(1) Zhang, S. D., F. Yi, C. M. Huang, K. M. Huang, Q. Gan, Y. H. Zhang and Y. Gong (2013), Latitudinal and altitudinal variability of lower atmospheric inertial gravity waves revealed by U.S. radiosonde data, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 2197-2206, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50623. (
(2) Gong, Y., Q. Zhou, and S. D. Zhang (2013), Atmospheric tides in the low latitude E- and F- region and their response to a sudden stratospheric warming in January 2010, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 118, doi:10.1002/2013JA019248.(影响因子:3.441)
(3) *Huang, K. M., A. Z. Liu, X. Lu, Z. Li, Q. Gan, Y. Gong, C. M. Huang, F. Yi and S. D. Zhang (2013), Nonlinear coupling between quasi two-day wave and tides based on meteor radar observations at Maui, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50872 影响因子:(3.441)
(4) Gong, Y., Q. Zhou, S. D. Zhang, N. Aponte, M. Sulzer, and S. Gonzalez (2013), The F-region and topside ionosphere response to a strong geomagnetic storm at Arecibo, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, doi:10.1002/jgra.50502(影响因子:3.441)
(5) *Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang, F. Yi, C. M. Huang, Q. Gan, Y. Gong, and Y. H. Zhang (2013), Third-order resonant interaction of atmospheric gravity waves, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 2197-2206, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50252. (影响因子:3.441)
(6) Zhang, S. D., F. Yi, C. M. Huang and K. M. Huang (2012), High vertical resolution analyses of gravity waves and turbulence at a mid-latitude station, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D02103, doi:10.1029/2011JD016587. (影响因子:3.441)
(7) *Gan, Q., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2012), TIMED/SABER observations of lower mesospheric inversion layers at low and middle latitudes, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D07109, doi:10.1029/2012JD017455. (影响因子:3.441)
(8) *Huang,C. M., S. D. Zhang, Q. Zhou, F. Yi and K. M. Huang (2012), Atmospheric waves and their interactions in the thermospheric neutral wind as observed by the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D02102, doi:10.1029/2012JD018241. (影响因子:3.441)
(9) Gong, Y., Q. Zhou, S. D. Zhang, N. Aponte, M. Sulzer and S. Gonzalez (2012),Midnight ionosphere collapse at Arecibo and its relationship to the neutral wind, electric field, and ambipolar diffusion,Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, A08332, doi:10.1029/2012JA017530. (影响因子:3.441)
(10) *Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2010), Reflection and transmission of atmospheric gravity waves in a stably sheared horizontal wind field, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D16103, doi:10.1029/2009JD012687. (影响因子:3.441)
(11) Yi, F., C. M. Yu, S. D. Zhang et al. (2009), Seasonal variations of the nocturnal mesospheric Na and Fe layers at 30oN, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D01301, doi:10.1029/2008JD010344. (影响因子:3.441)
(12) S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2008), A numerical study on the response of wave number spectra of atmospheric gravity waves to lower atmospheric forcing, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D02102, doi:10.1029/2007JD008957. (影响因子:3.441)
(13) *Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang, and F. Yi (2008), Propagation and reflection of gravity waves in a meridionally sheared wind field, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D09106, doi:10.1029/2007JD008877. (影响因子:3.441)
(14) Yi, F., S. D. Zhang et al. (2008), Some ubiquitous features of the mesospheric Fe and Na layer borders from simultaneous and common-volume Fe and Na lidar observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, A04S91, doi:10.1029/2007JA012632. (影响因子:3.441)
(15) Zhang, S. D. and F. Yi (2007), Latitudinal and seasonal variations of inertial gravity wave activity in the lower atmosphere over central China, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D05109, doi:10.1029/2006JD007487. (影响因子:3.441)
(16) *Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2007), A numerical study on the nonresonant interaction of gravity waves in a compressible atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D11115, doi:10.1029/2006JD007373. (影响因子:3.441)
(17) Yi, F., S. D. Zhang, et al. (2007), Simultaneous observations of sporadic Fe and Na layers by two closely-colocated resonance fluorescence lidars in Wuhan (30.5oN, 114.4oE), Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D04303, doi:10.1029/2006JD007413. (影响因子:3.441)
(18) Zhang, S. D. and F. Yi (2004), A numerical study on global study on global propagations and amplitude growths of large scale gravity wave packets, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D07106, Doi:10.1029/2003JD004429. (影响因子:3.441)
(19) Zhang, S. D. and F. Yi (2004), A numerical study on the propagation and evolution of resonant interacting gravity waves, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D24107, Doi:10.1029/2004JD004822. (影响因子:3.441)
(20) Zhang, S. D. and F. Yi (2002), A numerical study of propagation characteristics of gravity-wave packets propagating in a dissipative atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D14), 14-1-14-9. (影响因子:3.441)
