田世平,女,博士,研究员,博士生导师。 1957年3月出生于重庆市酉阳县,1982年1月在四川农业大学获学士学位,1991年被国家教委选派到意大利留学,1995年在意大利博洛尼亚大学获植物病理学博士学位,1997年5月回国,现任中国科学院植物研究所研究员,中国科学院研究生院教授,中国园艺学会采后生理学分会副理事长。2002年获国家杰出青年科学基金,并入选中国科学院“百人计划”。 2003年和2007年分别在美国Cornell University和美国农业部食品品质安全研究所做访问学者。迄今发表学术论文180余篇(SCI刊物论文100余篇),主编和参编出版专业书9部(英文书5部)。已培养硕士和博士20余名;正在指导博士后2名、博士生和硕士生11名。
1995年在意大利博洛尼亚大学获“植物病理学”博士,1997年回国在中国科学院植物研究所工作,现任“采后生理病理学”研究领域首席研究员。“国家杰出青年基金”获得者,中国科学院“百人计划”入 选者。曾在意大利Udine大学、
中国青年科技工作者协会中国科学院研究生院、山东师范大学、大连民族学院等兼职教授,以及《Plant Pathology Journal》和《植物学通报》编委,中国科学院植物研究所学术委员会副主任,学位委员会委员;国家自然科学基金委员会农学学科评审组成员;国家发改委、国家科技部和国家农发办项目评审专家。
针对果蔬采后腐烂和真菌毒素污染严重等重大产业难题,围绕果蔬产品“优质、安全”的关键科学问题,以果实采后重要致病真菌Botrytis cinerea和Penicillium expansum为模式材料解析病原真菌致病和产毒分子机制,同时开展果蔬采后病害绿色防控和真菌毒素生物消减技术的研发及应用工作。
Li BQ, Chen Y, Zhang ZQ, Qin GZ, Chen T, Tian SP*. 2020. Molecular basis and regulation of pathogenicity and patulin biosynthesis in Penicillium expansum. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 19, 3416-3438. IF-5year=11.200
Chen T, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2020. Regulatory network of fruit ripening: current understandings and future challenges. New Phytologist, 228, 1219-1226. IF-5year=8.795
Cai JH, Chen T, Wang Y, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2020. SlREM1 triggers cell death by activating an oxidative burst and other regulators. Plant Physiology, 183, 717-732. IF-5year=7.520
Ji DC, Cui XM, Qin GZ, Chen T*, Tian SP*. 2020. SlFERL interacts with S-adenosylmethionine synthetase to regulate fruit ripening. Plant Physiology, 184, 2168-2181. SCI, IF-5year=7.520
Li H, Zhang ZQ, Qin GZ, He C, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2020. Actin is required for cellular development and virulence of Botrytis cinerea via mediation of secretory proteins. mSystems, 5, e00732-19. IF-5year=7.389
Chen T, Ji DC, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2020. Advances and strategies for controlling the quality and safety of postharvest fruit. Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.eng.2020.07.029. IF-5year=6.607
Liu XY, Cui XM, Ji DC, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2020. Luteolin-induced activation of phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway contributes to quality maintenance and disease resistance of sweet cheery. Food Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.foodchem. 2020.128309. IF-5year=6.219
Zhang ZQ, Chen Y, Li BQ, Chen T, Tian SP*. 2020. Reactive oxygen species, a key factor to regulate development and pathogenicity of phytopathogenic fungi. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 18, 3344-3349. IF-2019=6.018
Wang Y, Liu XY, Chen T, Xu Y, Tian SP*. 2020. Antifungal effects of hinokitiol on development of Botrytis cinerea in vitro and in vivo. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 159, 111038. IF-5year=4.765
Liu XY, Ji DC, Cui XM, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2020. p-Coumaric acid induces antioxidant capacity and defense responses of sweet cherry fruit to fungal pathogens. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 169, 111297. SCI, IF-5year=4.765
Ma DY, Ji DC, Liu JL, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2020. Efficacy of methyl thujate in inhibiting Penicillium expansum growth and possible mechanism involved. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 161, 111070. IF-5year=4.765
Ji DC, Chen T, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2020. Versatile roles of the receptor-like kinase FERONIA in plant growth, development and host-pathogen interaction. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, 7881. IF-5year=4.653
Zhang XK, Li BQ, Zhang ZQ, Chen Y, Tian SP*. 2020. Antagonistic yeasts, a promising alternative to chemical fungicides for controlling postharvest decay of fruit. Journal of Fungi, 6, 158. IF-2019=4.621
Ma DY, Cui XM, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Xu Y, Tian SP, Chen T*. 2020. Honokiol suppresses mycelial growth and reduces virulence of Botrytis cinerea by inducing autophagic activities and apoptosis. Food Microbiology, 88, 103411. IF-5year=4.534
Liu XY, Li JK, Cui XM, Ji DC, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2020. Exogenous bamboo pyroligneous acid improves antioxidant capacity and primes defense responses of harvested apple and grape fruit. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 134, 110191. IF-5year=4.385
