中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所研究员,博导,中国科学院森林生态与林业生态工程中心副主任,中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所大青沟沙地生态实验站站长,课题组组长,中科院海外引进人才、国家基金委“优青”获得者。主要从事树木抗逆生理和生理生态学研究,重点研究方向为树木水力结构对其环境适应性的影响机制、树木抗旱和抗寒生理、树木全球变化响应的生物学机制等。已在Ecology、New Phytologist、Plant Physiology 等国内外主流学术期刊发表论文70 余篇。近期获国家林业和草原局“林业青年科技奖”、生态环境部“国家生态环境保护专业技术青年拔尖人才”、辽宁省“学术头雁”等表彰。
1. 2005/08–2010/05, 迈阿密大学,生物学,博士导师:Guillermo Goldstein 教授
2. 2003/09–2009/12, 中国科学院研究生院/西双版纳热带植物园,生态学,博士, 导师:曹坤芳 研究员
3. 1999/09–2003/07, 西南师范大学,生物学,学士
1. 2014/06-至今, 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,研究员、博导
2. 2012/06-2014/05,哈佛大学阿诺德树木园,Research Fellow
3. 2010/05-2012/05,哈佛大学机体与进化生物学系,博士后
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,国际(地区)合作与交流项目,东北地区森林气候变化响应格局及其关键树木生理机制研究,2023-01至2027-12,299万元,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,优秀青年科学基金,树木水力结构,2018-01至2020-12,150万元,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,冬季栓塞抵抗和修复对长白山林区常见树种生产力和抗逆性影响的研究,2019-01至2022-12,72万元,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金,不同染色体倍性桦木属树种的水力结构研究,2016-01至2018-12,24万元,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,重大项目,人工林生态系统生产力提升与碳汇维持机制,2020-01至2026-12,101万元,参加
6. 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划课题,荒漠绿洲区水土生态安全提升与保障技术,2023-12至2027-11,290万元,参加
8. 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划课题,典型人工林生态系统对全球变化适应机制,2020-11至2024-12,40万元,参加
9. 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划课题,中国北方森林和草地生态系统碳氮耦合循环与碳源汇效应研究,2016-07至2021-06,140万元,参加
10. 中国科学院,基础前沿科学研究计划从0到1原始创新项目,地上地下生物-环境互馈对东北森林生态系统稳定性的影响机理,2019-09至2023-12,50万元,参加
11. 中国科学院,王宽诚率先人才计划“卢嘉锡国际团队”项目,我国东北森林生态系统结构和功能对全球变化的响应及其机制,2019-01至2021-12,40万元,参加
12. 中国科学院,前沿科学重点研究项目,防护林跨尺度功能形成与维持机制研究,2016-01至2020-12,45万元,参加
13. 中国科学院,沈阳应用生态研究所特色研究所学科建设项目,防护林学,2015-07至2020-12,37万元,参加
14. 中国科学院海外引进人才计划项目,2015-01至2018-12,270万元,主持
15. 辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”项目,2019-01至2021-12,50万元,主持
1. 林草科技创新领军人才,国家林业和草原局 ,2024.
2. 辽宁省“优秀科技工作者”,辽宁省科学技术协会;辽宁省人力资源和社会保障厅,2022.
4. 辽宁省“学术头雁”,辽宁省科学技术协会,2020.
5. 沈阳市中青年科技创新人才支持计划项目(中青年计划), 沈阳市科学技术局,2020.
6. 林业青年科技奖,国家林业和草原局;中国林学会,2019.
7. 辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才,中共辽宁省委组织部;辽宁省财政厅,2018.
8. 沈阳市高层次人才(领军人才),沈阳市人力资源和社会保障局;沈阳市人才工作办公室,2018.
9. 沈阳市中青年科技英才,沈阳市人力资源和社会保障局;沈阳市人才工作办公室,2018.
