导师:皇家科学院院士,Harry Elderfield 教授
1.Nature - Scientific Reports 地学编委
2.杂志评审:Geology(4), EPSL, GCA(4), GRL, Chemical Geology(2), G3 (2), GPC, Environmental Pollution, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Aeolian Research (3), Annals of Glaciology. Journal of Earth Science (2), PLOS ONE, AAPG Bulletin
3.国际地球化学协会GES10组委: Global carbon modeling, Earth's habitability
6.欧洲地球化学协会Goldschmidt2009 会议旅行资助
9.南京大学奖学金(2007赵安中、2008董氏东方、2009 交通控股特等、2004国家二等)
2.黄土微钙体微量元素古气候记录研究, 高等学校全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金, 660K, 2013-2017
第四纪地质学, 自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目, 41422205, 1000K, 2015-2017
主要论著H-index: 12;篇均引用率22
1.Li, G.*, Hartmann, J., Derry, L. A., West, A. J., You, C.-F., Long, X., Zhan, T., Li, L., Li, G., Qiu, W., Li, T., Liu, L., Chen, Y., Ji, J., Zhao, L., and Chen, J., 2016, Temperature dependence of basalt weathering. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 443, 59-69.
2.Zhang, W.*, Chen, J.*, Li, G.*, 2015. Shifting material source of Chinese loess since ~2.7 Ma reflected by Sr isotopic composition. Sci. Rep., 5., doi: 10.1038/srep10235.
3.Li, G.*, West, A.J.*, 2014. Evolution of Cenozoic seawater lithium isotopes: Coupling of global denudation regime and shifting seawater sinks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 401, 284-293.
4.Liu, F., Li, G.*, Chen, J., 2014. U-Pb ages of zircon grains reveal a proximal dust source of the Xiashu loess, Lower Yangtze River region, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59, 2391-2395.
5.Torres, M.A.*, West, A.J.*, Li, G.*, 2014. Sulphide oxidation and carbonate dissolution as a source of CO2 over geological timescales. Nature, 507(7492): 346-349.
6.Li, T., Li, G.*, 2014. Incorporation of trace metals into microcodium as novel proxies for paleo-precipitation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 386: 34-40.
7.Chen, Z., Li, G.*, 2013. Evolving sources of eolian detritus on the Chinese Loess Plateau since early Miocene: Tectonic and climatic controls. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 371-372, 220-225.
8.Che, X., Li, G.*, 2013. Binary sources of loess on the Chinese Loess Plateau revealed by U-Pb ages of zircon. Quaternary Research, 80, 545-551.
9.Li, G.*, Elderfield, H., 2013. Evolution of carbon cycle over the past 100 million years. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 103, 11-25.
10.Li, G.*, Chen, J., Chen, Y., 2013. Primary and secondary carbonate in Chinese loess discriminated by trace element composition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 103, 26-35.
11.Chen, J.*, Li, G.*, 2011. Geochemical studies on the source region of Asian dust. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 54, 1279-1301.
12.Li, F.L, Li, G.J.*, Ji, J.F., 2011. Increasing magnetic susceptibility of the suspended particles in Yangtze River and possible contribution of fly ash. Catena, 87 (1), 141-146.
13.Li, G.*, Pettke, T., and Chen, J.*, 2011. Increasing Nd isotopic ratio of Asian dust indicates progressive uplift of the North Tibetan Plateau since the middle Miocene. Geology, 39(3): 199-202.
14.Li, G., Chen, J.*, Ji, J., Yang, J. and Conway, T.M., 2009. Natural and anthropogenic sources of East Asian dust. Geology, 37(8): 727–730.
15.Li, G.*, Ji, J., Chen, J. and Kemp, D.B., 2009. Evolution of the Cenozoic carbon cycle: The roles of tectonics and CO2 fertilization. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 23: GB1009, doi: 10.1029/2008GB003220.
16.Li, G.J.*, Ji, J.F., Zhao, L., Mao, C.P. and Chen, J., 2008. Response of silicate weathering to monsoon changes on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Catena, 72(3): 405-412.
