multiclass pesticides and chemical pollutants in tea, Part II: comparative study of extraction efficiencies of three sample preparation techniques. J AOAC Int. 2013 Mar-Apr;96(2):432-40.
3. Li Y, Chen X, Fan C, Pang G. Compensation for matrix effects in the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of 186 pesticides in tea matrices using analyte protectants. J Chromatogr A. 2012 Nov 30;1266:131-42. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2012.10.008. Epub 2012 Oct 11.
4. Wang N, Kong D, Shan Z, Shi L, Cai D, Cao Y, Liu Y, Pang G. Simultaneous determination of pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls and phthalate esters in human adipose tissue by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2012 Jun 1;898:38-52. doi: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2012.04.012. Epub 2012 Apr 15.
5. Wang N, Shi L, Kong D, Cai D, Cao Y, Liu Y, Pang G, Yu R. Accumulation levels and characteristics of some pesticides in human adipose tissue samples from Southeast China. Chemosphere. 2011 Aug;84(7):964-71. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.05.062. Epub 2011 Jul 1.
6. Pang GF, Fan CL, Zhang F, Li Y, Chang QY, Cao YZ, Liu YM, Li ZY, Wang QJ, Hu XY, Liang P. High-throughput GC/MS and HPLC/MS/MS techniques for the multiclass, multiresidue determination of 653 pesticides and chemical pollutants in tea. J AOAC Int. 2011 Jul-Aug;94(4):1253-96.
7. Lian YJ, Pang GF, Shu HR, Fan CL, Liu YM, Feng J, Wu YP, Chang QY. Simultaneous determination of 346 multiresidue pesticides in grapes by PSA-MSPD and GC-MS-SIM. J Agric Food Chem. 2010 Sep 8;58(17):9428-53. doi: 10.1021/jf1019592.
8. Wang N, Kong D, Cai D, Shi L, Cao Y, Pang G, Yu R. Levels of polychlorinated biphenyls in human adipose tissue samples from southeast China. Environ Sci Technol. 2010 Jun 1;44(11):4334-40. doi: 10.1021/es9038775.
9. Pang GF, Cao YZ, Fan CL, Jia GQ, Zhang JJ, Li XM, Liu YM, Shi YQ, Li ZY, Zheng F, Lian YJ. Analysis method study on 839 pesticide and chemical contaminant multiresidues in animal muscles by gel permeation chromatography cleanup, GC/MS, and LC/MS/MS. J AOAC Int. 2009 May-Jun;92(3):933-40.
10. Pang GF, Cao YZ, Zhang JJ, Fan CL, Liu YM, Li XM, Jia GQ, Li ZY, Shi YQ, Wu YP, Guo TT. Validation study on 660 pesticide residues in animal tissues by gel permeation chromatography cleanup/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A. 2006 Aug 25;1125(1):1-30. Epub 2006 Jun 19.
11. Pang GF, Fan CL, Liu YM, Cao YZ, Zhang JJ, Fu BL, Li XM, Li ZY, Wu YP. Multi-residue method for the determination of 450 pesticide residues in honey, fruit juice and wine by double-cartridge solid-phase extraction/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Food Addit Contam. 2006 Aug;23(8):777-810.
12. Pang GF, Fan CL, Liu YM, Cao YZ, Zhang JJ, Li XM, Li ZY, Wu YP, Guo TT. Determination of residues of 446 pesticides in fruits and vegetables by three-cartridge solid-phase extraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J AOAC Int. 2006 May-Jun;89(3):740-71.
13. Pang GF, Liu YM, Fan CL, Zhang JJ, Cao YZ, Li XM, Li ZY, Wu YP, Guo TT. Simultaneous determination of 405 pesticide residues in grain by accelerated solvent extraction then gas chromatography-mass spectrometry or liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2006 Mar;384(6):1366-408. Epub 2006 Mar 7.
14. Pang GF, Cao YZ, Zhang JJ, Jia GQ, Fan CL, Li XM, Liu YM, Li ZY, Shi YQ. Simultaneous determination of 16 sulfonamides in honey by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. J AOAC Int. 2005 Sep-Oct;88(5):1304-11.
15. Pang GF, Zhang JJ, Cao YZ, Fan CL, Lin XM, Li ZY, Jia GQ. Evaluation of analyte stability and method ruggedness in the determination of streptomycin residues in honey by liquid chromatography with post-column derivatization. J AOAC Int. 2004 Jan-Feb;87(1):39-44.
16. Pang GF, Cao YZ, Fan CL, Zhang JJ, Li XM, MacNeil JD. Determination of clopidol residues in chicken tissues by liquid chromatography: collaborative study. J AOAC Int. 2003 Jul-Aug;86(4):685-93.