10. 辽宁省“百千万人才工程”(百人层次),中公辽宁省委党支部;辽宁省人力资源和社会保障厅;辽宁省科学技术厅;辽宁省教育厅;辽宁省财政厅,2016.
11. 哈佛大学阿诺德树木园Putnam 植物学研究奖学金,哈佛大学,2012-2014.
12. 哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院国际发展中心Giorgio Ruffolo博士后奖学金,哈佛大学,2010-2012.
13. 中国科学院“院长优秀奖”,中国科学院,2010.
14. 迈阿密大学(University of Miami)生物系最佳研究生论文奖,迈阿密大学,2008.
1. Ming-Yong Li, Lei-Lei Yang, Yu Cao, De-Dong Wu, Guang-You Hao(*), Aging Mongolian pine plantations face high risks of drougt-induced growth decline:evidence from both individual tree and forest stand measurements, Journal of Forestry Research, 2024.35:38.
2. Xue-Wei Gong, Andrea Leigh, Jing-Jing Guo, Li-Dong Fang, Guang-You Hao(*), Sand dune shrub species prioritize hydraulic integrity over transpirational cooling during an experimental heatwave, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2023. 336 (1): 109483.
3. Qian-Nan Leng, Xue-Wei Gong, Ming-Yong Li, Guang-You Hao(*), Tree density reduction mitigates the decline of Larix principis-rupprechtii plantations: evidence from a combination of dendroclimatic and physiological measurements, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2023. 333: 109390.
4. Rui-Yun Han(#), Xue-Wei Gong(#), Ming-Yong Li, Qian-Nan Leng, Yong-Jiao Zhou, Qiu-Rui Ning, Guang-You Hao(*), Combined tree-ring width and wood anatomy chronologies provide insights into the radial growth and hydraulic strategies in response to an extreme drought in plantation-grown Mongolian pine trees, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2023. 208: 105259.
5. Xue-Wei Gong, Guang-You Hao(*), The synergistic effect of hydraulic and thermal impairments accounts for the severe crown damage in Fraxinus mandshurica seedlings following the combined drought-heatwave stress, Science of The Total Environment, 2023. 856 (1): 159017.
6. Xiaohan-Yin, Guang-You Hao(*), Frank Sterck, Ring- and diffuse-porous tree species from a cold temperate forest diverge in stem hydraulic traits, leaf photosynthetic traits, growth rate and altitudinal distribution, Tree Physiology, 2023.43 (5): 722-736.
7. Chi Zhang, Attaullah Khan, Chun-Yang Duan, Yu Cao, De-Dong Wu, Guang-You Hao(*), Xylem hydraulics strongly influence the niche differentiation of tree species along the slope of a river valley in a water-limited area, Plant, Cell and Environment, 2023. 46 (1): 106-118.
8. Ai-Ying Wang(#), Han-Xiao Cui(#), Xue-Wei Gong, Jing-Jing Guo, Nan Wu, Guang-You Hao(*), Contrast in vulnerability to freezing-induced xylem embolism contributes to divergence in spring phenology between diffuse- and ring-porous temperate trees, Forest Ecosystems, 2022. 9:100070.
9. Jia Song, Santiago Trueba, Xiao-Han Yin, Kun-Fang Cao, Timothy John Brodribb, Guang-You Hao(*), Hydraulic vulnerability segmentation in compound-leaved trees: Evidence from an embolism visualization technique, Plant Physiology, 2022. 189 (1): 204-214.
10. Qiu-Rui Ning, Xue-Wei Gong, Ming-Yong Li, Guang-You Hao(*), Differences in growth pattern and response to climate warming between Larix olgensis and Pinus koraiensis in Northeast China are related to their distinctions in xylem hydraulics, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022. 312: 108724.
11. Xiao-Han Yin, Guang-You Hao(*), Frank Sterck, A trade-off between growth and hydraulic resilience against freezing leads to divergent adaptations among temperate tree species, Functional Ecology, 2022. 36 (3): 739-750.
