1990/12-1993/07 北京科技大学 材料物理 博士后
1983/09-1989/06 哈尔滨工业大学-直攻博 材料学 博士(直接攻博)
1979/09-1983/07 哈尔滨工业大学 材料学 学士
1999/07至今 北京科技大学 新金属材料国家重点实验室 教授
1993/07-1999/06 北京科技大学 新金属材料国家重点实验室 副教授
2007/01-2007/02 日本材料科学国际研究院 高访教授
2001/10-2002/11 美国西弗吉尼亚大学 高级访问学者
1996/09-1996/11 俄罗斯科学院乌拉尔分院金属物理研究所 访问学者
国家973计划首席科学家 2010
新世纪优秀人才计划入选者 2004
国务院政府特殊津贴获得者 2005
著 作
1、陈国良院士论文选集-高铌含量钛铝金属间化合物合金部分 科学出版社,2012年4月, 林均品、张来启
2、有序金属间化合物结构材料物理金属学基础 冶金工业出版社,1999年10月, 陈国良,林均品
3、金属间化合物结构材料 冶金工业出版社,2001年1月,张永刚主编,主要写作者
4、铌-高温应用 冶金工业出版社,2005年,编译委员会委员
2、国家自然科学基金面上项目,51671016, 高Nb-TiAl合金有序ω相的调控及对高温力学行为的影响规律研究,2017.01-2020.12,直接费用:60万,在研,主持
3、973计划,2011CB605500, 轻质高温TiAl金属间化合物合金及其制备加工的科学技术基础,2010/01-2015/12,3100万,已结题,主持/首席科学家
4、国家自然科学基金面上项目,51271016,新型高温高Nb-TiAl多孔材料的孔隙形成与相变交互作用机制,2013/01-2016/12, 80万,在研,主持
5、国家自然科学基金面上项目,51171015,新型轻质高温γ1+γ双相TiAl-Nb金属间化合物的强韧化机制,2012/01-2015/12, 60万,已结题,主持
7、国家自然科学基金面上项目,50871127,Nb提高TiAl-Nb金属间化合物抗液锌腐蚀机制研究,2008/01-2011/12, 39万,已结题,主持
8、863计划,2006AA03Z511,新型高性能高Nb-TiAl金属间化合物多孔隔热材料,2006/01-2008/12, 99万,已结题,主持
1、美国矿物、金属和材料学会(TMS)高温合金委员会 理事
2、中国材料研究学会 理事
3、中国材料研究学会金属间化合物与非晶合金委员会 副理事长
4、教育部新型飞行器联合研究中心学术委员会 委员
5、Journal Kovove Materialy-Metallic Material 编委
6、Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment 编委
7、《中国材料进展》 编委
1、L. Song, F. Appel, L. Wang, M. Oehring, X.G. Hu, A. Stark, J.Y. He, U. Lorenz, T.B. Zhang, J.P. Lin, F. Pyczak. Acta Materialia,2020, 186:575-58.
2、B. Zhang, Y.F. Liang, S.B. Wen, S. Wang, X.J. Shi, F. Ye, J.P. Lin. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2019, 474:51-55.
High-strength low-iron-loss silicon steels fabricated by cold rolling
3、J. Ding, M.H. Zhang, Y.F. Liang, Y. Ren, C.L. Dong. Acta Materialia, 2018, 161:1-11.
Enhanced high-temperature tensile property by gradient twin structure of duplex high-Nb-containing TiAl alloy
4、S.M. Hao, H. Zhang, W. Yao, J.P. Lin. Journal of Power Sources, 2018, 393:128-134.
Solid-state lithium battery chemistries achieving high cycle performance at room temperature by a new garnet-based composite electrolyte
5、J. Ding, M.H. Zhang, T. Ye, Y.F. Liang, Y. Ren, C.L. Dong, J.P. Lin. Acta Materialia, 2018, 145:504-515.
