鞠建东,1963年出生于江苏如皋。2014-2017年担任上海财经大学国际工商管理学院院长、教授,2009-2015年担任清华大学经济管理学院教授、国际经济研究中心主任,1995-2014年担任美国俄克拉荷马大学(University of Oklahoma) 经济系助理教授、副教授、教授(终身聘任),2007-2009年任国际货币基金组织常驻学者,世界银行咨询顾问。主要研究领域集中在国际贸易、国际金融和产业组织,2016年获“浦山世界经济学优秀论文奖”。
1988.02 清华大学,经济学,硕士学位
1982.07 南京大学,数学系,学士学位
2017.9 至今
2014 至今 国际经济与金融学会(IEFS)-中国分会,副会长
2011.9 至今 中国国际经济交流中心(CCIEE),高级顾问
2024.9 任中国农业银行股份有限公司独立董事。
1. 动态结构分析方法: 开创性地将宏观国际经济学中的动态跨期模型和微观国际经济学中的结构分析模型相结合,建立动态结构分析方法,并将之应用到国际收支理论(与
2. 金融制度与国际经济:开创性地将金融制度引入一般均衡模型,建立实体经济和金融制度的理论联系(与哥伦比亚大学魏尚进教授合作),并由此分析金融制度对国际贸易、资本流动的影响,成为国际上该学术领域的主要理论模型之一。
3. 国际贸易政策:提出通过贸易改革提高社会福利的充分必要条件(和宾州大学Krishna教授合作)。在各国通用的Feenstra教授所著的国际贸易研究生教材中,这个条件被称之为“Ju-Krishna 定理”。
4. 自由贸易区:和Krishna合作建立的产地规定模型是国际学术界自由贸易区理论中主要的微观经济模型之一。
5. 产业组织理论:与Baye and Crocker合著的垄断竞争企业的子公司模型是子公司理论(Divisionalization)中Google Scholar引用最多的文献。
2017.9 至今 上海财经大学国际工商管理学院(SUFE),特聘教授
清华大学经管学院, 经济学教授
2011.5-2014.8 美国俄克拉荷马大学,经济学教授(终身聘任)
2001.5-2011.5 美国俄克拉荷马大学,副教授(终身聘任)
1995.8-2001.5 美国俄克拉荷马大学,助理教授
2011.3 世界银行,顾问
2009.6 世界银行,顾问
2009.8 世界银行,顾问
2007.6-2009.8 国际货币基金组织研究部,常驻学者(Resident Scholar)
2006.2, 2006.4及2006.11 国际货币基金研究部,访问学者
2006.7 北京大学经济研究中心,客座教授
2005.4及2005.8 国际货币基金组织研究部,访问学者
2004.2及2004.10 国际货币基金组织研究部,访问学者
1. “Bilateral trade and shocks in political relations: Evidence from China and some of its major trading partners, 1990-2013” (与杜映昕, Carlos D. Ramirez, 姚曦合著), Journal of International Economics 108, pp. 211-225, 2017.
2. “The Secondary Market Impact of Quality and Pricing Decisions for New Product Generations” (与丁一飞 和 Daniel Hicks 合著), Pacific Economic Review, 2016.
3. “Reputation Premium and Reputation Management: Evidence from the Largest e-Commerce Platform in China” (与范颖、肖沫合著), International Journal of Industrial Organization. Volume 46, May 2016, Pages 63–76.
4. “Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics and Economic Growth” (与林毅夫、王勇合著), 2015, Journal of Monetary Economics.
5. “Productivity, Profitability, Production and Export Structures Along the Value Chain in China” (与余心玎合著), Journal of Comparative Economics 43, 33-54, 2015
6. “On Connections between Intra-temporal and Intertemporal Trades” (与施康、魏尚进合著), Journal of International Economics 92, S36-S51, 2014.
7. “The Cosine-Shaped Pattern of Innovations and Technological Advantages: Theory and Some Evidence” (与杨学兵合著), Frontiers of Economics in China, 8(4), 476-489, 2013
8. “Market Structure in the Chinese Steel Industry” (与苏立合著), Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 20(1), 70-84, 2013.
9. “Income Inequality and Structures of International Trade” (与 Firat Demir 和周颖合著), Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 19(2): 167 – 180, 2012.
10. “When Is Quality of Financial System a Source of Comparative Advantage?” (与魏尚进合著) Journal of International Economics, 2011, 84, 178-187.
11. “Consumer Heterogeneity, Income Distribution, and Welfare Impact of Free Trade”, Review of International Economics, 2011, 19(2), pp. 288-299.
