2002年获广东省科学技术一等奖, 2003年获全国留学回国人员先进个人称号和留学回国人员成就奖,2004年获广东省
在国内外学术刊物发表SCI论文60余篇,包括5篇Science,2篇PNAS,多篇Meteoritics and Planetary Science,EPSL及GCA论文。文章总被引用600余次。
Chen Ming, T.G. Sharp, A. ElGoresy, B. Wopenka, X. Xie (1996) The majorite-pyrope solid solution +magnesiowusitite: Constriants on the history of shock veins in chondrites. Science 271, 1570-1573.
T. G. Sharp, A. El Goresy, B. Wopenka, M. Chen(1999) A post-stishovite SiO2polymorph in the meteorite Shergotty: Implications for impact events. Science 284: 1511-1513.
Ming Chen, Ahmed El Goresy (1999) The nature of “maskelynite” in shocked meteorites: Notdiaplectic glass but a glass quenched from shock-induced dense melt athigh-pressure. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 34: A24.
Philippe Gillet, Ming Chen, Leonid Dubrovinsky, Ahmed El Goresy (2000) NaturalNaAlSi3O8-hollandite in the shocked Sixiangkou meteorite.Science 287: 1633-1636.
Ahmed El Goresy, Leonid Dubrovinsky,Thomas G. Sharp, Surendra K. Saxena, M.Chen(2000) A monoclinic post-stishovite polymorph of silica in theShregotty meteorite. Science 288: 1632-1634.
Ming Chen,Ahmed El Goresy (2000) The nature of maskelynite in shocked meteorites: notdiaplectic glass but a glass quenched from shock-induced dense melt athigh-pressure. Earth and Planetary Science Letters179: 489-502.
A. El Goresy,P. Gillet, Ming Chen, F. Künstler, G.Graup, V. Stähle (2001) In situ discovery of shock-induced graphite-diamondphase transition in gneisses from the Ries Crater, Germany. American Mineralogist 86: 611-621.
Ahmed El Goresy, Ming Chen,Leonid Dubrovinsky, Philippe Gillet, and Günther Graup(2001) An ultra dense polymorph of rutile with seven-coordinated titanium fromthe Ries crater.Science 293: 1467-1470.
Ming Chen, Xie Xiande, Deqiang Wang, Sichao Wang (2002)Metal-troilite-magnetite assemblage in the shock veins of Sixiangkou.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66: 3143-3149.
Ming Chen, Jinfu Shu, Ho-kwangMao, Xiande Xie, and Russell J. Hemley (2003) Natural occurrence and synthesis of two new post-spinel polymorphs ofchromite. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America100 (25): 14651-14654.
Ming Chen, Ahmed El Goresy, DanFrost, and Philippe Gillet (2004) Melting experiments of a chondritic meteoritebetween 16 and 25 GPa: Implication for Na/K fractionation in a primitivechondritic Earth’s mantle. European Journal of Mineralogy 16:203-211.
Ming Chen, Ahmed El Goresy, Philippe Gillet (2004) Ringwoodite lamellae inolivine: Clues to olivine-ringwoodite phase transition mechanisms in shockedmeteorites and in subducting slabs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (42): 15033-15037.
Ming Chen, Hui Li, Ahmed El Goresy, Jing Liu, XiandeXie. (2006) Fracture-related intracrystalline transformation of olivine toringwoodite in the shocked Sixiangkou meteorite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 41 (5): 731-737.
Nobuyoshi Miyajima, Ahmed ElGoresy, Catherine Dupas-Bruzek, Friedrich Seifert, David C. Rubie, Ming Chen, and Xiande Xie (2007) Ferric iron in Al-bearing akimotoitecoexisting with iron-nickel metal in a shock-melt vein in an L-6 chondrite. American Mineralogist, 92:1545-1549.
Ming Chen, Jing Chen, Xiande Xie, andJun Xu. (2007) A microstructural investigation of natural lamellarringwoodite in olivine of the shocked Sixiangkou chondrite.Earth and Planetary Science Letters 264:277-283.
Chen Ming, Xiao Wansheng, Xie Xiande, Tan Dayong and Cao Yubo (2010) Xiuyan crater, China:Impact origin confirmed. Chinese Science Bulletin 55:1777-1781.
Ming Chen, Wansheng Xiao, Xiande Xie. (2010) Coesite and quartz characteristic of crystallization from shock-producedsilica melt intheXiuyan crater. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 297: 306-314.
Chen, M., C. Koeberl, et al. (2011). Planar deformation features in quartz from impact-produced polymict breccia of the Xiuyan crater, China. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 46(5): 729-736.