大连理工大学(本科) 水利水电工程建筑
1993-09~1996-07 大连理工大学(硕士) 地震工程及防护工程
1996-09~2000-03 大连理工大学(博士) 水工结构工程
2000-03~2002-09 大连理工大学
讲师2002-09~2009-12 大连理工大学
副教授2005-02~2014.12 大连理工大学 工程抗震研究所 所长
2009-12,大连理工大学 教授
2005-12~2006-10 Norwegian Geotechnical Institute(挪威土工研究所) 访问学者
2012-02~2012-07 University of California, Davis(加州大学戴维斯分校) 访问学者
2014.07,大连理工大学 建设工程学部 副部长
建设工程学部 副部长
海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室 副主任
(4)国家973项目“深海工程结构的极端环境作用与全寿命服役安全”课题,深海柔性结构的非线性流固耦合振动与破坏机理, 起止年月:2011.11-2016.8
(1)Xin Li, Ming-gao Li, Jing Zhou. Experimental study of the hydrodynamic force on a pipeline subjected to vertical seabed movement. Ocean Engineering, 2013, 72: 66-76. SCI, EI检索
(2)Xin Li, Yu Bai. Interaction Identification for Corroded Steel Pipeline with Colonies of Defects. Proceedings of the Twenty-third (2013) International Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2013, 414-419.
(3)孙彦彦, 李昕. 在内压和弯曲荷载下钢管临界屈曲应变的确定. 油气储运, 2013, 32(9): 1022-1026.
(4)李昕. 二氧化碳输送管道关键技术研究现状. 油气储运, 2013, 32(4): 343-348.
(1)Luo Xianfeng, Cheng Tao, Li Xin, Zhou, Jing. Slope safety factor search strategy for multiple sample points for reliability analysis. Engineering Geology, 2012, 129-130: 27-37. SCI, EI检索
(2)Xianfeng Luo, Xin Li, Jing Zhou. A Kriging-based hybrid optimization algorithm for slope reliability analysis. Structural Safety, 2012, 34(1): 401-406. SCI检索, 影响因子:1.770.
(3)Liu Yuxiao, Li Xin, Zhou Jing. Post-buckling studies on snaked-lay pipeline with new shape. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2012, 9(12): 3315-3324. EI检索
(4)Li Xin*, Bai Yu, Wang Amin. Study on Residual Strength Estimation Methods of Corroded Pipelines under Internal Pressure, Proceedings of 31th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2012.06.10-15, OMAE2012-83184.
(5)Li Xin, Wang Bin, Zhou Jing. Analytical Method of Submarine Buried Steel Pipelines Under Strike-slip Faults. Proceedings of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal, WCEE2012-0311.
(1)Wang Bin, Xin Li, Jing Zhou. Strain analysis of buried steel pipelines across strike-slip faults. Journal of Central. South University of Technology, 2011, 18: 1654-1661. SCI检索.
(2)Liu Yuxiao, Li Xin, Zhou Jing. Analytical study of imperfect pipeline on lateral buckling. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2011, 15(9): 1033-1040. EI收录
(3)陈法波, 李昕. 近海风力涡轮机所受随机动力荷载模拟研究. 太阳能学报, 2011, 32(10): 1528-1532. EI收录
(4)王滨, 李昕, 周晶. 走滑断层作用下埋地钢质管道反应的改进解析方法. 工程力学, 2011, 28(12): 51-58. EI收录
(5)周晶, 冯新, 李昕. 海底管线全寿命安全运行的关键问题研究. 工程力学, 28(Sup. II): 97-108. EI收录
(6)陈严飞, 李昕, 周晶. 组合荷载作用下腐蚀缺陷管道极限承载力. 计算力学学报, 2011, 28(1): 132-139. EI收录
(7)成红武, 李昕, 周晶. 浮拖法铺设海底管道接头处破坏机理研究. 中国海洋平台, 2011, 26(10): 38-43.
(8)丁明华, 李昕. 海上风机结构不同计算模型的比较研究. 水电能源科学, 2011, 29(10): 49-52.