17. Pang GF, Cao YZ, Fan CL, Zhang JJ, Li XM, Li ZY, Jia GQ. Liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection for simultaneous analysis of sulfonamide residues in honey. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2003 Jun;376(4):534-41. Epub 2003 May 9.
18. Pang GF, Cao YZ, Fan CL, Zhang JJ, Li XM. Determination of clopidol residues in chicken tissues by liquid chromatography: part III. Quality control analysis of export chickens. J AOAC Int. 2001 Sep-Oct;84(5):1347-51.
19. Pang GF, Cao YZ, Fan CL, Zhang JJ, Li XM. Determination of clopidol residues in chicken tissues by liquid chromatography: part II. Distribution and depletion of clopidol in chicken tissues. J AOAC Int. 2001 Sep-Oct;84(5):1343-6.
20. Pang GF, Cao YZ, Fan CL, Zhang JJ, Li XM. Determination of clopidol residues in chicken tissues by liquid chromatography: part I. Optimization of analytical conditions and comparison with AOAC gas chromatography method. J AOAC Int. 2001 Sep-Oct;84(5):1337-42.
21. Pang GF, Can YZ, Fan CL, Zhang JJ, Li XM, Mu J, Wang DN, Liu SM, Song WB, Li HP, Wong SS, Kubinec R, Tekel J, Tahotna S. Interlaboratory study of identification and quantitation of multiresidue pyrethroids in agricultural products by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A. 2000 Jun 16;882(1-2):231-8.
22. Pang GF, Cao YZ, Fan CL, Zhang JJ, Li XM, Wang C. Determination of clopidol residues in chicken tissues by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A. 2000 Jun 16;882(1-2):85-8.
23. Pang GF, Cao YZ, Fan CL, Zhang JJ, Li XM. Multiresidue gas chromatographic method for determining synthetic pyrethroid pesticides in agricultural products: collaborative study. J AOAC Int. 1999 Jan-Feb;82(1):186-212.
24. Pang GF, Cao YZ, Fan CL, Zhang JJ, Li XM. Modification of AOAC multiresidue method for determining synthetic pyrethroid residues in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Part III: Studies of analyte stability and method ruggedness. J AOAC Int. 1997 Jan-Feb;80(1):63-73.
25. Pang GF, Chao YZ, Fan CL, Zhang JJ, Li XM, Liu YM, Zhao TS. Modification of AOAC multiresidue method for determination of synthetic pyrethroid residues in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Part II: Acetone extraction system. J AOAC Int. 1995 Nov-Dec;78(6):1489-96.
26. Pang GF, Chao YZ, Fan CL, Zhang JJ, Li XM, Zhao TS. Modification of AOAC multiresidue method for determination of synthetic pyrethroid residues in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Part I: Acetonitrile extraction system and optimization of florisil cleanup and gas chromatography. J AOAC Int. 1995 Nov-Dec;78(6):1481-8.
27. Pang GF, Chao YZ, Liu XS, Fan CL. Multiresidue liquid chromatographic method for simultaneous determination of pyrethroid insecticides in fruits and vegetables. J AOAC Int. 1995 Nov-Dec;78(6):1474-80.
28. Pang GF, Zhao TS, Chao YZ, Fan CL. Cleanup with two Florisil columns for gas chromatographic determination of multiple pyrethroid insecticides in products of animal origin. J AOAC Int. 1994 Nov-Dec;77(6):1634-8.
29. Pang GF, Fan CL, Chao YZ, Zhao TS. Packed-column gas chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of 10 pyrethroid insecticide residues in fruits, vegetables, and grains. J AOAC Int. 1994 May-Jun;77(3):738-47.
30. Pang GF, Fan CL, Chao YZ, Zhao TS. Rapid method for the determination of multiple pyrethroid residues in fruits and vegetables by capillary column gas chromatography. J Chromatogr A. 1994 Apr 29;667(1-2):348-53.
31. Baohui Jin, Liqi Xie, Yanfeng Guo, Guofang Pang, Multi-residue detection of pesticides in juice and fruit wine: A review of extraction and detection methods, Food Research International, Volume 46, Issue 1, April 2012, Pages 399-409
32. Chen H, Fan CL, Wang ZB,Chang QY and Pang GF. Uncertainties estimation for determination of 10 elements in Northeast-China black bee honey by ICP-MS. Anal. Methods, 2013, 5, 3291-3298
33. Hui Chen, Chun-lin Fan, Zhi-bin Wang, Qiao-ying Chang, Wei Wang, Xiao-ying Li, Guo-fang Pang*. Evaluation of measurement uncertainty in EA-IRMS: for determination of δ13C value and C-4 plant sugar content in honey adulteration, Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 2013, 18:351–358