(21) Zhang, S. D. and F. Yi (1999), A numerical study of nonlinear propagation of a gravity-wave-packet in compressible atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, D12, 14261-14270. (影响因子:3.441)
(22) *Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang, and F. Yi (2009), Gravity wave excitation through resonant interaction in a compressible atmosphere, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L01803, doi:10.1029/2008GL035575. (影响因子:3.792)
(23) Yi, F., S. D. Zhang et al. (2002) Zeng, Yujin He, Xianchang Yue, Jinbo Liu, Hongfang Lu, Donghui, Xiong, Lidar observations of sporadic Na layers over Wuhan (30.5oN, 114.4oE), Geophysical Research Letters, 29(9), 59-1-59-4.(影响因子:3.792)
(24) *Zhang, Y. H., S. D. Zhang, and D. J. Seidel (2013), Trends in Planetary Boundary Layer Height over Europe, Journal of Climate, 26, 10071-10076, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00108.1. (影响因子:4.362)
(25) *Huang, K. M., A. Z. Liu, S. D. Zhang, F. Yi, C. M. Huang, Q. Gan, Y. Gong, and Y. H. Zhang (2013), A strong nonlinear interaction event between 16-day wave and diurnal tide from meteor radar observations,
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(26) *Huang, C. M., S. D. Zhang, F. Yi, K. M. Huang, Q. Gan, Y. H. Zhang and Y. Gong (2013), Frequency variations of gravity waves interacting with a time-varying tide, Annales Geophysicae, 31, 1731-1743. (影响因子:1.757)
(27) *Huang, Y. Y., S. D. Zhang, F. Yi, C. M. Huang, K. M. Huang, Q. Gan, Y. Gong (2013), Global climatological variability of quasi-two-day waves revealed by SABER/TIMED observations, Annales Geophysicae, 31, 1061-1075. (影响因子:1.757)
(28) *Huang, K. M., A. Z. Liu, S. D. Zhang, F. Yi and Z. H. Li (2012), Spectral energy transfer of atmospheric gravity waves through sum and difference nonlinear interactions, Annales Geophysicae, 30, 303-315. (影响因子:1.757)
(29) Wang, R., S. D. Zhang, H. G. Yang and K. M. Huang (2012), Characteristics of mid-latitude planetary waves in the lower atmosphere derived from radiosonde data, Annales Geophysicae, 30, 1463-1477. (影响因子:1.757)
(30) *Zhang, Y. H., S. D. Zhang, F. Yi and Z. Y. Chen (2011), Statistics of lower tropospheric inversions over the continental United States, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 401-410. (影响因子:1.757)
(31) Zhang, S. D., F. Yi, C. M. Huang and Q. Zhou (2010), Latitudinal and seasonal variations of lower atmospheric inertial gravity wave energy revealed by US radiosonde data, Annales Geophysicae, 28, 1065-1074. (影响因子:1.757)
(32) *Huang, C. M., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2009), Intensive radiosonde observations of the diurnal tide and planetary waves in the lower atmosphere over Yichang (111o18’E, 30o42’N), China, Annales Geophysicae, 27, 1079-1095. (影响因子:1.757)
(33) Zhang, S. D., F. Yi, C. M. Huang and Z. Y. Chen (2008), Intensive radiosonde observations of gravity waves in the lower atmosphere over Yichang (111o18’E, 30o42’N), China, Annales Geophysicae, 26, 2005-2018. (影响因子:1.757)
(34) Zhang, S. D., C. M. Huang and F. Yi (2006), Radiosonde observations of vertical wavenumber spectra for gravity waves in the lower atmosphere over central China. Annales Geophysicae, 24, 3257-3265. (影响因子:1.757)
(35) *Huang, C. M, S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2006), A numerical study on the impact of nonlinear interactions on the amplitude of the migrating semidiurnal tide, Annales Geophysicae, 24, 3241-3256. (影响因子:1.757)
(36) Zhang, S. D. and F. Yi (2005), A statistical study of gravity waves from radiosonde observations at Wuhan (30oN, 114oE), China. Annales Geophysicae, 23, 665-673. (影响因子:1.757)
(37) Zhang, S. D., F. Yi and J. F. Wang (2000), The nonlinear effects on the characteristics of gravity-wave packets: dispersion and polarization relations,Annales Geophysicae,18(10), 1316-1324. (影响因子:1.757)
(38) Yi, F., S. D. Zhang, et al. (2013), Simultaneous and common-volume three-lidar observations of sporadic metal layers in the mesopause region, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 102, 172-184. (影响因子:1.671)
(39) Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang, and F. Yi (2011), Atmospheric gravity wave excitation through sum nonresonant interaction, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73, 2429-2436.(影响因子:1.671)
(40) *Zhang, Y. H., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2009), Intensive radiosonde observations of lower tropospheric inversion layers over Yichang (111o18’E, 30o42’N), China, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71, 180-190.(影响因子:1.671)
(41) *Huang, C. M., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2007), A numerical study on the impact of nonlinearity on the amplitude of the migrating diurnal tide, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 69, 631-648. (影响因子:1.671)
(42) Zhang, S. D., F. Yi and X. Hu (2004), MF radar observation of mean wind and tides of winter mesopause (80–98 km) region over Wuhan (30oN,114oE), Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 66(1), 15-25. (影响因子:1.671)
(43) *Huang, C. M., S. D. Zhang, and F. Yi (2007), A numerical study on amplitude characteristics of the terdiurnal excited by nonlinear interaction between the diurnal and semidiurnal tides.