Microstructure stability and micro-mechanical behavior of as-cast gamma-TiAl alloy during high-temperature low cycle fatigue
6、W.Y. Gui, J.P. Lin, G.J Hao, Y.H. Qu, Y.F. Liang H. Zhang. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:308-315.
Electrolytic plasma processing-innovative treatment for surface modification of 304 stainless steel
7、W. Kan, B. Chen, C. Jin, H. Peng, J. Lin. Materials and Design, 2018, 160:611-623. Microstructure and mechanical properties of a high Nb-TiAl alloy fabricated by electron beam melting⁎
8、T. Ye, L. Song, S.B. Gao, Y.F. Liang, Y.L. Wang, J.P. Lin. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 701 (15):882–891.
Precipitation behavior of the ωo phase in an annealed high Nb-TiAl alloy.
9、L.Yang, L.H. Chai, Y.F. Liang, J.P. Lin. Intermetallics, 2015, 66:149-155.
Numerical simulation and experimental verification of gravity and centrifugal investment casting low pressure turbine blades for high Nb–TiAl alloy.
10、Y.S. Wang, X.H. Sun, G.J. Hao, J.P. Lin. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2015:1-6.
Fracture Morphology and Local Deformation Characteristics in the Metallic Glass Matrix Composite Under Tension.
11、Z.Z. Shen, J.P. Lin, Y.F. Liang. Intermetallics, 2015, 67:19-25.
A novel hot pack rolling of high Nb–TiAl sheet from cast ingot.
12、Y.F. Liang, X.J. Xu, J.P. Lin. Rare Metals, 2016, 35(1):15-25.
Advances in phase relationship for high Nb-containing TiAl alloys.
13、Y.S. Wang, G.J. Hao, Y. Zhang, J.P. Lin. Intermetallics, 2015, 67:121-126.
Effect of temperature on mechanical properties of Ti-based metallic glass matrix composite.
14、S. Xu, X. Xu, Y. Xu, J. Lin. Materials & Design, 2016, 101:88-94.
Phase transformations and phase equilibria of a Ti-46.5Al-16.5Nb alloy.
15、F. Wang, J.P. Lin, Y.F Liang, J.P. Lin. Materials & Design, 2016, 109:700-708. Fabrication of nano-porous γ-Al2O3, layers on porous Ti-48Al-6Nb alloys.
16、W.Y Gui, G.J Hao, Y.F. Liang, J.P. Lin. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 389:1161-1168.
Surface Modification by Electrolytic Plasma Processing for High Nb-TiAl Alloys.
17、S.B. Gao, X.J. Xu, Z.Z. Shen, J.P. Lin. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2016, 677:89-96.
Microstructure and properties of forged plasma arc melted pilot ingot of Ti-45Al-8.5Nb-(W, B, Y) alloy.
18、X. Yang, X. Ding, G. Hao, J.P. Lin. Plasma Chemistry & Plasma Processing, 2016:1-11.
Cathodic Plasma Electrolysis Processing for Metal Coating Deposition.
19、L. Fang, J.P. Lin, Y.F. Liang, J.P. Lin. Intermetallics, 2016, 78:8-16.
Microstructural instability in surface layer of a high Nb-TiAl alloy processed by shot peening following high temperature exposure.
20、W.Y. Gui, J.P. Lin, G.J. Hao, J.P. Lin. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 2016, 8(5): 428-433.
Light-triggered drug release platform based on superhydrophobicity of mesoporous silica nanoparticles.
21、L. Song, X.J. Xu. L. You, J.P. Lin. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 2015, 618:305-310.
B19 phase in Ti–45Al–8.5Nb–0.2W–0.2B–0.02Y alloy.
22、K.M. Pan, W. Liu, L.Q. Zhang, J.P. Lin. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2015, 623(623):124-132.
Deformation behavior of Mo5SiB2, at elevated temperatures.
23、L. Song, X.J. Xu, C. Peng, J.P. Lin. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2015, 95(2):85-91.
Deformation behaviour and 6H-LPSO structure formation at nanoindentation in lamellar high Nb containing TiAl alloy.
