张榆锋,云南大学信息学院电子工程系教授、博士生导师,IEEE Member,中国电子学会高级会员,云南省自动化学会理事,云南省委联系专家,云南省“技术创新人才”;“昆明市医学电子信息检测处理重点实验室”主任,云南大学学术委员会委员,云南大学信息学院学术委员会副主任,云南大学“微弱信号检测与医学信息处理”学科方向带头人。从事数字信号处理理论与微弱信号检测、医学电子学、医学超声工程及应用开发等领域的科研与教学工作。
生物医学工程省级重点建设项目及中西部高校提升综合实力工程生物医学工程学科项目;参与其他省部级科技项目5项,主持横向项目10余项。发表论文100余篇。主要成果发表在IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering、IEEE Trans. on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectronics and Frequency Control、Computers in Biology and Medicine、Signal Processing、Medical Engineering and Physics、BioMed Research International、Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering及《
开发完成电子医疗仪器产品2项并分获FDA(美国)及中国食药监局注册,上市销售。获专利13项,其中发明专利8项;出版教材2部。科研成果获云南省自然科学二等奖1项、云南省科技进步二等奖2项,三等奖3项。担任期刊“Advances in Mechanical Engineering” 副主编,《
云南大学学报(自然科学版)》编委;IEEE Trans. on BME、IEEE Trans. on UFFC、IEEE Trans. onSignalProcessing等10余种国内外期刊审稿人。
1. S. Han, Y. Zhang*, K. Wu, B. He, K. Zhang, H. Liang, An adaptive harmonic separation of ultrasonic echo signals based on an improved ensemble empirical mode decomposition algorithm, Ultrasonics, Accepted, 2018.7
2. X. Hu, Y. Zhang*., G. Cai, K. Zhang, L. Deng, L. Gao, S. Han, J. Chen, A dynamic ultrasound simulation of a pulsating three-layered CCA for validation of 2D wall motion and blood velocity estimation algorithms, Medical Physics, vol.45(1), pp.131-143, 2018.1
3. X. Hu, Y. Zhang*., L. Deng, G. Cai, Q. Zhang, Y. Zhou, K. Zhang, J. Zhang, Assessment of Homodyned-K Distribution Modeling Ultrasonic Speckles from Scatterers with Varying Spatial-Organizations Journal of Healthcare Engineering, DOI: 10.1155/2017/8154780, 2017.9,
4. YY. Zhang, Y. Zhang*, L. Gao, L. Deng, X. Hu, K. Zhang, H. Li, The variation in frequency locations in Doppler ultrasound spectra for maximum blood flow velocities in narrowed vessels, Medical Engineering & Physics, DOI: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2017.07.004, 2017.7,
5. Q. Zhang, Y. Zhang*, Y. Zhou, K. Zhang, K. Zhang, L. Gao, Anultrasound simulation model for the pulsatile blood flow modulated by the motion of stenosed vessel wall. BioMed Research International DOI:10.1155/2016/8502873,2016.6.
6. L. Gao, Y. Zhang*, Y. Zhou, X. Hu, L. Deng, K. Zhang, G. Cai, J. Zhang, Compound Doppler ultrasound signal simulation for pulsatile carotid arteries with a stenosis. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, DOI 10.3233/BME-161573 2016.7.
7. L. Gao L., Y. Zhang*., W. Lin, H. Li, Y. Zhou, K., Zhang, Z. Li, J. Zhang, A novel quadrature clutter rejection approach based on the multivariate empirical mode decomposition for bidirectional Doppler ultrasound signals. Biomedical Signal Processing & Control, vol.13(4), pp.31-40, 2014.4.
8. L. Gao, Y. Zhang*, K. Zhang, G. Cai, J. Zhang, X. Shi, A computer simulation model for Doppler ultrasound signals from pulsatile blood flow in stenosed vessels, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol.42, No.9, pp.906-914, 2012.9.
9. Y. Zhang*, N. Su, Z. Li, Z. Gou, Q. Chen, Y. Zhang. Assessment of Arterial Distension Based on Continuous Wave Doppler Ultrasound with an Improved Hilbert-Huang Processing. IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol.57, No.1, pp.203-213, 2010.1.
