2022.02 - ,湖南大学土木工程学院党委书记
2015.10-2017.09,美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Research Fellow)
2014.08-2015.09,香港理工大学屋宇设备工程学系博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Research Fellow)
2014.02-2014.08,香港理工大学屋宇设备工程学系副研究员(Research Associate)
2010.08-2011.02,香港理工大学屋宇设备工程学系研究助理(Research Assistant)
[1] 能源领域国际著名期刊《Applied Energy》助理编辑,《Engineering》青年通讯专家,《Building Simulation》领域编辑,《Energy & Built Environment》编委,《Journal of Thermal Science》副主编
[2] SCI 杂志《Applied Energy》,《Materials Today Energy》,《Building Simulation》,《Sustainability》,《Energies》和《Frontier》客座编辑
[3] 美国采暖、制冷与空调工程师学会(ASHRAE)会员
[4] 国际建筑能效模拟委员会(IBPSA)会员
[5] 建筑安全与节能教育部重点实验室副主任
[6] 中国可再生能源学会太阳能建筑专委会副主任
[7] 中国建筑节能协会建筑调试与运维专委会常务理事
[9] 中国光伏行业协会光电建筑专业委员会委员
[10] 全国暖通空调学会模拟委员会委员
[11] 全国暖通空调学会青年委员会委员
[1] 国家重点研发计划“长江流域建筑供暖空调解决方案和相应系统”课题五“间歇模式下集散式供暖空调系统构建与优化运行关键技术研发”(课题编号:2016YFC0700305)
[3] 国家自然科学基金项目“太阳光谱影响下通风型半透明光伏幕墙热电耦合作用机理与实验研究”
[4] 科技部高端外国专家引进计划“零能耗建筑与可再生能源高效利用”
[5] 湖南省高新技术产业科技创新引领计划“高效节能真空型光伏幕墙关键技术研发与示范应用”
[6] 住房与城乡建设部科学技术项目“基于分布式储能与空调需求响应的零能耗建筑关键技术研究与应用”
[7] 湖南省科技创新平台与人才计划
[8] 长沙市杰出创新青年培养计划
[1] 美国能源部 R&D of advanced window technologies for energy saving
[2] 美国能源部 Windows core project—Most efficient ENERGY STAR windows
[3] 美国加州能源署(CEC)High-Performance, Integrated Window and Façade Solutions for California Buildings
[4] Development of novel high dispersed transparent heat insulation paints for glass. Hong Kong ITC supported.
[5] Investigation on the thermal and power performance of vacuum BIPV curtain wall technology and its application potential in buildings in Hong Kong. Hong Kong CIC supported.
[6] Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme (Research Platform) (ZP5N (GHP/040/08GD)) :Investigation and development of large-scale (MW) grid connected thin film photovoltaic power stationsintegrated with buildings
[7] ECF (Environment and Conservation) Project 9/2008: Environmental payback time analysis of building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) applications in Hong Kong
[8] Renewable energy application and energy conservation in public rental housing department in Hong Kong. HongKong HA supported.
[9] 2014/15 CUP Public Policy Research (PPR) (2013.A6.010.13A): Study on the Development Potential and EnergyIncentives of Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Applications in Hong Kong
[10] Feasibility study on tri-generation of power, chilled water and hot water at Shatin sewage treatment works
[11] Thermal performance of the glass with coated transparent heat insulation paint (THIP) as building glazingfacade
[12] Testing and evaluation of indoor and outdoor environment for public housing in Hong Kong. Hong Kong HAsupported.
[13] 2010/12 PolyU FCLU Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research Funding 2010 (1-ZV6Z): Overallenergy performance of building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) applications in Hong Kong.
[1] S Li, J Peng*, Y Tan, T Ma, X Li, B Hao. Study of the application potential of photovoltaic direct-driven air conditioners in different climate zones. Energy and Buildings 2020;226: 110387. (SCI)
[2] Y Zhou, S Wang, J Peng, Y Tan, C Li, FYC Boey, Y Long. Liquid Thermo-Responsive Smart Window Derived from Hydrogel. Joule 2020; 4 (11): 2458-2474. (SCI)
[3] Y Tan, J Peng*, DC Curcija, R Hart, JC Jonsson, S Selkowitz. Parametric study of the impact of window attachments on air conditioning energy consumption. Solar Energy 2020; 202: 136-143. (SCI)
[4] J Peng, J Yan, Z Zhai, CN Markides, ES Lee, U Eicker, X Zhao, TE Kuhn, et al. Solar energy integration in buildings. Applied Energy 2020; 264. (SCI)
[5] Y Ke, Y Yin, Q Zhang, Y Tan, ..., J Peng, et al. Adaptive Thermochromic Windows from Active Plasmonic Elastomers. Joule 2019; 3 (3): 858-871. (SCI)
[6] J Peng. Simulation studies on advanced window technologies. Building Simulation 2019; 12 (1): 1-1. (SCI)
[7] J Peng, DC Curcija, A Thanachareonkit, ES Lee, H Goudey, SE Selkowitz. Study on the overall energy performance of a novel c-Si based semitransparent solar photovoltaic window. Applied Energy 2019; 242: 854-872. (SCI)
[8] J Peng, L Lu, M Wang. A new model to evaluate solar spectrum impacts on the short circuit current of solar photovoltaic modules. Energy 2019; 169: 29-37. (SCI)
[9] N Skandalos, D Karamanis, J Peng, H Yang. Overall energy assessment and integration optimization process of semitransparent PV glazing technologies. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 2018; 26 (7): 473-490. (SCI)