24、H. Li, Y.F. Liang, W. Yang, J.P. Lin. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2015, 628:262-268.
Disordering induced work softening of Fe–6.5wt%Si alloy during warm deformation.
25、Z.Y. Zhang, Y.L. Wang, X.J. Xu, J.P. Lin. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2015, 17(10):1414–1419.
Synthesis and characterization of TiAl-based nanocomposites by a melt electromagnetic stirring process.
ω0 phase precipitation in annealed high Nb containing TiAl alloys.
26、Y.S. Wang, G.J. Hao, R. Ma, J.P. Lin. Intermetallics, 2015, 60:66-71.
Quasi-static and dynamic compression behaviors of metallic glass matrix composites.
27、L. Song, X.J. Xu, L. You, J.P. Lin. Acta Materialia, 2015, 91:330-339.
Ordered α2 to ω phase transformations in high Nb-containing TiAl alloys.
28、L. Yang, W.B. Kan, Y.W. Zhang, J.P. Lin. 金属学报, 2015, 51(7):859-865.
Effect of Si addition on the microstructure and room temperature tensile properties of high Nb-TiAl alloy.
29、F. Wang, Y.F. Liang, S.L. Shang, J.P. Lin. Materials Science and Technology, 2015, 31(11):1388-1391.
Nb–Al diffusion reaction in high Nb containing TiAl porous alloys.
30、L.W. Zhang, J.P. Lin, J. He, J.P. Lin. Intermetallics, 2015, 63:67-72.
Influence of thermal stabilization treatment on the subsequent microstructure development during directional solidification of a Ti–46Al–5Nb alloy.
31、F. Wang, Y.F. Liang, S. Shang, J.P. Lin. Materials & Design, 2015, 83:508-513.
Phase transformation in Ti–48Al–6Nb porous alloys and its influence on pore properties.
32、L. Fang, J.P. Lin, X.F. Ding. Materials Chemistry & Physics, 2015, 167:112-118.
Thermal cycling induced microstructural instability in fully lamellar Ti–45Al–8.5Nb–(W, B, Y) alloys.
33、Y. S. Wang, G. J. Hao, Y. Zhang, J. P. Lin and J. W. Qiao. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2014, 45:2357-2362.
Fabrication and mechanical characterization of Ti-based metallic glass matrix composites by the bridgman solidification.
34、L. Song, X. J. Xu, L. You, Y. F. Liang, J. P. Lin. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 616:483-491.
Phase transformation and decomposition mechanisms of the ω phase in cast high Nb containing TiAl alloy.
35、J. P. Lin, X. J. Xu, L. Q. Zhang, Y. F. Liang, Y. Xu, G. J. Hao. TMS2014,Gamma TiAl Alloys 2014,Feb.16-20, San Diego, California, USA, p.108.
Alloy design concepts for wrought high temperature TiAl alloys.
36、L. Song, L. Q. Zhang, X. J. Xu, J. Sun and J. P. Lin. Scripta Materialia, 2013, 68:929-932.
Omega phase in as-cast high-Nb-containing TiAl alloy.
37、F. Yang, M. Tane, J. P. Lin, Y. H. Song, H. Nakajima. Materials and Design, 2013, 49:755–760.
Pore formation and compressive deformation in porous TiAl–Nb alloys containing directional pores.
38、H. Z. Cao, D. H. Lu, J. P. Lin, Q. Ye, J. J. Wu, G. Q. Zheng. Electrochimica Acta,2013, 91:234-239.
Novel Sb-doped ruthenium oxide electrode with ordered nanotube structure and its electrocatalytic activity toward chlorine evolution.
39、F. Yang, L. Q. Zhang, J. P. Lin, Y. F. Liang, Y. H. He, S. L. Shang, Z. K. Liu. Intermetallics, 2013, 33:2-7.
Pore structure and gas permeability of high Nb-containing TiAl porous alloys by elemental powder metallurgy for microfiltration application.