1989.09-1994.06 湖北工业大学,生物工程系,食品工程专业,学士学位
1994.09-1997.03 大连工业大学,食品工程系,发酵工程专业,硕士学位
1997.05-2008.11 华中科技大学 生科院,助教、讲师、副教授
1998.09-2002.06 华中科技大学,生科院,植物生物技术,博士学位
2003.12-2004.12 英国John Innes Centre 访问学者
2005.08-2009.01 英国John Innes Centre 博士后
2008.12-2018.03 华中农业大学,生命科学技术学院,教授
2018.04- 海南大学热带农林学院、热带作物学院,教授
主要研究方向: 植物次生代谢调控及代谢组学
1、国家杰出青年科学基金, 31625021,作物代谢组学, 2017-01-01至2021-12-31,350万,在研,主持
3、海南大学引进人才启动基金 ,KYQD(ZR)1866,UV-B诱导植物苯丙烷合成、调控和进化的多样性及其自然变异的解析与利用, 2018-05-01至2023-04-30,1000万,在研,主持
(一) 论文
1. Wang C, Alseekh H., Fernie AR* andLuo J*, The structure and Function of major plant metaboliter modifications.Mol Plant, 2019,12:899-919
2. Li K, Wang D, Gong L, Lyu Y, Guo H, Chen W, Jin C, Liu X, Fang C, Luo J. Comparative analysis of metabolome of rice seeds at three developmental stages using a recombinant in bred line population. Plant J, 2019,
3. Fang C, Fernie AR* andLuo J*. Exploring thediversity of plant metabolism.TrendsPlantSci, 2019, 24:83-98
4. Fang C,Luo J*. Metabolic GWAS-based dissection of genetic bases underlying the diversity of plant metabolism.Plant J, 2019, 97:91-100
5. Fang C, Li K, Wu Y, Wang D, Zhou J, Liu X, Li Y, Jin C, Liu X, Jose Mur L A,Luo J*.OSTSD2-mediated cell wall modification affects ion homeostasis and salt tolerance.Plant Cell Environ .2019,42,1503-1512
6. Chen J#, Wang J#, Chen W, Sun W, Peng M, Yuan Z, Shen S , Xie K, Sun Y, Liu X, Fernie AR, Yu S* andLuo J*. Metabolome analysis of multi-connected biparental chromosome segment substitution line population.Plant Physiol, 2018, 178:612-625
7. Zhu G#, Wang S#, Huang A, Zhang S, Liao Q, Zhang C, Lin T, Peng M, Yang C, Cao X, Han X, Wang X,Knaap E, Zhang Z, Cui X, Klee H, Fernie AR, Luo J*. Huang S*. Rewiring of the fruit metabolome in tomato breeding. Cell, 2018, 172:249-261.
8. Peng M#, Shahzad R#, Gul A#, Subthain H#, Shen S, Lei L, Zheng Z, Zhou J, Lu D, Wang S, Nishawy E, Liu X, Tohge T, Fernie AR,Luo J*. Differentially evolved glucosyltransferases determine natural variation of rice flavone accumulation and UV-tolerance.Nat Commun , 2017, 8:1975
9. Chen W#, Wang W#, Peng M#, Gong L, Gao Y, Wan J, Wang S, Shi L, Zhou B, Li Z, Peng X, Yang C, Qu L, Liu X,Luo J*. Comparative and parallel genome-wide association studies for metabolic and agronomic traits in cereals.Nat Commun, 2016, 7:12767.
10. Peng M, Gao Y, Chen W, Shen S, Shi J, Wang C, Zhang Y, Zou L, Wang S, Wan J, Liu X,Luo J*. Evolutionarily distinct BAHDN-acyltransferases are responsible for natural variation of aromatic amine conjugates in rice.Plant Cell, 2016, 28: 1533-1550.
11. Fang C, Zhang H, Wan J, Wu Y, Li K, Jin C, Chen W, Wang S, Wang W, Zhang H, Zhang P, Zhang F, Qu L, Liu X, Zhou D,Luo J*.Control of leaf senescence by a MeOH-jasmonates cascade that is epigenetically regulated by OsSRT1 in rice. Mol Plant, 2016,9:1366-1378.
12. Luo J*. Metabolite-based genome-wide association studies in plants.Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2015, 24: 31-38.
13. Dong X, Gao Y, Chen W, Wang W, Gong L, Liu X,Luo J*. Spatio-temporal distribution of phenolamides and the genetics of natural variation of hydroxycinnamoyl spermidine in rice.Mol Plant, 2015, 8:111-121.
14. Chen W, Gao Y, Xie W, Gong L, Lu K, Wang W, Li Y, Liu X, Zhang H, Dong H, Zhang W, Zhang L, Yu S, Wang G, Lian X*,Luo J*. Genome-wide association analyses provide genetic and biochemical insights into natural variation in rice metabolism.Nat Genet, 2014, 46:714-721.
15. Wen W, Li D, Li X, Gao Y, Li W, Li H, Liu J, Liu H, Chen W,Luo J*, Yan J*. Metabolome-based genome-wide association study of maize kernel leads to novel biochemical insights.Nat Commun, 2014, 5:3438.
1. 2013年主讲的“分子生物学”获批“国家级精品资源共享课”
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3. 2014指导的博士生高彦强获国家奖学金
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7. 2016指导的博士生彭梦获国家奖学金
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