他不仅对波导理论等领域有突出的贡献,而且对从微波到光频的国际潮流一直保持高度敏感。例如,超材料(metamaterial)研究在全世界都很热门,如今在我国也受到高度重视。黄教授早在2001 年就在《物理》上发表文章,介绍和论述了美国物理学家的最初成果,他的论文竟是我国学术界在该领域的最早一篇(见:黄志洵 微波异常传播中的负折射率问题 物理,Vol. 30,No. 11,2001 年,689 - 692)。
金属电磁学理论的若干问题/ 2
消失场的能量关系及WKBJ 分析法/ 19
影响物理学发展的8 个问题/ 45
负能量研究:内容、方法和意义/ 72
波粒二象性理论与波速问题探讨/ 87
虚光子初探/ 107
试 评欧洲OPERA 中微子超光速实验/ 124
论Casimir 效应中的超光速现象/ 133
论量子超光速性/ 143
自由空间中天线近区场的类消失态超光速现象/ 177
论Bessel 波束超光速现象/ 214 超光速物理学研究的若干问题/ 225
试论Tesla 标量波/ 250
引力传播速度研究及有关科学问题/ 260
●三负(负波速、负折射率、负GH 位移)研究275
负波速研究进展/ 276
无源媒质中电磁波的异常传播/ 301
电磁波负性运动与媒质负电磁参数研究/ 324
Used Surface Plasma Wave Measure the Thickness and the Negative Permittivity ofNano metal film/ 344
Negative Goos Hnchen Shifts with Nano metal film on Prism Surface/ 349
用具有负介电常数的模拟光子晶体同轴系统获得负群速/ 357
N e gative Group Velocity Pulse Propagation Through a Left Handed Transmission Line / 363
量子隧穿时间与脉冲传播的负时延/ 370
负Goos Hnchen 位移的理论与实验研究/ 388
从负折射超材料到光学隐身衣/ 407
到高峰去呼吸/ 422
中国传媒大学举办“黄志洵教授从事自然科学研究55 周年研讨会”/ 428
华夏高科技产业创新奖”特别创新奖/ 429
汉字笔画索引/ 432
外国人名索引/ 434
Basic Theory of Wave Sciences1
The Achievements and Problems of the Metal Electromagnetics / 2
Energy Relations of Evanescent Fields and the WKBJ Method / 19
Eight Selected Problems in Physics / 45
The Contents,Methods and Meanings of Negative Energy Research / 72
Discussion on the Particle Wave Duality and the Wave Velocity Problem/ 87
Tentative Study on Virtual Photons / 107
● Introduction of Superluminal Light Physics
Comment on the OPERA Experiment of CERN/ 124
Faster than light Phenomenon of the Casimir Effect / 133
Discussions of the Quantum Superluminality / 144
The Evanescent state Like Superluminal Phenomenon of Near field in Free Space / 177
“Light Barrier”can’t Resist the Human Advancements / 194
Superluminal Behaviors in Bessel beams Propagation / 214
The Achievements and Problems of the Superluminal Light Physics / 225
Discusses on the Tesla Scalar Waves / 250
Discussion to the Study of Gravity Propagation Speed / 260
● Study on the Three Negative Physical Parameters
Recent Advances in Negative Wave Velocity Research / 276
Abnormal EM waves Propagation in Passive Media / 301
Study on the Theory of Negative Characteristic Electromagnetic Wave Motion and the Negative Electromagnetic Parameters / 324
Used Surface Plasma Wave Measure the Thickness and the Negative Permittivity of
Nano metal film/ 344
Negative Goos Hnchen Shifts with Nano metal film on Prism Surface / 349
Used Analogue Coaxial Photon Crystal with Negative Permittivity to
Obtain Negative Group Velocity / 357
N e gative Group Velocity Pulse Propagation Through a Left Handed Transmission Line / 363
Quantum Tunneling Time and Negative Time delay in Pulse Propagation / 370
Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Negative Goos Hnchen Shifts / 388
From the Research of Negative Refraction Metamaterials to the Study of
Optical Invisibility Cloaks / 407
● Appendix
Breathe at the Summit / 422
The Seminar of Professor Zhi Xun HUANG’s 55 Anniversary of Natural Science Research
will be held by Communication University of China / 428
Pro fessor Zhi Xun HUANG of Communication University of China is Granted the Special Innovation Award by the China High Tech Industrial Originality Awards / 429
● Index
Chinese Character Strokes Index / 432
Foreigners Name Index / 434