1. APS调控种公鸡Th细胞因子表达的父系传代表观遗传机制(31272464,国家自然科学基金),主持
2 .黄芪多糖调控肉鸡大肠杆菌肠炎TLRs信号通路构效机制(31001017,
3. 叶酸调控肉鸡Th细胞因子表达表观遗传机制(NCET-12-0476,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划),主持
4. VitC调控肉鸡Th细胞因子表达编控机制(2012KJXX-18,陕西省青年科技新星项目),主持
5. 枸杞多糖调控肉鸡肠道粘膜免疫机制研究(2010JQ3002,陕西省
6. APS调控种公鸡T细胞因子表达的营养表观遗传机制(2012YX-02,留学人员科技活动择优资助项目),主持
[1]Jing Shen,Yanli Liu,Xiaochun Ren,Kang Gao,Yulong Li,ShizhaoLi,Junhu Yao,Xiaojun Yang.Changes in DNA methylation and chromatinstructure of pro-inflammatory cytokines stimulated by LPS in broiler peripheralblood mononuclear cells. Poultry Science,2016,95:1-10.
[2]Yanli Liu,Wei Guo,Zhenyu Pu,Xinyu Lei,Junhu Yao,Xiaojun Yang. Developmental changes of Insulin-like growth factors in the liver and muscleof chick embryos. Poultry Science,2016,95:1-7.
[3]Shizhao Li,Lihui Zhi,Yanli Liu,Shen Jing,Lei Liu,Junhu Yao,Xiaojun Yang. Effect of in ovo feeding of folic acid on the folatemetabolism, immune function and epigenetic modification of immune effectormolecules of broiler. British Journal of Nutrition,2016,115:411-421.
[4]Xiaofei Wang,Yulong Li,Jing Shen,Siyu Wang,Junhu Yao,XiaojunYang. Effect of Astragalus polysaccharide and its sulfated derivativeongrowth performance and immune condition of lipopolysaccharide-treatedbroilers. International Journal of BiologicalMacromolecules,2015,76:188-194.
[5]Xiaofei Wang,Qinqin Zhou,Jing Shen,Junhu Yao,Xiaojun Yang. Effect of difference doses of Newcastle disease vaccine immunization on growthperformance, plasma variables and immune response of broilers. Journal ofAnimal Science and Biotechnology,2015,6:20-30.
[6]Liu Lei ,Jing Shen,Chao Zhao,Xiaofei Wang,Junhu Yao,YueshengGong,Xiaojun Yang. Dietary Astragalus polysaccharide alleviatedimmunological stress in broilers exposed to lipopolysaccharide. InternationalJournal of Biological Macromolecules,2015,72:624-632.
[7]Lei Liu,Dingkui Qin,Xiaofei Wang,Yan Feng, JunhuYao,Xiaojun Yang. Effect of immune stress on growth performance and energy metabolism inbroiler chickens. Food and Agricultural Immunology,2015,26:194-203.
[8]Xiaofei Wang,Jing Shen,Shizhao Li,Lihui Zhi,Junhu Yao,Xiaojun Yang. Sulfated Astragalus polysaccharide regulates the inflammatoryreaction in LPS-infected broiler chicks. International Journal of BiologicalMacromolecules,2014,69:146-150.
[9]Xiaofei Wang,Yulong Li,Xiaojun Yang,Junhu Yao. Astragaluspolysaccharide reduces inflammatory response by decreasing permeability ofLPS-infected Caco2 cells. International Journal of BiologicalMacromolecules,2013,61:347-352.
[10]Xiaofei Wang,Siyu Wang,Yulong Li,Fei Wang,Xiaojun Yang,Junhu Yao. Sulfated Astragalus polysaccharide can regulate the inflammatoryreaction induced by LPS in Caco2 cells. International Journal of BiologicalMacromolecules,2013,60:248-252.
[11]Fei Li,Limin Zhang,Xiaohong Wu,Chaoyun Li,YanDong,Xiaojun Yang,Afound Lemme,Jincheng Han,Junhu Yao. Effects of metabolizable energyand balanced protein on egg production, quality, and components of LohmannBrown laying hens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research,2013,22:36-46.
[12]Li Cao,Xiaojun Yang,Zongjun Li,Feifei Sun,Xiaohong Wu,JunhuYao. Reduced lesions in chickens with Clostridium perfringens-inducednecrotic enteritis by Lactobacillus fermentum 1.2029. PoultryScience,2012,91:3065-3071.
[13] Yan Feng,Xiaojun Yang,Yibing Wang,Wulin Li,Ye Liu,RuiqingYin,Junhu Yao. Effects of immune stress on performance parameters,intestinal enzyme activity and mRNA expression of intestinal transporters inbroilerchickens. Asian-Australasian Journal of AnimalSciences,2012,25:701-707
[14]Xiaojun Yang,Lelun Zhong,Xiaofang An,Nan Zhang,LiminZhang,Jincheng Han,Junhu Yao,Charron Cote,Yajin Sun. Effects of dietssupplemented with zinc and manganese on performance and related parameters inlaying hens. Animal Science Journal,2012,83:474-481.
[15]Xiaojun Yang,Wulin Li,Yan Feng,Junhu Yao. Effects of immunestress on growth performance, immunity, and cecal microflora inchickens. Poultry Science,2011,90:2740-2746.
[16]Yibing Wang,Xiaojun Yang,Dingkui Qin,Yan Feng,YumingGuo,Junhu Yao. Effects of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid onresponses of LPS-stimulated intestinal B lymphocytes from broiler chickensstudied in vitro. European Food Research andTechnology,2011,233:677-683.
[17]Xiaojun Yang,Xiangxiao Sun,Chaoyun Li,Xiaohong Wu,Junhu Yao. Effects of copper, iron, zinc, and manganese supplementation in a corn andsoybean meal diet on the growth performance, meat quality, and immune responsesof broiler chickens. Journal of Applied PoultryResearch,2011,20:263-271.
[18]Xiaojun Yang,Xi He,Binkun Zhang,Ying Yang,Jianmin Yuan,YumingGuo. Effects of dietary fish oil on NFκB gene expression and relatedsignaling in spleen of chickens stimulated with lipopolysaccharide. Journal ofAnimal and Feed Sciences,2011,20:206-223.
[19]Xiaojun Yang,Junhu Yao,Xi He,Ying Yang,Binkun Zhang,JianminYuan,Yuming Guo. Dietary oils modulate T-cell differentiation and IL-2bioactivity of intestinal mucosal lymphocytes in chickens. Food andAgricultural Immunology,2011,22:205-215.
[20]Xiaojun Yang,Yuming Guo,Xi He,Jianmin Yuan,Zhong Wang. Growthperformance and immune responses in chickens after challenge withlipopolysaccharide and modulation by dietary differentoils. Animal,2008,2:216-223.
[21] Xiaojun Yang,Yuming Guo,Zhong Wang,Wei Nie. Effects ofdietary supplementation with different oils on coccidiosis in chickens. AvianPathology,2006,35:373-378.
[22]Xiaojun Yang,Yuming Guo. Modulation of intestinal mucosalimmunity by dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids in chickens. Food Agricultureand immunology,2006,17:129-137.
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[2] 呙于明主编,杨小军参编,家禽营养学,
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