渔业生态学, 水产增养殖学
2005年国家科技进步二等奖“长江中、下游湖群渔业资源调控及高效优质模式”(第一完成人),1997年国家科技进步二等奖“小型草型湖泊渔业综合高产技术研究”(第三完成人),2009年湖北省科技进步一等奖“淡水名优水产健康高效养殖技术及产业化示范”(第一完成人)。1996年国务院政府特殊津贴人员,1997年湖北省有突出贡献中青年专家。 2006年湖北省劳动模范,2009年全国优秀科技特派员。
1. Chuanbo Guo, Sovan Lek, Shaowen Ye, Wei Li, Jiashou Liu, Zhongjie Li,.2014. Uncertainty in ensemble modelling of large-scale species distribution: Effects from species characteristics and model techniques. Ecol. Model.
2. Shaowen Ye, Zhongjie Li, Tanglin Zhang, Jiashou Liu, Songguang Xie. 2014. Assessing fish distribution and threats to fish biodiversity in the Yangtze River Basin, China. Ichthyological Research.
3. Shaowen Ye, Mingli Lin, Zhongjie Li. 2014. Abundance and spatial variability of invasive fishes related to environmental factors in a eutrophic Yunnan Plateau lake, Lake Dianchi, southwestern China. Environmental Biology of Fishes
4. Mingli Lin, M. Chevalier, S. Lek, L. Zhang, R. E. Gozlan , Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Shaowen Ye, Wei Li and Zhongjie Li . 2014. Eutrophication as a driver of r-selection tactics in a freshwater fish. Journal of Fish Biology
5. 刘海平, 叶少文, 杨雪峰, 张良松, 钟国辉, 何勇平, 巴桑, 李钟杰. 2014. 西藏尼洋河水生生物群落时空动态及与环境因子关系: 3.大型底栖动物. 湖泊科学
6. Zhiqiang Guo, Jiashou Liu, Sovan Lek, Zhongjie Li, Fengyue Zhu, Jianfeng Tang, Julien Cucherousset. 2014. Trophic niche differences between two congeneric goby species: evidence for ontogenetic diet shift and habitat use. Aquatic Biology,
7. Chuanbo Guo, Shaowen Ye, Sovan Lek, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Jin Yuan, Zhongjie Li. 2013. The need for improved fishery management in a shallow macrophytic lake in the Yangtze River basin: Evidence from the food web structure and ecosystem analysis. Ecological Modelling
8. Shaowen Ye, Yuxi Lian, Margo Godlewska, Jiashou Liu, Zhongjie Li. 2013. Day-night differences in hydroacoustical estimation of fish abundance and distribution in Lake Laojianghe, China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology
9. Jianfeng Tang, Shaowen Ye , Wei Li , Jiashou Liu , Tanglin Zhang , Zhiqiang Guo , Fengyue Zhu, Zhongjie Li. 2013. Status and historical changes in the fish community in Erhai Lake. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology
10. Jianfeng Tang, Shaowen Ye , Jiashou Liu , Tanglin Zhang , Zhiqiang Guo , Fengyue Zhu, Zhongjie Li. 2013. Composition and length-weight relationships of fish species in Lake Erhai, southwestern China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology
11. Zhiqiang Guo, J Cucherousset, S Lek, Zhongjie Li, Fengyue Zhu,Jianfeng Tang, Jiashou Liu., 2013. Comparative study of the reproductive biology of two congeneric and introduced goby species: implications for management strategies. Hydrobiologia
12. H. A. C. C. Perera, A. L. Rypel, B. R. Murphy, Zhongjie Li, Yuguo Xia and Jiashou Liu., 2013. Population characteristics of yellow catfish (Peltobagrus fluvidraco) along the longitudinal profile of Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology
13. 林明利, 张堂林,叶少文,李为,任鹏, 杨战伟,刘家寿,李钟杰. 2013. 洪泽湖鱼类资源现状、历史变动和渔业管理策略. 水生生物学报
14. 李为,都雪,林明利,张超文,张堂林,刘家寿,丁怀宇,李钟杰. 2013. 基于PCA 和SOM 网络的洪泽湖水质时空变化特征分析. 长江流域资源与环境
15. Wei Li, Tanglin Zhang , Chaowen Zhang, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu , Brendan J. Hicks. 2013. Effects of turbidity and light intensity on foraging success of juvenile mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi (Basilewsky). Environmental Biology of Fish
15.刘海平, 叶少文, 杨雪峰, 张良松, 钟国辉, 李钟杰. 2013. 西藏尼洋河水生生物群落时空动态及与环境因子关系: 1. 浮游植物. 湖泊科学
16. 刘海平, 叶少文, 杨雪峰, 张良松, 钟国辉, 李钟杰. 2013. 西藏尼洋河水生生物群落时空动态及与环境因子关系:2.着生藻类. 湖泊科
17. 林明利, 李钟杰,夏雨果,王齐东. 2013. 蒙古鲌食性驯化及鱼种培育初步研究. 水生生物学报
18. 崔方天, 张堂林, 刘家寿, 李钟杰. 2013. 鳜对猎物种类选择性的初步研究. 淡水渔业
19. 朱峰跃, 刘家寿, 李钟杰, 张堂林, 叶少文, 苑晶, 郭志强, 张超文. 2013. 傀儡湖鲢、鳙的生长特性及渔业利用. 淡水渔业
20. Wei Li, Tanglin Zhang, Shaowen Ye, Jiashou Liu, Zhongjie Li. 2013. Feeding habits and predator-prey size relationships of mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi (Basilewsky) in a shallow lake, central China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology
21. Lin Cheng, Sovan Lek, Sithan Lek-Ang, Zhongjie Li. 2012. Predicting fish assemblages and diversity in shallow lakes in the Yangtze River basin. Limnologica
22. Lin Cheng , Shaowen Ye and Zhongjie Li. 2012. Growth and population structure variations in crucian carp (Carassius auratus) between a macrophytic lake and an algal lake at the middle part of Yangtze River basin.