Earth, Planets and Space, 59, 183-191. (影响因子:1.025)
(44) Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang, F. Yi and Z. Y. Chen (2009), Simulation of the equatorial quasi-biennial oscillation based on the parameterizatoin with a continuous spectrum of gravity waves, Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(17), 1940-1948. (影响因子:1.243)
(45) *Huang, C. M., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2005), A numerical study on nonlinear propagation and short-term variability of the migrating diurnal and semidiurnal tides, Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(17), 1940-1948. (影响因子:1.243)
(46) Huang, C. M, S. D. Zhang and X. Chen X. A topographic parameter inversion method based on laser altimetry, Sci. China Ser E-Tech Sci., 55(5), 1273-1280. (影响因子:1.243)
(47) Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2012), A numerical study on match relationships of gravity waves in nonlinear interactions, Sci. China. (影响因子:1.243)
(48) Liu, F. C., F. Yi, J. Y. Jia, Y. P. Zhang, S. D. Zhang, C. M. Yu and Y. Tan (2012), High resolution full-spectrum water Raman lidar, Sci. China Ser E-Tech Sci., 55(5), 1224-1229. (影响因子:1.243)
(49) *Wang, R., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2010), Fan, Radiosonde observations of high-latitude planetary waves in the lower atmosphere, Sci. China, (40), 5, 603-617.(影响因子:1.243)
(50) *Ma, L. M., S. D. Zhang, and F. Yi (2012), Radiosonde observations of lower atmospheric gravity wave momentum flux spectra at a single mid-latitude station, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, (in Chinese), 55(10). 3194-3202, DOI: 10.6038/j.issn.00001-5733.2012.10.002.(影响因子:0.749)
(51) *Cao, W. X., S. D. Zhang, F. Yi, C. M. Huang (2012), Variation of the mesopause observed by SABER/TIMED satellite, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, (in Chinese), 55(8). 2489-2497, DOI: 10.6038/j.issn.00001-5733.2012.08.001.(影响因子:0.749)
(52) Zhong, S., F. Yi, and S. D. Zhang (2012). A new method for inversion of atmospheric temperature and aerosol backscatter coefficient using pure rotational Raman spectrum. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, (in Chinese), 55(11): 3527-3533,doi: 10.6038/j.issn.0001-5733.2012.11.002. (影响因子:0.749)
(53) *Ding, X., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2011), A numerical simulation on gravity waves generated by thermal source and their influence on mean flow. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, (in Chinese), 54(7). 1701-1710, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.00001-5733.2011.07.0002.(影响因子:0.749)
(54) Li, J. and S. D. Zhang (2010), Wave mode analyses of gravity waves propagating in the mesospheric thermal duct, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 53 (2): 237-246.(影响因子:0.749)
(55) *Hang, K. M., S. D. Zhang, and F. Yi (2007), A numerical study on gravity wave excited through nonresonant interaction, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 50(1), 24-33.(影响因子:0.749)
(56) *Li, J., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2007), A numerical simulation on gravity waves propagation in mesospheric thermal duct, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 50(4), 1030-1039.(影响因子:0.749)
(57) Zhang, S. D., F. Yi, J. F. Wang and D. H. Xiong (2001), A numerical study on saturation mechanism of gravity wave in mesosphere, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 44(4):454-460.(影响因子:0.749)
(58) Zhang, S. D. and F. Yi (1999), Breaking of a upward propagating gravity wave packet, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 42(3), 289-295.(影响因子:0.749)