英国教育联盟(UK Education Network, 简称UEN)成立于2012年,是一个由来自英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰、北爱尔兰的70所科研型大学组成的在科研、教学、知识转化等各方面开展横向合作的全球性大学联盟组织,其活动均以促进大学之间学术合作以及大学与企业及社会的合作为主。
Bath University 巴斯大学
Lancaster University兰卡斯特大学
York University 约克大学
Glasgow University 格拉斯哥大学
Leicester University 莱斯特大学
Southampton University 南安普顿大学
Sussex University 苏塞克斯大学
Nottingham University 诺丁汉大学
Sheffield University 谢菲尔德大学
Reading University 雷丁大学
Surrey University萨里大学
Royal Holloway, University of London 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院
Liverpool University 利物浦大学
School of Oriental and African Studies 亚非学院伦敦大学
Cardiff University 卡迪夫大学
Kent University 肯特大学
Queen Mary, University of London 伦敦大学女皇学院
Essex University 埃塞克斯大学
Buckingham University 白金汉大学
Heriot-Watt University 赫瑞瓦特大学
Brunel University 布鲁内尔大学
Dundee University 邓迪大学
Keele University基尔大学
Aberystwyth, University of Wales 阿伯斯维斯大学
Stirling University 斯特林大学
Robert Gordern University 罗伯特哥顿大学
Swansea University 斯旺西大学
Oxford Brookes University 牛津布鲁克斯大学
Coventry University
Bangor, University of Wales 班戈大学
Northumbria University 诺桑比亚大学
Chichester University
University of the West of England 西英格兰大学
Portsmouth University 朴茨茅斯大学
Plymouth University 普利茅斯大学
Gloucestershire University 格罗斯特郡大学
Ulster University 阿尔斯特大学
Bradford University 布拉德福德大学
Hertfordshire University 赫特福德大学
Brighton University 布莱顿大学
Bath Spa University College 巴斯泉大学
De Montfort University 德蒙特福德大学
Sheffield Hallam University 谢菲尔德哈雷姆大学
Winchester University温彻斯特大学
Sunderland 桑德兰大学
Nottingham Trent University 诺丁汉特伦特大学
Bournemouth University 波恩茅斯大学
Glasgow Caledonian University 格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学
Queen Margret University College 玛格丽特学院
Napier University 龙比亚大学
Canterbury Christ Church University 坎特伯雷基督教会大学
Roehampton University 罗汉普顿大学
Bedfordshire University贝特福德大学
Middlesex University 密得赛斯大学
University of Salford索尔福德大学
Greenwich University 格林威治大学
University College Worcester 沃赛斯特学院
Westminster University威斯敏斯特大学
Glamorgan University 格拉摩根大学
Kingston University金斯顿大学
Leeds Metropolitan University利兹都会大学
Anglia Ruskin University 安格利亚鲁斯金大学
South Bank University南岸大学
Abertay Dundee University 阿伯泰邓迪大学
Southampton Solent University 南安普顿索伦特大学
Thames Valley University (TVU)泰晤士河谷大学
University College for the Creative Arts 创意艺术大学
University College Birmingham伯明翰酒店管理学院
Wolverhampton University 伍尔弗汉普顿大学
Glasgow School of Art (GSA) 格拉斯哥艺术学院
Cardiff Metropolitan University 卡迪夫城市大学
Huddersfield University哈德斯费尔德大学
Staffordshire University 斯塔福德郡大学
Birmingham City University伯明翰城市大学
Bristol University 布里斯托大学
Exeter University 埃克塞特大学
Newcastle University 纽卡斯尔大学
East Anglia University 东安格利亚大学,简称UEA
Leeds University 利兹大学
Aberdeen University 阿伯丁大学
Goldsmiths College of London 金史密斯大学
Durham University 杜伦大学
St Andrews 圣安德鲁斯大学
University college London 伦敦大学学院
Lancaster University 兰卡斯特大学
Edinburgh University 爱丁堡大学
Loughborough University拉夫堡大学
King’s College,London University 伦敦大学国王学院
Surrey University 萨里大学
Manchester University 曼彻斯特大学
Strathclyde University 斯特莱斯克莱德大学
Aston University 阿斯顿大学
Keele University 基尔大学
Hull 赫尔大学
Sussex University 苏塞克斯大学
Kent University 肯特大学
Essex University 埃塞克斯大学
Stirling University 斯特灵大学
Robert Gordon University 罗伯特哥顿大学
University of the West of England 西英格兰大学
Brighton University 布莱顿大学
Winchester University 温切斯特大学
Glasgow Caledonian University 格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学
Coventry University 考文垂大学
Sunderland University 桑德兰大学
Anglia Ruskin University 安格利亚鲁斯金大学
Huddersfield University 哈德斯费尔德大学
Leeds Metropolitan University 利兹都会大学
Swansea University 斯旺西大学
Chichester University 齐彻斯特大学
Bournemouth University 波恩茅斯大学
Gloucestershire University 格罗斯特郡大学
Portsmouth University 朴茨茅斯大学
University College Birmingham 伯明翰酒店管理学院
Cardiff Metropolitan University 卡迪夫城市大学
Glamorgan University 格拉摩根大学
Aston University(Warwickshire College) 阿斯顿大学
Bath University Foundation Programme(Wiltshire College) 巴斯大学本科预科项目
Kaplan International College 开普兰教育集团项目
Navitas Group 纳维教育集团项目
About The UEN Member Universities
UEN creates new multilateral opportunities for international collaboration in research and graduate education. It is a flexible, dynamic organisation that uses the combined resources and intellectual power of its membership to achieve collective international objectives and to stretch international ambitions.
