范博宏(Joseph P.H.Fan),号称“家族企业传承治理第一人”。
Joseph P.H. Fan, T.J. Wong, and Tianyu Zhang, “Institutions and Organizational Structure: The Case of State-Owned Corporate Pyramids”,The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, forthcoming.
Joseph P.H. Fan, Stuart L. Gillan, and Xin Yu, “Property Rights, R&D Spillovers, and Corporate Accounting Transparency in China”,Emerging Markets Review, forthcoming.
Pramuan Bunkanwanicha, Joseph P.H. Fan, and Yupana Wiwattanakantang, “The Value of Marriage to Family Firms,”Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.
Joseph P.H. Fan, Sheridan Titman, and Garry Twite, “An International Comparison of Capital Structure and Debt Maturity Choices,”Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis, 47(1), 2012, 23-56.
Joseph P.H. Fan, T.J. Wong, and Tianyu Zhang, “Founder Succession and Accounting Properties,”Contemporary Accounting Research, 29(1), 2012, 283-311.
Joseph P.H. Fan, K.C. John Wei, and Xinzhong Xu, “Corporate Finance and Governance in Emerging Markets: A Selective Review and An Agenda for Future Research”,Journal of Corporate Finance, 17(2), 2011, 207-214.
Joseph P.H. Fan, Randall Morck, Lixin Colin Xu, and Bernard Yeung, “Institutions and Foreign Direct Investment: China versus the Rest of the World,”World Development, 37(4), 2009, 852-865.
Joseph P.H. Fan, Oliver Meng Rui, and Mengxin Zhao, “Public Governance and Corporate Finance: Evidence from Corruption Cases,”Journal of Comparative Economics, 36(3), 2008, 343-364.
Joseph P.H. Fan, Jun Huang, Felix Oberholzer-Gee, Troy D. Smith, and Mengxin Zhao, “Diversification of Chinese Companies: An International Comparison,”Chinese Management Studies, 2(1), 2008, 6-13.
Joseph P.H. Fan, T.J. Wong, and Tianyu Zhang, “Politically Connected CEOs, Corporate Governance, and Post-IPO Performance of China's Newly Partially Privatized Firms,”Journal of Financial Economics, 84(2), 2007, 330-357.
Joseph P.H. Fan and Vidhan Goyal, “On the Patterns and Wealth Effects of Vertical Mergers,”Journal of Business, 79(2), 2006, 877-902.
Stijn Claessens, Joseph P.H. Fan, and Larry Lang, “The Benefits and Costs of Group Affiliation: Evidence from East Asia,”Emerging Markets Review,7(1), 2006, 1-26.
Joseph P.H. Fan and T.J. Wong, “Do External Auditors Perform A Corporate Governance Role in Emerging Markets? Evidence from East Asia,”Journal of Accounting Research,43(1), 2005, 35-72.
Stijn Claessens, Simeon Djankov, Joseph P.H. Fan, and Larry Lang, “When Does Corporate Diversification Matter to Productivity and Performance? Evidence from East Asia,”Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 11(3), 2003, Special Issue on Corporate Governance, 365-392.
Stijn Claessens and Joseph P.H. Fan, “Corporate Governance in Asia: A Survey,”International Review of Finance, 3(2), 2002, 71-103.
Stijn Claessens, Simeon Djankov, Joseph P.H. Fan, and Larry Lang, “Disentangling the Incentive and Entrenchment Effects of Large Shareholdings,”Journal of Finance, 57(6), 2002, 2741-2771.
Joseph P.H. Fan and T.J. Wong, “Corporate Ownership Structure and the Informativeness of Accounting Earnings in East Asia,”Journal of Accounting and Economics, 33(3), 2002, 401-425.
Journal of Corporate Finance, 6(4), 2000, 345-376.
Joseph P.H. Fan and Larry H.P. Lang, “The Measurement of Relatedness: An Application to Corporate Diversification,”Journal of Business, 73(4), 2000, 629-660.
Review of World Economics, 131(3), 1995, 489-508.
『Dying out? China's young shun family firms』 Reuters, August 1, 2013
『Succession lessons sought for Asian family businesses』 Financial Times, June 2, 2013
『Feuds threaten Asia's family businesses』 BBC News, March 18, 2012
『Good Governance of Family-owned Businesses Is Critical to Emerging Market Economies』 Global Corporate Governance Forum, December, 2011
『Chinese family businesses: Dusk for the patriarchs』 The Economist, February 3, 2011
『Emerging Markets Corporate Governance Research Network (Newsletter)』Global Corporate Governance Forum, February, 2011
『Learning to play the corporate generation game』 Financial Times, January 26, 2011
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《关键世代:走出华人家族企业传承之困》东方出版社, 2012年4月
《Capitalizing China》Fan, Joseph, P.H. & Randall Morck (Editors), The University of Chicago Press, 2012
《The Family Business Map: Assets and Roadblocks in Long Term Planning》 Morten Bennedsen and Joseph P. H. Fan, Palgrave Macmillan, July 2014
——Fan, Po Hung Joseph