12. Chun-Yang Duan, Ming-Yong Li, Li-Dong Fang, Yu Cao, De-Dong Wu, Hui Liu, Qing Ye, Guang-You Hao(*), Greater hydraulic safety contributes to higher growth resilience to drought across seven pine species in a semi-arid environment, Tree Physiology, 2022. 42 (4): 727-739.
13. Ming-Yong Li, Qian-Nan Leng, Guang-You Hao(*), Contrasting patterns of radial growth rate between Larix principis-rupprechtii and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica along an elevational gradient are mediated by differences in xylem hydraulics. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021. 497: 119524.
14. Xue-Wei Gong, Jing-Jing Guo, Li-Dong Fang, Sandra J. Bucci, Guillermo Goldstein, Guang-You Hao(*), Hydraulic dysfunction due to root-exposure-initiated water stress is responsible for the mortality of Salix gordejevii shrubs on the windward slopes of active sand dunes. Plant and Soil, 2021. 459 (1-2), 185-201. (1)(封面文章).
15. Li-Dong Fang, Qiu-Rui Ning, Jing-Jing Guo, Xue-Wei Gong, Jiao-Jun Zhu, Guang-You Hao(*), Hydraulic limitation underlies the dieback of Populus pseudo-simonii trees in water-limited areas of northern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021. 483: 118764.
16. Mingyong Li(#), Lidong Fang(#), Chunyang Duan, Yu Cao, Hong Yin, Qiu-Rui Ning, Guang-You Hao(*), Greater risk of hydraulic failure due to increased drought threatens pine plantations in Horqin Sandy Land of northern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2020. 461: 117980.
17. Xue-Wei Gong, Jing-Jing Guo, De-Ming Jiang, Xue-Hua Li, Fabian G. Scholz, Sandra J. Bucci, Gullermo Goldstein, Guang-You Hao(*), Contrasts in xylem hydraulics and water use underlie the sorting of different sand-fixing shrub species to early and late stages of dune stabilization, Forest Ecology and Management, 2020. 457: 117705.
18. Jing-Jing Guo, Xue-Wei Gong, Li-Dong Fang, De-Ming Jiang, Musa Ala, Sandra J. Bucci, Fabian G.Scholz, Guillermo Goldstein, Guang-You Hao(*), Switching of dominant positions between two sand-fixing shrub species during the dune revegetation process is underlain by their contrasting xylem hydraulics and water-use strategies. Land Degradation and Development, 2020. 31(10): 1195-1205.
19. Da Yang, Yong-Jiang Zhang, Jia Song, Cun-Yang Niu, Guang-You Hao(*), Compound leaves are associated with high hydraulic conductance and photosynthetic capacity: evidence from trees in Northeast China, Tree Physiology, 2019. 39 (5): 729-739.
20. Xiao-Han Yin, Frank Sterck, Guang-You Hao(*), Divergent hydraulic strategies to cope with freezing in co-occurring temperate tree species with special reference to root and stem pressure generation, New Phytologist, 2018. 219 (2): 530-541.
21. Yan-Yan Liu, Ai-Ying Wang, Yu-Ning An, Pei-Yong Lian, De-Dong Wu, Jiao-Jun Zhu, Frederick C. Meinzer, Guang-You Hao(*), Hydraulics play an important role in causing low growth rate and dieback of aging Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica trees in plantations of Northeast China, Plant, Cell and Environment, 2018. 41 (7):1500-1511.
22. Guang-You Hao, N. Michele Holbrook, Maciej A. Zwieniecki, Vincent P. Gutschick, Hormoz BassiriRad(*), Coordinated responses of plant hydraulic architecture with the reduction of stomatal conductance under elevated CO2 concentration, Tree Physiology, 2018. 38 (7): 1041-1052.