17.Li, G.J.*, Chen, J., Ji, J.F., Liu, L.W., Yang, J.D. and Sheng, X.F., 2007. Global cooling forced increase in marine strontium isotopic ratios: Importance of mica weathering and a kinetic approach. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 254(3-4): 303-312.
18.Li, G.*, Chen, J., Chen, Y., Yang, J., Ji, J. and Liu, L., 2007. Dolomite as a tracer for the source regions of Asian dust. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 112(D17): D17201, doi: 10.1029/2007JD008676.
19.Li, G.J.*, Sheng, X.F., Chen, J., Yang, J.D. and Chen, Y., 2007. Oxygen-isotope record of paleorainwater in authigenic carbonates of Chinese loess-paleosol sequences and its paleoclimatic significance. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 245(3-4): 551-559.
20.Chen, J.*, Li, G.J.*, Yang, J.D.*, Rao, W.B., Lu, H.Y., Balsam, W., Sun, Y.B. and Ji, J.F., 2007. Nd and Sr isotopic characteristics of Chinese deserts: Implications for the provenances of Asian dust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(15): 3904-3914.
21.李高军*, 车旭东, 肖国桥, 陈忠, 2013. 西宁黄土碎屑锆石年龄特征及其对黄土高原黄土物源的指示意义. 第四纪研究, 33(2): 345-350.
22.陈骏*, 李高军*, 2011. 亚洲风尘系统地球化学示踪研究.中国科学地球科学, 41, 1211-1232.
23.李高军*, 2010. 晚新生代海洋磷循环模拟.第四纪研究, 30(3):1-9.
24.李高军*, 陈骏,季峻峰,盛雪芬,李涛,2009. 海洋生物气溶胶增加可能导致晚新生代全球变冷的模型计算.高校地质学报, 15(2), 171-183.
23.Eagle, R.A., Risi, C., Mitchell, J.L., Eiler, J.M., Seibt, U., Neelin, J.D., Li, G., Tripati, A.K., 2013. High regional climate sensitivity over continental China constrained by glacial-recent changes in temperature and the hydrological cycle. P. Natl. Acad. Sci. 110, 8813-8818.
24.Chen, T.-Y., Li, G., Frank, M., Ling, H.-F., 2013. Hafnium isotope fractionation during continental weathering: Implications for the generation of the seawater Nd-Hf isotope relationships. Geophysical Research Letters, 40: doi:10.1002/grl.50217.
25.Xiao, G., Zong, K., Li, G., Hu, Z., Dupont-Nivet, G., Peng, S., Zhang, K., 2012. Spatial and glacial-interglacial variations in provenance of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L20715.
26.Tripati, A.K.*, Roberts, C.D., Eagle, R.A., Li, G., 2011. A 20 million year record of planktic foraminiferal B/Ca ratios: Systematics and uncertainties in pCO2 reconstructions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 2582-2610.
27.Yang, J.*, Li, G., Rao, W. and Ji, J., 2009. Isotopic evidences for provenance of East Asian Dust. Atmospheric Environment, 43(29): 4481-4490.
28.Sheng, X.*, Chen, J., Ji, J., Chen, T., Li, G. and Teng, H.H., 2008. Morphological characters and multi-element isotopic signatures of carbonates from Chinese loess-paleosol sequences. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(17): 4323-4337.
29.Rao, W.*, Chen, J., Yang, J., Ji, J., Li, G. and Tan, H., 2008. Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of eolian deposits in the Erdos Desert and Chinese Loess Plateau: Implications for their provenances. Geochemical Journal, 42(3): 273-282.
30.Wu, W.H.*, Yang, J.D., Xu, S.J., Li, G.J., Yin, H.W. and Tao, X.C., 2009. Sr fluxes and isotopic compositions of the eleven rivers originating from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and their contributions to 87Sr/86Sr evolution of seawater. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences, 52(8): 1059-1067.
31.吴卫华, 杨杰东*, 徐士进, 李高军, 尹宏伟, 陶仙聪, 2009. 源自青藏高原11条河流的Sr通量、同位素组成及其对海水87Sr/86Sr变化的贡献.
中国科学D辑:地球科学, 39(5), 655-663.
32.Rao, W.B.*, Yang, J.D., Chen, J. and Li, G.J., 2006. Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry of eolian dust of the arid-semiarid areas in China: Implications for loess provenance and monsoon evolution. Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(12): 1401-1412.