Xing MY, Li BQ, Chen Y, Tian SP*. 2020. Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase plays an important role in patulin degradation by Enterobacter cloacae subsp. Dissolvens. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68, 5232-5240. IF-5year=4.289
He C, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Tian SP *. 2020. The pattern and function of DNA methylation in fungal plant pathogens. Microorganisms, 8, 227. IF-2019=4.152
Li GJ, Chen T, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Tian SP *. 2020. Roles of aquaporins in plant-pathogen interaction. Plants (Basel), 9, 1134. IF-2019=2.762
Zhou LL, Tian SP *, Qin GZ*. 2019. RNA methylomes reveal the m6A-mediated regulation of DNA demethylase gene in tomato fruit ripening. Genome Biology, 20, 156. IF-5year=19.041
Li BQ, Chen Y, Zong YY, Shang YJ, Zhang ZQ, Xu XD, Wang X, Long MY, Tian SP *. 2019. Dissection of patulin biosynthesis, spatial control and regulation mechanism in Penicillium expansum. Environmental Microbiology, 21, 1124-1139. IF-5year=5.453
Cai JH, Chen T, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP *. 2019. Metabolic dynamics during loquat fruit ripening and postharvest technologies. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 619. IF-5year=5.207
He C, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Xu Y, Tian SP *. 2019. Effect of natamycin on Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium expansum-Postharvest pathogens of grape berries and jujube fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 151, 134-141. IF-5year=4.765
Li H, He C, Li GJ, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Tian SP *. 2019. The modes of action of epsilon-polylysine (ε-PL) against Botrytis cinerea in jujube fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 147, 1-9. IF-5year=4.765
Ma DY, Ji DC, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2019. Efficacy of rapamycin in modulating autophagic activity of Botrytis cinerea for controlling gray mold. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 150, 158-165. IF-5year=4.765
Fu MR, Zhang XM, Jin T, Li BQ, Zhang ZQ, Tian SP *. 2019. Inhibitory of grey mold on green pepper and winter jujube by chlorine dioxide (ClO2) fumigation and its mechanisms. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 100, 335-340. IF-5year=4.385
Li H, Tian SP, Qin GZ*. 2019. NADPH oxidase is crucial for the cellular redox homeostasis in fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 32, 1508-1516. IF-5year=4.282
Wang Y, Ji DC, Chen T, Li BQ, Zhang ZQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP *. 2019. Production, signaling and scavenging mechanisms for reactive oxygen species in fruit-pathogen interactions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20, 2994. IF-5year=4.152
Cai JH, Qin GZ, Chen T, Tian SP *. 2018. The mode of action of remorin1 to regulate fruit ripening at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. New Phytologist, 219, 1406-1420. IF-5year=8.795
Chen Y, Li BQ, Xu XD, Zhang ZQ, Tian SP*. 2018. The pH-responsive PacC transcription factor plays pivotal roles in virulence and patulin biosynthesis in Penicillium expansum. Environmental Microbiology, 20, 4063-4078. IF-5year=5.453
Cai JH, Wang PW, Tian SP, Qin GZ*. 2018. Quantitative proteomic analysis reveals the involvement of mitochondrial proteins in fruit ripening. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 145, 213-221. IF-5year=4.765
Ji DC, Chen T, Ma DY, Liu JL, Xu Y, Tian SP *. 2018. Inhibitory effects of methyl thujate on mycelial growth of Botrytis cinerea and possible mechanisms of action. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 142, 46-54. IF-5year=4.765
Chen T, Ji DC, Tian SP *. 2018. Variable-angle epifluorescence microscopy characterizes protein dynamics in the vicinity of plasma membrane in plant cells. BMC Plant Biology, 18, 43. IF-5year=4.494
Ma DY, Xu Y, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2018. Efficacy of ABA-mimicking ligands in controlling water loss and maintaining antioxidative capacity of Spinacia oleracea. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66, 13397-13404. IF-5year=4.289
Zhang JN, Zhang F, Tang QJ, Xu CS, Meng XH*. 2018. Effect of photodynamic inactivation of Escherichia coli by hypericin. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 34, 100-108. IF-5year=2.518
Li H, Chen Y, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Tian SP *. 2018. Pathogenic mechanisms and control strategies of Botrytis cinerea causing postharvest decay in fresh horticultural crops. Food Quality and Safety, 3, 111-119.
