2007年被国际科技考古期刊Journal of Archaeological Science和Archaeometry聘为新一届编委会委员。
《Journal of Archaeological Science》编委。
1. Mei Jianjun, Xu Jianwei, Chen Kunlong, et al. Recent Research on Early Bronze Metallurgy in Northwest China, In Paul Jett (ed.), Scientific Research on Ancient Asian Metallurgy, Washington: Freer Gallery of Arts. 2012: 37-46.
2. 陈坤龙、梅建军、赵丛苍. 城固宝山遗址出土铜器的科学分析及其相关问题. 文物. 2012(7): 85-92.
3. 张治国、马清林、梅建军、Heinz Berke. 中国古代人造硅酸铜钡颜料模拟制备研究. 中国国家博物馆馆刊. 2012(2): 128-140.
4. 梅建军(执笔). 中国早期冶金术研究的新进展. 见:中国社会科学院考古研究所科技考古中心编,《科技考古》第三辑. 北京:科学出版社,2011:135-154.
5. 梅建军、陈坤龙、曹玮. 汉中出土商代铜器的初步科学分析. 见:曹玮主编,《
汉中出土商代青铜器》(卷四). 成都:
6. 郑蓉妮、梅建军. 使用劫掠文物进行科学研究的学术伦理问题. 甘肃社会科学. 2011(1): 38-41.
7. 陈坤龙、梅建军. 辉县琉璃阁甲乙墓出土铜器的科学分析研究. 中原文物. 2011(6): 99-105.
8. 梅建军、王璞、黄兴. 近两年我国科技考古研究的新进展. 中国科技史杂志. 2010(1): 1-13.
9. Jianjun Mei. A review of Donald B. Wagner, Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. Chemistry and Chemical Technology, part 11: Ferrous Metallurgy. Revue de Synthèse, 2010(3): 465-469.
10. 邵安定、梅建军、陈坤龙、周广济、王辉. 张家川马家塬战国墓地出土金属饰件的初步分析. 文物. 2010(10): 88-96.
11. 徐建炜、梅建军、格桑木、陈洪海:青海同德宗日遗址出土铜器的初步科学分析,西域研究. 2010(2): 31-37.
12. Jianjun Mei. Early Metallurgy in China: Some Challenging issues in Current Studies. In Jianjun Mei and Thilo Rehren (eds.). Metallurgy and Civilisation: Eurasia and Beyond. London: Archetype Publication, 36(2009): 9-16.
13. Jianjun Mei, Kunlong Chen and Wei Cao. Scientific Examination of Shang-Dynasty Bronzes from Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province, China. Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009): 1881-1891.
14. Kunlong Chen, Thilo Rehren, Jianjun Mei and Congcang Zhao. Special Alloys from Remote Frontiers: Scientific Study of the Shang Bronzes from Hanzhong, Southwest Shaanxi [J]. Journal of Archaeological Science 36(2009): 2108-2118.
15. Jianjun Mei. Early Metallurgy and Socio-Cultural Complexity: Archaeological Discoveries in Northwest China. In Bryan K Hanks and Katheryn M Linduff (eds.). Social Complexity in Prehistoric Eurasia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009: 215-232.
16. 王文芝,梅建军.《鼓铜图录》浅探.自然科学史研究,2009(1):99-113。
17. 陈坤龙,梅建军,孙秉君.梁带村两周墓地出土青铜器初步检测分析.考古与文物,2009(6):97-101。
18. 陈刚,渭雄,梅建军.国外古代失蜡铸造工艺研究综述.南方文物,2009(2):109-113。
19. 凌勇、梅建军、吕恩国:新疆伊犁地区出土时前铜器的科学分析,《
20. 凌勇、梅建军:关于新疆公元前第一千纪金属技术的几点思考,《西域研究》2008年4期,42-49页。
21. 梅建军、李明华:关于我国北方商周墓葬所出“弓形饰”的若干问题,《西域研究》2007年3期,116-123页。
22. 陈坤龙、梅建军和岳连建:陕西县出土的两件薄壁铜容器的科学分析,收入陕西省考古研究所编著《西安北郊秦墓》,西安:三秦出版社,378-384页。
23. 梅建军:“北方系青铜器”:一个术语的“诞生”和“成长”,收入《法国汉学》丛书编辑委员会编《考古发掘与历史复原》,《法国汉学》第十一辑,北京:中华书局,2006年。132-147页。
24. Jianjun Mei. The material culture of the Iron Age peoples in Xinjiang, Northwest China (中亚东部铁器时代的物质文化). In Joan Aruz and Ann Farkas (eds.), The Golden Deer of Eurasia. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 2006. 132-145.
