朱学良,男,1963年2月7日出生,毕业于中科院上海细胞所,博士,现就职于中国科学院上海生命科学院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所,研究员,人研究组长、所长助理、中科院分子细胞生物学重点实验室主任。研究方向:细胞生物学。现任所学位评定委员会主席、《Cell Research》编委、《细胞生物学报》副主编、《实验生物学报》编委、《生物化学与生物物理学报》编委、上海细胞生物学会理事、全国膜与细胞生物物理专业委员会。
细胞生物学杂志》副主编,《生物化学与生物物理学报》、《实验细胞学报》、《Cell Research》编委,中国细胞生物学会副理事长,全国膜与细胞生物物理专业委员会委员、
朱学良研究员于2000年获得国家杰出青年基金,2004年获中华人民共和国人事部“新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选”, 2006年被评为
Du J, Li Y, Zhu X*(2010). Involvement of CENP-F in histone methylation. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 42(3):173-6.
Du J, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Li Y, and Zhu X*(2010). Involvement of Cenp-F in interphase chromatin organization possibly through association with DNA-dependent protein kinase. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 42: 839–846.
Yan X, Shen Y,Zhu X * (2010). Live Show of Rho GTPases in Cell Migration. J Mol Cell Biol., 2: 68–69.
Zhu X * (2010).Seeing the Yin and Yang in Cell Biology. Mol Biol Cell., 21: 3827–3828.
Ding C, Liang X, Ma L, Yuan X and Zhu X*. (2009) Opposed effect of Ndel1 and alpha1/2 on cytoplasmic dynein functions through competitive binding to Lis1. J Cell Sci. 122, 2820-2827.
Zhang Q, Wang F, Cao J, Shen Y, Huang Q, Bao L and Zhu X*. (2009) Nudel promotes axonal lysosome clearance and endo-lysosome formation via dynein-mediated transport. Traffic. 10:1337-1349.
Shan Y, Yu L, Li Y, Pan Y, Zhang Q, Wang F, Chen J, and Zhu X* (2009). Nudel and FAK as antagonizing strength modulators of nascent adhesions through Paxillin. PLoS Biol. 7(5): e1000116. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000116.
Ma L, Tsai M-Y, Wang S, Lu B, Chen R, Yates III JR, Zhu X*, and Zheng Y *(2009). Requirement for Nudel and dynein for assembly of the lamin B spindle matrix. Nat. Cell Biol., 11: 247-256.
Shen Y, Li N, Wu S, Zhou Y, Shan Y, Zhang Q, Ding C, Yuan Q, Zhao F, Zeng R, Zhu X*. (2008) Nudel binds Cdc42GAP to modulate Cdc42 activity at the leading edge of migrating cells. Dev. Cell, 14, 342-353.
Wang F, Zhang Q, Cao J, Huang Q, Zhu X*. (2008) The microtubule plus end-binding protein EB1 is involved in Sertoli cell plasticity in testicular seminiferous tubules. Exp. Cell Res. 314, 213-226.
Li Y, Yu W, Liang Y, Zhu X*. (2007) Kinetochore dynein generates a poleward pulling force to facilitate congression and full chromosome alignment. Cell Res. 17, 701-712.
Liang Y, Yu W, Li Y, Yu L, Zhang Q, Wang F, Yang Z, Du J, Huang Q, Yao X, and Zhu X*. (2007) Nudel modulates kinetochore association and function of cytoplasmic dynein in M phase. Mol. Biol. Cell. 18, 2656-2666.
Guo J, Yang Z, Song W, Chen Q, Wang F, Zhang Q, and Zhu X*. (2006) Nudel contributes to MT anchoring at the mother centriole and is involved in both dynein-dependent and independent centrosomal protein assembly. Mol. Biol. Cell. 17:680-9.
Yang Z, Guo J, Chen Q, Du J, Ding C, and Zhu X*. (2005) Silencing mitosin induces misaligned chromosomes, premature chromosome decondensation before anaphase onset, and mitotic cell death. Mol. Cell. Biol. 25, 4062-74.
Zhou X, Wang R, Fan L, Li Y, Ma L, Yang Z, Yu W, Jing N, and Zhu X*. (2005) Mitosin/CENP-F as a negative regulator of activating transcription factor-4. J. Biol. Chem. 280, 13973-7.
Liang Y, Yu W, Li Y, Yang Z, Yan X, Huang Q, and Zhu X*. (2004) Nudel functions in membrane traffic mainly through association with Lis1 and cytoplasmic dynein. J. Cell Biol. 164, 557-566.
Yang Z, Guo J, Li N, Qian M, Wang S, Zhu X*. (2003) Mitosin/CENP-F is a conserved kinetochore protein subjected to cytoplasmic dynein-mediated poleward transport. Cell Res. 13, 275-283.
Fan L, Yu W, Zhu X*. (2003) Interaction of Sedlin with chloride intracellular channel proteins. FEBS Lett. 540, 77-80.
Yan X, Li F, Liang Y, Shen Y, Zhao X, Huang Q, and Zhu X*. (2003) Human Nudel and NudE as Regulators of Cytoplasmic Dynein in Poleward Protein Transport along the Mitotic Spindle. Mol. Cell. Biol. 23, 1239-50.
Zhao X, Yang Z, Qian M, and Zhu X*. (2001) Interaction among subunits of human Arp2/3 complex: p20-Arc as the hub. Biochem. Biophy. Res. Commun. 280, 513-517.
Yan X., Zhao X, Qian M, Guo N, Gong X, and Zhu X*. (2000) Characterization and gene structure of a novel retinoblastoma-protein-associated protein similar to the transcription regulator TFII-I. Biochem. J. 345, 749-757.
Zhu X*. (1999) Structural requirements and dynamics of mitosin-kinetochore interaction in M phase. Mol. Cell. Biol. 19, 1016-1024.