辛峰,男,汉族,1962年4月出生,天津大学教授,博士生导师。2004年国家精品课程《反应工程》负责人。中国化工学会(CIESC)会员,英国化学工程师协会(IChemE)会士(Fellow),特许化学工程师(Chartered Chemical Engineer),英国工程委员会(ECUK)特许工程师(Chartered Engineer),美国化学工程师协会(AIChE)高级会员(Senior Member)。累计在AIChE Journal、Chemcial Engineering Science 和Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 等期刊上发表论文130余篇,授权中国发明专利16件。
1996- : 在
德国慕尼黑工业大学(Technische Universität München)化学系作访问学者
英国化学工程师协会(IChemE)会士(Fellow),特许化学工程师(Chartered Chemical Engineer)
英国工程委员会(ECUK)特许工程师(Chartered Engineer)
美国化学工程师协会(AIChE)高级会员(Senior Member)
1、张莹莹, 蔡旺锋, 金宗贤,辛峰. 耦合法模拟乙烷裂解炉烧焦过程[J]. 化学反应工程与工艺, 2008, 24(2): 121-127.
2、尹晓红, 孙长江, 辛峰, 张凤宝, 王世铭,张国亮. 转筒式负载膜光催化水处理器的设计与模拟[J]. 化工学报, 2008, 59(1): 77-83.
3、戴莉, 郑亚峰, 颜卫, 高小放,辛峰. 毛细管微反应器中乙烯环氧化反应[J]. 石油化工, 2007, 36(2): 156-160.
4、宗丽, 刘莹,辛峰. 整体式堇青石载体上TS-1的原位合成[J]. 无机材料学报, 2007, 22(6): 1227-1232.
5、金颖, 王军政,辛峰. 微乳条件下环己酮的氨肟化反应[J]. 化学工程, 2007, 35(7): 23-26.
6、张向京, 王燕, 杨立斌,辛峰. 环己酮氨肟化反应中TS-1催化剂的积炭失活[J]. 催化学报, 2006, 27(5): 427-432.
7、任海伦,辛峰. 介孔AlPO4分子筛的原位焙烧[J]. 材料热处理学报, 2006, 27(3): 41-44.
Dongyue Peng, Feng Xin, Lexiang Zhang, Zuopeng Gao, Weihua Zhang, Yuexing Wang, Xiaodong Chen, Yi Wang. Nonlinear time-series analysis of optical signals to identify multiphase flow behavior in microchannels. AIChE Journal, 2016: n/a-n/a
Yandong Mao, Yadan Jin, Kezhong Li, Jicheng Bi, Jinlai Li, Feng Xin. Sintering Characteristic in Catalytic Gasification of China Inner Mongolia Bituminous Coal Ash. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(5): 3975-3985
Tianyu Xiang, Feng Xin, Jingshuai Chen, Yuwen Wang, Xiaohong Yin, Xiao Shao. Selective photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to methanol in CuO-loaded NaTaO3 nanocubes in isopropanol. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2016, 7: 776-783
Jingshuai Chen, Feng Xin, Xiaohong Yin, Tianyu Xiang, Yuwen Wang. Synthesis of hexagonal and cubic ZnIn2S4 nanosheets for the photocatalytic reduction of CO2 with methanol. RSC Advances, 2015, 5(5): 3833-3839
Lexiang Zhang, Feng Xin, Dongyue Peng, Weihua Zhang, Yuexing Wang, Xiaodong Chen, Yi Wang. Trajectory Modeling of Gas-Liquid Flow in Microchannels with Stochastic Differential Equation and Optical Measurement. AIChE Journal, 2015, 61 (11): 4028–4034
Xiaofei Song, Feng Xin, Hongchao Yan, Xingang Li, Hongri Jia. Intensification and kinetics of methane hydrate formation under heat removal by phase change of n-tetradecane. AIChE Journal, 2015, 61 (10): 3441-3450
Weihua Zhang, Feng Xin, Dongyue Peng, Lexiang Zhang. Zonal description and quantitative methodology of air-water distribution in comb-like microchannels. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 132: 234-243
Dongyue Peng, Feng Xin, Lexiang Zhang, Huaizhe Yu, Weihua Zhang. Experiments and modeling on bubble uniformity of Taylor flow in T-junction microchannel. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 128 (5): 11-20
Rui Sun, Feng Xin, Libin Yang. Modeling of Monolithic Catalyst Washcoated with TS-1 and Reactor for Continuous Cyclohexanone Ammoximation Reaction. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54 (7): 2254-2258
Lexiang Zhang, Dongyue Peng, Wenjun Lyu, Feng Xin. Uniformity of gas and liquid two phases flowing through two microchannels in parallel. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 263: 452-460
Hongchao Yan, Xiaofei Song, Feng Xin, Xingang Li, Guangjin Chen, Yong Wang. Storage Capacity and Duration of Methane Hydration in a Slurry of Solid n-Tetradecane. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29 (1): 130-136
Guixian Song, Feng Xin, Xiaohong Yin. Photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide over ZnFe2O4/TiO2 nanobelts heterostructure in cyclohexanol. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 442: 60-66
Jingshuai Chen, Feng Xin, Xiaohong Yin, Tianyu Xiang, Yuwen Wang. Synthesis of hexagonal and cubic ZnIn2S4 nanosheets for the photocatalytic reduction of CO2 with methanol. RSC Advances, 2015, 5 (5): 3833-3839
毛燕东, 金亚丹, 李克忠, 毕继诚, 李金来, 辛峰. 煤催化气化工艺中内蒙王家塔烟煤灰烧结温度的影响因素分析. 化工学报, 2015, 66 (3): 1080-1087