[10] X Li, J Peng*, N Li, Y Wu, Y Fang, T Li, M Wang, C Wang. Optimal design of photovoltaic shading systems for multi-story buildings. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019; 220: 1024-1038. (SCI)
[11] Meng Wang, Jinqing Peng*, Nianping Li, Hongxing Yang, Chunlei Wang, Xue Li, Tao Lu. Comparison of energyperformance between PV double skin facades and PV insulating glass units. Applied Energy 2017; 194:148-160.(SCI)
[12] Jinqing Peng, Dragan C. Curcija, Lin Lu, Stephen E. Selkowitz, Hongxing Yang, Weilong Zhang. Numericalinvestigation of the energy saving potential of a semi-transparent photovoltaic double-skin facade in acool-summer Mediterranean climate. Applied energy 2016; 165: 345-356. (SCI)
[13] Meng Wang, Jinqing Peng*, Nianping Li, Lin Lu, Tao Ma, Hongxing Yang. Assessment of energy performance ofsemi-transparent PV insulating glass units using a validated simulation model. Energy 2016; 112:538-548.(SCI)
[14] Jinqing Peng, Dragan C. Curcija, Lin Lu, Stephen E. Selkowitz, Robin Mitchell. Developing a method andsimulation model for evaluating the overall energy performance of a ventilated semi-transparentphotovoltaic double-skin façade. Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. (2015). (SCI)
[15] Jinqing Peng, Lin Lu, Hongxing Yang, Tao Ma. Comparative study of the thermal and power performances of asemi-transparent photovoltaic façade under different ventilation modes. Applied Energy 2015; 138: 572-583.(SCI)
[16] Jinqing Peng, Lin Lu, Hongxing Yang, Tao Ma. Validation of the Sandia model with indoor and outdoormeasurement for semi-transparent amorphous silicon PV module. Renewable Energy 2015; 80: 316-323. (SCI)
[17] Jinqing Peng, Lin Lu, Hongxing Yang, Jun Han. Investigation on the annual thermal performance of aphotovoltaic wall mounted on a multi-layer façade. Applied Energy 2013;112:646-656. (SCI)
[18] Jinqing Peng, Lin Lu, Hongxing Yang. Review on life cycle assessment of energy payback and greenhouse gasemission of solar photovoltaic systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2013; 19: 255-274. (SCI)
[19] Jinqing Peng, Lin Lu, Hongxing Yang. Investigation on the development potential of rooftop PV system inHong Kong and its environmental benefits. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2013;27:149-162. (SCI)
[20] Jinqing Peng, Lin Lu, Hongxing Yang. An experimental study of the thermal performance of a novelphotovoltaic double-skin facade in Hong Kong. Solar Energy 2013; 97:293-304. (SCI)
[21] Jinqing Peng, Lin Lu, Hongxing Yang, KM Ho, Peter Law. Experimentally diagnosing the shading impact on thepower performance of a PV system in Hong Kong. World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST), IEEEXplore, London, England, Date: DEC 09-12, 2013, Pages: 18-22. (SCI)
[22] Jinqing Peng, Yu Wu, Huajun Liu,et al. The Cryogenic System for ITER CC Superconducting Conductor TestFacility. Cryogenics 2011; 51(1):62-67. (SCI)
[23] K Wang, N Li, J Peng, X Wang, C Wang, M Wang. A highly efficient solution for thermal compensation ofground-coupled heat pump systems and waste heat recovery of kitchen exhaust air. Energy and Buildings2017; 138: 499-513. (SCI)
[24] K Wang, N Li, J Peng, Y He. Study on the Optimizing Operation of Exhaust Air Heat Recovery and SolarEnergy Combined Thermal Compensation System for Ground-Coupled Heat Pump. International Journal ofPhotoenergy 2017. (SCI)
[25] H Cui, N Li, X Wang, J Peng, Y Li, Z Wu. Optimization of reversibly used cooling tower with downwardspraying. Energy 2017; 127: 30-43. (SCI)
[26] X Wei, N Li, J Peng, J Cheng, J Hu, M Wang. Performance analyses of counter-flow closed wet cooling towersbased on a simplified calculation method. Energies 2017; 10 (3):282. (SCI)
[27] Xiaoqing Wei, Nianping Li, Jinqing Peng, Jianlin Cheng, Jinhua Hu and Meng Wang. Modeling and optimizationof a cooling tower-assisted heat pump system. Energies 2017. (SCI)
[28] Li Xue, Peng Jinqing*, Li Nianping, Wang Meng, Wang Chunlei. Study on the comprehensive energy efficiencyof different shading systems in hot summer and cold winter area. Building Science 2017. (In Chinese)
[29] Haijiao Cui, Nianping Li, Jinqing Peng, Jianlin Cheng, Shengbing Li. Study on the dynamic and thermalperformances of a reversibly used cooling tower with upward spraying. Energy 2016; 96: 268–277. (SCI)
[30] Haijiao Cui, Nianping Li, Jinqing Peng, Jianlin Cheng, Nan Zhang, Zhibin Wu. Modelling the particlescavenging and thermal efficiencies of a heat absorbing scrubber. Building and Environmental 2016;111:218-227. (SCI)