毛圣成,研究员,博士生导师。2009年在北京工业大学获博士学位,同年留校任教。2011年被聘为硕士生导师,2012年晋升副研究员。在Science,Acta Materialia,Scripta Materialia, Mater. Sci. Eng. A、J. Appl. Phys.、Mater. Trans. 等国际学术期刊上发表研究论文30余篇,获中国发明专利1项。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学科学基金1项(2010-2013),国家自然科学基金重点基金子课题1项(2013-2017),北京市优秀人才培养资助基金1项。参与国家重点基础研究发展计划( 973 计划)、国家自然基金重点、国家自然科学基金仪器重点等多个项目。入选2013年度北京工业大学“日新人才”。中国电子显微镜学会电子背散射专业委员会副主任(2012.01-2016.12),中国电子显微镜学会常务理事会学术秘书(2012.01-2016.12)。研究方向:一是记忆合金中马氏体相变晶体学机制;二是高速列车铝合金车体可靠性评价;三是原位背散射电子衍射、透射电子显微镜技术的发展及其在结构材料、功能材料中的应用;四是 记忆合金复合材料界面结构及匹配机制的原位透射电镜研究。
电子显微学研究。近几年,在Acta Materialia,Scripta Materialia, Mater. Sci. Eng. A、J. Appl. Phys.、Mater. Trans. 等国际学术期刊上发表研究论文20余篇,获得中国发明专利1项。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学科学基金1项,北京市优秀人才培养资助基金1项;参与国家重点基础研究发展计划( 973 计划)、国家杰出青年基金、
1. Shijie Hao, Lishan Cui, Daqiang Jiang, Xiaodong Han, Yang Ren, Jiang Jiang, Yinong Liu, Zhenyang Liu, Shengcheng Mao, Yandong Wang, Yan Li, Xiaobing Ren, Xiangdong Ding, Shan Wang, Cun Yu, Xiaobin Shi, MinShu Du, Feng Yang, Yanjun Zheng, Ze Zhang, Xiaodong Li, Dennis. E. Brown & Ju Li, A Transforming Metal Nanocomposite with Large Elastic Strain, Low Modulus and High Strength,Science, 2013, 339 (2013) 1191-1194
2. F. Sun, J.X. Zhang, P. Liu, Q. Feng, S.C. Mao and X.D. Han, Atomic scale interfacial and compositional characteristics of the σ and γ phases of Ni-based single crystal superalloys, Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 6631-6640
3. F. Sun, J.X. Zhang, P. Liu, Q. Feng, X.D. Han, S.C. Mao, High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy Studies of σ Phase in Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 536 (2012) 80-84.
4. X.D. Han, S.C. Mao and Z. Zhang, Super-elasticity and the Shape Memory Effect, Part 19, 2544-2550, DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9751-4_278, Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology (2012), Springer Science+Business Media, Bharat Bhushan (Ed.). (Publication date 2012.7.1)
5. P. Liu, S.C. Mao, L.H. Wang, X.D. Han, and Z. Zhang, Direct dynamic atomic mechanisms of strain-induced grain rotation in nanocrystalline textured columnar-structured thin gold films, Scripta Mater. 64 (2011) 343–346
6. S. C. Mao, J. F. Luo, Z. Zhang, M. H. Wu, Y. Liu and X. D. Han, EBSD studies of stress induced martensitic transformation in TiNi alloys under tension and compression, Acta Mater. 58 (2010) 3357-3366.
7. J. F. Luo, S. C. Mao, G. Chen, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, M. H. Wu. High cycle fatigue mechanisms of a TiNi shape memory alloy under mean strain. Mater. Sci. Forum 610-613 (2009) 1120-1127.
8. M.H. Wu, X.Y. Gong, S. C. Mao and X.D. Han, Crystallographic Study of Superelastic Deformation of TiNinol, J. ASTM Int. 6 (2009) JAI102400.
9. S. C. Mao, X. D. Han, Y. B. Tian, J. F. Luo, Z. Zhang and Y. Ji and M.H. Wu, In-situ EBSD investigations of the asymmetric stress-induced martensitic transformation in TiNi shape memory alloys under bending, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 498 (2008) 278-282.
10. S. C. Mao, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang and M. H. Wu, The nano- and mesoscopic cooperative collective mechanisms of inhomogeneous elastic-plastic transitions in polycrystalline TiNi shape memory alloys, J. Appl. Phys. 101 (2007) 103522-1-103522-8.
