郑四发,清华大学车辆与运载学院 教授、博士生导师,现任清华大学苏州汽车研究院(相城)常务副院长。
1993-1997 清华大学汽车工程系 工学硕士、工学博士
1997.8-2002.6 清华大学汽车工程系 讲师
2002.7-2003.9 日本国立交通安全环境研究所 客座研究员、日本国际环境研究协会EFF Fellow
2003.10-2014.11 清华大学汽车工程系 副研究员
德国亚琛工业大学 DAAD访问学者
清华大学汽车工程系 博士生导师
意大利米兰理工大学 高级访问学者
清华大学苏州汽车研究院 副院长
2014.12-至今 清华大学汽车工程系教授
1 国家车联网质量检验检测中心专家委员会委员
2 中国汽车芯片产业创新战略理事、汽车芯片标准工作组成员
3 中国智能网联汽车产业创新联盟基础软件工作组成员
4 《声学学报》,《Chinese Journal of Acoustics (in English)》编委;
5 中国汽车工程学会振动噪声分会副主任
3 噪声及振动控制
噪声和振动的主动控制,科学出版社, 2002 年 3 月
人民交通出版社, 2001 年 5 月
(1) Peng Bo; Zheng Sifa; Liao Xiangning; On the optimization of a mixed speaker array in an enclosed space using the virtual-speaker weighting method. Mechanical System and Signal Processing, Vol.93: 214-229,2018
(2)Ziqing Gu, Yunlong An, Fangyuan Tan, Yang Li, Sifa Zheng; A Game Theory Approach to Attack-Defense Strategy for Perception of Connected Vehicles. 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) , Xiamen, China, 2019
(2) Liao Xiangning, Cheer Jordan, Elliott Stephen J.; Zheng Sifa. Design of a Loudspeaker Array for Personal Audio in a Car Cabin. . J. AUDIO ENG. SOC.Vol. 65: 226-238.MAR 2017
(3) Wang, Yu; Liao, Xiangning; Zheng, Sifa; Qi, Songming. A parallel active order sound equalization method to improve vehicles sound quality during acceleration. ICSV 2017, London, Great Britain
(4) Dan Jiabi, Zheng Sifa, Lian Xiaomin, et al. Visualization of jet noise with TDOAs. 23st International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2016. Athens, Greece, 2016, 1357-1363.
(5)Peng B, Liu T, Zheng S F, et al. Mechanism of Neutral-idle Shudder Phenomenon in an Automatic Transmission System. SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-1128, 2016, doi:10.4271/2016-01-1128.
(6)Liao Xiangning, Elliott Stephen, Cheer Jordan, Zheng Sifa. Design array of loudspeakers for personal audio system in a car cabin[C]. Proceedings of 23 International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2016. Athens, Greece, 10-14 July, 2016.
(7)Fan Jialiang, Dan Jiabi, Zheng Sifa. Combination of Wavelet Transform andMutual Information for Vehicle Recognition. The 23rd International Congresson Sound and Vibration(ICSV23),Athens, Greece, 10-14 July,2016.
(8) Sifa Zheng, Jiabi Dan, Peng Hao, Xiaomin Lian. Decomposition and visualization of vehicle noise sources with transfer path acoustical holography. Noise Control Engineering J.2014,Vol.62(5): 211-9
(9) Sifa Zheng, Zhongxu Kang, Xiaomin Lian. Acoustic simulation for exhaust silencer of vehicle engine with combined one/three-dimensional approach, Int. J. Vehicle Design,2012, Vol. 60(1): 57-70,
(10) Zheng Sifa;Hao Peng; Lian Xiaomin; Li Keqiang. Time-domain transfer path analysis of multiple moving noise sources. Noise Control Engineering J.2011, Vol.59(5):541-548.
(11) Zheng Sifa; Zhou Lin; Lian Xiaomin; Li Keqiang. Coherence analysis of the transfer function for dynamic force identification. Mechanical System and Signal Processing, 2011, Vol.25(6):2229-2240.
(12) Zheng Sifa; Cao Jiandong; Lian Xiaomin; Li Keqiang Urban pickup and delivery problem considering time-dependent fuzzy velocity. Computers & Industrial Engineering,2011 Vol.60(4): 821-829.
(13) Yang Diange; Li Bing; Wang Ziteng; Zheng Sifa; Lian Xiaomin.Video visualization for moving sound sources based on binocular vision and short-time beamforming. Noise Control Engineering J. 2010, Vol.58(4):382-388