许埈珥(June E Huh),男,1983年出生于美国加利福尼亚,韩裔美籍,数学家,菲尔兹奖获得者,美国普林斯顿大学教授,韩国高等科学院数学系杰出教授。
伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)愿意接受许埈珥研究生申请。
2014年,从美国密歇根大学,导师为Mircea Mustaţă教授,获得博士学位,论文获得杰出博士论文奖(ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award)。
2014年—2017年,担任普林斯顿高等研究院(Institute for Advanced Study)和普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)Veblen Fellow。
2014年—2019年,担任美国克雷数学研究所(Clay Mathematics Institute)Clay Fellow。
2014年—2019年,担任韩国高等研究院(Korea Institute for Advanced Study)KIAS学者(Scholar)。
2017年—2019年,担任普林斯顿高等研究院的客座教授(Visiting Professor)。
2018年,受邀在国际数学家大会(International Congress of Mathematicians)作为特邀报告人(Invited Speaker)。
2019年—2020年,担任斯坦福大学(Stanford University)教授。
许埈珥将霍奇理论(Hodge theory)引入到组合学中,证明了几何格上的道林—威尔逊猜想(Dowling–Wilson conjecture)、拟阵上的海伦—罗塔—威尔士猜想(Heron–Rota–Welsh conjecture)、强梅森猜想(strong Mason conjecture),推动了洛伦兹多项式理论(theory of Lorentzian polynomials)的发展。
根据2023年6月普林斯顿大学数学系网站数据,许埈珥先后在《Journal of the American Mathematical Society(美国数学会杂志)》《Journal of Algebraic Statistics(代数统计学杂志)》《 Acta Mathematica(数学学报)》《 Annals of Mathematics(数学年鉴)》等发表学术论文20多篇,具体论文如下:
Lagrangian geometry of matroids, with Federico Ardila and Graham Denham, Journal of the American Mathematical Society 36 (2023), 727–794.
Lagrangian combinatorics of matroids, with Federico Ardila and Graham Denham, Algebraic Combinatorics 6 (2023), 387–411.
Combinatorics and Hodge theory, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians 1 (2022).
Logarithmic concavity of Schur and related polynomials, with Jacob Matherne, Karola Mészáros, and Avery St. Dizier, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 375 (2022), 4411–4427.
A semi-small decomposition of the Chow ring of a matroid, with Tom Braden, Jacob Matherne, Nick Proudfoot, and Botong Wang, Advances in Mathematics 409 (2022), 108646.
Correlation bounds for fields and matroids, with Benjamin Schröter and Botong Wang, Journal of the European Mathematical Society 24 (2022), 1335–1351.
Lorentzian polynomials, with Petter Brändén, Annals of Mathematics 192 (2020), 821–891.
Logarithmic concavity for morphisms of matroids, with Christopher Eur, Advances in Mathematics 367 (2020), 107094.
Combinatorial applications of the Hodge–Riemann relations, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians 3 (2018), 3079–3098.
Hodge theory for combinatorial geometries, with Karim Adiprasito and Eric Katz, Annals of Mathematics 188 (2018), 381–452.
Tropical geometry of matroids, Current Developments in Mathematics 2016, 1–46, International Press, 2018.
Enumeration of points, lines, planes, etc., with Botong Wang, Acta Mathematica 218 (2017), 297–317.
A tropical approach to a generalized Hodge conjecture for positive currents, with Farhad Babaee, Duke Mathematical Journal 166 (2017), 2749–2813.
Hodge theory of matroids, with Karim Adiprasito and Eric Katz, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 64 (2017), 26–30.
Lefschetz classes on projective varieties, with Botong Wang, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 145 (2017), 4629–4637.
Positivity of Chern classes of Schubert cells and varieties, Journal of Algebraic Geometry 25 (2016), 177–199.
h-vectors of matroids and logarithmic concavity, Advances in Mathematics 270 (2015), 49–59.
Milnor numbers of projective hypersurfaces with isolated singularities, Duke Mathematical Journal 163 (2014), 1525–1548.
Likelihood Geometry, with Bernd Sturmfels, Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, 63–117, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2108, Springer, 2014.
Varieties with maximum likelihood degree one, Journal of Algebraic Statistics 5 (2014), 1–17.
The maximum likelihood degree of a very affine variety, Compositio Mathematica 149 (2013), 1245–1266.
Log-concavity of characteristic polynomials and the Bergman fan of matroids, with Eric Katz, Mathematische Annalen 354 (2012), 1103–1116.
Milnor numbers of projective hypersurfaces and the chromatic polynomial of graphs, Journal of the American Mathematical Society 25 (2012), 907–927.
许埈珥是第一位获得菲尔兹奖的韩裔数学家,他在代数几何方面开辟了新视野,用它来解决了组合数学中的许多具有挑战性的问题(Huh, the first mathematician of Korean descent to win the award in the 126-year history of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Huh was awarded the Fields Medal in recognition of the new horizons he has opened up in algebraic geometry, which he has used to solve a number of challenging problems in combinatorics.)。(Hankyoreh评)
许教授(许埈珥)通过挑战物理和天文学系数学专业取得了世界上最好的成就,他将成为正在考虑自己的才能和职业道路的学生的好榜样(Professor Huh, who has reached the world’s best achievements by challenging himself major in mathematics from the Department of Physics and Astronomy, will serve as a good example for students who are contemplating their aptitude and career path)。(时任首尔大学校长吴世正在2022年7月27日许埈珥首尔大学讲座时评)
许埈珥是一位罕见而独特的人才,将数学天才和创造力相结合(June Huh is a rare and distinctive talent with an inspiring combination of mathematical genius and creativity)。(时任普林斯顿大学校长克里斯托弗·艾斯格鲁伯(Christopher L. Eisgruber)评)