11. J. F. Luo, S. C. Mao, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang, J. Wu and M. H. Wu, Crystallographic mechanisms of fracture in a textured polycrystalline TiNi shape memory alloy, J. Appl. Phys. 102 (2007) 043526-1~043526-6.
12. S. C. Mao, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang and M. H. Wu, Stress-induced martensitic transformation cooperative collective effects in superelastic polycrystalline TiNi shape memory alloys, SMST-2007- Proceedings of the International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies p. 183-192.
13. B.H. Hou, Q. Zhou, P. Duan, S.K. Su, S.C. Mao, X.D. Han, Electro-magnetic characteristics of Ti-50.8at% Ni in martensite transition, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 56 (2007) 7170-7175 (In Chinese)
14. S. C. Mao, X. D. Han, Z. Zhang and M. H. Wu, Investigation of Lüders-Like Deformation Bands in TiNi Shape Memory Alloys, SMST-2006-Proceedings of the International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies p. 749-756.
15. S.C. Mao, X. D. Han, M. H. Wu, Z. Zhang, F. Hao, D.M. Liu, Y.F. Zhang and B.H. Hou, Effect of Cyclic Loading on Apparent Young's Modulus and Critical Stress in Nano-Subgrained Superelastic TiNi Shape Memory Alloys, Mater. Trans. 47 (2006) 735-741.
16. X. D. Han, S. C. Mao, Q. Wei, Y. F. Zhang and Z. Zhang, In-Situ TEM Study of the Thickness Impact on the Crystallization Features of a Near Equal-Atomic TiNi Thin Film Prepared by Planar Magnetron Sputtering, Mater. Trans. 47 (2006) 536-539
17. S. C. Mao, X.D. Han, J.F. Luo, Z. Zhang, Microstructure and texture evolution of ultra-thin TiNi hot-rolled sheets studied by automated EBSD, Mater. Letters 59 (2005) 3567 – 3571
18. 韩晓东, 张跃飞, 毛圣成, 张泽,“扫描电镜电子背散射衍射原位拉伸装置及测量的方法”,国家发明专利 专利号:200710176364.5
19. 王峰,陈鹏,毛圣成* ,张跃飞,张泽,韩晓东,铝合金塑性变形的原位背散射电子衍射研究,电子显微学报 31 (2012) 391-397
20. 陈代谢,初明璋,林云生,韩立,张跃飞,毛圣成,高精度微拉伸台数据处理方法研究,北京工业大学学报 37 (2011) 1205-1211
21. 侯碧辉, 刘凤艳,刘国庆,徐劳立,韩晓东,毛圣成,Ti-50. 8%Ni合金的类金属电磁特性,稀有金属,33 (2009) 816-820
22. 成宇浩,张跃飞,毛圣成,韩晓东,张泽,温度对电沉积纳米孪晶Ni显微结构及纳米压痕力学性能的影响,金属学报,48 (2012) 1342-1348
23. 侯碧辉, 周茜,段苹,苏少奎,毛圣成,韩晓东,Ti-50.8% at%Ni 马氏体相变中的电磁特性,物理学报,56 (2007) 7170-7175
Shengcheng Mao is a Research Associate of Physics at the Beijing University of Technology. He joined the Beijing University of Technology in 2009, was promoted to supervisor of the graduates in 2011 and Reasearch associate in 2012. Dr. Shengcheng Mao received a Ph.D. (2009) and B. Tech (2006) in Physics from the Beijing University of Technology and M. Tech (2003) in Physics from Qufu Normal University (2003). Dr. Shengcheng Mao’s primary research areas are microstructure-property relationship of smart materials (NiTi shape memory alloy) and light structure materials (Aluminum alloys) He has authored more than 30 publications in Acta Materialia, Scripta Matrialia, Materials Science and Engineering A, etc. and has one China patents issued. Dr. Shengcheng Mao’s research has been supported by the Foundations from National Natural Science of China and Talents Training Program of Beijing Municipal Organization Department.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金“原子尺度下纳米晶TiNi 合金中马氏体相变晶体学机制的原位电子显微学研究”2011.01-2013.12 (项目批准号:51001003)
2. 北京市组织部优秀人才培养资助基金“NiTi 薄膜中马氏体相变的原位透射电子显微学研究”2010.04-2012.03(项目批准号:2010D005015000005)
3. 北京工业大学自然科学基础研究基金“原位应力/应变场作用下NiTi合金中马氏体相变的研究”2010.01-2011.12