10. Y. Zhang*, Y. Gao, L. Wang, J. Chen, X. Shi, The removal of wall components in Doppler ultrasound signals by using the Empirical Mode Decomposition algorithm.,IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, vol.54, No.9, pp1631-1642, 2007.9
11. Y. Zhang*, X. Shi, K. Zhang, J. Chen. Preservation of quadrature Doppler signals from bidirectional slow blood flow close to the vessel wall using an adaptive decomposition algorithm Medical Engineering & Physics, vol.31, pp.268-275, 2009.2.
12. H. Li, Y. Zhang*, D. Xu, Noise and speckle reduction in Doppler blood flow spectrograms using an adaptive pulse coupled neural network. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol 2010, pp. 1-11, 2010.7. doi:10.1155/2010/918015
13. X. Shi, Y. Zhang*, H. Ma, J. Chen, Extraction of mean frequency information from Doppler blood flow signals using a matching pursuit algorithm, Signal Processing, vol.88, pp2720-2730, 2008.7
14. Y. Zhang*, L. Wang, Y., Gao, J. Chen, X. Shi, Noise reduction in Doppler ultrasound signals using an adaptive decomposition algorithm., Medical Engineering & Physics, vol.29, pp.699-707, 2007.6.
15. Y. Zhang*, L. Xue, J. Chen, H. Ma, X. Shi, Correction for broadening in Doppler blood flow spectrum estimated using wavelet transform, Medical Engineering & Physics, vol.28, pp.596-603, 2006.6.
16. 赵伟佳,张榆锋*,李支尧,陈建华,高莲,张俊华, 超声脉动环颈动脉局域脉搏波速检测性能评估, 声学学报, 录用,2018. 2.
17. 武柯言, 张榆锋*, 赵征鹏, 高莲, 章克信, 张俊华, 陈建华. 组织超声谐波特性的Nakagami分布统计特征研究. 电子学报, vol.46(7), pp.1639-1643, 2018.7
18. 张晴晖,张榆锋*,林文晶,周 屹,章克信,高莲, 颈动脉B超估计血管壁搏动位移的干扰抑制, 电子学报, vol.45(12), pp.2903-2908, 2017.12
19. 姚瑞晗,张榆锋*,施继红,胡晓,高莲,章克信,李支尧. 颈动脉斑块的超声仿真及系统实现, 生物医学工程学杂志, vol.33(6), pp.1095-1102, 2016.12
20. 邓丽,张榆锋*,杨丽春,胡晓,李支尧 ,高莲,张俊华. 超声传输时间法颈动脉脉搏波速估计精度及影响因素研究, 电子与信息学报, vol.39(2), pp.316-321, 2017.2.
21. 高莲,张榆锋*,阎金娥,李支尧,章克信,熊敏,韩素雅. 基于解析速度分布的动脉瘤超声多普勒血流信号仿真. 系统仿真学报, vol.12(7), pp.2972-2979, 2017.7
22.胡晓,张榆锋*,高莲,蔡光卉,贾志国,章克信,邓丽. 三层膜管壁结构的颈动脉超声仿真. 声学学报,vol.40, no.4, pp. 162-169, 2015.
23.高莲,张榆锋*,章克信 许雷,郭剑,施心陵. 病变血管内的血流分布模型及计算机超声信号仿真的研究进展. 系统仿真学报,vol.26(1), pp.86-90, 2014.1.
24. 林文晶,张榆锋*,章克信,李支尧,李海燕,高莲,李媛媛. 总体经验模态细分法提取血流超声多普勒信号的研究. 电子学报,vol.42(7), pp.1424-1428, 2014.7.
25. 杜陈艳,张榆锋*,杨 平,石岩岩,陈 旻,杨皖君. 经验模态分解边缘效应抑制方法综述, 仪器仪表学报, vol.30(1), pp.55-60, 2009.1
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3. DUS—200超声换能器探头, 云南省科技进步类二等奖, 2004年11月
空中交通管制系统, 云南省科技进步类二等奖, 1997年11月
调度系统,云南省科技进步类三等奖 1993年12月