Wang WH, Cai JH, Wang PW, Tian SP, Qin GZ*. 2017. Post-transcriptional regulation of fruit ripening and disease resistance in tomato by the vacuolar protease SlVPE3. Genome Biology, 18, 47. IF-5year=19.041
Li BQ, Xia YX, Wang YY, Qin GZ, Tian SP *. 2017. Characterization of genes encoding key enzymes involved in anthocyanin metabolism of kiwifruit during storage period. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, 341. IF-5year=5.207
Liu RL, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP *. 2017. Identification and functional characterization of a tonoplast dicarboxylate transporter in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, 186. IF-5year=5.207
Zhang ZQ, Chen J, Li BQ, He C, Chen Y, Tian SP*. 2017. Influence of oxidative stress on biocontrol activity of Cryptococcus laurentii against blue mold on peach fruit. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 151. IF-5year=4.926
Chen Y, Peng HM, Wang X, Li BQ*, Long MY, Tian SP. 2017. Biodegradation mechanisms of patulin in Candida guilliermondii, an iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis. Toxins, 9, E48. IF-5year=3.832
Qin GZ, Zhu Z, Wang WH, Cai JH, Chen Y, Li L, Tian SP *. 2016. A tomato vacuolar invertase inhibitor mediates sucrose metabolism and influences fruit ripening. Plant Physiology, 172:1596-1611.
An B, Li BQ, Li H, Zhang ZQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP *. 2016. Aquaporin8 regulates cellular development and ROS production, a critical component of virulence in Botrytis cinerea. New Phytologist, 209: 1668-1680.
Zhang ZQ, Li H, Qin GZ, He C, Li BQ, Tian SP *. 2016. The MADS-Box transcription factor Bcmads1 is required for growth, sclerotia production and pathogenicity of Botrytis cinerea. Scientific Reports, 6:33901.
Li BQ, Peng HM, Tian SP *. 2016. Attachment capability of antagonistic yeast Rhodotorula glutinis to Botrytis cinerea contributes to biocontrol efficacy. Frontiers in Microbiology. 7:601.
Liu RL, Wang YY, Qin GZ, Tian SP *. 2016. iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analysis reveals the role of the tonoplast in fruit senescence. Journal of Proteomics, 146:80-89.
Xia YX, Chen T, Qin GZ, Li BQ, Tian SP *. 2016. Synergistic action of antioxidative systems contributes to the alleviation of senescence in kiwifruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 111:15-24.
Liu RL, Wang YY, Qin GZ, Tian SP *. 2016. Molecular basis of 1-methylcyclopropene regulating organic acid metabolism in apple fruit during storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 117:57-63.
Tian SP *, Torres R, Ballester AR, Li BQ, Vilanova L, González-Candelas L*. 2016. Molecular aspects in pathogen-fruit interactions: Virulence and Resistance. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 122:11-21.
Li H, Zhang ZQ, He C, Qin GZ, Tian SP *. 2016. Comparative proteomics revealsthe potential targets of BcNoxR, a putative regulatory subunit of NADPH oxidase of Botrytis cinerea. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 29: 990-1003.