23. Ai-Ying Wang, Shi-Jie Han(*), Jun-Hui Zhang, Miao Wang, Xiao-Han Yin, Li-Dong Fang, Da Yang, Guang-You Hao(*), The interaction between nonstructural carbohydrate reserves and xylem hydraulics in Korean pine trees across an altitudinal gradient, Tree Physiology, 2018. 38 (12): 1792-1804.
24. Jia Song, Da Yang, Cun-Yang Niu, Wei-Wei Zhang, Miao Wang, Guang-You Hao(*), Correlation between leaf size and hydraulic architecture in five compound-leaved tree species of a temperate forest in NE China, Forest Ecology and Management, 2018. 418: 63-72.
25. Li-Dong Fang, Qiong Zhao, Yan-Yan Liu, Guang-You Hao(*), The influence of a five-year nitrogen fertilization treatment on hydraulic architecture of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in a water-limited plantation of NE China, Forest Ecology and Management, 2018. 418: 15-22.
26. Miao Wang(*), Wei-Wei Zhang, Na Li, Yan-Yan Liu, Xing-Bo Zheng, Guang-You Hao(*), Photosynthesis and growth responses of Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. seedlings to a gradient of simulated nitrogen deposition, Annals of Forest Science, 2018. 75 (1): 1.
27. Wei-Wei Zhang, Miao Wang, Ai-Ying Wang, Xiao-Han Yin, Zhao-Zhong Feng, Guang-You Hao(*), Elevated ozone concentration decreases whole-plant hydraulic conductance and disturbs water use regulation in soybean plants, Physiologia Plantarum, 2018. 163 (2): 183-195.
28. Da Yang, Guillermo Goldstein, Miao Wang, Wei-Wei Zhang, Ai-Ying Wang, Yan-Yan Liu, Guang-You Hao(*), Microenvironment in the canopy rivals the host tree water status in controlling sap flow of a mistletoe species, Tree Physiology, 2017. 37 (4): 501-510.
29. Wei-Wei Zhang(#), Jia Song(#), Miao Wang, Yan-Yan Liu, Na Li, Yong-Jiang Zhang, N. Michele Holbrook, Guang-You Hao(*), Divergences in hydraulic architecture form an important basis for niche differentiations between diploid and polyploid Betula species in NE China, Tree Physiology, 2017. 37 (5): 604-616.
30. Cun-Yang Niu, Frederick C. Meinzer, Guang-You Hao(*), Divergence in strategies for coping with winter embolism among co-occurring temperate tree species: the role of positive xylem pressure, wood type and tree stature, Functional Ecology, 2017. 31 (8): 1550-1560.
31. Ai-Ying Wang, Miao Wang, Da Yang, Jia Song, Wei-Wei Zhang, Shi-Jie Han, Guang-You Hao(*), Responses of hydraulics at the whole-plant level to simulated nitrogen deposition of different levels in Fraxinus mandshurica, Tree Physiology, 2016. 36 (8): 1045-1055.
32. Yan-Yan Liu, Jia Song, Miao Wang, Na Li, Cun-Yang Niu, Guang-You Hao(*), Coordination of xylem hydraulics and stomatal regulation in keeping the integrity of xylem water transport in shoots of two compound-leaved tree species, Tree Physiology, 2015. 35 (12): 1333-1342.
33. Guang-You Hao(*), Kun-Fang Cao, Guillermo Goldstein, Hemiepiphytic trees: Ficus as a model system for understanding hemiepiphytism, In G. Goldstein and L.S. Santiago eds, Tropical Tree Physiology: adaptations and responses in a changing environment, 2016. 3-24. 书籍章节
34. Guang-You Hao, Ai-Ying Wang, Lawren Sack, Guillermo Goldstein, Kun-Fang Cao(*), Is hemiepiphytism an adaptation to high irradiance? Testing seedling responses to light levels and drought in hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus, Physiologia Plantarum, 2013. 148 (1): 74-86.
