江博明(Jahn B M),
1.一般: 地质定年学, 同位素及微量元素地球化学General: Geochronology, isotope and trace element geochemistry.
2.应用: 利用同位素及地球化学的方法与技术来研究岩石成因和大地构造。诸如,上部地幔的成分及演化,大陆地壳的成长,岩浆岩的成因 (科马提岩,玄武岩,花岗岩),太古代沉积岩的地球化学,太古代克拉通的演化, 超高压榴辉岩的成因,及其对大陆碰撞造山带构造演化的意义, 黄土的地球化学研究及对古气候变迁的意义及应用於上部大陆地壳平均化学成分之估计,碳酸盐的铀-铅定年学及沉积岩的直接定年,花岗岩的岩石成因及大陆地壳的演化,中亚造山带及阿拉伯-努比亚盾地的大陆地壳成长,日本岛及俄国远东的地壳与大地构造演化。
Selected Articles
1.Jahn, Bor-ming (1974). Mesozoic thermal events in southeast China.Nature, v. 248, 480-483.
2.Jahn, Bor-ming (1988). Pb-Pb dating of young marbles from Taiwan.Nature, 332 : 429-432.
3.Sun, S.S., Bor-ming Jahn (1975).Lead and strontium isotopes in post-glacial basalts from Iceland.Nature, v. 255, 527-530.
4.Murthy, V.R., N.M. Evensen, B.M. Jahn, M.R. Coscio, Jr., J.C. Dragon, R.O. Pepin (1972).Rubidium-Strontium and Potassium-Argon ages of lunar sample 15555. Science, v. 175, 419-421.
5.Jahn, B.M., J. Bertrand-Sarfati, N. Morin, J. Macé (1990).Direct dating of stromatolitic carbonates from the Schmidtsdrif Formation (Transvaal Dolomite), South Africa, with implications on the age of the Ventersdorp Supergroup.Geology, v. 18, 1211-1214.
6.Jahn, Bor-ming (1972). Reinterpretation of geologic evolution of the Coastal Range, Taiwan.Geol. Soc. Americal Bull., v. 83, 241-248.
7.Jahn, Bor-ming (1973). A petrogenetic model for the igneous complex in the Spanish
Peaks region, Colorado.Contr. Mineral. Petrol., v. 41, 241-258.
8.Jahn, Bor-ming, C.Y. Shih, V.R. Murthy (1974). Trace element geochemistry of Archean volcanic rocks.Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, v. 38, 611-627.
9.Jahn, Bor-ming, C.Y. Shih (1974). On the age of the Onverwacht Group, Swaziland Sequence, South Africa.Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, v. 38, 873-885.
10.Jahn, Bor-ming, V.R. Murthy (1975). Rb-Sr ages of the Archean rocks from the Vermilion district, northern Minnesota, Geochim.Cosmochim. Acta, 39, 1679-1689.
11.Jahn, Bor-ming, P.Y. Chen, T.P. Yen (1976). Rb-Sr ages of granitic rocks in southeastern China and their tectonic significance.Bull. Geol. Soc. America, v. 86, 763-776.
12.Jahn, Bor-ming, R.J. Floran, C.H. Simonds (1978). Rb-Sr isochron age of the Manicouagan melt sheet, Quebec, Canada.J. Geophys. Res., v. 83, 2799-2803.
13.Jahn, Bor-ming, B. Auvray, S. Blais, R. Capdevila, J. Cornichet, F. Vidal, and J. Hameurt (1980).Trace element geochemistry and petrogenesis of Finnish greenstone belts. Jour.Petrology, v. 21, 201-244.
14.Jahn, Bor-ming, J. Bernard-Griffiths, R. Charlot, J. Cornichet, F. Vidal (1980). Nd and Sr isotopic compositions and REE abundances of Cretaceous MORB (Holes 417D and 418A, Legs 51, 52 and 53).Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., v. 48, 171-184.
15.Jahn, Bor-ming, A.Y. Glikson, J.J. Peucat, A.H. Hickman (1981). REE geochemistry and isotopic data of Archean silicic volcanics and granitoids from the Pilbara Block, Western Australia : implications for the early crustal evolution.Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, v. 45, 1633-1652.
16.Jahn, Bor-ming, A. Schrank (1983).REE geochemistry of komatiites and associated rocks from Piumhi, southeastern Brazil.Precambrian Res. 21 : 1-20.
17.Jahn, Bor-ming, F. Martineau, J.J. Peucat, J. Cornichet (1986). Geochronology of the Tananao Schist Complex, Taiwan.Tectonophysics, 125 : 103-124.
18.Jahn, Bor-ming, B. Auvray, J. Cornichet, Y.L. Bai, Q.H. Shen, D.Y. Liu (1987).3.5 Ga old amphibolites from eastern Hebei Province, China : Field occurrence, petrography, Sm-Nd isochron age and REE geochemistry.Precambrain Research, 34 : 311-346.