Kumar D, Barad S, Chen Y, Luo XY, Tannous J, Dubey A, Glam N, Tian SP, Li BQ, Keller N, Prusky D. 2016. LaeA regulation of secondary metabolism modulates virulence in Penicillium expansum and is mediated by sucrose: LaeA modulates patulin accumulation. Molecular Plant Pathology, 18(8):1150-1163.
Cai J, Chen J, Lu G, Zhao Y, Tian S, Qin G*. 2015. Control of brown rot on jujube and peach fruit by trisodium phosphate. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 99: 93-98.
Chen J, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2015. Mechanism of H2O2-induced oxidative stress regulating viability and biocontrol ability of Rhodotorula glutinis. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 193:152-158.
Zong YY, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2015. Effects of carbon, nitrogen and ambient pH on patulin production and related gene expression in Penicillium expansum. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 206:102-108.
An B, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2015. Functions of small GTPase Rho3 in regulating growth, conidiation and virulence of Botrytis cinerea. Fungal Genetic Biology, 75:46-55.
Li BQ, Zong YY, Du ZL, Shang YJ, Chen Y, Zhang ZQ, Qin GZ, Zhao WM, Tian SP*. 2015. Genomic characterization reveals insights into patulin biosynthesis and pathogenicity in Penicillium species. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, doi: 10.1094/MPMI-12-14-0398-FI
Wang YY, Wang WH, Cai JH, Zhang YR, Qin GZ*, Tian SP*. 2014. Nuclear proteome reveals the involvement of specific E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme in fruit ripening. Genome Biology, 15:548-567.
Lai TF, Chen Y, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2014. Mechanism of Penicillium expansum in response to exogenous nitric oxide based on proteomics analysis. Journal of Proteomics, 103:47-56.
Zhang ZQ, Qin GZ, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2014. Knocking out Bcsas1 in Botrytis cinerea impacts growth, development, and secretion of extracellular proteins, which decreases virulence. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 27: 590-600. (MPMI Editor’s Pick Article).
An B, Chen Y, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2014. Ca2+-CaM regulate viability of Candida guilliermondii under oxidative stress by acting on detergent resistant membrane proteins. Journal of Proteomics, 109:38-49.
Liu RL, Lai TF, Xu Y, Tian SP*. 2013. Changes in physiology and quality of Laiyang pear in long time storage. Scientia Horticulturea, 150:31-36.
Tian SP*, Qin GZ, Li BQ. 2013. Reactive oxygen species involved in regulating fruit senescence and fungal pathogenicity. Plant Molecular Biology, 82:593-602.
Zhu Z, Liu RL, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2013. Characterization of genes encoding key enzymes involved in sugar metabolism of apple fruit in controlled atmosphere storage. Food Chemistry, 141:3323-3328.
Shi XQ, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2012. Mechanism of antifungal action of borate against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides related to mitochondrial degradation in spores. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 67:138–143.
Qin GZ, Wang YY, Cao BH, Wang WH, Tian SP*. 2012. Unraveling the regulatory network of MADS-box transcription factor RIN in fruit ripening. The Plant Journal. 70:243-255.
Zhu Z,Tian SP*. 2012. Resistant responses of tomato fruit treated by exogenous methyl jasmonate to Botrytis cinerea infection. Scientia Horticulturea, 142:38-43.
An B, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2012. Exogenous calcium improves viability of biocontrol agents under heat stress by reducing ROS accumulation and oxidative damage of cellular protein. Current Microbiology. 65:122–127.
Liu J, Wisniewski M*, Droby S, Norelli J, Hershkovitz V, Tian SP*, Robert Farrell R. 2012. Increase in antioxidant-defense gene transcripts, stress tolerance and biocontrol efficacy of Candida oleophila following sublethal oxidative stress exposure. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 80:578–590.
Li BQ, Wang WH, Zong YY, Qin GZ, Tian SP* .2012. Exploring pathogenic mechanisms of Botrytis cinerea under different ambient pH based on comparative proteomic analysis of secretome. Journal of Proteome Research, 11:4249-4260.
