2000年09月 ── 2004年07月 东北大学材冶学院,工学学士
2004年09月 ── 2009年07月 东北大学材冶学院,工学博士
2009年09月── 2011 年09月延世大学材料科学与工程系(韩国),BK21博士后
2012年01月── 2014 年02月迪肯大学前沿材料研究所(澳大利亚),ADPRF博士后
2014年03月── 2015 年07月迪肯大学前沿材料研究所(澳大利亚),副研究员
2015年07月── 至今
国际学术期刊特邀评审专家:《Materials Science and Engineering A》、《Materials & Design》、《Materials Letters》、《Journal of Materials and Science Technology》、《SteelResearch International》和《Journalof the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C》等。
(4)Research and development of metal-based laminated composite materials,2015.01-2015.12,国际(中澳)合作项目,项目负责人
(5)Multi-scale gradient structure of low carbon steel and its thermo-mechanical processes,2012.01-2014.02,澳大利亚Alfred优秀青年基金项目,项目负责人
(6)Grain refinement of metastable beta metastable梯titanium alloys by martensitic and its reverse transformations,2009.09-2011.09,韩国BK21博士后研究基金,项目负责人
(7)Microstructure evolution and the weld line in hot stamping, 2014.02-2015.02,澳洲AutoCRC项目,项目主要承担者之一
已在《Scripta Materialia》、《Metallurgy and Materials Transactions A》、《MaterialsScience and Engineering A》、《Materials & Design》和《ISIJ Internatioinal》等国外有影响的学术期刊和会议上发表论文40余篇,SCI收录20余篇,EI收录25余篇,其中SCI影响因子大于2.0有13 篇,第一作者论文28篇。
(1)M.H. Cai, W.J. Zhu, N. Stanford, L.B. Pan, Q. Chao, P.D. Hodgson, Dependence of deformation behavior on grain size and strain rate in an ultrahigh strength-ductile Mn-based TRIP alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 653(2016) 35-42.
(2)H. Ding, D. Han, J. Zhang, Z.H. Cai, Z.Q. Wu, M.H. Cai, Tensile deformation behavioranalysis of low density Fe-18Mn-10Al-xC steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 652(2016),69-76.
(3)M.H. Cai, X. Wei, B. Rolfe, P.D. Hodgson, Microstructure and texture evolution during tensile deformation of symmetric/asymmetric-rolled low carbon microalloyed steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 641(2015) 297-304.
(4)C. Wang, H. Ding, M.H. Cai, R. Bernard, Multi-phase microstructure design of a novel high strength TRIP steel through experimental methodology, Materials Science and Engineering A, 610(2014) 436-444.
(5)M.H. Cai, Z. Li, Q. Chao, P.D. Hodgson, A novel Mo and Nb microalloyed medium Mn TRIP steel with maximal ultimate strength and moderate ductility, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 45A(2014) 5624-5636.
(6)M.H. Cai, D.S. Singh, Q.H. Han, Q. Chao, P.D. Hodgson, Gradient ultrafine ferrite and martensite structure and its tensile properties by asymmetric rolling in low carbon microalloyed steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 583(2013) 205-209.
(7)M.H. Cai, C.Y. Lee, Young-kook Lee, Effect of grain size on tensile properties of a metastable β titanium alloy fabricated by strain-induced martensite and its reverse transformations.Scripta Materialia, 66(2012) 606-609.
(8)M.H. Cai, C.Y. Lee, S. Kang, Y.K. Lee, Fine-grained structure fabricated by strain-induced martensite and its reverse transformations in a metastable β titanium alloy. Scripta Materialia, 64(2011) 1098-1101.
(9)M.H. Cai, H. Ding, Y.K. Lee, Z.Y. Tang, J.S. Zhang, Effects of Si on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of hot-rolled ferrite and bainite dual-phase steels. ISIJ International, 51(2011) 476-481.
(10)M.H. Cai,H. Ding, Y.K. Lee, Dynamic strain-induced ferrite transformation during hot compression of low carbon Si-Mn steels. Materials Transaction, 52(2011) 1722-1727.
(2)Materials & Design优秀审稿专家(2015年)