12. “Domestic Institutions and the Bypass Effect of International Capital Flow,” (与魏尚进合著) American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2010, pp. 173-204.
13. “A Model of Middlemen and Oligopolistic Market Makers,” (与 Scott Linn 和朱真合著), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 19(1), Spring 2010, pp. 1-23, Lead Article.
14. “The Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Trade Balance in Developing Countries” (与 伍屹 和曾力合著), IMF Staff Papers, 57(2), 2010, pp. 427-449.
15. “Hicks Theorem: Effects of Technological Improvement in the Ricardian Model,” (与杨学兵合著), International Review of Finance and Economics, 18, 2009, pp. 239-247.
16. “Firms behavior and market access in a Free Trade Area with Rules of Origin,” (与Kala Krishna合著), Canadian Journal of Economics, February 2005, pp. 290-308.
17. “Oligopolistic Competition, Technology Innovation, and Multiproduct Firms,” Review of International Economics, 11(2), May 2003, pp.346-359.
18. “Regulations, Regime Switches and Non Monotonicity when Non Compliance is an Option: An Application to Content Protection and Preference,” (与 Kala Krishna合著), Economics Letters, 77, 2002, pp. 315-321.
19. “Welfare and Market Access Effects of Piecemeal Tariff Reform,” (与 Kala Krishna合著) Journal of International Economics, 51, August 2000, pp.305-316.
20. “Evaluating Trade Reform with Many Consumers,” (与 Kala Krishna合著) Canadian Journal of Economics, 33(3), August 2000, pp.787-798.
21. “Necessary Conditions for Welfare Improving Reforms,” (与 Kala Krishna合著) Economics Letters, 67(2), May 2000, pp.173-178.
22. “Divisionalization, Franchising, and Divestiture Incentives in Oligopoly,” (与 Baye 和 Crocker合著) American Economic Review, 86, March 1996, pp.223-236.
23. “Divisionalization and Franchising Incentives with Integral Competing Units,” (与 Baye 和 Crocker合著) Economics Letters, 50, March 1996, pp.429-435.
24. 中美贸易争端的冲击与中国长期发展路径,《清华金融评论》2018/07
25. “中美贸易的反比较优势之谜” (与马弘、魏自儒、钱颖一 和 刘庆 合著) ,经济学 (季 刊) ,第11卷第3期, 2012。 [Anti-Comparative Advantage: A Puzzle in China-U.S. Bilateral Trade (with Hong Ma, Ziru Wei, Yingyi Qian and Qing Liu), China Economic Quarterly, 11(3), 2012]
26. “金融发展与国际贸易”, 国际贸易与投资前沿 (第4章),格致出版社,上海,2008。[“Financial Development and International Trade,” Research Frontier in International Trade and Investment (Chapter 4), Shanghai, 2008]
27. “要素禀赋、专业化分工、贸易的理论与实证” (与林毅夫和王勇合著) ,经济学 (季 刊) ,第4卷第1期, 2004。 [“Endowment, Specialization, and Trade: Theory and Practice,” (with Justin Yifu Lin and Yong Wang) China Economic Quarterly, 4(1), 2004.]
27. “社会价值、市场效率与收入分配” ,经济学 (季 刊) ,第2卷第3期,2003。 [“Social Value, Market Efficiency, and Income Distribution,” China Economic Quarterly, 2(3), 2003.]
29. “调整过程中的价格刚性与失业要素波动:一个动态一般均衡角度的分析” ,经济学 (季 刊) ,第1卷第1期,2001。 [“Price Rigidities and Unemployed Factor Fluctuations in the Adjustment Process: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach,” China Economic Quarterly, 1(1), 2001.]
30. “行政权力与货币的交换” (与石丰合著),
中国经济论坛,第1卷第1期,1989。 [“The Exchange between Administrative Power and Money,” (with Shi Feng) China Economic Review, 1(1), 1989.]
31. “东北亚经济区合作构想” (与张力、张峰、薛军和潘福祥合著),科技导报,第5期,1989。 [“Northeast Asia Free Trade Area,” (with Li Zhang, Feng Zhang, Jun Xue and Fuxiang Pan) Science and Technology Review, 5, 1989.]
1. “Structural Adjustments and International Trade: Theory and Evidence from China” (与黄汉伟,岳占崴合著), 2017
2. “A Dynamic Structural Analysis of Real Exchange Rate: Theory and Evidences from China” (与林毅夫,施康,刘庆合著), 2016
3. “Trade Reforms and Current Account Imbalances” (与施康,魏尚进合著), latest version, 2017
4. “The credit channel of monetary policy and exports: Solving causality by using the impossible trinity” (与林曙,魏尚进合著), 2015, submitted for publication.