Cao BH, Liu J, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2012. Oxidative stress acts on special membrane proteins to reduce the viability of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. Journal of Proteome Research,11:4927-4938.
Li BQ, Zhang CF, Cao BH, Wang WH, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2012. Brassinosteroids enhance cold stress tolerance in fruit by regulating plasma membrane proteins and lipids. Amino Acids. 43: 2469-2480
Qin GZ, Liu J, Li BQ, Cao BH, Tian SP*. 2011. Hydrogen Peroxide Acts on Specific Mitochondrial Proteins to Induce Cell Death of Fungal Pathogen Revealed by Proteomic Analysis. PLos One. 7(6):21945
Lai TT, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2011. Oxidative damage involves in the inhibitory effect of nitric oxide on spore germination of Penicillium expansum. Current Microbiology. 62:229-234.
Shi XQ, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2011. Antifungal activity of borate against Colletotrichum gloeosporioidesand its possible mechanism. Plant Diseases, 95:63-69.
Liu J, Wisniewski M*, Droby S, Tian SP*, Hershkovitz V, Tworkoski T. 2011. Effect of heat shock treatment on stress tolerance and biocontrol efficacy of Metschnikowia fructicola. FEMS- Microbiology Ecology. 76:145-155.
Liu J, Wisniewski M*, Droby S, Vero S, Shiping Tian SP*, Hershkovitz V. 2011. Glycine betaine improves oxidative stress tolerance and biocontrol efficacy of the antagonistic yeast Cystofilobasidium infirmominiatum. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 146:76-83.
Wang YY, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Li L, Tian SP*. 2011. Defense response of tomato fruit at different maturity stages to salicylic acid and ethephon. Scientia Horticulturea,129 :183-188.
Lai TT, Wang YY, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2011. Physiological response of harvested tomato fruit to nitric oxide. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 62:127-132.
Li BQ, Lai TF, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2010. Ambient pH stress inhibits spore germination of Penicillium expansumby impairing protein synthesis and folding: a proteomic-based study. Journal of Proteome Research. 9:298-307.
Zhang CF, Ding ZS, Xu XB, Wang Q, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2010. Crucial roles of membrane stability and its related proteins in the tolerance of peach fruit to chilling injury. Amino Acids. 39: 181-194.
Meng XH, Yang LY, Kennedy JF, Tian SP*. 2010. Effects of chitosan and oligochitosan on growth of two fungal pathogens and physiological properties in pear fruit. Carbohydrate Polymers. 81:70-75.
Zhang CF, Tian SP*. 2010. Peach fruit acquired tolerance to low temperature stress by accumulation of linolenic acid and N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine in plasma membrane. Food Chemistry. 120: 864-872.
Qin GZ, Zong YY, Chen QL, Hua DL, Tian SP*. 2010. Inhibitory effect of boron against Botrytis cinerea on table grapes and its possible mechanisms of action. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 138:145-150.
Zhu Z, Zhanga ZQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2010. Effects of brassinosteroids on postharvest disease and senescence of jujube fruit in storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 56:50-55.
Meng XH, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2010. Influences of preharvest spraying Cryptococcus laurentii combined with postharvest chitosan coating on postharvest diseases and quality of table grapes in storage. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 43: 596-601.
Zong YY, Liu J,Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2010. Effects of yeast antagonists in combination with hot water treatment on postharvest diseases of tomato fruit. Biological Control. 54: 316-321.
Liu J, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2010. Plasma membrane damage contributes to antifungal activity of silicon against Penicillum digitatum. Current Microbiology, 61:274-279.
Qin GZ, Meng XH, Wang Q, Tian SP*. 2009. Oxidative damage of mitochondrial proteins contributes to fruit senescence: A redox proteomics analysis. Journal of Proteome Research, 8:2449-2462.
Qin GZ, Wang Q, Meng XH, Liu J, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2009. Proteomic analysis of changes in mitochondrial protein expression during fruit senescence. Proteomics, 9:4241-4253.
Wang Q, Qin GZ, Lai TF, Tian SP*. 2009. Response of jujube fruit to exogenous oxalic acid treatment based on proteomic analysis. Plant and Cell Physiology. 50:230-242.