35. Guang-You Hao(*), Mary E. Lucero, Stewart C. Sanderson, Elizabeth H. Zacharias, N. Michele Holbrook, Polyploidy enhances the occupation of heterogeneous environments through hydraulic related trade-offs in Atriplex canescens (Chenopodiaceae), New Phytologist, 2013. 197 (3): 970-978.
36. Guang-You Hao(#)(*), James K. Wheeler(#), N. Michele Holbrook, Guillermo Goldstein, Investigating xylem embolism formation, refilling and water storage in tree trunks using frequency domain reflectometry, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2013. 64 (8): 2321-2332.
37. Guang-You Hao, Ai-Ying Wang, Zhi-Hui Liu, Augusto C. Franco, Guillermo Goldstein, Kun-Fang Cao(*), Differentiation in light energy dissipation between hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus species with contrasting xylem hydraulic conductivity, Tree Physiology, 2011. 31 (6): 626-636.
38. Guang-You Hao(*), Guillermo Goldstein, Lawren Sack, N. Michele Holbrook, Zhi-Hui Liu, Ai-Ying Wang, Rhett D. Harrison, Zhi-Hui Su, Kun-Fang Cao, Ecology of hemiepiphytism in fig species is based on evolutionary coordination of hydraulics and carbon economy, Ecology, 2011. 92 (11): 2117-2130.
39. Guang-You Hao, Lawren Sack, Ai-Ying Wang, Kun-Fang Cao(*), Guillermo Goldstein(*), Differentiation of leaf water flux and drought tolerance traits in hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus tree species, Functional Ecology, 2010. 24 (4): 731-740. 40. Guang-You Hao, Tim J. Jones, Corene Luton, Yong-Jiang Zhang, Eric Manzane, Fabian G. Scholz, Sandra J. Bucci, Kun-Fang Cao, Guillermo Goldstein(*), Hydraulic redistribution in dwarf Rhizophora mangle trees driven by interstitial soil water salinity gradients: impacts on hydraulic architecture and gas exchange, Tree Physiology, 2009. 29 (5): 697-705.
41. Guang-You Hao, William A. Hoffmann, Fabian G. Scholz, Sandra J. Bucci, Frederick C. Meinzer, Augusto C. Franco, Kun-Fang Cao, Guillermo Goldstein(*), Stem and leaf hydraulics of congeneric tree species from adjacent tropical savanna and forest ecosystems, Oecologia, 2008. 155 (3): 405-415.
42. Ning Chen, Yi-Fei Zhang, Feng-Hui Yuan,
Wen Guo(#), Na Wei(#)(*), Guang-You Hao, Shi-Jian Yang, Zhi-Yong Zhu, Yong-Ping Yang(*), Yuan-Wen Duan(*). Does competitive asymmetry confer polyploid advantage under changing environments? Journal of Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.14100.
43. Hui Liu, Qing Ye, Marjorie Lundgren, Sophie Young, Xiaorong Liu, Qi Luo, Yixue Lin, Nan Ye, Guangyou Hao. Phylogeny and climate explain contrasting hydraulic traits in different life forms of 150 woody Fabaceae species.Journal of Ecology,【Accepted】
44. Ying Jin, Guangyou Hao, William M. Hammond, Kailiang Yu, Xiaorong Liu, Qing Ye, Zhenghu Zhou, Chuankuan Wang(*), Aridity-dependent sequence of water potentials for stomatal closure and hydraulic dysfunctions in woody plants, Global Change Biology, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16605.
45. Yu -Xuan Mo, Richard T. Corlett, Gang Wang, Liang Song, Hua-Zheng Lu, Yi Wu, Guang-You Hao, Ren-Yi Ma, Shi-Zheng Men, Yuan Li, Wen-Yao Liu(*), Hemiepiphytic figs kill their host trees: Acquiring phosphorus is a driving factor, New Phytologist, 2022. 236 (2): 714-728.
