彭方,职 称:副教授 学科专业:微生物学 研究方向:微生物分类 实验室位置:中国典型培养物保藏中心 学习经历: 本 科:武汉大学生命科学学院微生物学专业 学士 研究生: 武汉大学生命科学学院微生物学专业 博士 主要工作经历与任职情况: 博士后: 英国诺丁汉大学生物学院电生理系 现任职: 武汉大学生命科学学院生物技术系 副教授武汉大学生命科学学院生物技术系 副教授
在掌握现有丰富微生物资源的基础上,进一步着眼于新分类单元微生物基因组的研究, 利用生物信息学, 蛋白质组学, 分子生物学等技术方法获得一批具有新的功能,调控机制及代谢途径的新种和基因、蛋白质、调控序列。并得到进化及起源的相关信息。对整个生态环境中微生物的群落分布,相互关系,生理代谢特性和共性开展研究,为探讨微生物在特定生境中相互间的关系, 微生物与环境的相互关系,环境与微生物的起源及进化奠定研究基础。
国家自然科学基金 (2011.1 – 2013.12)
耐辐射奇球菌MscL通道蛋白-脂质体的构建及其特性的研究 教育部博士点基金 (2011.1 – 2013.12)
一株分离自北极的细菌经可见光照射致死的机理 国家自然科学基金364002 (2013.1 – 2015.12)
微生物群落功能活性的研究 国家自然科学基金364003 (2013.1 – 2016.12)
国家微生物资源平台专项 教学实验微生物资源服务与共享 国家科技部 2011.1-2013.12
(1)Fan Jiang, Jun Dai, Yang Wang, Xiuqing Xue, Mengbo Xu, Youhao Guo, Wenxin Li, Chengxiang Fang, and Fang Peng(通讯作者). Mucilaginibacter soli sp. nov., isolated from Arctic tundra soil Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2012 62:1630-1635.
(2)Fan Jiang, Jun Dai, Yang Wang, Xiuqing Xue, Mengbo Xu, Wenxin Li, Chengxiang Fang, and Fang Peng(通讯作者). Cohnella arctica sp. nov., isolated from Arctic tundra soil on the Svalbard islands, Norway (78°N) Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2012,62,817-821.
(3)Zhichao Zhou, Fan Jiang, Shaohua Wang, Fang Peng(通讯作者), Jun Dai, Wenxin Li, and Chengxiang Fang. Pedobacter arcticus sp. nov., a facultative psychrophile isolated from Arctic soil and emended descriptions of the genus Pedobacter, P. heparinus, P. daechungensis, P. terricola, P. glucosidilyticus and P. lentus. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2012,62,1963-1969.
(4)Fan Jiang, Wenjuan Li, Mengchen Xiao, Jun Dai, Wenjing Kan, Lu chen, Wenxin Li, Chengxiang Fang, and Fang Peng(通讯作者). Luteolibacter luojiensis sp. nov., isolated from Arctic tundra soil, and emended description of the genus Luteolibacter Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2012,62,2259-2263.
(5)Fan Jiang, Mengchen Xiao, Lu chen, Wenjing Kan, Fang Peng(通讯作者), Jun Dai, Xulu Chang, Wenxin Li, and Chengxiang Fang. Huanghella arctica gen. nov., sp. nov., a bacterium of the family Cytophagaceae isolated from Arctic tundra soil on the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway (78°N) Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2013 63:696-702.
(6)Wei Su, Zhichao Zhou, Fan Jiang, XuLu Chang, Ying Liu, Shaohua Wang, Wenjing Kan, Mengchen Xiao, Ming Shao, Fang Peng(通讯作者),and Chenxiang Fang. Iodobacter limnosediminis sp. nov., isolated from Arctic lake sediment Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2013 63,1464 - 1470.
(7)Lu Chen, Fan Jiang, Mengchen Xiao, Jun Dai, Wenjing Kan, Chengxiang Fang, and Fang Peng(通讯作者). Dyadobacter arcticus sp. nov., isolated from high Arctic soil on the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2013 63,1616 - 1620.
(8)Mengbo Xu, Yang Wang, Jun Dai, Fan Jiang, Erkin Rahman, Fang Peng, and Chengxiang Fang. Pontibacter populi sp. nov., isolated from the soil of a Euphrates poplar (Populus euphratica) forest. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2012 62:665-670.
(9)Ming Liu, Huan Qi,Xueshong Luo,Jun Dai,Fang Peng(共同通讯作者)and Chengxiang Fang. Cesiribacter roseus sp. nov., a pink-pigmented bacterium isolated from the desert sand. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2012 62: 96-99.
(10)Xiuqing Xue, Kundi Zhang, Feng Cai, Jun Dai, Yang Wang, Erkin Rahman, Fang Peng(共同通讯作者),and Chengxiang Fang. Altererythrobacter xinjiangensis sp. nov., isolated from desert sand, and emended description of the genus Altererythrobacter. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2012 62: 28-32.
(11)Yang Wang, Feng Cai, Yali Tang, Jun Dai, Huan Qi, Erkin Rahman, Fang Peng(共同通讯作者), and Chengxiang Fang*. Flavitalea populi gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from soil of Euphrates poplar (Populus euphratica) forest in China. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2011 61:1554-1560.
(12)Hongli An, Mengbo Xu, Jun Dai, Yang Wang, Feng Cai, Huan qi, Fang Peng, and Chengxiang Fang*. Sphingomonas xinjiangensis sp. nov., isolated from the desert of Xinjiang, China. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2011 61:1865-1869.
(13)Peng, F., Mellor, I.R., Williamson, M., Davies, T.G.E., Field, L. and Usherwood, P.N.R. Single Channel Study of Deltamethrin Interactions with Wild-type and Mutant Rat NaV1.2 Sodium Channels Expressed in Xenopus Oocytes Neurotoxicology (2009), 30(3): 358-67.
(14)Fang Peng, Lei Zhang, Xueshong Luo, Jun Dai, Hongli An, Yali Tang, and Chengxiang Fang. Deinococcus xinjiangensis sp. nov., isolated from the desert of Xinjiang, China. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 59 (2009), 709-713.
(15)Fang Peng, Ming Liu, Lei Zhang, Jun Dai, Xueshong Luo, Hongli An, and Chengxiang Fang Planobacterium taklimakanense gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from the desert of Xinjiang, China. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 59 (2009), 1672-1678.
(16)Ming Liu, Fang Peng, Yang Wang, Kundi Zhang, Gong Chen and Chengxiang Fang. Kineococcus xinjiangensis sp. nov., islated from the desert International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2009), 59: 1090 - 1093.
(17)苏伟,阚文静,王绍华,彭方(通讯作者). 人工脂质体染色方法的探究. 湖北大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 02:184-187.