Zhang CF, Tian SP*. 2009. Crucial contribution of membrane lipids’ unsaturation to acquisition of chilling-tolerance in peach fruit stored at 0°C. Food Chemistry, 115:405-411.
Meng XH, Han J, Wang Q, Tian SP*. 2009. Changes in physiology and quality of peach fruit treated by methyl jasmonate under low temperature stress. Food Chemistry. 106:501-508.
Meng XH, Tian SP* Li BQ, Liu J. 2008. Physiologic responses and quality attributes of table grape fruit to chitosan preharvest spray and postharvest coating during storage. Food Chemistry, 106:501-508.
Chan ZL, Wang Q, Xu XB, Meng XH, Ding ZS, Qin GZ, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2008. Functions of defense-related proteins and dehydrogenases in resistance response induced by salicylic acid in sweet cherry fruit at different maturity stages, Proteomics, 8:4791-4807.
Xu XB, Tian SP*. 2008. Salicylic acid alleviated pathogen-induced oxidative stress in harvested sweet cherry fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 49:379–385.
Xu XB, Tian SP*. 2008. Reducing oxidative stress in sweet cherry fruit by Pichia membranefaciens: a possible mode of action against Penicillium expansum. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 105:1170-1177.
Xu XB, Chan ZL, Xu Y, Tian SP*. 2008. Synergistic effect of antagonist yeast and SA on controlling brown rot in peach fruit and its mechanism. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 88:1786-1793.
Li BQ, Zhou ZW, Tian SP*. 2008. Combined effects of endo- and exogenous trehalose on stress tolerance and biocontrol efficacy of two antagonistic yeasts. Biological Control. 46:187-193.
Xu XB, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2008. Effect of microbial biocontrol agents on alleviating oxidative damage of peach fruit subjected to fungal pathogen, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 126:153-158.
Qin GZ, Tian SP*, Chan ZL, Li BQ. 2007. Crucial role of antioxidant proteins and hydrolytic enzymes in pathogenicity of Penicillium expansum: Analysis based on proteomic approach. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 6:425-438.
Chan ZL, Qin GZ, Xu XB, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2007. Proteome approach to characterize proteins induced by antagonist yeast and salicylic acid in peach fruit. Journal of Proteome Research, 6:1677-1688.
Zheng XL, Tian SP*, Meng XH, Li BQ. 2007. Physiological and biochemical responses in peach fruit to oxalic acid treatment during storage at room temperature. Food Chemistry. 104:156-162.
Tian SP*, Yao HJ, Deng X, Xu XB, Qin GZ, Chan ZL. 2007. Characterization and expression of β-1, 3-glucanase genes in jujube fruit induced by the biocontrol microbial agent, Cryptococcus laurentii. Phytopathology,97:260-268.
Ding ZS, Tian SP*, Zheng XL, Zhou ZW, Xu Y. 2007. Responses of reactive oxygen metabolism and quality in mango fruit to exogenous oxalic acid or salicylic acid under low-temperature stress. Physiologia Plantarum,130:112-121.
Liu J, Tian SP*, Meng XH, Xu Y. 2007. Effects of chitosan on control of postharvest diseases and physiological responses of tomato fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 44:300-306.
Zheng XL, Tian SP*, Gidley M, Yue H, Li BQ. 2007. Effects of exogenous oxalic acid on ripening and decay incidence in mango fruit during storage at room temperature. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 45:281-284.
Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2007. Effect of intracellular trehalose in Cryptococcus laurentii and exogenous lyoprotectants on its viability and biocontrol efficacy on Penicillium expansum in apple fruit. Letter of Applied Microbiology. 44:437-442.
Zheng XL, Tian SP*, Gidley MJ, Yue H, Li BQ , XU Y, Zhou ZW. 2007. Slowing deterioration of mango fruit during cold storage by pre-storage application of oxalic acid. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 82:707-714.
Tian SP*, Qin GZ, Li BQ, Wang Q, Meng XH. 2007. Effects of salicylic acid on disease resistance and postharvest decay control of fruit. Stewart Postharvest Rewiew. 6:1-7.
