1 研究方向
在时间更迭的建成环境文化景观中,寻找起到稳定作用的结构性网络和关键性节点,以及网络、要素间的关联、对话和传承的方式,构建文化景观安全格局及过程;具体研究文化景观系统的空间格局、演变过程及相应的人文关怀等领域,并在城镇建成环境的保护更新中进行系统的理论检验和应用实践;重点关注历史建筑、历史地段保护更新,以及线性遗产廊道的结构网络和演变过程等。“城乡记忆(Urban and Rural Memory)”、“地理建筑(Geo-Architecture)”是其中代表性成果。
2 主要获奖
2.1 科研获奖
2015 获奖人汪芳、丁学俊、陈彦光、董颖、刘晓宇、王孝龙、郁德强、姜毅、古国杰、彭瑶瑶.完成单位北京大学、西安浐灞生态区土地储备中心.获奖项目“新型城镇化精明土地利用规划的优化模式与技术应用”.2015年度
2.2 教学获奖
2012 获奖人汪芳、吕斌、陈彦光.北京大学教学成果奖校级一等奖(四年评选一次).“培养复合型创新人才的社会综合实践调查教学改革实验”.
2008 获奖人汪芳、吕斌、宋峰、陈耀华.北京大学教学成果奖校级一等奖(四年评选一次).“全国城市规划专业竞赛指导的教学创新探索” .
2006 宝钢教育基金优秀教师奖.
2007-2016 在
3 主持的基金项目
中方主持人汪芳,德方主持人Martin Prominski.中德双边合作研究项目.
中德科学中心(NSFC-DFG共同成立)(编号GZ1201).Urbanization and Locality: Preserving and developing identity in large-scale urbanization processes with urban landscapes along canals as case studies.起止时间2016.3-2019.3.
4 专著论文
4.1 专著
Wang, F..Beijing Urban Memory: Historic Buildings and Historic Areas, Central Axes and City Walls. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2016.【被哈佛大学图书馆馆藏】
Wang, F.. Geo-Architecture Wandering in the Landscape (Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context Series volume 1). Singapore: Springer Nature, 2016.【被哈佛大学图书馆馆藏】
Wang, F.. Geo-Architecture Inhabiting the Universe (Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context Series volume 2). Singapore: Springer Nature, 2016.【被哈佛大学图书馆馆藏】
Wang, F.. Geo-Architecture Blending into Nature (Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context Series volume 3). Singapore: Springer Nature, 2016.【被哈佛大学图书馆馆藏】
Wang, F.. Symbolism and the Language of Geo-Architecture (Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context Series volume 4). Singapore: Springer Nature, 2016.【被哈佛大学图书馆馆藏】
Wang, F., Prominski,M. Urbanization and Locality: Strengthening Identity and Sustainability by Site-specific Planning and Design. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2015.
4.2 学术论文
Wang, F., Xu, L., Wang, C.X.. Modern Residential Outdoor Space for Children with their Inter-generational Parents: A Case Study in Beijing. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2016, 2(3): 206-220, DOI: 10.1108/IJTC-03-2016-0004.
Wang, F., Yu, F.Y., Zhu, X.H.*, Pan, X.L., Sun, R.M., Cai, H.R.. Disappearing Gradually and Unconsciously in Rural China: Research on the Sunken Courtyard and the Reasons for Change in Shanxian County, Henan Province. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 630-649, DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.05.011.
Li, J., Wang, F.*,Wuzhati, S., Wen, B.F. Urban or Village Residents? A Case Study of the Spontaneous Space Transformation of the Forced Upstairs Farmers’ Community in Beijing. Habitat International,2016, 56: 136-146, DOI: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2016.04.009.
Wang, F.,Liu, X.Y., Zhang, Y.Y. Spatial Landscape Transformation of Beijing Compounds under Residents’ Willingness. Habitat International,2016, 55: 167-179, DOI: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2016.03.009.
Wang, F., Peng, Y.Y., Wang, H.C., Yin, Y. Old Walls, Modern City: Research on Urban Memory of Disappearing Ancient Beijing City Walls. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2016, 2(1): 29-44, DOI: 10.1108/IJTC-11-2015-0029.
Hao, X.F., Wu, B.H., Morrison, A.M., Wang, F. Worth Thousands of Words? Visual Content Analysis and Photo Interpretation of an Outdoor Tourism Spectacular Performance in Yangshuo-Guilin, China. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2016, 27(2): 201-213, DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2015.1082921.
Wang, F.,Xue, X.N. and Wang, Y.Y. The Neglected Part in Historic Districts: Case Studies on the Non-heritage Buildings in Two Historic Blocks in Wuxi City, China.International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2015(3): 200-215.
Wang, F., Liu, J., Pan, B., Zhao, L.Y. and Zhang, M.Stuck between the Historic and Modern China: A Case Study of Children’s Space in a Hutong Community. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2012, 32: 59-68.
Leung, X., Wang, F.*, Wu, B.H., Bai, B., Stahura1, K.A. and Xie, Z.H. A Social Network Analysis of Overseas Tourist Movement Patterns in Beijing: the Impact of the Olympic Games. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2012, 14: 469-484 (Published online 20 October, 2011, DOI: 10.1002/jtr.876).
Leung, X.Y., Wang, F., Wu, B.H., Busser, J.A. Park Users’ Quality Evaluation: Applying an Analytical Hierarchy Process for Managers. Managing Leisure, 2011, 16: 142-160.
汪芳,李薇,PROMINSKI Martin.城镇化和地方性的新冲突、新策略与新探索——中德双边研讨会会议综述.地理研究,2014,33(11):2205-2214.