梅维恒(Victor H. Mair),美国汉学家、敦煌学家。宾夕法尼亚大学亚洲及中东研究系教授、宾大学考古及人类学博物馆顾问。著有《唐代变文:佛教对中国白话小说及戏曲产生的贡献之研究》、《绘画与表演:中国的看图讲故事和它的印度起源》、《敦煌通俗叙事文学作品》等。
梅维恒(Victor H. Mair)教授,1943年出生。
和平队(US Peace Corps),在尼泊尔服役两年。1967年秋,他进入华盛顿大学学习印度佛经、中印佛教、藏文及梵文。翌年,他留学英国
1. The Tarim mummies : ancient China and the mystery of the earliest peoples from the West, with 190 illustrations, 13 in color / J.P. Mallory, Victor H. Mair. New York, N.Y. : Thames & Hudson, 2000.
2. A medieval, Central Asian Buddhist theme in a late Ming Taoist tale by Feng Meng-Lung / by Victor H. Mair. Philadelphia, PA, USA : Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 1999.
3. The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age peoples of eastern Central Asia = Chung Ya tung pu ch’ing t’ung ho tsao ch’i t’ieh ch’i shih tai ti chümin / edited by Victor H. Mair. Washington, D.C. : Institute for the Study of Man ; Philadelphia, PA : In collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania Museum Publications, c1998.
4. Canine conundrums : Eurasian dog ancestor myths in historical and ethnic perspective / by Victor H. Mair. Philadelphia, PA, USA : Dept. of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Pennsylvania, [1998] (Sino-Platonic papers ; no. 87)
5. Painting and performance : Chinese picture recitation and its Indian genesis / Victor H. Mair. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, 1996, c1988.
6. The linguistic and textual antecedents of The Sūtra of the wise and the foolish / by Victor H. Mair. Philadelphia, PA, USA : Dept. of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Pennsylvania, [1993]. (Sino-Platonic papers ; no. 38 April, 1993)
7. Three brief essays concerning Chinese Tocharistan / by Victor H. Mair. Philadelphia, PA, USA : Order from Dept. of Oriental Studies, University of Pennsylvania, [1990] (Sino-Platonic papers ; no. 16)
8. Two non-tetragraphic northern Sinitic languages / by Victor H. Mair. Philadelphia, PA, USA : Order from Dept. of Oriental Studies, University of Pennsylvania, [1990] (Sino-Platonic papers ; no. 18)
9. The contributions of T’ang and Five Dynasties transformation texts (pien-wen) to later Chinese popular literature / by Victor H. Mair. Philadelphia, PA, USA : Order from Dept. of Oriental Studies, University of Pennsylvania, [1989]. (Sino-Platonic papers ; no. 12)
8. T’ang transformation texts : a study of the Buddhist contribution to the rise of vernacular fiction and drama in China / Victor H. Mair. Cambridge, Mass. : Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University: Distributed by Harvard University Press, 1989. (Harvard-Yenching Institute monograph series ; 28)
9. A partial bibliography for the study of Indian influence on Chinese popular literature / by Victor H. Mair. Philadelphia, PA, USA : Order from Dept. of Oriental Studies, University of Pennsylvania, [1987] (Sino-Platonic papers ; no. 3)
10. Mair, Victor H., 1943- : Records of transformation tableaux (pienhsiang). From T’oung Pao, v. 72, no. 3, 1986, 3-43.
11. Tun-huang popular narratives / [introduction and translations by] Victor H. Mair. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1983.
12. Popular narratives from Tun-huang / [edited] by Victor Henry Mair. The editor’s thesis (Ph. D.)--Harvard University, 1976.