25. 梅建军:关于新疆出土早期铜镜研究的几个问题,收入新疆吐鲁番地区文物局编《吐鲁番学研究——第二届吐鲁番学国际学术研讨会论文集》,上海:
26. 陈坤龙、梅建军:山西灵石县旌介村商墓出土铜器的科学分析,收入海金乐、韩炳华编著《
27. 梅建军:关于中国冶金起源及早期铜器研究的几个问题,《古代文明研究》第一辑,中国社会科学院考古研究所、中国社会科学院古代文明研究中心编,北京:文物出版社,2005年,168-179页。
28. 梅建军、王博和李肖:新疆出土铜鍑的初步科学分析,《考古》,2005年第4期,78-84页。
29. J. Mei & Th. Rehren. Copper Smelting from Xinjiang, Northwest China, Part I: Kangcun village, Kuche County, c. 18th century AD. Historical Metallurgy, 39.2(2005): 96-105.
30. Jianjun Mei. Qijia and Seima-Turbino: the question of early contacts between Northwest China and the Eurasian Steppe, Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, 2005. 75: 31-54.
31. Jianjun Mei. Cultural interaction between China and Central Asia during the Bronze Age, Proceedings of the British Academy, 121(2003), 1-39.
32. Jianjun Mei. Metallurgical analysis of metal cauldrons from Xinjiang, Northwest China. In Paul Jett (ed.), Scientific Research in the Field of Asian Art. London: Archetype Publications. 2003: 53-59.
33. Jianjun Mei, Guori Liu & Xi’en Chang. A metallurgical study of early metal objects from eastern Xinjiang, China. Bulletin of the Metals Museum, 36(2003): 45-62.
34. Jianjun Mei & Yanxiang Li. Early copper technology in Xinjiang, China: The evidence so far. In Paul Craddock & Janet Lang (eds.), Mining and Metal Production Through the Ages. London: British Museum Press. 2003: 111-121.
35. Jianjun Mei & Colin Shell. The Iron Age cultures in Xinjiang and their steppe connections. In Katie Boyle et al. (eds.), Ancient Interactions: East and West in Eurasia. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. 2002:. 213-34.
36. 梅建军、刘国瑞、常喜恩:新疆东部地区出土早期铜器的初步分析和研究,《西域研究》2002年第2期,1-10页。
37. Jianjun Mei. Copper smelting technologies in Iron Age Xinjiang: The evidence from the Nulasai site. Bulletin of the Metals Museum, 34(2001): 22-38.
38. Jianjun Mei. Copper and Bronze Metallurgy in Late Prehistoric Xinjiang: Its Cultural Context and Relationship with Neighbouring Regions. BAR International Series 865, Oxford: Archaeopress. 2000.
39. Jianjun Mei & Colin Shell: The existence of Andronovo cultural influence in Xinjiang during the 2nd millennium BC. Antiquity 73.281 (September 1999): 570-78.
40. Jianjun Mei & Colin Shell. Copper and bronze metallurgy in the late prehistoric Xinjiang. In Victor Mair (ed.), The Bronze Age and Iron Age Peoples of Eastern Central Asia. Washington: Institute for the Study of Man. 1998: 581-603
41. Jianjun Mei, Colin Shell, Xiao Li & Bo Wang (1998). A metallurgical study of early copper and bronze artefacts from Xinjiang, China. Bulletin of the Metals Museum, 30(1998): 1-22
42. Mei Jianjun: The history, metallurgy and spread of Paktong. Bulletin of the Metals Museum, No. 24 (1995-II): 43-55.
43. Mei Jianjun & T. Ko: A comparison of ancient metallurgy in India and China. In K. Hashimoto et al. (eds.), East Asian Science: Tradition and Beyond. Japan: Kansi University Press. 1994. pp. 233-41.
44. 梅建军:印度与中国古代炼锌术的比较,《
自然科学史研究》12卷第4期 (1993),第360-367页。
45. 梅建军:中国传统炼锌术,《
中国科技史料》11卷第2期 (1990),22-26页。
46. 梅建军、柯俊:中国古代镍白铜冶炼技术的研究,《自然科学史研究》 8卷第1期 (1989), 67-77页。
3. 《早期冶金研究》,科技部科技支撑项目“
4. 《中国古代镍白铜发明创造与技术传播研究》,国家“