一、 法治起源中的“以人为本”1
二、 现代法治理论中的“以人为本”4
一、 雅典城邦: 法治下的政治权威18
二、 柏拉图:“哲学家统治”与“法律统治” 29
三、 亚里士多德:“法律统治”论36第二章古罗马:从“以法为限”到“皇帝不受法律约束”41
一、 王政时代:“王”的法律制约41
二、 共和国时代:政治权威的宪制约束43
三、 西塞罗:自然法和共和国政体与法律下的政治权威49
四、 帝国时代:“皇帝不受法律约束”55第三章英国“王在法下”法治传统的成长63
一、 “王在法下”传统的生长63
二、 “王在法下”与“王在法上”的冲突71
三、 “法律即王”:洛克、 休谟对英国革命进行诠释的
一、 中世纪早期:“法律下的国王”89
二、 中世纪后期的争论:“法律至上”还是“君主至上”95
三、 君主专制主义:“朕意即法律”110
四、 法国启蒙思想家论限制政治权威的法治学说122
五、 法国大革命:“法律至上”原则的确立137第五章“法治政府”:美国开国前后的追求143
一、 殖民地时期的遗产143
二、 潘恩:“法律就是国王”147
三、 杰斐逊:控制政治权威的“法治共和国”152
四、 《
一、 政治权威及其权力的结构化发展165
二、 思想、 理论与制度架构之间的错综杂陈166
三、 从理念到常识169
四、 自然法和实证化制度的双重约束173
一、 政治权力的来源:人民授权的法律制度182
二、 政治权力的时间限度:任期制的约束185
三、 政治权力的空间范围:有限的政治权力188
四、 政治权力的行使过程:程序性约束191
五、 政治权力的制衡机制193第八章政治权威对法治的推动作用196
一、 政治权威:法治创设和维系的主体力量196
二、 开立新制新律和调适法度202
三、 循章守法和监督法律施行212第九章法治:政治家的法律专业背景218
一、 有关政治家的法律专业背景的明细表219
二、 简要的分析(主要以美国为例)282第十章法治与政治权威的几个基本问题305
一、 法治与政治权威的合法性305
二、 法律至上与政治权威的威信308
三、 法治国家与政治权威体制310
四、 法律制约与政治权威的作为312
五、 法治与政治权威的互动和紧张关系313主要参考文献317
of Rule of Law1
theories of Rule of Law4
Ⅰ. Athens: Political authority under the Rule of Law18
Ⅱ. Plato: “Kings of philosopher domination” and
“Rule of Law”29
Ⅲ. Aristotle: Theory of “Rule of Law”36Chapter Two: Rome: From “Restriction by Law” to
“Emperor is beyond Legal Restriction”41
Ⅰ. Regal period: Legal restriction of “the King”41
Ⅱ. Roman republic: Constitutional restriction of
political authority43
Ⅲ. Cicero: Law of nature and political authority
under republic system and law49
Ⅳ. Imperial Rome: “Emperor is beyond legal
restriction” 55Chapter Three: Britain: Growth of the Tradition of “the
King is under the law” 63
Ⅰ. Growth of the tradition of “the King is under
the law”63
Ⅱ. Conflict between “the King is under the law”
and “the King is above the law”71
Ⅲ. “Law is the King”: Legal theories interpreting
British Revolution by Locke and Hume81Chapter Four: West Europe in Middle Ages and Early
Modern Times: Evolution of Supremacy of Law 89
Ⅰ. The early middle ages: “King under the law”89
Ⅱ. Controversy in the later middle ages: Supremacy
of law or supremacy of King95
Ⅲ. Despotism: “King’s will is the law”110
Ⅳ. Enlightenment: French thinkers’ legal theories
on restricting political authority122
Ⅴ. French Revolution: The establishment of
supremacy of law137Chapter Five: America around its Foundation: “Government
on the Rule of Law”: 143
Ⅰ. Legacy of the colonization period143
Ⅱ. Paine: “Law is the King”147
Ⅲ. Jefferson: “Republic on the rule of law” to
control political authority152
Ⅳ. The Federalist: The principles and framework of
republican government158Chapter Six: A Brief Summary of the Formation of the Legal
Restriction upon Political Authority 164
Ⅰ. Political authority, its power and structure 165
Ⅱ. Interaction among thoughts, theories and
institutional framework166
Ⅲ. From idea to common sense169
Ⅳ. Dual restriction from both law of nature and
positive institutions173
PART TWOChapter Seven: The Institutional Framework as a Legal
Restriction upon Political Authority 181
Ⅰ. Source of political power: Legal system
empowered by people182
Ⅱ. Temporal confine to political power: Limits
of tenure185
Ⅲ. Spatial range of political power: Limited political
Ⅳ. Executive process of political power: Procedural
constraint 191
Ⅴ. Mechanism of balancing political powers193Chapter Eight: The Promotion of Rule of Law by Political
Ⅰ. Political authority: The main power in the
creation and maintenance of Rule of Law196
Ⅱ. Enactment and application of the statutes 202
Ⅲ. Obedience and supervision of the statutes212Chapter Nine: Rule of Law: Professional Backgrounds
of the Statesmen218
Ⅰ. The list of the professional backgrounds of
some statesmen219
Ⅱ. American case: A brief analysis 282Chapter Ten: Several Basic Problems about Rule of Law
and Political Authority305
Ⅰ. The legitimacy of Rule of Law and Political
Ⅱ. Supremacy of law and prestige of political
authority 308
Ⅲ. State ruled of law and system of political
Ⅳ. Restriction of law and conduct of political
Ⅴ. The interaction and tension between Rule of
Law and political authority313Reference Book317