(9)Li Xin, Chen Yanfei, Su Chenliang. Burst Capacity Estimation of Pipeline with Colonies of Interacting Corrosion Defects. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2011, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, OMAE2011-49918. EI收录
(1)Yanfei Chen, Xin Li, Rober Chai, Jing Zhou. Assessment of the flexural capacity of corroded steel pipes. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2010, 87(2-3): 100-110. SCI检索, 影响因子:1.256. EI收录
(2)Minggao Li, Xin Li, Jing Zhou. Study on model tests and hydrodynamic force models for free spanning submarine pipelines subjected to earthquakes. China Ocean Engineering, 2010, 24(2): 305 – 320. SCI检索. EI收录
(3)Li Minggao, Li Xin, Zhou Jing. A modified method for simulating non-stationary multi-point earthquake ground motion. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2010, 9: 201-211. SCI, EI收录
(4)李明高, 李昕, 周晶. 地震作用下海底悬跨管道动水作用力试验研究. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2010, 31(5): 564-569. EI收录
(5)董汝博, 李昕, 周晶. 考虑流固耦合的海洋储油罐平台地震反应分析. 船舶力学, 2010, 14(8): 887-893. EI收录
(6)董汝博, 李昕, 金峤, 周晶. 地震作用下海底悬跨管道水动力计算模型. 大连理工大学学报, 2010, 50(2): 245-250. EI收录
(7)李昕, 李秀梅, 李明高. 海底悬跨管道地震作用下水动力模型的数值分析. 中国海洋平台, 2010, 25(4): 8-13.
(8)陆路, 李昕, 周晶. 水下爆炸引起的混凝土坝危险性评估. 水资源与水工程学报, 2010, 21(5): 6-9.
(9)刘羽霄, 李昕, 周晶. 蛇形铺管形状对海底管道横向屈曲的影响. 石油工程建设, 2010, 36(3): 25-27.
(10)Xin Li, Yanfei Chen, Jing Zhou. Plastic interaction relations for corroded steel pipes under combined loadings. Proceedings of ASCE Earth and Space, 2010, 3328-3344. EI收录
(11)Jing Zhou, Liu Yuxiao, Xin Li. Pipe walking-lateral buckling interaction. Proceedings of ASCE Earth and Space, 2010, 3318-3327. EI收录
(1)Yanfei Chen, Rober Chai, Xin Li, Jing Zhou. An extraction of the natural frequencies and mode shapes of marine risers by the method of differential transformation. Computers and Structures, 2009, 87: 1384-1393. SCI检索, 影响因子:1.44.
(2)李明高,李昕,周晶. 地震对海底悬跨管道动水力作用的实验研究. 水动力学研究与进展,2009,24(6),747-753. EI收录.
(3)陈严飞,李昕,周晶. 不规则腐蚀缺陷管道极限承载力研究. 工程力学,2009,26(11):190-196. EI收录.
(4)陈严飞,李昕,周晶. 轴向长腐蚀管道极限承载力研究. 船舶力学,2009,13(5):748-756. EI收录.
(5)李昕,孙宁,金峤,周晶. 海上平台利用TLD的减震研究. 船舶力学,2009,13(4):615-620. EI收录.
(6)李昕,董汝博,冯新,周晶. 基于Morison方程的三维地震作用下海底悬跨管道计算模型. 工程力学,2009,26(4):197-201. EI收录.
(7)李昕,王原嵩,陈严飞. GA-BP人工神经网络应用于海底腐蚀管道极限承载力的研究. 中国海洋平台,2009,24(4):43-49.
(8)高明涛,李昕,周晶. 水下钻孔爆破水中冲击波的数值模拟研究. 水电能源科学,2009,27(4):138-141.
(9)陆路,李昕,周晶. 灾害荷载下大坝风险管理决策支持系统研究. 水电能源科学,2009,27(3):58-61.
(10)王滨,李昕,周晶. 地震断层作用下的埋地管道等效分析模型. 防灾减灾工程学报,2009,29(1):44-50.
(11)周灵琳,李昕,周晶. 海底管道健康监测和安全评价系统软件开发. 石油工程建设,2009,35(6):8-11.
(12)Xin Li, Yanfei Chen, Tong Zhu, Jing Zhou. Ultimate Bending Capacity of Steel Pipes Considering Strain Hardening Effect. Proceedings of the Nineteenth (2009) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2009, Osaka, Japan, 2: 514-520. EI收录.
(13)Xin Li, Jing Zhou, Yanfei Chen. Ultimate Load Capacity of Pipeline with Arbitrary Shape Corrosion Defects. Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2009, Busan, Korea, Paper No. ICCEE09-S18.
(14)Bin Wang, Xin Li, Jing Zhou. Analytical Method of Buried Steel Pipelines Subjected to Strike-slip Faults. Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2009, Busan, Korea, Paper No. ICCEE09-S15.
(1)Chen Yanfei, Li Xin, Zhou Jing, Guan Jiong. Study on Interaction Relationship for Submarine Pipeline with Axial Corrosion Defects. China Ocean Engineering, 2008, 22(3): 359-370. SCI收录,EI收录. 影响因子0.430.
(2)董汝博,李昕,金峤,周晶. 多点输入下悬跨海底管道非线性地震响应参数分析. 土木工程学报,2008,41(7):103-109. EI收录.
