新加坡南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University),博士后。
[1]Zheng Zeng, Xin Zhang, Frede Blaabjerg, Linjing Miao. Impedance-Oriented Transient Instability Modeling of SiC MOSFET Intruded by Measurement Probes[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019. (Early Access)
[2]Zheng Zeng, Xin Zhang, Xiaoling Li. Layout-dominated dynamic current imbalance in multichip power module: Mechanism modeling and comparative evaluation[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019.(Early Access)
[3]Zheng Zeng, Xin Zhang, Zhe Zhang. Imbalance current analysis and its suppression methodology for parallel SiC MOSFETs with aid of a differential mode choke[J].IEEE Transactions onIndustrial Electronics, 2019.(Early Access)
[4]Zheng Zeng, Xiaoling Li. Comparative study on multiple degrees of freedom of gate driver for transient behavior regulation of SiC MOSFET[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018, 33(10): 8754-8763.
[5]Zheng Zeng, Xiaoling Li, Weihua Shao. Multi-functional grid-connected inverter: Upgrading distributed generator with ancillary services[J].IET Renewable Power Generation, 2018, 12(7): 797-805.
[6] Wensuo Chen, Ruijin Liao, Peijian Zhang,Zheng Zeng, Bo Zhang. High performance of trench schottky contact super barrier rectifier with a p-injector (P-T-SSBR)[J].IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2018, 65(1): 215-222.
[7] Hui Li, Xinglin Liao, Yaogang Hu,Zheng Zeng, Erbing Song, Hongwei Xiao. Analysis of SiC MOSFET dI/dt and its temperature dependence[J].IET Power Electronics, 2018, 11(3): 491-500.
[8] Hui Li, Xinglin Liao,Zheng Zeng, Yaogang Hu, Yang Li, Shengquan Liu, Li Ran. Thermal coupling analysis for a multi-chip paralleled IGBT module in a doubly fed wind turbine power converter[J].IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2017, 32(1): 80-90.
[9] Wensuo Chen, Ruijin Liao,Zheng Zeng, Peijian Zhang, Yale Zhong, Hao Chen, Bo Zhang. Analyses and experiments of the schottky contact super barrier rectifier (SSBR)[J].IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2017, 38(7): 902-905.
[10] Borong Hu, Jose Ortiz Gonzalez, Li Ran, Hai Ren,Zheng Zeng, Wei Lai, Bing Gao, Olayiwola Alatise, Hua Lu, Christopher Bailey, Phil Mawby. Failure and reliability analysis of a SiC power module based on stress comparison to a Si device[J].IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 2017, 17(4): 727-737.
[11] Wensuo Chen, Peijian Zhang, Yi Zhong, Kaizhou Tan, Ruijin Liao,Zheng Zeng, Bo Zhang. A novel low VF super barrier rectifier (SBR) with an N-Enhancement layer[J].IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2017, 38(2): 244-247.
[12]Zheng Zeng, Weihua Shao. Reconnection of micro-grid from islanded to grid-connected mode used sliding goertzel-based Filter [J].IET Renewable Power Generation, 2017, 11(7): 1041-1048.
[13]Zheng Zeng, Hui Li, Shengqing Tang, Huan Yang, Rongxiang Zhao. Multi-objective control of multi-functional grid-connected inverter for renewable energy integration and power quality service[J].IET Power Electronics, 2016, 9(4): 761-770.
[14] Chunwei Song, Yonghong Guo,Zheng Zeng, Jinlong He. Operation method for input-series-output-parallel AC-DC-DC converter[J].IET Power Electronics, 2016, 9(8):1654-1663.
[15]Zheng Zeng, Huan Yang, Shengqing Tang, Rongxiang Zhao. Objective-oriented power quality compensation of multi-functional grid-tied inverters and its application in micro-grids[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2015, 30(3): 1255-1265.
[16]Zheng Zeng, Huan Yang, Josep M. Guerrero, Rongxiang Zhao. Multi-functional distributed generation unit for power quality enhancement[J].IET Power Electronics, 2015, 8(3): 467-476.
[17]Zheng Zeng, Rongxiang Zhao, Huan Yang. Coordinated control of multi-functional grid-tied inverters using conductance and susceptance limitation[J].IET Power Electronics, 2014, 7(7): 1821-1831.
[18] Chunwei Song, Rongxiang Zhao, Minglei Zhu,Zheng Zeng. Operation method for parallel inverter system with common dc link[J].IET Power Electronics, 2014, 7(5): 1138-1147.
[19]Zheng Zeng, Huan Yang, Rongxiang Zhao, Chong Cheng. Topologies and control strategies of multi-functional grid-connected inverters for power quality enhancement: A comprehensive review[J].Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2013, 24: 223-270. (ESI高被引论文)
同步发电机不平衡电压控制[J].中国电机工程学报, 2017, 37(2): 372-380.(期刊高影响力论文)
[21]曾正,邵伟华,冉立,吕志鹏,李蕊.虚拟同步发电机的模型及储能单元优化配置[J].电力系统自动化, 2015, 39(13): 22-31. (期刊高被引论文)
[22]程冲,杨欢,曾正,汤胜清,赵荣祥.虚拟同步发电机的转子惯量自适应控制方法[J].电力系统自动化, 2015, 39(19): 82-89. (期刊高被引论文)
[23]曾正,杨欢,赵荣祥.多功能并网逆变器及其在微电网中的应用[J].电力系统自动化, 2012, 36(4): 28-34. (F5000顶尖论文)