19.Jahn, Bor-ming, B. Auvray, Q.H. Shen, D.Y. Liu, Z.Q. Zhang, Y.J. Dong, X.J. Ye, Q.Z. Zhang, J. Cornichet, J. Macé (1988).Archean crustal evolution in China : The Taishan Complex, and evidence for juvenile crustal addition from long-term depleted mantle.Precambrian Research 38 : 381-403.
20.Jahn, Bor-ming, W.G. Ernst (1990). Late Archean Sm-Nd isochron age for mafic-ultramafic supracrustal amphibolites from the northeastern Sino-Korean Craton, China.Precambrian Research, 46: 295-306.
22.Jahn, B.M., H. Cuvellier (1994). Pb-Pb and U-Pb geochronology of carbonate rocks: an assessment.Chemical Geology , 115: 125-151.
23.Jahn, B.M., K.C. Condie (1995). Evolution of the Kaapvaal Craton as viewed from geochemical and Sm-Nd isotopic analyses of intracratonic pelites.Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, v. 59, No. 11: 2239-2258.
24.Jahn, B.M., B. Simonson (1995). Carbonate Pb-Pb ages of the Wittenoom Formation and Carawine Dolomite, Hamersley Basin, Western Australia (with implications for their correlation with the Transvaal Dolomite of South Africa), Precambrian Research, 72: 247-261.
25.Chung, Sun-Lin, Bor-ming Jahn (1995). Plume-lithosphere interaction in generation of the Emeishan flood basalts at the Permian-Triassic boundary.Geology 23: 889-892.
26.Jahn, B.M., J. Cornichet, B.L. Cong, T.F. Yui (1996).Ultra-high eNd eclogites from an ultra-high pressure metamorphic terrane of China.Chem. Geol. 127: 61-79.
27.Jahn, B.M., G. Gruau, R. Capdevila, J. Cornichet, A. Nemchin, R. Pidgeon, V.A. Rudnik (1998) Archean crustal evolution of the Aldan Shield, Siberia: Geochemical and isotopic constraints. Precambrian Res. 91: 333-363.
28.Jahn, B.M., F.Y. Wu, C.H. Lo, C.H. Tsai (1999).Crust-mantle interaction induced by deep subduction of the continental crust: Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic evidence from post-collisional mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the Northern Dabie Complex, Central China.Chem. Geol., 157 : 119-146.
29.Jahn, B.M. (1999). Sm-Nd isotope tracer study of UHP metamorphic rocks : Implications for continental subduction and collisional tectonics.Internatioanl Geology Review, 41 : 859-885.
30.Jahn, B.M., Griffin, W.L., Windley, B. (2000).Continental growth in the Phanerozoic : evidence from Central Asia.Preface to the special issues. Tectonophysics, 328 : pp vii-x.
31.Jahn, B.M., S. Gallet, J.M. Han (2001). Geochemistry of the Xining, Xifeng and Jixian sections, Plateau of China: Eolian dust provenance and paleosol evolution during the last 140 ka.Chemical Geology, 178 : 71-94.
32.Jahn, B.M., R. Caby, P. Monié (2001). The oldest UHP eclogites of the world : age of UHP metamorphism, nature of protoliths and tectonic implications.Chemical Geology, 178 : 143-158.
33.Jahn, B.M., F. Wu, R. Capdevila, F. Martineau, Z. Zhao, Y. Wang (2001).Highly evolved juvenile granites with tetrad REE patterns : The Woduhe and Baerzhe granites from the Great Xing’an Mountains in NE China.Lithos, 59 : 171-198.
34.Wu, F.Y., Sun, D.Y., Li, H.M., Jahn, B.M., Wilde, S.(2002).A-type granites in northeastern China : age and geochemical constraints on their petrogenesis.Chem. Geol., 187, 143-173.
35.Jahn, B.M., Fan Q.C., Yang J.J., Henin O. (2003).Petrogenesis of the Maowu pyroxenite-eclogite body from the UHP metamorphic terrane of Dabieshan: Chemical and isotopic constraints.Lithos, 70, 243-267.
36.Zheng Y.F., Yang, J. J., Gong, B., Jahn, B. M. (2003).Partial equilibrium of radiogenic and stable isotope systems in garnet peridotite during ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism.Amer. Mineralogist, 88, 1633-1643.
37.Jahn, B.M., Capdevila, R., Liu, D.Y., Vernon, A., Badarch, G. (2004b). Sources of Phanerozoic granitoids in the transect Bayanhongor-Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia : geochemical and Nd isotopic evidence, and implications for Phanerozoic crustal growth.J. Asian Earth Sci., 23, 629-653.
38.Liu, X.C., Jahn, B.M., Liu, D.Y., Dong S.W., Li, S.Z. (2004).SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of a metagabbro and eclogites from western Daieshan, China, and some tectonic implications.Tectonophysics 394, 171-192.
39.Jahn, B.M., Liu, D.Y., Wan, Y.S., Song, B., Wu, J.S. (2008).Archean crustal evolution of the Jiaodong Peninsula, China, as revealed by zircon SHRIMP geochronology, elemental and Nd-isotope geochemistry.Am. Jour. Science, v. 308, 232-269.