33.饶文波*, 杨杰东, 陈骏, 李高军, 2006. 中国干旱-半干旱区风尘物质的Sr, Nd同位素地球化学: 对黄土来源和季风演变的指示. Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(4), 378-386.
34.饶文波*,陈骏,杨杰东,季峻峰,李高军, 2009. 中国北方沙漠风成沙不同粒级组分的Sr-Nd同位素特征. 高校地质学报, 15(2), 159-164.
35.饶文波*, 杨杰东, 陈骏, 季峻峰, 李高军, 2005. 北方风尘Sr-Nd同位素组成变化的影响因素探讨. 第四纪研究, 25(4), 531-532.
36.杨杰东*, 陈骏, 饶文波, 李高军, 季峻峰, 2007. 中国沙漠的同位素分区特征. 地球化学, 36(5): 516-524
37.杨杰东*, 陈骏, 李高军, 饶文波, 季峻峰, 2007. 东亚风尘源区的同位素证据. 质谱学报, 28, 5-7.
38.杨杰东*, 李高军, 戴澐, 饶文波, 季峻峰, 2009.黄土高原黄土物源区的同位素证据. 地学前缘, 16(6): 195-206.
American Geophysical Union
Geochemical Society
2.2012年10月, University of California, Los Angeles
3.2012年11月, University of South California
4.2012年12月, 中国地质大学(武汉)
8.2016年5月,University of Hamburg
9.2016年6月,Utrecht University
1.第九届全国第四纪学术大会, 2006年10月, 南京
2.International Workshop on Environmental Changes and Sustainable Development in Arid and Semi-arid Regions, 2007年9月, 阿拉善左旗
3.Goldschmidt conference, 2009年6月, Davos
4.第十届全国第四纪学术大会, 2010年8月, 兰州
中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第13届学术年会, 2011年4月, 广州
6.Goldschmidt Conference, 2011年8月, Prague
7.Goldschmidt Conference, 2012年6月, Montréal
8.AGU fall meeting 2012, 2012年12月, San Francisco
9.EnvironMetal Isotopes EMI2013,2013年8月,Ascona
10.Goldschmidt Conference, 2013年8月, Florence,特邀报告:Seesaw Balance of Cenozoic Carbon Cycle
11.GES 10 meeting, 2014年8月, Paris, 大会组委,专题主席
Jens Hartmann, University of Hamburg
Josh West: University of South California
Aradhna Tripati: University of California, Los Angles
1.高等维管植物影响玄武岩风化的小流域地球化学研究与新生代大气CO2浓度模拟,自然科学基金面上项目,41173105, 730K, 2012-2015
2.生物微钙体古降水记录, 高校基本科研, 300K, 2014-2015
3.高等维管植物影响玄武岩风化的小流域地球化学研究与新生代大气 CO2 浓度模拟,高校基本科研,50K,2011-2011
5.东亚粉尘源区对晚新生代环境变化的响应, 南京大学优秀博士学位论文培育基金, 2008-2010, 20K.
6.过去2.4万年以来东亚沙尘暴源区对气候演化和人类活动的响应, 南京大学研究生科研创新基金, 2007CL09, 2008-2010, 160K主持.
3.亚洲风尘源区物质演化的Hf同位素沉积记录研究,自然科学基金青年项目, 41102103,250K, 2012-2014
1.渭南黄土-古土壤剖面半岁差周期的地球化学研究, 刘连文主, NSFC 40973063, 2010-2012, 参加.
2.上新世东亚夏季风变迁在黄土与南海沉积记录中的地球化学对比研究,刘连文主持, NSFC 40773056, 2008-2010, 参加.
3.青藏高原中国六条河流地球化学与“构造抬升”假说,杨杰东主持, NSFC 40873001, 2009-2011, 参加.
4.黄土高原风尘来源、沉积和风化过程的地球化学研究,陈骏主持, NSFC 40331001, 2004-2007, 参与导师项目
5.表生地球化学过程与环境变迁,创新研究群体项目,陈骏主持,41021002/41321062, 5000K+5000K, 2011-2013/2014-2016