罗胜强毕业于美国University of Iowa,师从世界计量研究方法大师Frank L. Schmidt教授
罗胜强教授在国际学术界地位卓 越。自1990年代起,他积极推动中国内地的科学管理研究及商业道德,于《Academy of Management Review》、《Journal of Applied Psychology》、《Journal of International Business》及《Journal of Management》等权 威期刊发表多篇论文,并膺《Academy of Management Journal》副主编及《Management and Organization Review》高级编辑,竖立学界楷模。
Law, K. S., Wong, C. S., & Mobley, W. M. (1998). Toward a taxonomy of multidimensional constructs. Academy of Management Review, 23(4), 741-755.
Law, K. S., Wong, C. S., & Song, L. J. (2004). The construct and criterion validity of emotional intelligence and its potential utility for management studies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(3), 483.
Law, K. S., Schmidt, F. L., & Hunter, J. E. (1994). Nonlinearity of range corrections in meta-analysis: Test of an improved procedure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(3), 425.
Law, K. S., Schmidt, F. L., & Hunter, J. E. (1994). A test of two refinements in procedures for meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(6), 978.
Law, K. S., & Myors, B. (1993). Cutoff scores that maximize the total utility of a selection program: Comment on Martin and Raju's (1992) procedure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78(5), 736.
Law, K. S. (1992). Estimation accuracy of Thomas's likelihood-based procedure of meta-analysis: A Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 77(6), 986.
Zhang, M. J., Zhang, Y., & Law, K. S. (2022). Paradoxical leadership and innovation in work teams: The multilevel mediating role of ambidexterity and leader vision as a boundary condition. Academy of Management Journal, 65(5), 1652-1679.
Lin, B., Law, K. S., & Zhou, J. (2017). Why is underemployment related to creativity and OCB? A task-crafting explanation of the curvilinear moderated relations. Academy of Management Journal, 60(1), 156-177.
Wang, H., Law, K. S., Hackett, R. D., Wang, D., & Chen, Z. X. (2005). Leader-member exchange as a mediator of the relationship between transformational leadership and followers' performance and organizational citizenship behavior. Academy of Management Journal, 48(3), 420-432.
Sun, L. Y., Aryee, S., & Law, K. S. (2007). High-performance human resource practices, citizenship behavior, and organizational performance: A relational perspective. Academy of management Journal, 50(3), 558-577.
Rynes, S., Hillman, A., Irland, D., Bradley, K., Law, B., Miller, C., Rajagopalan, N., Shapiro, D.(2005). Everything you’ve always wanted to know about AMJ (But may have been afraid to ask),Academy of Management Journal, 48(5), 732-737.
Kirkman, B.L. & Law, K.S. (2005). From the Editors: International management research inAMJ: Our past, present and future. Academy of Management Journal, 48(3), 377-386.
Law, K. S., Tse, D. K., & Zhou, N. (2003). Does human resource management matter in a transitional economy? China as an example. Journal of International Business Studies, 34, 255-265.
Law, K. S., Song, L. J., Wong, C. S., & Chen, D. (2009). The antecedents and consequences of successful localization. Journal of International Business Studies, 40, 1359-1373.
Gong, Y., Law, K. S., Chang, S., & Xin, K. R. (2009). Human resources management and firm performance: The differential role of managerial affective and continuance commitment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(1), 263.
Lam, S. S., Hui, C., & Law, K. S. (1999). Organizational citizenship behavior: Comparing perspectives of supervisors and subordinates across four international samples. Journal of Applied Psychology, 84(4), 594.
Wang, L., Law, K. S., Zhang, M. J., Li, Y. N., & Liang, Y. (2019). It’s mine! Psychological ownership of one’s job explains positive and negative workplace outcomes of job engagement. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(2), 229.
Hui, C., Lam, S. S., & Law, K. K. (2000). Instrumental values of organizational citizenship behavior for promotion: a field quasi-experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85(5), 822.
Schmidt, F. L., Law, K., Hunter, J. E., Rothstein, H. R., Pearlman, K., & McDaniel, M. (1993). Refinements in validity generalization methods: Implications for the situational specificity hypothesis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78(1), 3.
Wong, C.S. & Law, K.S. (2002). The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence onperformance and attitude: An exploratory study. The Leadership Quarterly. 13, 243-274. (Wonthe Leadership Quarterly Decennial Influential Article Award in 2012)
Law, K. S., & Wong, C. S. (1999). Multidimensional constructs M structural equation analysis: An illustration using the job perception and job satisfaction constructs. Journal of Management, 25(2), 143-160.
Zhang, M.J., Law, K.S., & Wang, L. (2020). The risks and benefits of initiating change at work:Social consequences for proactive employees who take charge. Personnel Psychology. 1-30.https://doi.org/10.1111/peps.12423.
Alper, S., Tjosvold, D., & Law, K. S. (2000). Conflict management, efficacy, and performance in organizational teams. Personnel Psychology, 53(3), 625-642.
Hui, C., Law, K. S., & Chen, Z. X. (1999). A structural equation model of the effects of negative affectivity, leader-member exchange, and perceived job mobility on in-role and extra-role performance: A Chinese case. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 77(1), 3-21.
Alper, S., Tjosvold, D., & Law, K.S. (1998). Interdependence and controversy in group decisionmaking: antecedents to effective self-managing teams. Organizational Behavior and HumanDecision Processes, 74(1), 33-52.
Song, L. J., Tsui, A. S., & Law, K. S. (2009). Unpacking employee responses to organizationalexchange mechanisms: The role of social and economic exchange perceptions. Journal of Management, 35(1), 56-93
Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. (1999). Testing reciprocal relations by nonrecursive structuralequation models using cross-sectional data. Organizational Research Methods. 2(1), 69-87.
Lee, C., Pillutla, M., & Law, K.S. (2000). Power Distance, gender and organizational justice: A Hong Kong study. Journal of Management. 26(4), 685-704.
Lee, C., Law, K.S., & Bobko, P. (1999). The importance of justice perceptions on skill-based payeffectiveness: A two-year study. Journal of Management. 25, 851-873.
曾担任国际顶尖管理学期刊Academy of Management Journal的副总编以及Management and Organization Review等国际一流期刊的编委。