水生生物学23. Mingli Lin, Yuguo Xia, Zhongjie Li, Brian R. Murphy, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Shaowen Ye. 2012. Size-dependent effects of coded wire tags marking on redtail culter (Culter mongolicus) mortality, and tag retention. North American Journal of fisheries management
24. Mingli Lin, Qidong Wang, Yuguo Xia, Brian R. Murphy, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Shaowen Ye. 2012. Effects of Two Anesthetics on Survival of Juvenile Culter mongolicus during a Simulated Transport Experiment. North American Journal of Aquaculture
25. 杨战伟, 李钟杰, 刘家寿, 张堂林, 叶少文, 张华. 2012. 丹江口水库太湖新银鱼不同繁殖群体的繁殖特征比较. 淡水渔业
26. 叶少文, 张堂林, 李钟杰, 刘家寿. 2012. 牛山湖两种优势小型鱼类空间分布与沉水植被的关系. 应用生态学报
27. 叶少文, 冯广朋, 张彬,陈宇顺, 李钟杰. 2012. 牛山湖小型鱼类群落结构特征及生物量估算. 中国水产科学
28. 曾文涛, 刘家寿, 张堂林, 叶少文, 李钟杰. 2012. 长江中游三个湖泊中华绒螯蟹生长变化研究. 淡水渔业
29. Zhicong Wang, Zhongjie Li, Dunhai Li. 2012. A niche model to predict Microcystis bloom decline in Chaohu Lake, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology
34. Zhicong Wang, Dunhai Li, Zhongjie Li. 2012. Rainfalls accelerate the decline process of Microcystis (Cyanophyceae)blooms. Fresenius Enviromental Bulletin
35. Ming Duan, Tanglin Zhang, Wei Hu, Zhongjie Li, Fredrik Sundstrom, Tingbing Zhu, Chengrong Zhong, Zuoyan Zhu. 2011. Behavioral alterations in GH transgenic common carp may explain enhanced competitive feeding ability. Aquaculture
36. Xiaowu Li, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, Sena S. DeSilva. 2011. Advances in precocity research of the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture International
37. Xiaowu Li, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Chaowen Zhang. 2011. Effects of light in tensity on molting, growth, precocity, digestive enzyme activity, and chemical composition of juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture International
38. Xiaowu Li, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, Brian R.Murphy. Growth, precocity, enzyme activity and chemical composition of juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis, fed different dietary protein-to-energy ratio diets. Aquaculture Research
39. 李文祥, 李为,林明利,王英雄,刘家寿,李钟杰. 浮床水蕹菜对养殖水体中营养物的去处效果研究. 环境科学学报
40. Shaowen Ye, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Songguang Xie. 2011. Distribution, endemism and conservation status of fishes in the Yangtze River basin, China. In: Gianfranco Venora, Oscar Grillo, Jordi López-Pu (Eds) Ecosystems Biodiversity. In-Tech Education and Publishing, Austria,
41. Lin Cheng, Sovan Lek, Geraldine Loot, Sithan Lek-Ang, Zhongjie Li. 2010. Variations of fish composition and diversity related to environmental variables in shallow lakes in the Yangtze River basin. Aquatic Living Resources,
42. Yushun Chen, Zhongjie Li, Lian-Shin Lin. 2010. Effects of a small planktivore (Pseudorasbora parva: Cyprinidae) on eutrophication of a shallow eutrophic lake in central China. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management
43. Jiashou Liu, Zhongjie Li. 2010. The Role of Exotics in Chinese Inland Aquaculture. In Sena.S. De Silva and F.B. Davy (eds.), Success Stories in Asian Aquaculture, © Springer Science+Business Media B.V..
44. Wei Li, Tanglin Zhang, Zhongjie Li. 2010. Spatial distribution and abundance of small fishes in Xiaosihai Lake, a shallow lake along the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology
45. Wentao Zeng, Zhongjie Li, Shaowen Ye, Shouqi Xie, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang and Ming Duan. 2010. Effects of stocking density on growth and skin color of juvenile darkbarbel catfish Pelteobagrus vachelli (Richardson). Journal of Applied Ichthyology
46. 吴旭,严美姣,李钟杰. 2010. 肖四海湖野生和人工放流鳜群体遗传结构分析. 水生生物学报
47.吴旭,严美姣,李钟杰. 2010. 长江中下游不同地理种群鳜遗传结构研究. 水生生物学报
48.冯唐茂,刘家寿,张堂林,叶少文,李钟杰. 2010. 洪湖低湖田改造池塘河蟹养殖技术研究. 淡水渔业
49.黎雨轩,何文平,刘家寿,李钟杰,谢松光. 2010. 长江口刀鱼齐耳石年轮确证和年轮与生长研究. 水生生物学报
50.龚望宝,吴朗,程飞,刘家寿,解绶启,李钟杰, 谢松光. 2010. 三峡水库太湖新银鱼春季和秋季繁殖群体的繁殖生物学特征比较. 水生生物学报
51.Shaowen Ye, Zhongjie Li , Sithan Lek-Ang, Guangpeng Feng, Sovan Lek and Wenxuan Cao.2007,Community structure of small fishes in a shallow macrophytic lake (Niushan Lake) along the middle reach of the Yangtze River, China. Aquatic Living Resources
53.Longgeng Guo,Zhongjie Li. 2003. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus from fish cage-cultrue on the communities of a shallow lake in middle Yangtze River basin of China. Aquaculture