2015/11-2019/10 中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所副研究员
2008/07-2015/11 中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所助理研究员
主要从事人文地理学和3S应用技术的研究,近期的主要研究方向包括土地利用与生态格局、灾害风险适应与管理、空间规划与地理大数据、环境感知等方面研究。作为项目负责人主持国家级项目5项,省部级项目6项,具体包括主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、973项目子课题和国家重点研发计划子课题1项,及其他纵横向课题若干。已发表学术论文100余篇,其中以第一和通讯作者发表SCI/SSCI论文60余篇,授权专利8项,出版学术专著2部。获得第四届中国自然资源学会青年科技奖; 参与了包括5.12汶川地震、4.20芦山地震、4.25尼泊尔地震等若干次大地震的灾后恢复重建规划及资源环境承载力评价工作;参与南亚国际科技合作。
中国自然资源学会山地资源专委会副主任、中国自然资源学会资源利用与减灾专委会副主任,中国自然资源学会理事、四川省地理学会副理事长;担任Earth`s future, Journal of rural study,Tourism Management、Land use policy等国际一流学术期刊审稿人。
1.Peng Li , Tan Jing . Identifying Neighborhood Efects on Geohazard Adaptation in Mountainous Rural Areas of China: A Spatial Econometric Model. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science,2023,14: 919–931.
2.Chen Tiantian, Wang Yuxi, Peng Li*. Advanced time-lagged effects of drought on global vegetation growth and its social risk in the 21st century. Journal of Environmental Management 2023,347: 119253
3.Li Sainan, Peng Li*, Wang Xiaohui. Do geohazards inhibit urban expansion at the regional scale? Evidence from a counterfactual analysis in Southwest China. Cities, 2023, 142:104558[2]
4.Li Sainan, Peng Li *, Wu Wenxin. Does labor out-migration affect the sustainability of disaster mitigation? Insight from the social–ecological system perspective. Sustainable Development, 2023,32(1):1-14
5. Xiang Xiaozhi, Zhang Yaxian, Peng Li*. Exploring the food-energy-water nexus in China's national industries: Insights from network structure and production disturbances. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2023,43:377-388
6.Huang Kexin, Peng Li *, Wang Xiaohui, et al. Incorporating circuit theory, complex networks, and carbon offsets into the multi-objective optimization of ecological networks: A case study on karst regions in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2023, 383: 135512.
7.WANG Xiaohui, PENG Li*, HUANG Kexin, DENG We. Understanding the Relationship Between Shrinking Cities and Land Prices: Spatial Pattern, Effectiveness, and Policy Implications, 2024, 34(1): 1-18 Chinese Geographical Science.
8.Peng Li, Chen Tiantian, Wang Yuxi, Wang Qiang .Decoupling and partitioning the effect of climate and afforestation on long-term vegetation greening in China since the 1990s. Land Degradation & Development, 2023, 34(11):3179-3195
9.Zhou Shuang, Peng Li*. Integrating a mixed-cell cellular automata model and Bayesian belief network for ecosystem services optimization to guide ecological restoration and conservation. Land Degradation and Development. 2022;33:1579–1595.
10. Peng Li, Zhou Shuang , Chen Tiantian . Mapping Forest Restoration Probability and Driving Archetypes Using a Bayesian Belief Network and SOM: Towards Karst Ecological Restoration in Guizhou, China. Remote Sens. 2022, 14(3), 780
11.Wang Xiaohui, Peng Li, Huang Kexin, Deng Wei. Identifying the influence of disaster education on the risk perception of rural residents in geohazard-prone areas: A propensity score-matched study. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2022, 71, 102795.
12. Peng Li, Chen Tiantian, Deng Wei, Liu Ying. Exploring ecosystem services trade-offs using the Bayesian belief network model for ecological restoration decision-making: A case study in Guizhou Province, China. Ecological Indicators 135 (2022) 108569
13.Peng Li, Tan Jing, Deng Wei, Liu Ying. Farmers' participation in community-based disaster management: The role of trust, place attachment and self-efficacy. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51 (2020) 101895.
14.Peng Li, Tan Jing, Lin Lei, Xu Dingde. Understanding sustainable disaster mitigation of stakeholder engagement: Risk perception, trust in public institutions, and disaster insurance. Sustainable Development, 2019,27(5): 885-897.
15.Peng L, Liu S, Sun L. Spatial–temporal changes of rurality driven by urbanization and industrialization: A case study of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in Chongqing, China[J]. Habitat International, 2016, 51: 124-132.
16.Peng L, Chen T, Wang Q, et al. Linking Ecosystem Services to Land Use Decisions: Policy Analyses, Multi-Scenarios, and Integrated Modelling[J]. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2020, 9(3): 154.
17.Peng L, Wang X. What is the relationship between ecosystem services and urbanization? A case study of the mountainous areas in Southwest China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2019, 16(12): 2867-2881.
18.Huang P, Peng L*, Pan H. Linking the Random Forests Model and GIS to Assess Geo-Hazards Risk: A Case Study in Shifang County, China[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 28033.
19.Xu D, Peng L*, Su C, et al. Influences of mass monitoring and mass prevention systems on peasant households’ disaster risk perception in the landslide-threatened Three Gorges Reservoir area, China[J]. Habitat International, 2016, 58: 23-33.
20.Peng L, Xu D, Wang X. Vulnerability of rural household livelihood to climate variability and adaptive strategies in landslide-threatened western mountainous regions of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area,China[J].Climate and Development, 2019,11(6): 469–484.
21.Peng J, Peng L*, Chen T, Xia H. Regional inequalities in comprehensive development in China from 1992 to 2013: Comparative estimation based on statistical and DMSP/OLS data. Growth and Change. 2018,49(4):743-761
22.Peng L, Deng W, Zhang H, et al. Focus on economy or ecology? A three‐dimensional trade‐off based on ecological carrying capacity in southwest China[J]. Natural Resource Modeling, 2019, 32(2): e12201.
23.Peng L, Lin L, Liu S, et al. Interaction between risk perception and sense of place in disaster-prone mountain areas: a case study in China’s Three Gorges Reservoir Area[J]. Natural Hazards, 2017, 85(2): 777–792.
24.Peng Li, Su ChunJiang, et al. Spatial-temporal Evolution Pattern of Agricultural Productivity in Northwestern Sichuan Plateau [J]. Journal of Mountain Science,2013,10(3): 418-427.
25.Xu D, Peng L*, Liu S, et al. Influences of migrant work income on the poverty vulnerability disaster threatened area: A case study of the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China[J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2017,22:62–70.
26.Dingde Xu, Li Peng*, SQ Liu, et al. Influences of Sense of Place on Farming Households’ Relocation Willingness in Areas Threatened by Geological Disasters: Evidence from China[J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science,2017,8(1):16–32
27.Chen T, Peng L*, Liu S, et al. Spatio-temporal pattern of net primary productivity in Hengduan Mountains area, China: Impacts of climate change and human activities[J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 2017,27(6): 948–962
28.Chen T T, Peng L*, Liu S Q, et al. Land cover change in different altitudes of Guizhou-Guangxi karst mountain area, China: patterns and drivers[J]. Journal of Mountain Science, 2017, 14(9):1873-1888.