Libin Yang, Feng Xin, Junzhong Lin, Zhuang Zhuang, Rui Sun. Continuous Heterogeneous Cyclohexanone Ammoximation Reaction in Monolithic TS-1/Cordierite Catalyst. RSC Advances, 2014, 4 (52): 27259-27266
Wenjun Lyu, Changming Li, Jichun Li, Feng Xin. Simulation and Optimization on Etherification of Light Gasoline in a Process of Two Fixed-Bed Reactors and One Distillation Column. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 2014, 68: 47-55
Guixian Song, Feng Xin, Jingshuai Chen, Xiaohong Yin. Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 in Cyclohexanol on CdS-TiO2 Heterostructured Photocatalyst. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014, 473: 90-95
Junzhong Lin, Feng Xin, Libin Yang, Zhuang zhuang. Synthesis, characterization of hierarchical TS-1 and its catalytic performance for cyclohexanone ammoximation. Catalysis Communications, 2014 45: 104–108
Wanlin Jiang, Xiaohong Yin, Feng Xin, Yadong Bi, Yong Liu, Xia Li. Preparation of CdIn2S4 microspheres and application for photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 288: 138-142
Jingshuai Chen, Feng Xin, Shiyue Qin, Xiaohong Yin. Photocatalytically reducing CO2 to methyl formate in methanol over ZnS and Ni-doped ZnS photocatalysts. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 230 (15): 506–512
Jingshuai Chen, Shiyue Qin, Guixian Song, Tianyu Xiang, Feng Xin, Xiaohong Yin. Shape-controlled solvothermal synthesis of Bi2S3 for photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to methyl formate in methanol. Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42 (42): 15133-15138
ChangQing Chu, HaiTao Zhao, YanYing Qi, Feng Xin. Density functional theory studies on hydroxylamine mechanism of cyclohexanone ammoximation on titanium silicalite-1 catalyst. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2013, 19 (6): 2217-2224
Xue Jiang, Zhuang Zhuang, Feng Xin. Hydrothermal crystallization of b-oriented TS-1 films on PVAc-modified glass. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 172 (0): 141–145
Zhuang Zhuang, Libin Yang, Xue Jiang, Feng Xin. A facile method for the fabrication of b-oriented TS-1 film on the surface of glass modified by TS-1 precursor solution. Materials Letters, 2013, 107: 175-177
毛燕东, 李克忠, 孙志强, 毕继诚, 辛峰, 李金来. 小型流化床燃煤自供热煤催化气化特性研究. 高校化学工程学报, 2013, (05): 798-804
Shiyue Qin, Feng Xin, Yuande Liu, Xiaohong Yin, Wei Ma. Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 in methanol to methyl formate over CuO-TiO2 composite catalysts. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011, 356 (1): 257–261
Yanying Qi, Chunbo Ye, Zhuang Zhuang, Feng Xin. Preparation and evaluation of titanium silicalite-1 utilizing pretreated titanium dioxide as a titanium source. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2011, 142 (2-3): 661-665
Ying Liu, Li Zong, Yingying Zhang, Feng Xin, Wangfeng Cai. Synthesis of dendritic TS-1 film on honeycomb cordierite. Materials Letters, 2011, 65 (3): 497-499
Yuande Liu, Feng Xin, Fumin Wang, Shanxia Luo, Xiaohong Yin. Synthesis, characterization, and activities of visible light-driven Bi2O3-TiO2 composite photocatalysts. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 498 (2): 179-184
Y. Y. Zhang, W. F. Cai, F. Xin. Simulation and Optimization of Coil Decoking in Ethane Pyrolysis Furnace. Chemical Engineering Communications, 2009, 196 (8): 950-968
L. Dai, W. Cai, F. Xin. Numerical Study on Bubble Formation of a Gas-Liquid Flow in a T-Junction Microchannel. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2009, 32 (12): 1984-1991
化学工业出版社,2013,参与修订61 (11): 4028–4034
(1)刘莹, 宗丽, 张莹莹, 辛峰,蔡旺锋. 树枝状钛硅分子筛膜及制备方法: CN101214972.
(2)尹晓红, 辛峰, 张凤宝, 王世铭,张国亮. 转筒式光催化反应器及其水处理方法: CN1587085.
(3)辛峰, 王富民, 刘文茹, 廖晖,陈克容. 以吡啶和氯气合成2-氯吡啶新工艺: CN1235157.
(4)辛峰, 王富民, 廖晖, 蔡旺锋,姜峰. 苯催化加氢制环己烷的反应精馏外耦合装置及合成工艺方法: CN1356301.
(5)辛峰,赵阳. 整体式负载银催化剂与制备方法及用于乙烯
环氧化反应: CN1762584.
(6)辛峰, 陈青松, 张旭斌, 刘成, 刘朝辉, 张成中, 蔡旺锋,李钢. 一种环流反应器及用之合成均苯三甲酸的方法: CN1660762.
(7)尹晓红, 辛峰, 张凤宝, 王世铭,张国亮. 转筒式光催化反应器: CN1868904.