Tian SP*, Wan YK, Qin GZ, Xu Y. 2006. Induction of defense responses against Alternaria rot by different elicitors in harvested pear fruit. Applied Microbial Biotechnology, 70:729-734.
Zheng XL, Tian SP*. 2006. Effect of oxalic acid on control of postharvest browning of litchi fruit. Food Chemistry, 96:519-523.
Qin GZ, Tian SP*, Xu Y. 2006. Integrated control of brown rot of sweet cherry fruit with food additives in combination with biological control agents. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 100:508-515.
Chan ZL, Tian SP*. 2006. Induction of H2O2-metabolizing enzymes and total protein synthesis in sweet cherry fruit by Pichia membranefaciens and salicylic acid treatment. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 39:314-320.
Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2006. Effects of trehalose on stress tolerance and biocontrol efficacy of Cryptococcus laurentii. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 100:854-861.
Ding ZS, Tian SP*, Wang YS, Chan ZL, Han J, Xu Y. 2006. Physiological response of loquat fruit to different storage conditions and its storability. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 41:143-150.
Han J, Tian SP*, Meng XH. 2006. Response of physiological metabolism and cell structures of mango fruit to exogenous methyl salicylate under low temperature stress. Physiologia Plantarum, 128:125-133.
Bi Y, Tian SP*, Guo YR, Ge YH, Qin GZ. 2006. Sodium silicate reduces postharvest decay on Hami melons: induce resistance and fungistatic effects. Plant Disease, 90: 279-283.
Tian SP*, Li BQ, Xu Y. 2005. Effects of O2 and CO2 concentrations on physiology and quality of litchi fruit in storage. Food Chemistry, 91:659-663.
Tian SP*, Qin GZ. Xu Y. 2005. Synergistic effects of combining biocontrol agents with silicon against postharvest diseases of jujube fruit. Journal of Food Protection, 68:544-550.
Wang YS, Tian SP*, Xu Y. 2005. Effect of high oxygen concentration on pro- and anti-oxidant enzymes in peach fruits during postharvest periods. Food Chemistry, 91:99-104.
Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2005. Enhancement of biological control activity by silicon and the possible mechanisms involved. Phytopathology, 95:69-75.
Chan ZL, Tian SP*. 2005. Interaction of antagonistic yeasts against postharvest pathogens of apple fruit and possible mode of action. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 36:215-223.
Yao HJ, Tian SP*. 2005. Effects of pre- and postharvest application of SA or MeJA on inducing disease resistance of sweet cherry fruit in storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 35:253-262.
Yao HJ, Tian SP*. 2005. Effects of a biocontrol agent and methyl jasmonate on postharvest diseases of peach fruit and the possible mechanisms involved. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 98:941-950.
Bi Y, Tian SP* Zhao J, Ge YH. 2005. Postharvest Harpin treatment suppresses decay and induces the accumulation of defense-related enzymes in Hami melons. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 38:183-187.
1.“果蔬产品采后的生物学问题―――生物拮抗菌的分子抑病机理研究”,国家杰出青年基金项目和中国科学院匹配项目(田世平),批准号:30225030,起止年限:2003.01-2010.12,资助经费 :200万元。
4.“生物拮抗菌及病原真菌在胁迫环境条件下蛋白质表达差异研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(秦国政),批准号:30500351, 起止年限:2006.01-2008.12,资助经费:25万元。
5.“在逆境胁迫下酵母拮抗菌细胞凋亡及其调控机制研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(田世平),批准号:30671473, 起止年限:2007.01-2009.12, 资助经费:30万元。
8.“农作物重大病虫灾害形成与调控机理研究”―――“农药靶标位点与病原抗药性的机理,国家科技部“973” 项目子专题(田世平),项目编号:2006CB101900,起止年限:2006.01-2010.12,资助经费:50万元。
9.“农产品储藏保鲜关键技术研究与示范―――农产品产后病害的控制技术研究”,“十一五”国家科技支撑计划重点项目,项目编号:2006037038002,起止年限:2006.10-2010.12,资助经费: 350万元。
12.“桃及桃加工技术引进和种质创新――不同桃果实采后贮运保鲜技术研究”,国家农业部“948”项目,项目编号:2006-G30;起止年限:2006.01- 2008. 12,资助经费:60万元。
北京市自然科学基金面上项目(秦国政),项目编号: ,起止年限:2007.10-2009.12,资助经费:万元。
[1] 田世平,2001. 园艺产品采后病害及防治, 罗云波等主编:园艺产品贮藏加工学, 21世纪全国大学教材,中国:
[2] Tian SP, Qin GZ, Xu Y, Wan YK. 2003. Biological Control of Postharvest Diseases of Fruit by Five Yeast Antagonists, Edited by Yang Qian: Biological Control and Bio-technology. Chian: Heilongjiang Science and Technology Press. P.70-78.
