浙江汽车工程学院(以下简称、学院)是吉利控股集团于2007年投资创建的中国第一所民办研究生院,以培养车辆工程、企业管理、汽车营销专业的硕士、博士为目标,是吉利集团为加强企业核心竞争力、培养汽车应用人才而构筑的学术平台。 浙江汽车工程学院院长由浙江吉利控股集团副总裁魏梅担任。中国工程院院士郭孔辉,中国汽车工程学会常务副理事长兼秘书长付于武,美国国家工程院院士、国际汽车工程师学会院士、原密歇根大学凤凰能量研究所所长Dennis N. Assanis出任学院名誉院长。学院下设工学院、管理学院、营销学院及博士后工作站。现有特聘教授166人,其中,院士14人,专家职称89人,教授职称103人;在读研究生324人,博士后7人。浙江汽车工程学院正在用自己的方式探索中国研究生教育的新模式。
Zhejiang Automotive Engineering Institute
Zhejiang Automotive Engineering Institute, the first private postgraduate institute in China, was founded in 2007 by Geely Group. It is composed of Engineering, Management and Marketing schools.
The President of the Institute is Dr. Frank Zhao. The two Honorary Presidents are respectively Dr. Konghui Guo, academician of CAE and Mr. Yuwu Fu, General-secretary, Vice-President of SAE.
One of the education characteristics of Zhejiang Automotive Engineering Institute is dual-tutor training mode. Graduate students bring their R&D subjects to school, seek solutions by study, improve working skills in management, marketing and R & D projects, and transform long-term accumulated experience to intellectual products.
Now there are 129 special-term professors, of whom 76 professors, 72 experts, 53 qualified doctoral tutors, 5 academicians. All of them are well-known both at home and abroad college professors, top experts in both automotive and financial sectors, in-house experts and scientific research leaders of Geely Group. In addition, there are scholars from universities and research institutions of the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea etc.
Zhejiang Automotive Engineering Institute now has 187 graduate students, of whom 52 are in Technology Institute (Masters 45, Doctor 7), 72in Management Institute, and 63 in Marketing Institute. All graduate students are high-level managers, technicians and marketing personnel. They are managers and operators in a certain area in the whole businesses chain, carrying out corporate planning, strategic decision-making, product designing, marketing and so on. They are direct wealth creators of enterprises.
Institute teaching is based on current hot topics and difficult issues in the automotive industry. Teaching materials have valuable content, including up-to-date information in the industry, front viewpoint, classic cases, specific tools and techniques. On a regular basis, we edit notes, audio and video information from classes into text books. Making in-depth international analysis from authorities in the industry into readable materials, by which to help graduate students further explore cutting-edge issues and difficult issues in the automotive industry. Provide our students with information and function as an information exchange platform which mainly covers auto engineering, management theory, marketing knowledge.
From the day the institute was founded, we have got lots of kind attention from many specialists and experts in the auto industry. With our achievement in the area of academic building, research, personnel training, we have got extensive support form others. The institute was granted by China Auto Newspaper 《2007 China Top Ten Auto Talent News 》in February 2008. June of the same year, it was awarded as “The forth session of China Top-100 corporative education agencies”, outstanding among thousands of competitors by advanced education concept and new teaching method which was well recognized by counterparts in the same industry.