(3)Xin Li, Rubo Dong, Qiao Jing, Jing Zhou. Hydrodynamic Force Model on Free Spanning Pipeline Subjected to Seismic Excitations. Proceedings of the ASME 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2008, Portugal, OMAE2008-57081. EI收录.
(4)Yanfei Chen, Xin Li, Qiao Jin, Jing Zhou. Burst Capacity Solutions for Submarine Pipeline with Long Corrosion Defects. Proceedings of the Eighteenth (2008) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2008, Canada, 2: 145-151. EI收录,ISTP收录.
(5)Jing Zhou, Xin Li, Xin Feng, Rubo Dong. Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Free Spanning Submarine Pipelines under Spatially Varying Earthquake Ground Motions. Proceedings of the Eighteenth (2008) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2008, Canada, 2: 269-276. EI收录,ISTP收录.
(6)Xin Li, Qiao Jin, Rubo Dong, Jing Zhou. Experimental and Numerical Study on Free Spanning Pipelines Subjected to Earthquakes. Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2008, China, Paper No. 06-0091.
(7)Jing Zhou, Xin Li, Rubo Dong, Minggao Li. Interaction Study on Free Spanning Submarine Pipelines under Combined Operating Loads and Earthquake. Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2008, China, Paper No. 07-0160.
(8)Jin Qiao, Li Xin, He Tianfu, Zhou Jing. Plastic-Damage Analysis of RCC Dams Strengtherned with Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Monolith for Seismic Resistance. Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2008, China, Paper No. S13-040.
(1)Jin Qiao, Li Xin, Sun Ning, Jing Zhou, Guan Jiong. Experimental and numerical study on tuned liquid dampers for controlling earthquake response of jacket offshore platform. Marine Structures, 2007, 20: 238-254. EI收录, SCI收录.
(2)李昕,冯新,杜超, 周晶. 两种导管架海洋平台的系统可靠度分析. 中国海洋平台,2007,22(1): 29-33.
(3)李昕,金峤,周晶. 在役导管架平台的评估策略研究现状. 防灾减灾工程学报,2007,27(3):368-376.
(1)石志晓,李昕,周晶.基于自适应线调频高斯基展开的参数识别方法. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2006, 38(1):111-115. EI收录.
(2)李明高,李昕,冯新,周晶. 波流作用下海底管-土相互作用研究综述. 中国海洋平台,2007,22(4):23-31.
(3)陈雯,李昕,周晶. 混凝土重力坝整体动力特性研究. 世界地震工程,2006,22(4):63-69.
(1)NI Han-gen, LI Xin and Zhou Jing, JIN Qiao. Effect of Aerator on Hydraulic Drag Acting on A Chute, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2005,17(1):34-42. EI收录.
(2)石志晓,李昕,周晶. 损伤检测的经验模态分解法. 大连理工大学学报,2005, 45(3):401-404. EI收录.
(3)舒铁,李昕,周晶. 单立柱海洋平台的可靠度分析. 中国海洋平台, 2005, 8:36-40.
(4)石志晓,李昕,周晶. 时频联合分析方法在土木工程中的研究现状. 工业建筑,2005, 35(5):75-81.
(5)Jing Zhou, Xin Li, and Rubo Dong. Experimental Study and Numerical Analysis on Free Spanning Submarine Pipeline under Dynamic Excitation, Proceedings of the 15th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2005, .2: 135-140. EI收录,ISTP收录.
(1)周晶,李昕,朱彤. 地震时海底悬跨管线动力特性试验研究. 水利学报,2003(1): 12-16. EI Page One 收录.
(2)李昕,刘亚坤,周晶. 海底悬跨管线动力响应的试验研究和数值模拟. 工程力学,2003(2): 21-25. EI收录.
(3)周晶,李昕,范颖芳. 海底悬跨管线地震反应分析(大会特邀报告). 第12届结构工程学术会议, 2003,1:131-144.
(1)Li Xin, Zhou Jing. Experimental study on free spanning submarine pipeline under dynamic excitation. China Ocean Engineering, 2002 (4): 537-548. SCI收录,EI Page One收录.
(1) 海底油气管道的破坏机理与状态监测方法研究. 教育部科技进步奖,二等奖,2009.
(2)Plastic Interaction Relations for Corroded Steel Pipes under Combined Loadings. ASCE Earth and Space Conference, Best Paper Award, 2010.
(3)核电厂地基及防护构筑物的抗震安全评价及其工程实践. 国家科技进步奖,二等奖,2010.
(4)海底管线的损伤机理与健康监测方法研究, 辽宁省科学技术奖励委员会, 辽宁省科学技术奖, 二等奖, 2012.
(5)融合重点学科资源建设土木水利类专业高水平实验教学中心. 高等教育国家级教学成果奖, 二等奖, 2014.