[3] Tian SP. 2006. Microbial Control of Postharvest Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables: Current Concepts and Future Outlook. Edited by Dr Ranesh C. Ray and Owen P. Ward: Microbial Biotechnology in Horticulture,Volume 1, USA: Published by Science Publishers, P.163- 202.
[4] Tian SP. 2007. Management of Postharvest Diseases in Stone and Pome Fruit Crops, Edited by Dr A. Ciancio & K. G. Mukerii:Integrated Pest and Disease Management, Volume 1, Published by Springer Publishers, P.129-145.
[5] Tian SP , Qin GZ, Li BQ. 2011. Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica L.), Edited by Elhadi M. Yahia: Postharvest Biology and Technology of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits, Volumes 3, UK: Woodhead Publishing, Cornwall, P. 424-442.
[6] 田世平,罗云波,王贵禧主编, 园艺产品采后生物学基础,2011,中国:科学出版社.(病原菌的低温生物特性,张长峰, 田世平,P.145-152),
生物拮抗菌的防病效果及抑病机理(田世平, P.224-242),水杨酸诱导果实抗性的机制(田世平,徐祥斌,P.299-312),茉莉酸诱导果实抗性的机制(田世平,刘嘉,P.313-320)。
[7] Tian SP, Qin GZ, Li BQ, Zhang ZQ. 2013. Functions of Hydrogen Peroxide in Regulating Fungal Viability and Pathogenicity (Chapter 6). In: Hydrogen Peroxide: Detection, Applications and Health Implications, Aguilar G. and Guzman RA (ed.), Novapublisher, pp.171-188.
[1] 田世平,秦国政.用硅酸钠或硅酸钾防治果蔬采后病害的方法以及果蔬采后病害防治液:中国,专利号:ZL200310115337.9。
[2] 田世平, 秦国政,范青. 一种防治果蔬采后病害的生物杀菌剂及其专用菌株: 中国,专利号:ZL200410034028.3。
[3] 田世平, 郑小林. 一种水果保鲜的方法: 中国,专利号:ZL200410090657.8。
[4] 田世平, 秦国政, 徐勇. 枇杷果实的贮藏保鲜方法: 中国,专利号:ZL200510069381.X。
[5] 田世平, 王友升.酵母拮抗菌的
真空冷冻干燥制品及其制备方法: 中国,专利号:ZL200510103030.6。
[6] 田世平, 王友升,徐勇. 酵母拮抗菌罗伦隐球酵母的真空冷冻干燥制品及其制备方法: 中国,专利号:ZL200510090065.0。
[7] 田世平, 王友升. 一种酵母拮抗菌的培养方法及其专用培养基: 中国,专利号:ZL200510103029.3。
[8] 田世平, 王友升, 徐勇. 一种酵母拮抗菌的培养方法及其专用培养基: 中国,专利号:ZL200510090063.1。
[9] 田世平, 徐勇 秦国政 李博强. 外观设计专利--壶瓶枣包装袋的设计: 中国,专利号:ZL200930125878.8。
[10] 田世平,孟祥红,徐勇.一种氨基多糖和/或寡糖保鲜剂及其制备方法: 中国,专利号:ZL200810114819.5。
[11] 田世平,秦国政. 葡萄果实采后病害和脱粒的防治方法和专用保护剂: 中国,专利号:ZL200910078858.9。
[12] 田世平,张长峰 “桃的贮藏保鲜方法”,中国,专利号:ZL200910237866。