46. Shao-an Pan, Guang-You Hao, Xuhua Li, Qiuhong Feng, Xingliang Liu, Osbert J. Sun(*), Altitudinal variations of hydraulic traits in Faxon fir (Abies fargesii var. faxoniana): Mechanistic controls and environmental adaptability, Forest Ecosystems, 2022.9:100040.
47. Lining Song, Jiaojun Zhu(*), Xiao Zheng, Kai Wang, Jinxin Zhang, Guangyou Hao, Guochen Wang, Jianhua Liu,Comparison of canopy transpiration between Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica and Pinus tabuliformis plantations in a semiarid sandy region of Northeast China, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022.314: 108784.
48. Deliang Lu, Jiaojun Zhu(*), Xiaoyu Wang, Guangyou Hao, G. Geoff Wang, A systematic evaluation of gap size and within-gap position effects on seedling regeneration in a temperate secondary forest, Northeast China, Forest Ecology and Management, 2021. 490: 119140.
49. Lining Song, Jiaojun Zhu(*), Xiao Zheng, Kai Wang, Linyou L , Xiaolin Zhang, Guangyou Hao.Transpiration and canopy conductance dynamics of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in its natural range and in an introduced region in the sandy plains of Northern China, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020. 281:107830.
50. Lan Zhang, Yajun Chen(*), Guangyou Hao, Keping Ma(*), Frans Bongers, Frank J. Sterck. Conifer and broadleaved trees differ in branch allometry but maintain similar functional balances, Tree Physiology, 2020.40 (4): 511-519.
51. Pengcheng He, Sean M. Gleason, Ian J. Wright, Ensheng Weng, Hui Liu, Shidan Zhu, Mingzhen Lu, Qi Luo, Ronghua Li, Guilin Wu, Enrong Yan, Yanjun Song, Xiangcheng Mi, Guangyou Hao, Peter B. Reich, Yingping Wang, David S. Ellsworth, Qing Ye(*). Growing-season temperature and precipitation are independent drivers of global variation in xylem hydraulic conductivity, Global Change Biology, 2020. 26 (3): 1833-1841.
52. Hui Liu, Sean M. Gleason, Guang-You Hao, Lei Hua, Pengcheng He, Guillermo Goldstein, Qing Ye(*), Hydraulic traits are coordinated with maximum plant height at the global scale, Science Advances, 2019. 5 (2): eaav1332.
53. Shuai Li(*), Guang-You Hao, Ulo Niinemets, Peter C. Harley, Stefan Wanke, Frederic Lens, Yong-Jiang Zhang, Kun-Fang Cao,The effects of intervessel pit characteristics on xylem hydraulic efficiency and photosynthesis in hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus species, Physiologia Plantarum, 2019. 167 (4): 661-675.
54. Brett A. Huggett(*), Jessica A. Savage, Guang-You Hao, Evan L. Preisser, N.M. Holbrook, Impact of hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) infestation on xylem structure and function and leaf physiology in eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), Functional Plant Biology, 2018.45(5): 501-508.
55. Feng-Ping Zhang, Ying-Jie Yang, Qiu-Yun Yang, Wei Zhang, Tim J. Brodribb, Guang-You Hao, Hong Hu(*), Shi-Bao Zhang(*), Floral mass per area and water maintenance traits are correlated with floral longevity in Paphiopedilum (Orchidaceae), Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017. 8: 501.
56. Guo-Feng Jiang(#), Uromi Manage Goodale(#), Yan-Yan Liu, Guang-You Hao, Kun-Fang Cao(*), Salt management strategy defines the stem and leaf hydraulic characteristics of six mangrove tree species, Tree Physiology, 2017. 37 (3): 389-401.
57. Ze-Xin Fan(*), Frank Sterck, Shi-Bao Zhang, Pei-Li Fu, Guang-You Hao, Tradeoff between Stem Hydraulic Efficiency and Mechanical Strength Affects Leaf-Stem Allometry in 28 Ficus Tree Species, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017. 8: 1619.