UEN is made up of 70 member universities from across The UK
The value of UEN is revealed through its core strengths, which include: trans-national research, tacit knowledge, innovation, global collaborations, education, and the sharing of resources. All of these strengths enable UEN to adapt quickly to changing trends in globalisation and the resulting challenges that require input from higher education networks like UEN. Thus, the network is in a position to transform knowledge and basic research into innovative technology and methodology to improve the quality of life around the UK.
Developing a vibrant network collaborating on a diverse range of projects
Currently UEN has over 85 research initiatives in its portfolio. More than 400 research faculty are active in these initiatives with many more taking part in conferences, workshops and virtual seminars. The collaborations enable participants to extend the reach and international scope of their research and establish lasting partnerships that enrich their work. Outputs include joint publications, shared modules on Masters degrees, and a coordinated approach to funding.
Many of our initiatives encourage the participation of postgraduates either through organised activities targeting early stage researchers, through mentoring or by providing postgraduates with tools to enable them to establish their own networks in a virtual environment.
UEN faculty can apply for modest amounts of funding from the UEN Research Development Fund to spark collaborative activities. These funds are supplemented by contributions from members’ own international research development programmes.
Nurturing high impact research communities tackling problems of global importance
In 2012, UEN rolled out its Global Challenge concept. UEN Global Challenges are collections of high quality UEN collaborative research programmes – each involving a number of UEN and other world-leading academic partners in the programme area – which are expected to contribute significantly – in the short or longer term – to addressing the issues of global significance identified in the Challenges.
UEN Global Challenges are also a means of promoting new or existing UEN collaborative research programmes to potential funders, policy makers and the world more generally by emphasising the impact that these programmes will have on issues of concern to them.
Currently, UEN is focussing its resouces on 4 Global Challenges:
·Adapting to Climate Change
·Global Higher Education and Research
·Public Health (non-communicable disease)
·Understanding Cultures
Fostering a world leading graduate education programme for the next generation of innovators
UEN has current and archived virtual seminar series on 70 themes. These seminars are available to faculty and postgraduates for use in teaching and research. They give postgraduates and early stage researchers in particular the opportunity to engage with world-leading experts in their fields and to interact with a diverse, international audience.
Through the Research Mobility Programme, postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers, as well as junior academics, can develop their careers through experiencing other research cultures across the Network. The RMP gives early stage researchers access to expertise and rare resources or specialist equipment that is not available within their own institutions.
UEN member institutions encourage participation in the RMP either by making funds available specifically for travel and subsistence related to research visits or by integrating RMP into international research programmes.
How to become a member
Largely due to its governance structure, membership of UEN is limited and by invitation only. However, the Governing Board encourages UEN researchers to extend the geographic and cultural scope, and academic capability for specific projects beyond the boundaries of the Network.
Institutions wishing to be considered for membership might like to consider what it takes to operationalise UEN locally.
UEN Governance
UEN is managed by a Secretariat, which is responsible for the operations, communications and strategy implementation of the network.
Company Secretarial and financial management services are currently provided by specialists from the Universities.
Partnership Board
The Partnership Board provides entrepreneurial leadership of the company within a framework of prudent and effective controls which enables risk to be assessed and managed. The Board sets the strategic direction and vision of the company, its culture, its values and the behaviours it wishes to promote in conducting its business.
The Board comprises the Presidents, Vice-Chancellors or Rectors of the member universities and the UEN Chief Executive. Collectively, the Board has considerable international influence and ensures that UEN is recognised as a leading global higher education network.
Researchers across the UEN organise a variety of activities to strengthen their collaborations. These take place in both the physical and the virtual environment. Generally, our activities are for research faculty and postgraduate students. UEN facilitates undergraduate student exchange aswell.
Virtual environment
UEN provides an ideal environment for researchers to become accustomed to working across distances and time zones and with colleagues who are active in different cultural and economic environments. Our researchers use many tools to communicate. These range from email discussion lists to telephone conferences and desktop video conferencing. Websites and data archives enable communities to share resources and files.
Conferences and Workshops
Faculty are encouraged to organise international meetings to further their research aims. Funding for these events can be incorporated into a Research Development Fund application or come from institutional funds to encourage international collaboration but researchers are also encouraged to look for resources from outside of the Network.
Experts from outside of the UEN are often invited to collaborate in specific research activities - both virtual and physical. Unfortunately, the Network is not able to provide finances to assist with participation of non-UEN members.
Teaching and Learning
Many UEN collaborations include activities that produce resources for use in teaching or which provide early stage researchers with opportunities to develop presentation skills. Different research communities share modules on Masters degrees, develop archives of virtual seminars for use in teaching and postgraduate research, as well as providing virtual Master classes Undergraduate and organising international summer schools.