40.Jahn, Bor-ming, 2010. Accretionary orogen and evolution of the Japanese islands: implications from a Sr-Nd isotopic study of the Phanerozoic granitoids from Japan. Special issue for Alfred Kroener. American Journal of Science, v. 310, 1210-1249.
41.Liu, Xiaochun, Jahn, Bor-ming, Cui, Jianjun, Li, S.Z., Wu, Yuanbao, Li, Xianhua, 2010.Triassic retrograded eclogites and Cretaceous gneissic granites in the TongbaiComplex, central China: Implications for the architecture of the HP/UHPTongbai–Dabie–Sulu collision zone. Lithos v. 119, 211-237.
42.Liu, X.C.,Jahn, B.M., Hu, J., Li, S.Z., Liu, X., Song, B., 2011. Metamorphic patterns and SHRIMP zircon ages of medium-to-high grade rocks from the Tongbai orogen, central China: implications for multiple accretion/collision processes prior to terminal continental collision. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, v. 29, 797-1002.
43.Li, Sanzhong, Santosh, M.,Jahn, B.M.,2012. Evolution of the Asian continent and its continental margins.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 47, 1-4.
44.Liu, X.C.,Jahn, B.M., Li, S.Z., Liu, Y.S., 2013. U-Pb zircon age and geochemical constraints on tectonic evolution of the Paleozoic accretionary orogenic system in the Tongbai orogen, central China. Tectonophysics. V. 599, p. 67-88.
45.Liu, X.C.,Jahn, B.M., Li, S.Z., 2013.Diachroneity of continental subduction and exhumation: Constraints from the Permian-Triassic HP metamorphic terrane in the Tongbai orogen, central China. Chinese Science Bulletin, v. 58, 4397-4404.
46.Li, Z.X., Wang, R.C.,Jahn, B.M.,2013. Tectonic evolution, magmatism and mettalogeny of the South China Craton – an introduction (editorial). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 74, 195-197.
47.Jahn, B.M., Usuki, M., Usuki, T., Chung, S.L., 2014. Generation of Cenozoic granitoids in Hokkaido (Japan): constraints from zircon geochronology, Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic and geochemical analyses, and implications for crustal growth.American Journal of Science, v. 314, 704-750.
Edition of special issues:
1.Kröner, Alfred and B.-M. Jahn, 1985. Precambrian crustal evolution. Precambrian Research, Volume 27, Nos. 1-3, pp 1-300.
2.B.-M. Jahn and S. Moorbath, 1990. Early development of the earth and Archaean geochemistry. Precambrian Research, Volume 48, Nos. 3, pp 193-325.
3.H. Z. Wang, B.-M. Jahn, and S. L. Mei, 1997.Origin and history of the earth. Proceedings, 30IGC, Beijing. VSP Publications, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 213 pp.
4.B.-M. Jahn, W.L. Griffin, and B. Windley, 2000.Continental growth in the Phanerozoic: evidence from Central Asia.Tectonophysics, Volume 328, Issues 1-2, pp. 1-227.
5.B.-M. Jahn, B. Windley, B. Natal’in and N. Dobretsov, 2004. Phanerozoic continental growth in Central Asia. J. Asian Earth Sci., 23, pp. 599-813.
6.A. Kröner and B.-M. Jahn (eds.), 2008. Dunyi Liu special issue Part I. American Journal of Science, vol. 308, No. 3, March, 2008, p. 185-397.
7.A. Kröner and B.-M. Jahn (eds.), 2008. Dunyi Liu special issue Part II.American Journal of Science, vol. 308, No. 4, April, 2008, p.399-656.
8.J.G. Liou, Gary Ernst, Shuguang Song andBor-ming Jahn(2009). Tectonics and HP-UHP Metamorphism of northern Tibet.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 35, issues 3-4, 191-376.
9.Biswal, T.K., Jahn, B.M., Radhakrishna, M. (2010) Tectonics of the Indian Subcontinent.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol.39, Issue 6, 481-814.
10.Zhu, Wenbin, Charvet, J., Xiao, W.J., Jahn, B.M., 2011. Continental accretion and intra-continental deformation of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Volume 42, 769-773.
11.Sanzhong Li, M. Santosh, Bor-ming Jahn, 2012. Evolution of the Asian continent and its continental margins (Editorial).Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Volume 47, 1-4. (total = 280 pages)
12.Wenjiao Xiao, Sanzhong Li, M. Santosh, Bor-ming Jahn, 2012. Orogenic belts in Central Asia: correlations and connections (Editorial).Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Volume 49, 1-6 (total = 395 pages).
13.Jayananda, M., Santosh, M., Jahn, Bor-ming, 2013. Precambrian Accretionary Orogens. Precambrian Research, v. 227, p. 1-426.
14.Santosh, M. and Jahn, Bor-ming, 2013. Evolving Asia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (24 papers).