58. Yong-Jiang Zhang(*), Sandra J. Bucci, Nadia S. Arias, Fabian G. Scholz, Guang-You Hao, Kun-Fang Cao, Guillermo Goldstein(*), Freezing resistance in Patagonian woody shrubs: the role of cell wall elasticity and stem vessel size, Tree Physiology, 2016. 36 (8): 1007-1018.
59. Laureano Oliva Carrasco, Sandra J. Bucci, D bora Di Francescantonio, Oscar A. Lezcano, Paula I. Campanello(*), Fabi n G. Scholz, Sabrina Rodr guez, N. Madanes, Piedad M. Cristiano, Guang-You Hao, N. Michele Holbrook, Guillermo Goldstein, Water storage dynamics in the main stem of subtropical tree species differing in wood density, growth rate and life history trait, Tree Physiology, 2015. 35 (4): 354-365.
60. Shi-Bao Zhang(#)(*), Yan Dai(#), Guang-You Hao, Jia-Wei Li, Xue-Wei Fu, Jiao-Lin Zhang, Differentiation of water-related traits in terrestrial and epiphytic Cymbidium species, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015. 6: 260.
61. Jiao-Lin Zhang, L. Poorter, Guang-You Hao, Kun-Fang Cao(*), Photosynthetic thermotolerance of woody savanna species in China is correlated with leaf life span, Annals of Botany, 2012. 110 (5): 1027-1033.
62. Ze-Xin Fan, Shi-Bao Zhang, Guang-You Hao, J.W. Ferry Slik, Kun-Fang Cao(*), Hydraulic conductivity traits predict growth rates and adult stature of 40 Asian tropical tree species better than wood density, Journal of Ecology, 2012. 100 (3): 732-741.
63. Yong-Jiang Zhang, Frederick C. Meinzer(*), Guang-You Hao, Fabian G. Scholz, Sandra J. Bucci, Frederico S. C. Takahashi, Randol Villalobos-Vega, Juan P. Giraldo, Kun-Fang Cao, William A. Hoffmann, Guillermo Goldstein, Size-dependent mortality in a Neotropical savanna tree: the role of height-related adjustments in hydraulic architecture and carbon allocation, Plant, Cell and Environment, 2009. 32 (10): 1456-1466.
64. Sandra J. Bucci(*), Fabian G. Scholz, Guillermo Goldstein, Frederic C. Meinzer, Augusto C. Franco, Yong-Jiang Zhang, Guang-You Hao, Water relations and hydraulic architecture in Cerrado trees: adjustments to seasonal changes in water availability and evaporative demand, Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2008. 20 (3): 233-245.
65. 赵宇航,龚雪伟,宁秋蕊,张驰,段春旸,郝广友(*),沿降水梯度白榆的枝叶性状可塑性与协同变异,应用生态学报,2023. 34 (2): 324-332.
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1. 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所森林生态与林业生态工程中心副主任(2021.01-至今);
2. 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所大青沟沙地生态实验站站长(2021.01-至今);
3. 中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会理事会理事 (2019.07-2024.07);
4. 中国农工民主党辽宁省生态环境工作委员会副主任(2022.10-至今)
5. 辽宁省全球变化与生物入侵重点实验室学术委员会主任(2021-至今);
6. 辽宁省植物生理学学会副理事长(2018.06-至今);
7. 辽宁省植物学会理事(2023.01-至今);
8. 沈阳市植物学会第八届理事会理事、副秘书长(2021-至今);
9. Tree Physiology审稿委员(Reviewer Board,2020.01-至今);
10. 《南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)》青年编委委员会委员(2021.01-至今);
11. 《植物生理学报》编委(2020.01-至今);
12. 《应用生态学报》编委(2016.01-至今)。