应急管理部-教育部 减灾与应急管理研究院,
北京师范大学2008年-2013年, 副教授,
Ming Wang, Kai Liu, Hongfei Lu, Hima Shrestha, Ramesh Guragain,Wen Pan, Xiaodong Yang, Increasing the lateral capacity of dry joint flat-stonemasonry structures using inexpensive retrofitting techniques, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering,(2019) 17:391-411
Ming Wang, Kai Liu, Ramesh Guragain, Hima Shrestha, Xiaowei Ma,Shake table tests on the two‑storey dry‑joint stone masonry structuresreinforced with timber laces and steel wires, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, (2019) 17:2199-2218
Guoli Zhang, Ming Wang(通讯作者), Kai Liu, Forest Fire Susceptibility Modeling Using aConvolutional Neural Network for Yunnan Province of China, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, (2019) 10:386–403
Yaan Wang, Ming Wang(通讯作者), Kai Liu, Experimental study of the SeismicPerformance of Different Earth Walls and Their Seismic Retrofitting withExternally Bonded Fibers, Journal ofEarthquake Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2019.1688206
Jun Xie, Ming Wang(通讯作者), Kai Liu, Tom J. Coulthard,Modeling sediment movement and channel response to rainfall variability after amajor earthquake, Geomorphology, 320(2018) 18-32
Xuelei Zhang, Ming Wang(通讯作者), Kai Liu, Jun Xie, Hong Xu, Using NDVI time series todiagnose vegetation recovery after major earthquake based on dynamic timewarping and lower bound distance, EcologicalIndicators, 94 (2018) 52-61
Congrong Li, Ming Wang(通讯作者), Kai Liu, Jun Xie, Topographic changes and theirdriving factors after 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Geomorphology, 311 (2018) 27–36
Kai Liu, Ming Wang(通讯作者), Yinxue Cao, Weihua Zhu,Jinshan Wu, Xiaoyong Yan, A comprehensive risk analysis of transportationnetworks affected by rainfall-induced multi-hazards, Risk Analysis, Vol. 38, No. 8 (2018) 1618-1633
Ming Wang, Kai Liu, Hongfei Lu, Hima Shrestha, Ramesh Guragain,Wen Pan and Xiaodong Yang, In-plane cyclic tests of seismic retrofits ofrubble-stone masonry walls, Bulletin ofEarthquake Engineering, (2018) 16: 1941-1959.
Yaan Wang, Ming Wang(通讯作者), Kai Liu, Wen Pan, Xiaodong Yang, Shaking table testson seismic retrofitting of rammed-earth structures, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp1037-1055, (2017)
Min Zhou, Ming Wang(通讯作者), Jing Zhang, How are risksgenerated, developed and amplified? Case study of the crowd collapse atShanghai Bun on 31 December 2014, InternationalJournal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 24 (2017), 209-215
Ying Deng, Ming Wang(通讯作者), Rasoul Yousefpour, How do people’s perceptions andclimatic disaster experiences influence their daily behaviors regardingadaptation to climate change? – A case study among young generations, Science of The Total Environment, Volume581-582, pp 840-847, (March 2017)
Yinxue Cao, Ming Wang(通讯作者), Kai Liu, Wildfire Susceptibility Assessment inSouthern China: A Comparison of Multiple Methods, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science (2017) 8: 164-181
Ming Wang, Kai Liu, Guiling Yang, Jun Xie, Three-dimensionalslope stability analysis using laser scanning and numerical simulation, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 8 (2017)997-1011
Ming Wang, Tao Ye and Peijun Shi, Factors Affecting Farmers'Crop Insurance Participation in China, CanadianJournal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 64, Issue 3, pp 479-492, (Sept.2016)
Kai Liu, Ming Wang(通讯作者) and Yaan Wang, Seismicretrofitting of rural rammed earth buildings using externally bonded fibers, Construction and Building Materials,100, pp91-101 (2015)
Yang, W. T., Wang, M.(通讯作者), Kerle, N., Van Westen, C. J., Liu, L. Y., and Shi,P. J.: Analysis of changes in post-seismic landslide distribution and itseffect on building reconstruction, Nat.Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 817-825, (2015)
Ming Wang, Wentao Yang, Peijun Shi, Chong Xu, and Lianyou Liu,Diagnosis of Vegetation Recovery in Mountainous Regions after the WenchuanEarthquake, IEEE Journal of selectedTopics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 06/2014; 7(7). (2014)
Ming Wang(通讯作者), Min Liu, Saini Yang andPeijun Shi, An Integrated Approach to Incorporate Triggering and EnvironmentalFactors in the Analysis of Regional Earthquake-Induced Landslide Hazards, International Journal of Disaster RiskScience, 06/2014; 5(2):125-135 (2014)
Wentao Yang, Ming Wang, and Peijun Shi,Using MODIS NDVI Time Series to Identify Geographic Patterns of Landslides inVegetated Regions, IEEE Geoscienceand Remote Sensing Letters, Vol 10(4), (2013)
Ming Wang, Chuan Liao, Saini Yang, Weiting Zhao, Min Liu,Peijun Shi. Are people willing to buy natural disaster insurance in China? Riskawareness, insurance acceptance, and willingness to pay. Risk Analysis, Vol. 32 Issue 10. (2012).
Wang Ming, Shi Peijun, Ye Tao, Liu Min, Zhou Meiqin,Agriculture insurance in china: history, experience, and lessons learned. Int.J. Disaster Risk Sci., 2 (2): 10–22. (2011)